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[玩具标准] ASTM F963警告語問題?

发表于 2009-8-10 10:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2009-8-10 11:26 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-10 12:11 | 只看该作者
好象不對,我前面看了下16 cfr 1500 121(c)1 裡說主要展示面指的是整個表面
6 Q  o& N5 ], L(c) Conspicuousness--type size and style. To satisfy the requirement
+ k0 k9 ]6 G* u0 N9 uthat cautionary labeling statements under the Act be conspicuous and
1 h- w+ u: I. T& d# u+ Q4 v; x' ]legible, such statements shall conform to the following requirements:$ x0 l# V8 V# \0 c9 e2 w! M. l( K
    (1) Area of principal display panel. The area of the principal " T4 e1 o5 X2 Q$ M# m1 H
display panel is the area of the side or surface of the immediate
  R1 [3 \+ ?' Z1 [' D( U& Pcontainer, or of the side or surface of any outer container or wrapping,
8 ?6 s9 k( P- Othat bears the labeling designed to be most prominently displayed,
" ^" t2 B. a1 R- s) Fshown, presented, or examined under conditions of retail sale. This area + w$ L' j, Y+ @) S
is not limited to the portion of the surface covered with labeling;
' B* N2 z) e& Y  F, s* _rather, it includes the entire surface. Flanges at the tops and bottoms ! x2 A0 _  j; A7 k' m* K" j, R
of cans, conical shoulders of cans, handles, and shoulders and necks of . T3 @$ k; M3 K' Q7 n
bottles and jars are excluded in measuring the area. For the purposes of
+ w' C. n0 l4 Y7 n! ~/ x! e' [6 Jdetermining the proper type size for cautionary labeling, the area of
1 c5 \: `% ~+ w: Bthe principal display panel (or other panel bearing cautionary labeling, / |# s* z- R2 t; H' p0 j" `
under paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section) is to be computed as
" E4 c6 \* X) A6 R: Sfollows:, ^! F  v1 e3 f, i, ?' N& }
    (i) In the case of a rectangular package, where one entire side is - S7 O) H6 p/ e0 d
the principal display panel, the product of the height times the width ! D6 W9 D( b. }7 K
of that side shall be the area of the principal display panel.: z* N2 H: }/ A! t5 y
    (ii) In the case of a cylindrical or nearly cylindrical container or
7 `6 W  {1 V$ ]7 Utube on which the principal display panel appears on the side, the area   d( W9 m0 [7 J3 r
of the principal display panel shall be 40 percent of the product of the
7 E( F# s  d0 H* U3 q# Aheight of the container times its circumference.7 O3 l* ~) m; \; t" ]
    (iii) In the case of any other shape of container, the area of the
0 K7 a7 ^$ v4 [1 g5 `& z" E) mprincipal display panel shall be 40 percent of the total surface of the
% A: `# [: H. V% h3 U' P# L( icontainer, excluding those areas, such as flanges at tops and bottoms, / t8 h3 b% \# H2 T+ m7 {0 T+ d
specified in paragraph (c)(1) above. However, if such a container 4 a9 I9 }# D* D: [- u5 v
presents an obvious principal display panel (such as an oval or hour-/ K( r, N3 D) N4 x; S
glass shaped area on the side of a container for dishwashing detergent), 2 t  q! _9 E+ H  N- }- \; P
the area to be measured shall be the entire area of the obvious
0 ^4 E! M; d# y8 ]; @principal display panel.
发表于 2009-8-10 12:46 | 只看该作者
主要展示面# r3 n5 [- @4 y( [( K
principal display panel8 r" z0 ?& l2 B9 B; s) e
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-10 13:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-8-12 22:57 | 只看该作者
2 W# W. l- d' P( N" y字体大小有要求,是为了避免警告语不突出、明显、醒目,以及因字体太小而令人难以阅读甚至忽略。但个人觉得,美国标准的字体要求是不是有点过头了,连中间那个空位都有要求
发表于 2009-8-14 09:25 | 只看该作者
不好意思銷美玩具除了要符合ASTM f963 外也要符合CFR1500的標示嗎?
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-15 10:58 | 只看该作者
是的,astm f963裡第5章不是講的很清楚嗎?
发表于 2009-9-17 21:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-9-18 13:10 | 只看该作者
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