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[短文] 上海地铁追尾事故引发安全担忧

发表于 2012-1-13 09:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Some 270 people were injured when two trains collided on one of Shanghai's newest subway lines, stoking further public concern whether safety has been sacrificed to guarantee the rapid expansion of China's transport systems.


The safety of public transport has become politically sensitive after the collision of two bullet trains in July, in which 40 people died.


Tuesday's crash occurred on the city's line 10 subway, China's largest fully automated line, when one train rammed into the back of another. The crash occurred while controllers were running trains manually after an equipment failure, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group, the subway operator, said.

周二的追尾碰撞事故(后车撞击前车)发生在上海轨道交通10号线,这是中国规模最大的全自动轨道交通线。该线路的运营商上海申通地铁集团(Shanghai Shentong Metro Group)表示,碰撞发生时,因设备故障,值班员正在人工运行列车。

“This is the darkest day ever for the Shanghai subway. Regardless of the cause or responsibility, we are stricken with remorse for having caused our passengers injury and losses,'' the company said in an apology posted on its blog. “We want to deeply, deeply apologise.''


Xu Jianguang, director of Shanghai's health bureau. told a press briefing most of the injuries were minor. An estimated 20 of the injured were in critical condition but the injuries were not life threatening.


The incident has raised fresh doubts over the safety and reliability of China's rail system, which has been built in record time under the direction of the railways ministry and a handful of state companies.


The signalling system on line 10 was supplied by Casco, a joint venture between French rail group Alstom and China Railway Signal & Communication Corp (CRSC), the same company that was the general contractor for the signalling and communications systems on the section of track involved in the deadly July crash.


An official investigation into the July crash, near the eastern city of Wenzhou, has cited possible failure of the railway's signal and communication system, according to state media reports. A subsidiary of CRSC is the only entity to take partial responsibility for that crash.


Alstom declined to comment on the Tuesday crash and Casco could not be reached for comment.


A senior China-based rail executive said there was some early suggestion that a power failure may have played a role in Tuesday's subway collision. The signalling system on the Shanghai metro is different from that used on the Wenzhou high-speed train line.


The Shanghai metro has been plagued by minor incidents, as it has undergone rapid expansion in the past few years. In July, a train on line 10 took a wrong turn during peak traffic because of a signalling error but managed to avoid a crash, while in December 2009 a technical glitch in the metro signalling system caused two trains to crash, in an incident that was blamed on Casco at the time. No one was hurt in either incident.


There have been widespread allegations of corruption in the industry and, in February, China's railway minister was removed from his job for "serious discipline violations".


Many experts have also voiced concern that corners have been cut in the headlong rush to expand subway and high-speed rail systems.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-13 09:27 | 只看该作者
There have been widespread allegations of corruption in the industry and, in February, China's railway minister was removed from his job for "serious discipline violations".

Many experts have also voiced concern that corners have been cut in the headlong rush to expand subway and high-speed rail systems.

发表于 2012-4-5 12:56 | 只看该作者
Many experts have also voiced concern that corners have been cut in the headlong rush to expand subway and high-speed rail systems.


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