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[短文] 美国教师出暴力数学题被辞退:数学题惊现吸血鬼+吞弹珠

发表于 2012-3-6 18:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

A Washington, D.C., school teacher has been sacked after she set inappropriate homework to her third-grade class.

The unnamed teacher, from Trinidad Centre City School, gave the students a number of maths problems framed around violent and illegal scenarios. The problems deal with gruesome shootings, killings and one even talks about cooking Africans in ovens.

One reads: ‘I was sleeping one night when a hungry vampire sucked 3652 liters of blood from me and 1865 liters of blood from my little brother. How much blood did the hungry vampire drink that night?’

Another reads: ‘I took a nap in a bog one day and woke up screaming. 3796 leeches, 2910 fleas and 1044 vampire bats were stuck to my bald head drinking my blood in ecstasy. How many bloodthirsty bloodsuckers were dining on my head?’

Some are incredibly morbid: ‘John's father gave him 1359 marbles on his birthday. John swallowed 585 marbles and died. 9 of John's friends came for his funeral the next day. John's grieving father gave the remaining marbles to John's friends in equal numbers. How many marbles did each friend get?’

The worksheets of the maths problems can be downloaded from a website called Homeschooling Paradise. The creator of the website Chris Murphy said that he was tired of hearing kids saying maths was their least favourite subject so he wanted to create problems that were free for teachers and parents all over the world to use. He added that he wanted to make them exciting so that kids would get into maths and love it.

发表于 2012-3-7 06:59 | 只看该作者
Freak + Pervert!
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