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[短文] 世界上最美的女孩

发表于 2011-12-30 06:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
       The 22nd Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces - 2011, which has been published every year since 1990.  一年一度的独立评论家评选出的全球最美的100张脸孔排行榜揭晓。该榜单由TC candler举办,从1990年开始到今年已经是第22届了。
  Unlike many other annual publications, the list is not a popularity contest. It is not about the "sexiest" or the "most famous". Rather, it aims to be a very international list - one that is inclusive of many cultures, lifestyles, professions and degrees of fame. TC Candler's list intends to inform public opinion rather than reflect it. This list searches far and wide, listening to the millions of suggestions submitted every year, and tries to put together a list representative of the modern ideal of beauty. Aesthetic perfection is only one of the criteria. Grace, elegance, class, poise, joy, promise, hope... they are all embodied in a beautiful face.
  不同于其他年度榜单,这个榜单并不是知名度的大竞赛。该榜单不是评选“最性感”或是“最有名”的人,榜单想要打造成一个非常国际化的包含文化、生活、专业以及知名度的排行。TC Candler的这个榜单想要引导公众舆论而不是单单反应大众的喜好。每一年,榜单评审集思广益,大量听取群众的意见,力求将榜单打造成一个可以代表现代审美观的代表。外表的美丽只是评审标准之一,优雅度、高贵度、各方面水准、是否处变不惊、是否能够带给别人快乐、能否信守承诺、能否带给人希望等等……这些标准都要表现出来。
  Emma Watson 艾玛·沃特森
  In her 6th year, Emma Watson rises to #1 in the same year that her Hermione era ends. However, we are sure that there are great things in store for Emma as an actress. There is no doubt that she will emerge as one of the finest talents of this current generation. She is the perfect role model for young women... intelligent, classy, courageous, thoughtful and humble. We are proud to say that Emma Watson is the Most Beautiful Face of the Year and we are reasonably sure that this will not be the last time we say that. Congrats Emma!
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-30 06:45 | 只看该作者
She is the perfect role model for young women... intelligent, classy, courageous, thoughtful and humble.
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