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[电源产品] 向ul1310标准高手请教

发表于 2010-9-28 11:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
标准提到有bobbin-wound transformer 这种变压器要做15天的测试。
6 d3 q" u: f/ I, d
! M3 R1 _8 l$ T% q13.2.4 A flanged, bobbin-wound transformer shall be subjected to the output loading test described in" l4 z# ]; {+ @8 q3 Y  z! [
39.2. The test shall be continued for 15 days if the transformer has
+ D$ @# V# n. k4 j2 K& k! I; c
请教高手。bobbin-wound transformer 这种变压器是什么样子的,有没有图片给看一下或解释说明。7 M* z8 p5 u$ e% a# s4 A; ]- J
! l4 \6 _; M5 h& o9 `
发表于 2010-9-28 13:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-9-28 14:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-15 22:38 | 只看该作者
引用第0楼sam_qi于2010-09-28 11:56发表的 向ul1310标准高手请教 :7 M* y4 X" I, I# C7 W" u7 u
标准提到有bobbin-wound transformer 这种变压器要做15天的测试。
$ S7 C5 L0 S/ p' A+ a
; z) H& ^% K! u& ^' h. ^9 x13.2.4 A flanged, bobbin-wound transformer shall be subjected to the output loading test described in$ [, g% O( M: p+ v7 W$ i; @+ C
39.2. The test shall be continued for 15 days if the transformer has$ `# ]- ?5 C" H! b( ?! _0 Y7 n
1 A- q; f+ L8 Y6 [2 W' r' U4 d
- ]: U. [" G. K" ]7 q
A Bobbin Wound Transformer is a transformer that is designed with the coil wound on a coil form or bobbin. The core structure is then mounted to the bobbin. Bobbin wound transformers can be designed to operate from 60Hz, or line frequency, well into the MHz range.6 W3 h1 G+ w6 K' M8 t9 f1 a! [2 Y# ]
$ @' |2 H/ z: p
Where are Bobbin Wound Transformers found?3 N/ \- \6 k/ t. }7 K

. w% Y( i; }8 F4 y: i* eSwitch mode power supplies
( b( C) A7 `" S, m, XPower conversion applications 9 W( Q, M; c  _) x, g. a
Circuit isolation applications 4 m7 C. {0 V+ P" r
Filter circuits ( ]3 D1 o0 A$ X1 h' u
Any application that the transformer can be designed on a bobbin or coil form
! t, s7 `. h% U! f4 l0 wDesign upper limits of a Power Transformer:
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