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[IEC标准产品] 电吹风19.2的测试

发表于 2020-11-3 11:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
         各位前辈,我想请教一个问题,就是吹风机19.2的测试条件:# U6 O5 H7 |+ n) {$ H. l

8 g! n# e6 U2 |# ~7 U19.2 Addition:
% s* n2 e1 |7 Z  T# K, rRestricted heat dissipation is obtained as follows:
' b2 A9 ]% @0 P# Q$ d% H– motors are disconnected;
$ m! s) ^" w6 x. t% ~% ]: ?# Y– hand-held hairdryers are placed on the floor of the test corner in any stable position3 F9 U# R3 t9 d+ ~( ?# f
likely to occur;
9 t* g6 F, d4 S: X6 H$ Y# Y+ y* x– appliances intended to be filled with water are operated empty;
8 N* O: V& b# W; D– hand-held appliances without an integral rest are placed on the floor of the test corner in
. Q, N- I, ~, i4 V$ aany stable position likely to occur.
" ?5 S" q$ @  @/ W0 B# Y- \3 NHairdryers having a flexible hood attachment are also tested with the motor operating, the9 t; L5 T1 j& p6 [, i/ v2 W8 ?- Y, Z
airflow through the hose being restricted to give the most unfavourable result.: T* V6 T0 l* S1 h3 l' @( n
Heaters for detachable curlers are placed on a piece of low-density glass-fibre insulation
) A: E# W/ a. `! o! y: k0 ghaving a coefficient of thermal insulation of approximately 2,5 m2K/W.
8 o+ \5 L0 u2 V0 x7 u. H3 j6 u7 e
   这些条件是独立的做多个实验 还是同时满足做一个实验?% G# [7 _: C# U$ b0 `
/ }3 v& z" d! ]: W
; h! e# B2 P  v5 z" O: G4 r+ V
发表于 2020-11-5 10:37 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-7 13:24 | 只看该作者
okjun 发表于 2020-11-5 10:37  _6 C7 q! L5 R6 p% H
" n" i4 r& E2 [3 L  ?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-11-24 14:37 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-12-4 15:27 | 只看该作者
是一个测试,如果分开模式测试的话标准会进行说明,例如IEC 60335-2-25的19.103:
# T$ s. U; }  C6 C3 o; K6 ?19.103 Appliances are operated under normal operation and with any single fault condition" m# Z0 k; c. z/ w% T5 B
simulated that is likely to occur. The controls are adjusted to their most unfavourable setting% {9 a# t2 ~  B
and the appliance is operated for the maximum time allowed by the timer or 90 min, whichever
! X' k: \/ q+ uis shorter.& H, B9 H9 `- `! k) j7 D" d3 E- g
NOTE Examples of fault conditions are: E+ p0 D# e- H% a' s9 I. A
– blocking of air openings in the same plane. This fault condition is not applied if the appliance is a built-in appliance;0 d3 B8 f- ]3 ^, S8 c- F* A. Z
– locking the rotor of motors if the locked rotor torque is smaller than the full load torque;
2 _2 N! \' S1 w5 D– locking moving parts liable to be jammed.
8 v$ j; {+ q) D还有60335-1的19.11.2:
, a/ u. b" `" F19.11.2 The following fault conditions are considered and, if necessary, applied one at a
% N( ~3 D" N  a6 u; a/ H" }7 Htime, consequential faults being taken into consideration:
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-12-4 15:27 | 只看该作者
是一个测试,如果分开模式测试的话标准会进行说明,例如IEC 60335-2-25的19.103:7 u' b  c7 C& T
19.103 Appliances are operated under normal operation and with any single fault condition
* X' n6 `2 I3 w( vsimulated that is likely to occur. The controls are adjusted to their most unfavourable setting& L! @+ K+ a/ P$ O' q+ B
and the appliance is operated for the maximum time allowed by the timer or 90 min, whichever' e; o- g1 q' a( d4 z: E/ \2 Q: \
is shorter.- L9 k8 ?; n# T( P
NOTE Examples of fault conditions are
# Q3 d, K+ P) B" |5 s9 |– blocking of air openings in the same plane. This fault condition is not applied if the appliance is a built-in appliance;& H+ R9 n* U) f- S2 f+ j
– locking the rotor of motors if the locked rotor torque is smaller than the full load torque;
2 E+ X9 \' N$ [  A– locking moving parts liable to be jammed.
2 S; T( `) r1 D- L: H还有60335-1的19.11.2:
2 e# R0 ]$ y# i5 Q( G) c' y19.11.2 The following fault conditions are considered and, if necessary, applied one at a& a9 B& ~2 b9 J
time, consequential faults being taken into consideration:
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使用道具 举报

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