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[产品认证] 请问套管以下CCN具体的却别是什么?(UZIQ2 UZFT2 UZFT8)

发表于 2016-2-19 09:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
请问套管以下CCN具体的却别是什么?(UZIQ2   UZFT2  UZFT8)
* H( p* f4 \, u0 N
发表于 2016-2-19 09:26 | 只看该作者
UZIQ:8 y/ V! L5 Q- Q4 [& X9 u/ J
This category covers sleeving that usually is round in cross-section and that consists of woven braid made from cotton, linen, glass or other fibrous material, which may or may not be coated.
8 c# f0 X$ E* \: k( x% S+ x5 N' q4 Y$ S; M3 J3 Q/ u& A4 ?- z
This sleeving is intended for use in combination with the insulated wiring of electrical devices and appliances, and the like.
7 E2 E2 h1 ?9 m1 U8 l& e1 u) M# r8 p- `8 @' v9 [8 p
This sleeving has only been subjected to the Flame Retardant Test using a fine wire support and is marked "VW-1."
. j& b1 Y$ y8 v  G! T% {! t. _: ]% U0 K1 S
6 o8 I! F& N; [This category covers insulating sleeving that usually is round in cross-section and that consists of closely woven braid made from cotton, linen, glass or other fibrous material, which may be thoroughly impregnated, saturated, or equivalently treated with a suitable varnish, compound, or sizing agent prior to being coated.
+ O* U; W7 M! N# x, A3 J
( L; n" f- x% o. [1 z" t: y7 X0 NThis coated sleeving is intended for use as part of the internal wiring of electrical devices and appliances located in dry and damp locations. In addition, acrylic, silicone and vinyl-coated glass sleeving has been subjected to long-term exposure at elevated temperatures (air-oven aging) to investigate retention of critical properties, and has received temperature ratings as shown in the individual Recognitions. The coated sleeving may be suitable for insulating one or more inadequately insulated conductors, busbars, component leads, or assemblies of electrical components.
+ n! o$ H+ r9 f$ r* m8 I1 N& c2 `) a/ s: q7 `, Y" S
The suitability of the sleeving parameters shall be determined in accordance with the applicable end-product construction and requirements. The individual Recognitions indicate the limits of the test parameters, which have the following significance: 7 f6 M+ K- W+ s7 z. x0 |# A

2 f0 [3 j4 k% P) RSleeving marked "Oil Resistant 60°C" or "Oil Resistant 80°C" has been investigated for intermittent or occasional contact with oil not exceeding the temperatures shown.
# U. k8 u& w1 S  @* x: [* x$ w5 G2 iSleeving marked "VW-1" has been investigated using a fine wire support in conducting the flammability test.
4 c, j( @1 g- D1 g, iThis category does not cover unimpregnated or uncoated fabric sleeving, which is generally not considered acceptable for sole (functional) insulation because of the openings in the weave construction of the sleeving fabric.
" k9 m; K  |& O) w7 |
: I4 L% J, p/ O% G: O# UThis category does not cover tubing extruded with reinforcement, extruded electrical tubing or tubing intended for mechanical protection.
. T8 P. `1 i( j4 b2 _( ~2 f) P/ `0 I* w
This category alone does not cover coated electrical sleeving employed in electrical insulation systems rated above Class 105(A). . f. t& r/ x3 g' O7 }

, I2 A) ]0 |  D8 F; P1 ]UZKX:
% [8 r6 V% A- ]! Z# s# x3 x3 OThis category covers coated and uncoated braided or knitted sleeving of various types made from fiberglass, thermosetting, or thermoplastic monofilament which have characteristics or constructional features preventing a normal full evaluation by any of the following categories: Sleeving, Coated Electrical (UZFT2) and Sleeving, Flame Retardant (UZIQ2). # A& H2 {! K3 U; m8 G

* E6 a9 D# g' V5 U) F' O4 R# b- x2 C2 s
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