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[OFF] DSH 439 Connectors and Openings

发表于 2012-11-6 16:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
DSH 439
; `' e6 F; C! f1 i

# H8 y  M( I2 ]" O( J8 K) M
Connectors and Openings: r$ R3 L+ W, U/ E9 x3 | F5 a7 w; _+ V' y
60950(ed.2);am1-am4 & 60950(ed.3)
, n  E, {3 {: G/ Z+ F( |

. W( E  X0 d. ^/ \' pStandard:
( U4 J6 E; ~1 iIEC 950 (1991) 2nd ed.,
8 {' q  k  W- g2 b3 i! pAmdts.1(1992), 2(1993),
/ W7 H# q; J; k) ?3(1995), 4(1996);
, U3 k' I7 Z; Z) C# ]IEC 60950, 3rd edition (1999)
2 a* C$ `6 E8 S2 s) BSub clause:
, P+ ?$ _' X/ c; f2.1.1.1% Q' C3 A8 S  o; G% V3 E
Sheet No.
- C, b% }8 b: O0 Q" C4397 v* d/ Q" Y/ a$ ]& a5 i
; @9 u% y" ?% }7 J1 V, mConnectors and Openings) _# r6 j8 `' k1 p
Key words:2 z0 Q2 k' u& G& [" `) ], A# K# f
Contact with hazardous( A6 _# M2 k- \' V1 ], d
voltages, test finger* E" P" d$ y$ ~" Y& W2 `- z( ~
Decision taken at the' k! M( a9 X( s% {' o8 J1 |3 \
39th meeting 2002# o1 N, X+ b4 @7 n3 B
Question:4 Q2 B) w+ ]/ t" X3 t( U, T5 H
Is it the intent of the fourth dash of Clause which reads “-functional or basic insulation of
0 U. ?$ t) |* A" z) _" }9 xparts or wiring at hazardous voltages” to include a 2 mm air gap of clearance from the tip of the test" R2 H: D, B4 j' x7 t" S6 V
finger since that dash says “basic insulation” and 2mm or clearance is basic insulation? A. v, w0 J, B& a' m
subassembly of IT equipment (e.g., uninterruptible power supply) has modular power supplies that
6 K, ^; E1 S' a7 uare located in operator accessible compartments and are removable by the user. If the power. w6 D/ x, i; ]9 t8 ^: l
supply is removed, the supply connector becomes exposed within the compartment. It is not, s% J' S4 d( G4 B6 H. X
permitted to make a contact with a hazardous voltage not exceeding 1000 volts a.c. or 1500 volts' h/ p- D$ o2 f* z
d.c. Is this requirement sufficient or is there a need for an additional gap between the part at
; m, q/ q! g3 d& B: thazardous voltage and the tip of the test finger figure 19 of IEC 950 (figure 2A in IEC 60950)?- i: d% g) A2 H: I3 ?! P) c1 \
Decision:" ]6 z5 L0 U6 @7 s3 V/ k% v: m
Contact is verified by means of a test finger, figure 19 of IEC 950 (figure 2A of IEC 60950), which/ ?8 R: v5 s" i
shall not contact parts described above when applied to openings in the enclosure (compartment)+ U+ s9 d" k2 }
after removal of parts that can be detached by an operator, including fuseholders, and with operator* _6 H4 `- Z: ]# x2 \6 i, x
access doors and covers open. It is permitted to leave lamps in place for this test. Connectors that
) h5 p/ k& s" O6 q- H1 Vcan be separated by an operator, other than plugs and socket -outlets complying with 60083, IEC
' V0 i4 l$ `' `- X' x60309 and IEC 60320 shall also be tested during disconnection. Where contact is not permitted in5 u* Y! ]8 g+ g( D0 @+ X
the above tests, there is no requirement for a minimum air gap between the tip of the test finger and& Y4 l1 `* }% N
the part at a hazardous voltage not exceeding 1000 V a.c or 1500 V d.c.
+ G1 a% i. n( |' J5 S! q5 G4 j3 K! f9 @, F- X

: L( `: k& J! V. ^+ I


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