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[短文] 李开复的创新工场:技术创意孵化器

发表于 2012-6-25 11:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Kai-Fu Lee, former head of Google China, quit Google and launched a venture business platform called Innovation Works a year ago. Now his team expanded to about 200 people and moved to a new building. At the one-year anniversary celebration, Lee talked about the latest development of Innovation Works and the future plans.
Innovation Works has invested $4 million in a dozen projects covering areas of mobile Internet, Internet consumption, e-commerce and cloud computing, Lee said at his company`s one-year anniversary celebration in Beijingthis September. At the new site, where his 200-person team planned to move, Lee unveiled five projects.
九月,就在200位员工办公的新场所内, “创新工场”一周年庆祝会隆重举行。李开复宣布已投资400万美元到一系列项目中,其中涵盖了移动互联网、网络消费、电子商务和云计算等领域。他也公布了五个最新项目。
On the wall next to the reception desk hang five logos of the five released projects under the logo of Innovation Works, which implies the operation mode here – the company provides early-stage funding and a team working as the matrix provides other needed assistance such as human resources, accounting, law, public relations and business consultancy.
Tapas, a smart phone operating system based on the Android operating system, was built for the Chinese market. It will be pre-installed on smart phones manufactured by Haier, Sharp, and Tianyu.
Wang Junyu, product manager of a software assistant for Android phone Wonderpod, demonstrated the application for the guests. Wonderpod, launched two months ago, already has a number of users.
The projects also included Umeng, an analytics tool for mobile developers in China, Photo Wonder, a photo processing tool for mobile phones and an SNS and Web-based games publishing tool targeting the global market called Ascending Cloud.
Lee said engineers will get stakes in their own start-ups. In China, engineers don`t always get ownership in the projects they develop, he added.
Lee said this is part of the company`s culture - granting enough flexibility and freedom to engineers in order to build a sense of ownership – just like the slogan on their recruitment poster, "Join your company."
The venture also established the Innovation Works Development Fund (IWDF) to provide larger funding to projects that have grown more mature and independent. After this stage, other venture capitals (VCs) will participate in and take the lead, Lee said.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 11:01 | 只看该作者
The venture also established the Innovation Works Development Fund (IWDF) to provide larger funding to projects that have grown more mature and independent. After this stage, other venture capitals (VCs) will participate in and take the lead, Lee said.
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