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[C-tick认证] 关于A-Tick/C-Tick logo 体现问题

发表于 2011-11-16 14:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
小弟有问题请教....在网络上看到澳大利亚现在同意接受电子体现方式来体现A-Tick / C-Tick的logo, 不一定要将该logo打印在产品的铭牌上!!8 M3 A  A8 u+ |+ K
4 K& K' M; n" B( q: b$ E3 ?) z网络相关讯息如下:# F8 y( t" }5 C4 R2 a3 C
The ACMA have amended the various labelling notices for Telecommunications, EMC and Radiocommunications to allow for the electronic display of the required A-Tick/C-Tick/RCM compliance logo and supplier code /alternatives, for devices that have an integrated display.  This alternative to standard product labels on a device does not apply to products that do not have an integrated screen, such as many routers, personal computers, DVD players etc. ) i; `( O; i$ s! j: P
  |9 [4 t. A9 A9 |+ m5 ~
In reality, this change will mostly benefit mobile handset manufacturers who have problems with the lack of real estate on a product in order to fit the many compliance logos and markings required for different countries. 5 C2 }' D7 T; H  e6 n
) q- B' c  g- v! E+ l' \  S2 Z
The labelling notices do not prescribe how the electronic label is to be displayed. Examples of how the electronic label can be displayed include:- o0 M; u; G' |: s( f% v* ?) b& I
$ z2 E, l1 _* U  S& x8 R6 D; E
■during the device’s power up sequence9 w& G1 i7 l" z8 _1 z  S0 M1 v: {
■under the device’s system information page
! P. G; p3 L" }) Q% ]■under the device’s help menu.7 O6 x, q  ]+ q# h2 _8 L/ O, ~# z* s
There is however a requirement for suppliers to indicate the method used for displaying the electronic label in the documents that accompany the device. $ c3 {+ {0 M3 s# Q2 q$ W( a

+ W1 d* L# K0 a1 Q; @9 H意思是不是说, 当选用电子体现方式时, 在说明书中也不用去注记该logo会在何处体现/或是可执行某操作去体现该logo?
发表于 2013-10-15 15:07 | 显示全部楼层
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