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[线缆制造] 请教AVLV2线与DUZX线的区别

发表于 2011-3-11 14:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 ~# r5 `# S, ~* o& T  T/ e本人对这一概念有点模糊,只知道都是普通线
发表于 2011-3-11 17:23 | 显示全部楼层
AVLV2:This category covers products that have been tested in accordance with the established procedures to define certain properties in order to facilitate the investigation of their use in end-product equipment.! B/ _" W# k$ V' l9 B" F9 N
The wire/cable includes single- and multi-conductor constructions of a wide range of conductor sizes, insulation thickness, and materials. "Hook-up wire" and "lead wire" is covered under this category but not described as such. Wire is generally intended for the specific application as indicated on the tag, reel or smallest unit container. The voltage rating does not apply to voltage between conductors in a parallel or flat construction.
. ]! Y/ V0 f% d$ X0 kA construction in any of the sections may include a jacket. Specialty wire and/or cable is intended for a specific application as defined for that construction.3 E2 Z4 F* J2 g0 h1 U

; k9 V# g3 `# A2 f& ^1 s( N- @+ ~/ z2 _8 L/ u# @
DUZX:This category covers communications cable which is a single conductor coaxial cable or a multiple conductor jacketed cable for telephone and other communications circuits for use as described in Article 800 of ANSI/NFPA 70, "National Electrical Code" (NEC).5 j; j5 s  D; d8 ~1 f! L5 w  w
This cable is used as wiring from a protector to a telephone or other communications equipment within a building, and for use as interconnecting wiring between parts of a communications system.
* P; G1 D9 F* \. C/ }1 xExcept for special locations specifically required by the NEC, communications cable, in general, is not required to be installed in conduit or raceway.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-14 09:04 | 显示全部楼层
$ _. Q% p+ n' C2 M如果能用简短的一句话来概括其区别那就太完美了
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