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[IEC标准产品] 空调60335-2-40 Cl.19.5 怎么做?

发表于 2010-10-20 10:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请教各位大侠0 g7 O3 Q' x# E- l  Q9 I  q; u- q
空调60335-2-40 Cl.19.5 的测试怎么做?" m8 B1 y* Z0 F2 c' t$ B5 U
发表于 2011-9-22 13:34 | 显示全部楼层
The appliance is operated under the conditions in Clause 11 at rated voltage or at the upper limit of the rated voltage range, at an ambient temperature of 23C  5C.  When steady conditions are attained, the heat transfer medium flow of the outdoor heat exchanger is restricted or shut off, whichever is the most unfavourable without the appliance being non-operative.
6 k( p" P- w9 T9 \4 U& ?5 D4 b; A9 @: ^& @6 t
After this test, protective devices that may operated are reset, and the test is repeated, with the heat transfer medium flow, fluid or air, of the indoor heat exchanger, restricted or shut off, whichever is the most unfavorable without the appliance being non-operative.  In the case of appliances with defrosting systems, the transfer medium flow rate is additionally shut off at the beginning of the defrosting phase.) l7 o# z$ y( R, B7 W7 }

( {, u7 x/ j8 wAppliances incorporating a motor common to both the indoor and outdoor heat exchangers are subject to the above test, the motor being disconnected once steady conditions are attained.
发表于 2012-4-9 23:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-4-10 10:02 | 显示全部楼层
19.4: 依溫升測試條件,但將溫升測試時會動作之溫度控制器短路
" q5 d9 O/ M$ U! _& c/ y. G* ^電源輸入為1.15 x 額定功率。
; I# _* O" Q- ~7 R7 q19.5: 針對Class 0I及Class I產品,重覆上列測試,但控制器並
: o1 M7 v! W2 A不短路,將電熱管針和電熱管皮短路。
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