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[信息分享] UL新金质雷射标签4月30日生效

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发表于 2009-5-21 15:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  UL(美国Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)已于2008年3月31日与7月15日发行的公告中,宣布了全球下述产品类别下的UL列名产品(CCN),即将强制推行新的「金质雷射(全像)标签」(New Gold Hologram Label)政策。2009年4月30日,UL新的金属雷射(全像)标签正式生效。
0 f3 K0 p& l% A& f) G    1. Light-emitting Diode Surface-mounted Luminaires (IFAM, IFAM7) 2 Y  R' y1 W, y: z; w* \( D
    2. Light-emitting Diode Recessed Luminaires (IFAO, IFAO7)
" M# g  V$ a( a0 {. a3 }    3. Luminaires, Portable (QOWZ, QOWZ7) - Q8 k3 |5 k0 E, c
    4. Light-emitting Diode Luminaires, Portable (QOVZ, QOVZ7)
$ l% Z; C1 a# V, C; M4 b" k    5. Flexible Cord (ZJCZ, ZJCZ7) " b( I& {! D9 h. k" p
    6. Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords (ELBZ, ELBZ7)
4 |3 g) U% A, `$ v# J1 {5 \    7. Seasonal Use Cord Sets (ELEV, ELEV7)
5 A, p$ a) t9 w# J    8. Outdoor Seasonal Use Cord-Connected Wiring Devices (ELEI, ELEI7)
! p- M  m1 M! \/ a& V! S8 k    9. Strings, Decorative-Lighting (DGZZ, DGZZ7) : N; h; x+ O6 I: S7 F% J" ~
    10. Outfits, Decorative (DGXW, DGXW7) % D, e4 v# h8 X: |9 t. e' ^: }0 U; H
    11. Seasonal & Holiday Decorative Product Accessories (DGWU, DGWU7)
  D7 Q! O4 ?* p    12. Electric Ornaments (DGXC, DGXC7 , d. P% w/ k# d% Y
    13. Current Taps & Adapters (EMDV, EMDV7) & I* P$ L( k" ?* ]
    14. Fans, Ceiling - Suspended (GPRT, GPRT7)
) @' H9 n+ a; u3 F! v6 z  _: i    15. Fans, Electric (GPWV, GPWV7) 0 ~, X: r$ g  e- p% T
    16. Nightlights (QOYX, QOYX7)
- ]- e+ h9 p( H2 @$ E    17. Light-emitting Diode Nightlights (QOWC, QOWC7)
2 h( y0 T4 E# P0 s+ }2 Y    18. Portable Work Lights (QPCJ, QPCJ7)
! w0 y9 L, R9 x$ M2 v: Q1 T    19. Switches, Clock-operated (WGZR, WGZR7) 9 b" C* `5 N* m1 L& F8 c
    20. Switches, Photoelectric (WJCT, WJCT7) : p, v$ n, ^1 }2 @/ F
    21. Relocatable Power Taps (XBYS, XBYS7)
, Y! X: u6 M4 X1 }; v    22. Transformers, Class 2 & Class 3 (XOKV, XOKV7) ' s8 g7 W, G* b+ K6 r
    23. Power Supplies, General Purpose (QQFU, QQFU7) $ w) N3 S3 S9 S4 S& m8 r; w. H4 ]! {. G
  p5 c; y% p" v1 A# G: p
      生效日之前,制造商仍可继续使用库存的UL标志;但自生效日之后,以上产品类别的UL列名产品只可以使用新款的金质雷射标签,所有尚未使用的标志必须于生效日之前销毁。 6 P) |3 D% g: M+ X$ C4 k- n0 C
      配合此一政策,凡采用模铸、戳印、模塑、或其它类似方法印制UL标志皆须停用。若制造商尚未能在期限内配合,可将新的金质雷射卷标,直接贴覆在前述方式印制的标志上,直至UL标志从模铸、戳印、模塑的制程中被移除为止。厂商需要订定「移除标志」的时程表,以因应UL新的标签政策。 : p+ |; s% j" D# I% J! ?- \2 D' ]$ C
      就部份的产品类别而言,制造商得以继续使用UL标准型标签(Standard Label)。若需查询可使用的标准型标签清单以及标签图像信息,可至http://www.ul.com/marks_labels/mark/design.html浏览查阅。目前全球的UL标签中心皆备有标准型标签的存货,并可立即出货至需要及适用的厂家。标准型卷标仅涵盖UL列名标志的信息,其必须搭配涵盖其它必备产品信息之非雷射型(全像)标签(Non-hologram Nameplate)一起使用。
) _/ k- k: S- P5 p- V  {1 n1 k      随着新的金质雷射标签的推行,制造商将因而产生一些相关的额外费用,但UL确信新的雷射标签将提高安全的层次,且其显著的安全特征能让市场更易于识别。UL更深信制造商终将理解产品贴有安全卷标的实质优势,包括:打击仿冒、保护品牌诚信、确保产品市场占有率…等;此外,监管当局及执法机构均期待UL新标签政策的落实,冀以加速鉴别合法产品在市场上的流通。
发表于 2009-5-21 16:25 | 显示全部楼层

Product categories requiring holographic UL Marks

From:http://www.ul.com/global/eng/pag ... l/ulmarks/hologram/
* Z5 q2 b* w! Z7 r' {% d1 ^( `5 v: ^3 g2 e' V  N/ j
UL holographic labels are required globally for decorative lighting strings, decorative outfits, seasonal and holiday decorative product accessories, and electric ornaments. For the remainder of the product categories below holographic labels are required only for products manufactured in China. Effective July 1, 2009 that will change and a new gold hologram label will be required globally on new production in these categories.
0 i# f* y( z  C) G, {- D/ a8 H
+ {* g* t9 _; ^; {* N% \  t
CCNProduct category
$ z' Z" o# K; h+ U8 E
% h6 b! W0 D5 q! G
Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords 5 y6 Y# [2 B7 T1 u) ~* X
+ o2 V$ r& O  ^
Seasonal Use Cord Sets 3 C9 C, u1 K8 W3 t, B' x  u0 V+ `
* D+ V6 e! D% c# \  O# Y8 r- g) d
Outdoor Seasonal Use Cord-Connected Wiring Devices : t' w! N: i, o+ O1 j9 p/ a. u
% V5 D) z  u) P  e6 k
Strings, Decorative-Lighting
, F8 Y% m/ _( H" n! Q. v6 U2 f
DGXW, DGXW7 9 f4 m4 V# P5 B- r1 |. d9 N
Outfits, Decorative , e4 T3 X  A0 f" A
DGWU, DGWU7 4 ^' w6 g3 @8 S7 f
Seasonal & Holiday Decorative Product Accessories 1 t& `  r0 ]" y, [/ m3 o7 E
DGXC, DGXC7   k$ z8 c8 X4 J" D
Electric Ornaments ( m) @, s9 p  u& c6 y
- m' U7 B- {- }( ~8 F3 x: L6 ^
Current Taps & Adapters
1 L9 [8 A' @0 F0 i
2 |' n" e# P$ W& c7 |
Relocatable Power Taps
5 K2 a; v; ]8 k9 j0 Z
GPRT, GPRT7 % Q% u# b2 }8 {
Fans, Ceiling - Suspended
# d/ X% ]/ H0 \/ H( N3 o9 i7 a
GPWV, GPWV7 ) @" L! E# Y6 N
Fans, Electric
- B8 U" [6 h3 P$ q# D2 u) o
8 R; O5 t$ I5 t6 m
Flexible Cord
( E- a! X( |) o* t9 C8 s& r
# j4 H: M$ d+ ~4 F1 ~
Light-emitting Diode Surface-mounted Luminaires , `8 g# t/ V! x! b* A: Z
IFAO, IFAO7 5 w3 W( i) F$ q& h0 F0 F/ ^7 T6 m8 P
Light-emitting Diode Recessed Luminaires
3 m% X. L( W) J3 v
/ W6 K: t  f3 G7 q5 c8 T
Nightlights * w3 F0 l+ O+ J6 N8 K
6 w4 N- m& m- Y" n4 x
Light-emitting Diode Nightlights : `6 x9 d: V' q- P/ j
QOWZ, QOWZ7 , X. j" ^6 u  |# L: K) K
Luminaires, Portable & \( o  x( O: _3 ^; S5 m8 Z* f0 ]
( {1 j% V/ c: Y
Light-emitting Diode Luminaires, Portable 0 }9 |6 C8 E/ w/ k9 ?3 }. A9 c
- h, G1 T! u; B9 Y: n6 Q, j
Portable Work Lights
, O+ a. I3 p. K4 G% w0 T+ p1 W( Q) ^
QQFU, QQFU7 " p! W2 K9 `2 Y  _) Q+ l6 R7 q- S6 A) {
Power Supplies, General Purpose . b6 L2 X# H! r2 ~$ l- I
WGZR, WGZR7 4 s/ E7 V9 d# M3 ?5 ~6 g
Switches, Clock-operated
! a# Q3 A# f: q5 U/ Q
WJCT, WJCT7 - T/ I5 A# f& Y; m; {% W/ s
Switches, Photoelectric ! |7 F; r( Q6 n) z3 N( \. B
$ i) R* D2 e( G8 Y" P$ M8 t
Transformers, Class 2, Class 3
% n8 a' H! `+ h5 w- k; F+ |: S1 h) Q& s
* r4 |/ Z6 \5 C. m) g3 H
  - u( y; q+ r0 N% A* y' A3 ~
Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors are being moved into a new Surge Protective Devices category. This move will be completed by September 29, 2009. Manufacturers may continue using their current marking method until their products have been moved into the new category. Once moved, the product identification as part of the Listing Mark must read, "Surge Protective Device." Manufacturers are encouraged to change to the new gold hologram at the time they change the product identification on their labels, but will be required use the new gold hologram on all new production after September 29, 2009. ! p, O0 l$ x9 C
Manufacturers located in China must continue to use a hologram label (silver or gold) on their Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors. Once their products are moved into the new Surge Protective Devices category they must use the new gold hologram label with the product identification “Surge Protective Device” as part of the Listing Mark. % t8 D7 g+ r3 I/ v: E
CCNProduct category
+ D* ], z" j0 S$ ^
: U- \9 ]) }. W, C1 m- I! x
Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors 9 Z0 f# j! Q2 E' U. b
VZCA, VZCA7 # O" R( n7 Z( R, J- {
Surge Protective Devices
1 J/ l9 Z  r- \9 M
) f, q1 o' {3 j
  ' G/ g, k( T$ \+ j
Manufacturers in the following Luminaire product categories will have until July 1, 2011 to convert to the new gold hologram label. % k7 z2 w* I$ P+ A$ @) E
Manufacturers located in China must continue to use a hologram label (silver or gold) but must convert to the new gold hologram label by July 1, 2011.
  e/ g; |' G/ v/ q
CCNProduct category 4 M2 [- u  u8 ]  z6 ]3 m
IEUZ, IEUZ7 + `  P2 Y, U* [. f  R
Fluorescent Surface Mounted Luminaires * m% {1 F# W1 y3 y# N# }
. B8 J9 Y/ u$ J' U# t) \% x
Fluorescent Recessed Luminaires
/ ]9 |, \/ r+ Z8 h! t
# Q2 v, t% l) Z' t
High Intensity Discharge Surface Mounted Luminaires
. w# A6 e6 g8 c9 k" v
1 ^3 _+ F. ]1 r* T( U  a% s
High Intensity Discharge Recessed Luminaires
) }/ M2 L/ o' c
IEZR, IEZR7 ! [1 h/ [( K1 S1 R
Incandescent Surface Mounted Luminaires 8 E' z# }* D1 G- P+ |; L
IEZX, IEZX7 ) g; z) v; h' W) j9 b2 o
Incandescent Recessed Luminaires
5 L# Q/ U6 k6 L/ d5 I
IFAH, IFAH7 3 d* ?, s7 _& ^! s7 _  r
Incandescent Recessed Luminaires, Convertible - Non - IC/IC ; K) X2 Q0 {' [+ {. C
IFAW, IFAW7 $ d; t3 _3 `* {, S! C1 k5 Q! i( b
Canopy Luminaires
" l; `/ j& ]/ ~6 \7 ]: k# i" N* F
UL will maintain new gold hologram standard labels for some products and these may be ordered directly from UL. Custom holographic labels must be purchased from UL's supplier of holographic labels. All new orders for custom holographic labels will be the new gold hologram. More information is available for ordering custom holographic labels.
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