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发表于 2018-4-19 13:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Annex ZZ
Clause  4
Add the  following dash points:
Where the controlgear has  accessible outputs, the controlgear shall be SELV output and comply with  Annex I.
SELV equivalent is not  permitted where controlgear has accessible outputs or is classified as  independent SELV.
Clause  8.2
Delete  existing text and replace with the following:
Output  circuits of SELV controlgear with accessible outputs shall not exceed 25 V  r.m.s. or 60 V d.c. ripple-free d.c. under load except as indicated below.
If the  voltage exceeds 25 V r.m.s. or 60 V ripple-free d.c., the output shall comply  with the following:
a) the  touch current shall not exceed:
for a.c.: 0,7 mA (peak);
for d.c.: 2,0 mA;
b) the  no-load output shall not exceed 33 2 V peak or 60 V ripple free d.c.
NOTE  The limits given are based on IEC 60364-4-41.
For  controlgears with more than one supply voltage, the requirements are applicable  for each of the rated supply voltages.
Controlgear  with an output greater than the limits above shall have insulated terminals.
Compliance  is checked by measuring the output voltage when steady conditions are established,  the controlgear being connected to rated supply voltage and rated frequency.  For the test under load, controlgear is loaded with a resistance which would  give rated output (current or wattage respectively) at rated output voltage.
The  touch current is checked by measurement in accordance with Annex G of IEC  60598-1.
Accessible  conductive parts separated by double or reinforced insulation, e.g. live  parts and the body or primary and secondary circuits, may be bridged  (conductive bridged) by resistors or Y2 capacitors provided they consist of  at least two separate components of the same rated value (resistance or  capacitance) and are rated for the total working voltage and whose impedance  is unlikely to change significantly during the individual lifetime of the  controlgear.
In  addition, accessible conductive parts separated by double or reinforced insulation  from live parts, as above, may be bridged by a single Y1capacitor.
Y1 or  Y2 capacitors shall comply with relevant requirements of IEC 60384-14 and if  resistors are used they shall comply with the requirements of test a) in 14.1  of IEC 60065:2001.
NOTE  "Ripple-free" is conventionally an r.m.s. ripple voltage not more  than 10 % of the d.c. component.
Clause 9.1
Add the following  subclause:
9.1 Direct  plug-in control gear Plug-in controlgear with pins for direct insertion into  a socket-outlet shall comply with Appendix J of AS/NZS 3112:2011.
Clause 16.2
1 Add the  following after point c):
d) For  controlgear with SELV output, the LED modules, or equivalent load for which  the controlgear is designed, shall continue to be connected in series  incrementally to the output terminals until the controlgear ceases to operate  or the output voltage is stabilized.
2 Add the  following text after the last sentence:
During the tests  specified under d), the maximum voltage measured on the output terminals  shall not exceed the SELV limits of Clause 8.
NOTE: Test d) has  been added to ensure that if too many LED modules are connected in series  (against manufacturers instruction) then the output voltage of the SELV controlgear does  not exceed the SELV limit of Clause 8.

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