本帖最后由 shuaijiachen 于 2016-8-26 22:17 编辑 6 A6 G' B( l/ N/ p# |8 p
! w) @5 N; F4 |7 k* ]
请教各位大师关于UL859:2012中section 44 的温升测试方法问题。我看标准很有歧义,公司做法跟我的理解好像不一致!
) P2 j# {0 i1 Y9 |: h1 A标准原文:$ R5 t% ^9 |7 v9 Q7 W" F
44.1.19 An electrical heating element intended for application to the hair is to be loaded with a moistened5 F! z" y |6 k% u( H9 x
cloth and then operated until the moisture has been evaporated and the heating surface of the unit has
% d t4 L$ |0 vattained a temperature of 204°C (400°F). Following a 2 minute period with the unit disconnected, during( F0 V# q( A! l2 B
which it is to be reloaded with another moistened cloth, the heating and evaporating operation is to be# y3 v& S5 B' w5 i
conducted a second time. The complete cycle is then to be repeated again. Temperatures are to be8 x/ {% ]! _5 y' f0 j _
measured throughout the test.
7 ^, U& H9 Y! Q ?
# Z8 `1 o% y+ c* S
# x$ a( w9 A' L c" W3 B44.1.21 For an appliance in which clips to be applied to the hair are heated by an external heater, the' s; C" b( D/ Y$ i
test is to consist of operation of the appliance until temperatures are constant, with the clips in place on
! w$ e& `0 {+ M& ?8 }- Dthe heater.7 N! [' o- W. Z% b# B$ c/ P
/ I( ?0 F) J9 t d7 s7 p: J* A1 o2 @. d4 a( j9 M4 k) l1 f
疑问如下:3 k n% M% H# k
% @! e1 Y ~. h g: }3 `* w% l+ [ C9 Z
' `5 d" e0 |: t+ S2,我看标准理解是:直发器和卷发器测试方法一致,发热板上夹湿布,开始上电,直到蒸发完成且发热板表面温度达到204度时,断电;停止2分钟,期间换上第二块湿布,再次上电,直至温度达到204度,完成测试(总共测试2cycles)。这种理解正确吗?难道只做2cycles/换2次湿布就可以完成温升测试了?好像这样温度都没有达到稳定状态。! |5 K% Y; I6 `: x' h8 k- G
% |) c- T: w7 a+ w; ?
" G+ e! q& L2 _; W- {
% L5 ?3 E. K9 @- J% Y: e2 n* |9 j) m4 {$ u0 \( \
! W/ z0 p+ |7 L) m2 u4,为什么44.1.19中是测试2cycles,而44.1.21中却说是要一直工作到温度稳定状态?这两个条款是针对不同产品吗?指哪些产品呢?
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