负离子一般串联保护阻抗,电压虽高,但电流较小,不足以电死人,只要满足8.1.4的要求就不属于带电部件了,那么就不用考虑爬电距离。用示波器测量。' {7 e* Q( |; S
0 Z- Y3 T: Z# T h, F! C! wnot exceed 2 mA for d.c., its peak value shall not exceed 0,7 mA for a.c. and ! O: X1 g* x- F1 ?
5 s9 y% _$ `1 [8 {+ C9 Q, }
– for voltages having a peak value over 42,4 V up to and including 450 V, the capacitance shall not exceed 0,1 uF
0 N: J8 u9 `1 A, ]1 L
9 [% F, q0 E5 c) Z& d6 n$ K– for voltages having a peak value over 450 V up to and including 15 kV, the discharge shall not exceed 45 uC# }) S( j4 W! x3 w- A7 {
8 W6 C9 k6 l3 y" p
– for voltages having a peak value over 15 kV, the energy in the discharge shall not exceed 350 mJ. 8 l8 \+ J6 f9 V) |/ ^* B
) a- y1 e. J$ U- p7 LCompliance is checked by measurement, the appliance being supplied at rated voltage.
* }/ F% @6 h/ {& ~, l
* x# M/ c. d& U$ e# o% OVoltages and currents are measured between the relevant parts and each pole of the supply source. Discharges are measured immediately after the interruption of the supply. The quantity of electricity and energy in the discharge is measured using a resistor having a nominal non-inductive resistance of 2 000 ohms |