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[可靠性测试] 什么叫应力测试

发表于 2007-12-21 22:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2007-12-22 08:48 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-12-22 09:34 | 只看该作者
4 [3 x0 S' p9 E- i0 H" f$ @4 f2 z$ ?0 B! U
发表于 2007-12-24 08:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-12-24 08:53 | 只看该作者

UL1598 Ver. 2.0

16.4 Mold stress relief" Z! k3 X" G3 D
16.4.1 A sample of the complete thermoplastic enclosure shall be placed in a circulating air oven and
+ Q9 a7 n6 ^5 z! W+ k  Mmaintained at a temperature 10 °C higher than the maximum temperature measured on the surface of the% c4 v" [. M5 q. E: A, h: C
enclosure during the normal temperature test but in no case less than 70 °C, for a period of 7 h.
, \/ }2 t" z: i; Q9 X) u16.4.2 After the sample has cooled to room temperature, the sample shall comply with the applicable
( m, k# ?2 c+ w" M* Xrequirements of this Standard.
发表于 2007-12-24 16:47 | 只看该作者
EN60950-1:2006% r8 G% D5 b+ }, D1 ^! V( x3 m. \+ c
4.2.7 Stress relief test
$ F% ?5 [2 Q* s, H9 _' W: h- iENCLOSURES of moulded or formed thermoplastic materials shall be so constructed that any
* a7 S. R" n) P6 f$ L4 Y$ P* Gshrinkage or distortion of the material due to release of internal stresses caused by the
) g: |$ _- P6 u+ g' X+ qmoulding or forming operation does not result in the exposure of hazardous parts or in the
: _/ ?2 w( `+ U0 u5 C2 @1 i0 Wreduction of CLEARANCES or CREEPAGE DISTANCES below the values specified in 2.10 (or
+ L: t, x9 `' M- U) M; W: k% WAnnex G).
4 j9 ~! {, g5 R, L  w( M6 oCompliance is checked by the test procedure described below or by the inspection of the5 [8 M5 v/ H3 k( i
construction and the available data where appropriate.
% ]7 o" G7 w/ k* |8 ]One sample consisting of the complete equipment, or of the complete ENCLOSURE together
6 j; f' d, L% p8 S' h+ mwith any supporting framework, is placed in a circulating air oven (according to
3 Z5 Z% l. L$ X' [IEC 60216-4-1) at a temperature 10 K higher than the maximum temperature observed on the6 ~: \( p+ D* X
ENCLOSURE during the test of 4.5.2, but not less than 70 ° C, for a period of 7 h, then permitted. I- S  {, S9 S
to cool to room temperature.
! {1 ^% ?9 S/ fWith the concurrence of the manufacturer, it is permitted to increase the above time duration./ m$ E4 Y  |- l5 r  k! h
For large equipment where it is impractical to condition a complete ENCLOSURE, it is permitted
. _. ]: j! z, M. ?; W% @3 xto use a portion of the ENCLOSURE representative of the complete assembly with regard to
  ?+ t) x- p! j/ g8 y6 k9 mthickness and shape, including any mechanical support members.
! L% z/ K1 N% ENOTE Relative humidity need not be maintained at a specific value during this test.
/ f, D) ~% S* t% M' h2 n! C0 PIf the above test is conducted, the compliance criteria of 4.2.1 apply.
发表于 2007-12-25 13:17 | 只看该作者
通俗点就是拉电源线的卡口,看是不是很耐用!!我们公司是这样测 的~
发表于 2008-1-12 11:09 | 只看该作者
有沒有辦法對應力進行計算?2 Q, o+ n" O6 B- `: h
比如說材質不同,它的應力系數是多少等等....4 D$ M+ \# n# G- O8 k- J
发表于 2008-1-12 16:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-1-12 17:02 | 只看该作者
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