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[单词] 永不退休nevertiree

发表于 2012-2-23 10:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  Nevertiree refers to someone who continues to work beyond the age when people usually retire. The term nevertiree is formed from a blend of never and retiree。永不退休的人 nevertiree


  Conventionally, retirement is perceived as something that most people look forward to – the freedom to rest, travel, or pursue whatever interests they have, without the daily grind of turning up at the office. But for a certain section of the population, it seems that the golf course, spending winters in sunnier climes and all those other retirement clichés have lost their appeal. For these folks, recently dubbed the nevertirees, the prospect of retirement just can't compete with the stimulation of the workplace。


  For the nevertiree, it seems that it's not just about making more money. If someone has spent their working life in a stimulating job – doing deals, solving problems or making a big contribution to society – it's not surprising that they might miss the adrenaline rush and satisfaction of continuing to work. Many high-earning, successful professionals feel defined by their work and lose a sense of their own identity without it. Others enjoy the company of their peers and would find it hard to let go of professional friendships。

  在他们眼里,不退休并不仅仅是为了挣更多的钱。如果某人的工作生涯充满挑战和刺激 ——完成交易、解决问题或者对社会做出巨大贡献——他们在退休后会想念这样的刺激和继续工作的成就感也就不奇怪了。很多高收入、高成就的专业人员认为是工作成就了自己,如果不工作,他们会觉得丧失了自我。另外一些人则是喜欢同僚们的陪伴,觉得要放弃职场友情是件很困难的事情。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-23 10:39 | 只看该作者
For the nevertiree, it seems that it's not just about making more money. If someone has spent their working life in a stimulating job – doing deals, solving problems or making a big contribution to society – it's not surprising that they might miss the adrenaline rush and satisfaction of continuing to work. Many high-earning, successful professionals feel defined by their work and lose a sense of their own identity without it. Others enjoy the company of their peers and would find it hard to let go of professional friendships。

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