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[其它认证] 七嘴八舌话国际产品认证之二:——阿根廷产品认证(IRAM认证、CNC认证)

发表于 2011-9-20 13:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我们在第一个专题讨论了日本的产品认证(PSE认证、VCCI认证、J-MOSS等),接下来我们探讨一下南美洲的阿根廷的产品认证(以下信息均来自网络,欢迎补充修正): 0 n% @, M, N% \. X  Y3 r3 r+ H5 F

4 J) H9 R0 [, t  Q一、国家概况: * N' F  o) z/ v& w
国名:阿根廷共和国 La República Argentina 英文为The Republic of Argentina ,阿根廷首都是布宜诺斯艾利斯,经纬度:33.29S 60W国名由来:在西班牙语中,“阿根廷”与“拉普拉塔”两词意义相同,均为“白银”。
2 ?5 f! `/ u* e9 g# C% ?- H' {' n" T( w/ ]( t
人口 8 t6 b. N$ E# h. u8 j
3 W6 Q7 n3 J4 b5 h7 z5 R* G3 a  T: f( A; ], V/ F; b& D
国家语言 ' O& N9 R6 `8 h2 Y8 k
  官方语言为西班牙语,部分人会说英语 8 P) G5 {5 l/ J, D, C  {
国家格言 - P! F0 C7 W; l9 W2 `# E' B

+ K9 w9 A* Y+ _6 T区划
" {) i6 l3 Q4 S  全国划分为24个行政单位。由22个省、1个地区(火地岛行政区)和联邦首都(布宜诺斯艾利斯)组成。23个省和一个自治市(标*):    & J1 m4 N' ~) H- V. }) Z) Q" E6 e
1 布宜诺斯艾利斯自治市(首都) * (Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires [autonomous city] )   
( w2 e0 S, r- D) K% g2 布宜诺斯艾利斯省 (Buenos Aires [provincia/province] )   
7 d3 ~4 O  ?8 u2 f3 卡塔马卡省 (Catamarca)    . d, Z3 ^7 n3 ]$ G. K
4 查科省 (Chaco)   
; w' K" J+ @4 F0 Y- p5 丘布特省 (Chubut)    ; S4 w  x# O# G* H& t
6 科尔多瓦省 (Córdoba)    * S6 ^( X( F2 z$ u
7 科连特斯省 (Corrientes)   
! M1 X, O3 D2 h9 f8 s8 恩特雷里奥斯省 (Entre Rios)   
' J1 O' c5 _4 s* H9 福尔摩沙省 (Formosa)   
' [# r3 r+ S+ O& q8 g  u10 胡胡伊省 (Jujuy)    2 ^* r- s( |$ `% B$ g+ |/ W
11 拉潘帕省 (La Pampa)    ' s& o  [6 C6 c+ P( k; \* K
12 拉里奥哈省 (La Rioja)    3 M' ~$ v* H, M4 b8 i" t: H
13 门多萨省 (Mendoza)   
8 l4 @0 o- Q8 G& Q/ b! d0 h1 V( N14 米西奥内斯省 (Misiones)    + J( R1 s0 _) s6 T4 g7 P4 d
15 内乌肯省 (Neuquén)   
' k/ s- u% G. |" i3 g; V' b16 里奥内格罗省 (Río Negro)   
: e, k  _0 T6 a( r7 x5 D17 萨尔塔省 (Salta)    . [6 R2 W# k# e# Y9 D6 u
18 圣胡安省 (San Juan)    3 x) C4 a7 O. l! ?$ a! r
19 圣路易斯省 (San Luis)    9 e% a* S0 l9 i! v4 j# C
20 圣克鲁斯省 (Santa Cruz)   
/ E( n+ T. i: |+ T" @, ?21 圣菲省 (Santa Fe)    9 |1 t$ H: H7 y* z' t9 F% K* X
22 圣地亚哥-德尔埃斯特罗省 (Santiago del Estero)    * d% k4 ^5 `. m% w' [
23 火地岛省 (Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur)    . v. Z/ Q5 Q% _5 g
24 图库曼省 (Tucumán)
# F* v, d/ E: v0 |* s0 t1 \$ i+ H/ S% d8 ^" w( X: l
二、产品认证简介 5 i4 ^; O* o) ^
阿根廷认证体系根据1998年公布的92/98号决议(Resolution 92/98)建立。旨在管理额定电压值1000V交流或1500V直流一下,但在5千伏安至63千伏安工作的所有电器产品。使他们满足阿根廷标准认证研究院或国际电工技术委员会制定的所有标准要求。 * j: D& V& m1 L: v5 I, J

* K1 k. b, |4 }2 \. }
& ~; _$ H) W0 z3 G3 O$ X( i
IRAM Safety Mark是阿根廷队强制性(获豁免除外)认证标志。 1 N/ ]0 L5 i0 A3 g; E/ X3 S& H
阿根廷于1998年通过92/98决议(Resolution 92/98)将认证制度确立为强制性。2002年12月31日起,受管制的产品均须有Argentina Accreditation Organization (OAA)认可度认证机构审核是否符合有关标准。 2 n, t) }, k  \" I: c4 V! K
制造商可在符合标准的产品上附加阿根廷S标志,产品评核将根据IEC标准加上阿根廷差异或阿根廷标准执行。该决议将产品分为 4 组,从 2001 年开始分步实施,到 2004 年 8 月 1日 全部产品必须获得 S-Mark 认证才能进入阿根廷市场。阿根廷是CB 体系成员国,CB 证书及报告被认可,这样可以省去很多重复测试和寄送样品的麻烦。 S-Mark 标志旁要加上认证机构的标志。 0 Z2 H+ V3 |* j4 R# S$ N3 }
  条文 92/98 对强制性产品的认证系统提出了三个阶段的安全性要求: 7 i$ _& j9 F& ?; H. R+ @
  第一阶段:符合性证书(Certificate of Conformity)
* b5 A$ Q  R8 M% E& J此阶段的认证 类似于欧洲的CE认证。所有进入阿根廷市场的电器产品都需有符合性证书,即我
+ ^* Z1 l! @* O# ~/ k们通常说的CE证书。
7 d5 G2 J- t: X2 G1 K' _/ |$ r, v  第二阶段:型式认可(Type Approval)
# }  g" U0 b# v; \0 f" P* u产品需在IRAM的认可实验室进行测试后获取由其颁发的型式认可证书。型式认可仅需进行安全 ; c- V, ^7 x$ O1 K
测试,无需工厂审查,但产品上不能使用任何安全认证的标志。 2 V' O0 t4 H3 o  t6 S4 Z9 t% b
  第三阶段:产品认证(Product Certification)
# I( ~; n' m7 f' `0 E; y5 w在此阶段所有在阿根廷市场上销售的产品必须获得国家 认证 标志。经过认证的产品可使用 6 p1 s7 o) M2 I6 m2 ^
"S" 标志。
; R/ a  d! J* \0 ]) j2 \/ d" X$ i2 o1 R8 N
  第三阶段之产品认证(S-Mark)从下列日期起强制执行从: : T  h: |8 d7 r/ J
1.2001年4月1日 - 电子材料 如: ' x! U  r/ V. g8 y9 {
  电子零组件、保险丝和电线等等电子装置 : B; _& B5 \# v: [* z/ r. a
2.2003年12月1日 - 电子产品 如:
- A0 m: z( B3 P' Y2 O% N) T+ ~( ~·电熨斗
  W- l# S+ n/ h% ]9 L' I/ G" _! z·电暖器
6 _3 A' Q# s( O- E) G·电动工具 1 Y, Y5 w- U, J$ D+ H: N+ v+ ?
·电冰箱 4 O5 K! R! o2 }& m" V/ O
·冷冻柜 4 s7 F; v& N' g+ b' A% ?7 A
- x2 J- d( b5 f6 r) n) S·手提式厨房用具
/ l7 W( d4 Q4 v8 y: d$ Y·电动刮胡刀 8 X  t  r1 ~' q+ H' a
: N. N1 s7 o# R% T0 x. V: Q·灯座和电灯用材料 : n  }+ d$ Q& ]. s" R  I
·电灯 6 @6 f/ C9 W' @# M8 T
3.2004年2月1日 - 电气产品 如:
- u  U$ U) c) I1 f/ }7 {·灯具 5 u+ @/ ]- n  a3 D
0 v* o5 I/ C# g1 V/ z/ C0 U·洗衣机
! s. \5 O! ]5 f, n* [  V) f·洗碗机
. J2 e( M6 v" K' y·厨房用具 (不包括手提式厨房用具)
# P1 O+ ^4 ^. d3 H& A3 |. i·微波炉 % y  c* G4 v* z: w- D
4 j3 o) d6 F5 u; n·真空真空吸尘器和地板处理相关设备
7 V$ `7 s. X" s7 w: B( b9 I# P' u4.2004年8月1日:
! j1 f- y4 x. _/ [* C5 a8 C# O  ·所有已被Resolution 92/98定义的器具但未在上述所列及之其它器具 (如IEC 60950,60065,61010,…..)
; r6 x' ?4 }' `* @& M# M2 v( D5 @  5.2003年12月31日 / X. k+ e3 }, k, `
  ·所有电压低于50V或高于63A之器具 ! b! j7 ]1 H: W' U) k7 p: A: a
. I  N% c3 Z) z, I! H& x2 |
工厂检查' J+ J7 h# x8 g5 \0 @) P/ t/ @0 |5 E
2 E/ Q! ]; ^- K% m, @/ I) N" P/ I  v8 o/ f) w
( [8 |& O! }+ ~2 ~无固定有效期,但根据具体格式需要进行简化的测试和定期工厂检查,以确保证书的有效性。
8 y! _' _3 ]) f# V9 S
/ P, p$ T0 K* J& I部分细节. o" Q$ r! Q! i/ s) u; t
6 L. E. w* n& a8 N/ m- I% T# Y7 V. p2、对于型式认证,阿根廷认可实验室每半年至当地进行一次简化的检测。但首次检测必须在发放型式证书后90天内进行;
$ A, y  X* \% T# Y8 B/ b' e- b3、对于标准认证,每年需进行一次简化的国内测试,首次检测站发证后180天内进行。, {" o" J- ~3 P4 {8 n/ f9 J& r/ `# \* v

; W5 [. ~% C# f. n$ M8 i- }+ i
* j3 X1 {! F6 p' A. q' i! n+ B

, f7 m7 [4 m6 N  W, T* ?5 X: v* E  ZCNC全称Comission Nacional DE Comunicacionses.是阿根廷电信和无线点设备的管制机构。所有接入到公共电信网络和使用无线电频段的设备,都需要申请CNC的形式认可。申请方必须先在CNC注册并提交相应的法律文件,同时必须通过当地带来公司申请形式认可。 % d3 t- }* f3 P& \5 y: |6 k
  S2 ^/ d1 ^3 i6 Y8 s% I6 x
技术信息220V, 50HzN/A
认证标志 CNC ID

' v+ \: d: u, ~+ ]  \5 M$ r, o4 L' t5 G! S5 |: r& k  s' W
# ]' L. t8 p8 y1、阿根廷-Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones / Y0 C+ {3 T* a* g; N9 R6 [
http://www.cnc.gov.ar/ / C3 C8 S5 Z( [+ s8 q7 M" |# g: _6 _
2、 # A3 t; |+ w5 Q" B2 d3 Z& h
  T% A+ j! J: ~+ [& B9 B, L. V
$ X! F2 m1 N7 v/ ?
3 o: X4 e( f/ q( p* {3 z) N$ j! @6 ~$ L& f+ h5 ]) Y' M- j


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-20 14:54 | 只看该作者


Now that mandatory low-voltage requirements are the law in Argentina, manufacturers must ensure conformity or be denied access to this market. / c: v9 R* p' N3 {4 H: d
In recent years, many electrical equipment manufacturers have become accustomed to supplying to the various markets in South America, which has been relatively unhindered by regulations. Today, however, several countries in this region are considering enacting mandatory certification requirements. In Argentina, almost all low-voltage electrical equipment has been covered by the mandatory requirements of Resolution 92/98 of the State Department of Industry, Commerce, and Mining since August 1998.
0 v2 O) B2 j8 m9 p2 s* G! Z6 g: C2 v) L8 v5 s
Before 1998 in Argentina, compliance with low-voltage electrical safety requirements was mandated for only a limited range of electrodomestic products. The new regulation is much wider in scope, as many manufacturers have already discovered by having noncompliant equipment impounded by Argentine customs.
% _( w. k  U; s1 g
, g+ Q1 E5 h. j' ]$ R/ r" V) x6 uResolution 92/98 covers all low-voltage electrical devices, equipment, or appliances that have a nominal voltage up to 1000 V ac or 1500 V dc. All products sold in Argentina that have an external power supply must meet the requirements of Resolution 92/98 with respect to the power supply. The main piece of equipment, provided it is rated below 50 V, does not require electrical safety certification.; v) s$ Z! U8 d: X$ _+ q
! O  Q0 O' g  r7 ]0 L4 g; T( }
The resolution establishes the essential requirements for compliance and sets out the procedures and time scales for safety certification of low-voltage electrical products. It is the responsibility of manufacturers, importers, distributors, and suppliers to ensure the certification of their products by demonstrating that they meet the essential safety requirements in place at that time. Failure to demonstrate compliance can result in having equipment held by customs.
# ?2 T8 n$ Z1 N: ~
* K2 j( y* f4 Q" _) k% b# x. QEssential Requirements " K: n; J/ p% S6 M
, z" E  w% y# C5 \7 l$ X$ M
The essential requirements defined in the resolution are grouped into three categories: general conditions, protection against harm originating from the electrical equipment itself, and protection against harm originating from external influences on the electrical equipment.
" n5 i4 d2 }9 i) }' `$ p8 Z' A0 C+ J. g( C+ E( g, [+ S/ e
According to the resolution, reference can be made to national technical standards, such as those produced by Instituto Argentino de Normalización (IRAM), Argentina's leading standards-writing and certification organization, or to international standards, such as those of the IEC, for the purpose of demonstrating safety compliance.
3 D# M  U% [+ `; u' S. C
) C) n# o  A# |2 s- U7 qGeneral Conditions. Any instructions for use that must be observed in order to ensure safe operation should appear on the equipment itself. If this is not possible, these should appear on an instruction sheet supplied with the equipment. In both cases, these instructions must be in the national language.
& l, [) _! \  N* l+ ?& }+ `3 J0 t9 }$ y# z6 @. P, B
The equipment must be marked with the manufacturer's name or registered trademark and address, the name and address of the local distributor or importer, and the name or model number of the equipment. If this is not possible, the manufacturer's name or trademark and the equipment's model number must be marked on the equipment itself, and the other details must appear on the packaging.
, L# |% Z) `& ^3 q3 P) h' U: W) ?- ^3 P
The equipment and its constituent parts must be manufactured in a way that guarantees that it can be connected safely and correctly.! L0 s; n; p; e& E& n1 K6 T+ H
8 h8 \% v$ u8 p$ ^9 @
The isolation class must be adequate for the intended use and the conditions of use of the equipment. Isolation classes 0 and 01 are forbidden. . N3 f) W; n. Q% h0 l. z# y3 G2 k0 f
' l2 [' j; P* w5 k$ L
Protection against Harm Originating from the Electrical Equipment Itself. The design and manufacture of the equipment must ensure that people and domestic animals are adequately protected from the risk of injury or damage caused by direct or indirect contact with the equipment.
  I  \# G4 s6 h. g+ e; k% y
( F# |' d. u$ j1 iThe design of the equipment must also not produce dangerous temperatures, arcs, or emissions.7 C6 g8 e$ d) i& T5 p: {6 k
# I$ C. ~: p& _" z1 k6 ?
The design and manufacture of the equipment must ensure that people, goods, and domestic animals are suitably protected against any nonelectrical risks that the equipment might present.- Q, }" Q- u! Z4 |/ S6 U! v3 h

2 z- k5 c' r1 ^7 DProtection against Harm Originating from External Influences on the Electrical Equipment. The equipment must meet all applicable mechanical requirements that are intended to prevent harm to people, goods, and domestic animals., s3 C% [' }3 q( B3 l0 {7 i3 ~

  w- Y  k" x. FThe equipment must resist all nonmechanical influences likely to be encountered under the environmental conditions for which it is intended, in order to protect people, goods, and domestic animals from harm.
/ m: Q! v2 }: x
- n0 m; v, R3 d! t5 yThe electrical equipment must not endanger people, goods, or domestic animals in overvoltage conditions.   
& M" B$ m* |* iTransitional Plan/ H3 r) h. O3 Y* }* `, l/ R
! e% E/ `$ U! h" I! W" m, P
Argentina's three-year implementation plan for Resolution 92/98 provides a transition period for electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers before their products must display a safety certification mark issued by a certification body accredited by the Organismo Argentino de Acreditación (OAA), the Argentine accreditation body.) S" q& b" x3 P/ Z2 d- V
0 _: Q1 m+ h/ ]: `, N
The resolution allows for three implementation stages, which vary depending upon the class of equipment (Table I).% x2 L# p  y  U

/ `. w7 L0 a8 n: v7 f/ N% }' eProduct
" p  `, R$ o: ~- eType Electrical Materials and Wiring Devices Rated below 63 A Rated below 50 Vand from 50 to1000 V ac or 50 to 1500 V dc
1 O' I6 k  g, a$ o; k Household Electrical Appliances A Rated below 50 Vand from 50 to1000 V ac or 50 to 1500 V dc  Electronic Apparatus A Rated below 50 Vand from 50 to1000 V ac or 50 to 1500 V dc Electrical and Electronic Products Rated below 50 V and greater than 63 A (covered under Dispositions 1009 and 34) - Q: T2 E* `9 z0 ^; @$ X, Q
Stage One: Self-0 \2 b  f' ?0 s( x3 m9 M( ]
Declaration August 18, 1998 August 18, 1998 August 18, 1998 August 18, 2000 / y- \0 h. ~4 J5 l# M2 u, f0 [
Stage Two: Type ; c6 c; t! h' E2 j! {! D
Certification February 18, 1999 April 18, 1999 September 18, 1999 August 18, 2001 9 i" t; u) l/ u: `
Stage Three: Conformity 6 P7 A- m5 a* q
Mark February 18, 1999 April 18, 2000 June 18, 2000 August 18, 2002 , o7 `  t& W( \! N7 [
Table I. Three-stage implementation of Resolution 92/98.  
. E3 G" l# U1 _
- }) D2 b2 o% D0 S7 N% X! C0 k0 a
Stage One: Declaration of Conformity. In this phase, the manufacturer or importing company must present the Dirección Nacional de Comercio Interior (State Office for Home Trade) with a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) to the essential safety requirements of Resolution 92/98.
6 n6 L+ Q- f0 h6 {% U# s3 m$ @! F6 q. I& ]8 {5 k
The declaration, consisting of three pages, must be in Spanish and must conform to the example that is included in the resolution. An electronic copy of the declaration is available from the State Office for Home Trade. English translations of Resolution 98/92 and of the DoC, along with guidelines on how to complete the declaration, can be obtained by e-mailing info@icc-uk.com.3 @- ?5 e. e" L3 A& N. Z
# D; h5 n; ^7 A% q
For imported equipment, the declaration must be presented for every shipment, even though the information on the declaration is the same as that for previous shipments. Each declaration must indicate the quantity of equipment contained in that shipment. Any low-voltage electrical equipment entering customs will be stopped unless evidence can be provided that the DoC has been presented to the State Office for Home Trade.
$ w" u' Y8 |$ ~4 j5 z! V
9 T! E6 H5 p) W/ S& H; VThe State Office can usually provide the necessary information to customs. A copy of the declaration must be kept by the distributors and suppliers of the equipment so it may be produced upon request.$ d4 l# }7 w5 H% o8 O, Y; u/ \# E4 I2 P: ^

- J/ ]6 p) E! ~+ C# x4 lFor most equipment types, the resolution has already entered stage two of the transitional process. This means the only products that will need to follow stage one in the future are those electrical and electronic products rated below 50 V and greater than 63 A. Disposition 1009 has delayed the inclusion of these products into stage one of the resolution until August 2000.
# g+ |0 p& W, a! J% ~- L( S
" \8 F4 Z- l; PStage Two: Certificate of Conformity to Type. After the previous stage has been completed, and for a period of one year, a Certificate of Conformity to Type must be presented to the State Office for Home Trade.( h7 [2 I% W' d' V3 ?: C5 j
5 v! t' B0 y5 Q' P, H, L6 ?, t- W8 g
This certificate must be issued by a certification body accredited by the OAA. IRAM is currently the only certification body accredited by the OAA to issue Certificates of Conformity to Type and also safety certification under the conformity-marking scheme. IRAM can be contacted at the following address: IRAM (Instituto Argentino de Normalización), Peru 552-556, 1068 Buenos Aires, Argentina; e-mail: iramelec@sminter.com.ar.! M/ }: P  [- [; Y  d( Q/ a

' I& C0 F* L6 ?Granting of the certificate is based on tests carried out by an accredited laboratory on product samples that are selected by the certification body and that are representative of normal production. These tests are performed against national (IRAM) or international (IEC) standards to demonstrate compliance with the essential requirements detailed.
' }- X% f! n, W( v, O( q; L" EThe certification body will periodically take product samples from the manufacturing premises or from the market to confirm that the manufacturer is continuing to fulfill the obligations resulting from the original Certificate of Conformity to Type.
3 J. P$ g6 b3 R0 k) U- s3 t
  B$ L7 T) M( S2 C/ [In the case of imported products, a Certificate of Conformity to Type issued by a foreign certification body may be presented, providing that mutual recognition agreements have been established with a national certification organization accredited by the Argentine accreditation body.
' f7 R- d# ]2 }* K
7 o& Q7 K; j& V3 g. x/ F: VOn February 23, 1999, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with IRAM. Under this memorandum, IRAM will accept test reports for products evaluated by UL that bear one of UL's family of certification marks, such as a UL, DEMKO (the Danish testing agency), or Underwriters' Laboratory of Canada (ULC) mark, thus avoiding any further in-country safety testing. The UL test reports have to be revalidated in Argentina by a recognized laboratory, but IRAM will handle this on behalf of the foreign manufacturer.8 {+ z8 q* i* u% }( y$ a- ]# G& A! T
. T8 }/ P; \7 z$ l! C7 s5 Z  h- c
IRAM will also accept test reports from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), as long as an IEC standard is specified in the test report. If this is not possible, IRAM will accept the report as long as the CSA produces a declaration to say that the standard it tested against is equivalent to an IEC standard.
! }. h! b( ~1 D( `/ }* B, i% L5 y
0 G7 _8 f: |* _; O; h( R5 Z' cSee "Mutual Recognition Agreements" sidebar for a list of foreign certification organizations with which IRAM has established mutual recognition agreements for the purpose of product safety certification. Safety test reports from such organizations will be accepted by IRAM, avoiding further testing, provided that they are revalidated by a recognized Argentine laboratory. The only institutions whose test reports do not require further validation are LCIE of France and CESMEC of Chile.
6 w+ W8 O/ d3 Z4 a4 a; I
; s" V2 s, ?  A& ]: ], ?IRAM will take a maximum of 30 days to review the application forms and test reports in order to issue Certificates of Conformity to Type. IRAM's costs are currently $700 (US) for one product family; $1000 (US) for two product families; and $200 (US) for each additional product family.
( T. b& u6 y9 ^7 B9 i+ Q. r- W6 R
% ~$ K# x' w6 r  m) o! hThese fees are applicable to each submittal. In addition to the fees above, there is a $300 (US) inspection fee (normally paid by the importer) to carry out a visit to the importer's warehouse, with the purpose of checking that the imported products are identical to the ones detailed in the relevant test reports. This amount is applied assuming that the inspection can be performed in half a day. If the inspection requires more time, there is an additional $500 (US) fee for each complete inspection day. A copy of the certificate must be kept by the distributors and suppliers. There will be no safety certification mark required during this stage.9 t. I2 e, Q/ ^0 W+ [' Y% M

, `: M- ~* J, D' G$ Y" L  ?Stage Three: Product Certification and Marking Scheme. In this final stage, all products covered by the resolution must have a product certificate issued under a conformity marking scheme aligned with the model described in ISO/IEC 28 (IRAM 354) and issued by an Argentine accredited certification body.
( k) H' B1 D- o% Q' w# U+ z
$ B1 P7 i9 {' wAlternatively, the equipment could be certified under a marking scheme by a foreign certification body, provided that it has established mutual recognition agreements with an accredited Argentine body. Such a mutual recognition agreement must cover the assessment of equipment and accompanying technical documentation to ensure the validity and scope of the certification.+ }9 |5 U# P" R0 W( h5 v0 \  k( Q/ g
8 f& p8 B' U1 k* V3 r" g
Under this final stage, all equipment will be checked to ensure that it is marked with the appropriate safety mark when arriving in customs. The national safety mark has not yet been defined and will be the subject of future legislation.   . t$ ]1 v# D$ z: I
Temporary Exemptions and Other Amendments9 }4 s' ]- \7 I2 f. A/ x) ]

$ L* i( \6 C3 GThe State Office for Home Trade published Disposition 1009 on August 19, 1998. This disposition contained comments on Resolution 92/98 and established several articles to clarify its enforcement.* c; K- S. X3 N: U! Q- S
8 a% _: o) a) C! a4 f0 G
To take greater advantage of available resources, the State Office for Home Trade decided that it would be preferable to allow additional time for certain types of equipment to meet the requirements of the resolution. It was also decided that there should be a transitional period in which manufacturers and importers would have the opportunity to prove compliance with the regulations after the arrival of the equipment in customs, if compliance had not been ensured prior to shipping.
$ R% _( C0 q# D, _) n8 N
  G/ G3 }$ t4 M; Y2 GTemporary Exemptions. Disposition 1009 postponed the enforcement of Resolution 92/98 for all electrical or electronic products designed for use with voltages less than 50 V or nominal currents greater than 63 A until August 18, 2000.
  ^8 M. c1 {9 J+ k3 e) v; v
: p/ M' [) P8 j/ U& q0 W* ~During the following year, those responsible for placing this equipment on the Argentine market will have to present the DoC, established in stage one of the resolution, to the State Office for Home Trade.
- h( D/ ~) e  x' g" V3 }4 P# B+ r$ g  |# c( S
After August 18, 2001, these products will become fully integrated into the transitional procedures established by Resolution 92/98 and will be subjected to either the second or third stage of its implementation.+ \% y: H: i6 z7 j

0 I8 B) O( v. GMutual Recognition Agreements   
5 W' f$ {3 I* O3 F* ]7 AInstituto Argentino de Normalización (IRAM) has established mutual recognition agreements with the following certification organizations:   
- O- g! ^6 X& i3 G$ j1.UL: United States " m. ?8 D" ~) ~' t" ^/ \
2.ITS: United States * U- i8 p1 l( k
3.CSA: Canada
1 L- W. p2 [' @& X) r" \1 j4.ANCE: Mexico*
4 r% A  y) u. b* @5.INTECO: Costa Rica*
6 i7 r5 v/ a; e4 L, l0 b6.ICONTEC: Colombia* ' d% V3 {- m( h+ H
7.UCIE: Brazil*
) x$ v0 z& Z8 t1 k8.CESMEC: Chile
/ T5 A- d" f1 ]3 V9.UNIT: Uruguay*
- ^  g% x; v3 d3 }) x3 N10.ASTA: United Kingdom 7 ?; }4 S. g9 l1 L8 H: r
11.AENOR: Spain ! k& @4 @7 P4 g) M, X. T
12.LCIE: France
% {( j* I* v7 _# B13.IMQ: Italy ) ^9 f8 b/ @! y: \! r# j
14.VDE: Germany 7 d) t4 h% F# A: G5 i, I
15.KEMA: Netherlands $ D! L" M. g1 C' c9 u3 r& L
16.CEBEC: Belgium ( Y) Q( W  p% B) }
17.DEMKO: Denmark (through UL)
$ @$ F4 D7 q6 i; X# V18.SEMKO: Sweden (through ITS)
" _9 i  \4 `7 p& G% f+ V+ a; d19.SEV: Switzerland
& D5 E/ t4 |( Q; t. W6 d  E' [20.NEMKO: Norway
1 C! f+ P! Z6 g* E- m7 @0 e21.ÖVE: Austria
' F$ l6 |% l0 i22.FIMKO: Finland 8 n2 U6 n  Z. d7 a5 b1 m
23.PSB: Singapore 4 A' F+ E9 h. [6 _2 x
24.JET: Japan 0 _5 F+ c2 p! D0 j5 f; T1 Q% `
25.JQA: Japan 4 h. m1 n, v# l! j: s' Y% Y
26.QAS: Australia**
1 D; ?( q) t; P+ f4 z$ K' z27.TÜV Rheinland (Germany, North America, and Asia)** 9 K/ |; l" C6 s9 g$ C
28.TÜV Product Service   7 V+ |! h( k' t4 |3 d; J
*Agreements 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 don't include Type Certification.
5 i2 H4 h5 n0 o% y2 \* T) u' h**Agreements 26 and 27 include only Type Certification.  
6 j+ u7 b( n8 V/ f6 L
( l+ O) r0 U/ I5 Q4 P$ Y# Y% }' r
7 O; `" {, q) w" m* m
7 k# ~, Q" f! w' [8 g6 MOther Exemptions. Components intended to be integrated through a manufacturing or assembly process into a product covered by the same legislation are not to be subject to the requirements of the directive when they enter the country. If they are to be sold on the internal market, however, they must meet the requirements of the resolution.
" Y& f- ^7 k  S/ P  h- K
+ Z9 |1 f& P' k  K0 y7 R! CThis exemption also applies to those products that come into the country under a temporary import permit, such as product test samples.% C& v1 ]& K# S% Y6 ~

/ k9 V) H( C6 ^4 Q6 n7 x+ OProcedure for Noncompliant Equipment Arriving in Customs. In cases where the State Customs Office verifies lack of compliance with the resolution's requirements, it will be possible to release the merchandise "without permission to be used" (under the terms of Law No. 22.802), as long as the importer takes the necessary steps to rectify the situation.! i, A/ Y' |' A3 Y

$ L- ~$ b' ]4 P; U8 _" hTo take the steps, the importer must inform the State Office for Home Trade, by means of a sworn declaration, of the quantity and type of merchandise, its country of origin, and the place where it will be stored until it is brought into compliance with the regulations that are in force.
: V( h; _3 J8 f
, c) \. g8 |" O; F; i6 rWithin 60 days following the withdrawal of the merchandise under the conditions described, the importer must make the Declaration of Conformity to Type, or obtain a Certificate of Conformity, and present it to the State Office for Home Trade, which will authorize the release of the merchandise for sale and subsequent use, within 10 days of receipt of the correct documentation.   
" I% R. E3 M% f; J  d" `6 L; `( C. dMandatory Regulations
% g* V- y* C4 |; s$ G
' Y) |6 ]& e- ~Low-voltage equipment manufacturers who wish to do business in Argentina must understand that the rules for market entry have definitely changed. Since 1998, compliance with the requirements outlined in Resolution 92/98 is mandatory for any product sold in Argentina. Manufacturers must begin now to take the necessary steps to follow the transitional plan for conformity outlined in the resolution.   1 i$ \0 Z4 h( c0 h7 e3 X, Q& R  c
Helen Jones is the South American expert at InterConnect Communications (Chepstow, UK; http://www.icc-uk.com). InterConnect offers global conformity assessment services to manufacturers of radio and telecommunications terminal devices throughout South America, Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Russia.
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