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[UL认证] 请教UL厂验

发表于 2010-5-31 11:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
UL厂验工程师来工厂,开了个VN,请问下面的工作该做什么?9 a% o6 @: }% z1 j
整改完成之后,把整改情况用E-mail发送给UL工程师?$ j7 x+ C+ ?/ j3 n! q
  J* y: p) M8 B9 W7 L0 A& T9 A
还是不用管它,等到下次厂验的时候,UL工程师再来审核?8 G4 a! z# t* d' z# m& f
7 f7 N- l/ u& S- S
以前没接触过工厂的这套系统。. I) [! \3 C4 @3 Q8 i

- H- K9 ]- r3 O  h/ f  i/ ~! K谢谢
发表于 2010-5-31 11:48 | 只看该作者
是什么VN,$ w7 g, q' J5 [3 Q
如果是简单的,如仪器没校正,那就把校正过的合格证拍个照发给他们就是了./ W$ n! J. h2 _# L2 b6 H
发表于 2010-5-31 12:37 | 只看该作者
So, I tell you how to follow up the VN, normally VN was issued and could be followed up in four ways:
. }/ M: t5 j+ w3 O3 N/ ^- D1. If the VN shows only rework is needed,and can be witnessed by the UL representative in the field, then this kind of VN can be solved and closed during the inspection, and no additional work needed to be done;# F5 K: G4 z4 Z$ Q! R" t1 W3 M
2. If the VN shows only rework is needed, but it needed to be verified by the UL representative after the rework is finished, then in this case, you must inform the UL representative to verify the rework after the rework is finished and ok;
1 _  g2 U( z6 {/ R3. If the VN shows, rework is needed and the holdshippment happens, and the UL representative tell you he will follow up this case during next visit, then you need to rework and keep the rework records and goods ,then wait the UL representative to witness and verify this rework during next visit;
0 A2 C9 P* Q1 `6 z4. If VN was issued, and holdshippment happens, and this VN needs the UL CAS department to evaluate, then you only can wait the CAS engineer to handle this VN, and the UL representative will inform you about the VN handle results. # i6 v# }: d* \% C1 C: i

) x* b6 C4 i1 t+ z4 EThat's all, but after VN was issued, remember, don't let it happen again and if holdshippment happens, don't ship them out until you get the approval from UL that you can ship it out, even you have reworked it.) j/ E% O, n' F! }
By the way, if you still are not clear, then contact the UL representative who do the inspection, and ask him how's the VN status, and how to follow up this VN...
发表于 2010-5-31 12:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-5-31 13:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-5-31 14:20 | 只看该作者
如果開出的VN並UL工程師認為成立, 就要罰款的,
发表于 2010-6-1 19:03 | 只看该作者
实际上现在VN HANDLING PROCESS已经快到第三个版本了,就目前第二版本的操作来说,出了VN如果判定是工厂的错的话,那么就要实施纠正和采取纠正和预防措施,同时保留纠正的证据,比如记录、文件什么的,以后检验员可能会要求确认,现在UL不要求到现场确认产品的纠正情况了。另外就是及时把纠正和预防措施发给检验员(口头的也可以),然后检验员就会关闭掉VN了,当然以后检验员还会sopt check你们制定的纠正预防措施是否有效。
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