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[招聘] TUV莱茵广州招聘轻工产品测试工程师/客服

发表于 2021-8-9 14:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
TUV莱茵广州招聘如下职位:* b: X. K% m3 Q1 y: m" s" r) R

1 A3 i& W# Q0 f6 Z) |$ e% Y! f* u0 ^0 L! t
+ d; t/ B* v, a5 g, E& B- W轻工产品测试工程师 Hardlines Test Engineer (Guangzhou)
Job  Descriptions:
  • Perform test in accordance with  standards(EN, ISO, ASTM) or client's requirement, experienced in testing of   infants, sports, glasses or other mechanical products is preferred;  按照标准(EN, ISO,  ASTM)或客户的要求执行测试, 主要涵盖婴童、运动、户外产品、眼镜、梯子及其他机械类产品;
  • Follow company’s guideline and procedure to prepare  test reports and certificates; / 根据公司的规定和流程准备测试报告和证书;
  • Study new standard and directive to set  up own testing facilities to cover the new scope, prepare relevant documents  like SOP, etc; / 学习新标准和法规, 筹建测试设备和准备相关的文件, 如SOP 等;
  • Share and exchange experience,  standards and technical information with other colleagues to enhance the  technical knowledge and capability of team; 跟团队成员分享和交流标准和技术的经验, 以提高团队的技术水平和能力;
  • Communicate  in courteous and effective manner with colleagues and customers in all  circumstances including answering technical queries, explaining technical  points and providing the expert's opinions; 持续有效地跟客户和同事进行交流, 包括回复技术咨询, 解释技术问题和提供意见;
  • Perform other duties assigned by  supervisor or lab manager.  执行主管或实验室经理安排的其它任务。% G! {* P# Y) Y: i

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    9 E( E$ V  s- U% O# \2 M4 N2 e
    % @9 k! A( z# K$ j. E# F0 T
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Job Requirements:
& [. X3 h. U+ N3 }4 N: K9 X; B- e( q% M+ T2 q' ]
  • Bachelor degree or above majoring in  mechanical or engineering. /理工科毕业, 学士或以上学位;
  • Skilled in reading and writing English,  and office software. /熟练的英语口语和书写技能, 熟练运用office 软件;
  • Good communication skill. 良好的沟通技巧;
  • Good team player with positive working  attitude. 积极的工作态度, 和同事友好沟通。
    ! o6 I7 r3 s& P# y( v% L) ?' }. T

2 r0 [8 l; A( B6 j# T! d2 q/ D/ B# ^' |4 P8 `$ A# |' r6 C0 y. G5 Q
; S  J' C& D5 o  s0 i

/ r1 ~! }8 m1 E8 [9 K: n& [  i; ?' ?4 _2 C

" s* ]  d2 ~; k( j1 v* t5 L0 Q: h0 z6 \! T! B

+ h6 j9 }. w0 {  j8 eProject Coordinator(项目协调员) (Guangzhou)Job Descriptions:7 N1 d4 @1 |( {# V; s+ E0 r$ [# ~7 I
( L& ?6 y$ F$ b/ a/ U
  • To be  responsible for project handling (Prepare Quotation/Lab-in process/BOM list) 负责项目处理(准备报价单/实验过程/BOM清单)
  • To be  responsible to communicate with laboratories and customer service teams to update  the technical requirements 负责与实验室和客户服务团队沟通,更新技术要求
  • To review  the status of incoming samples and applicability of test parameters as  requested根据要求审查进实验室样品的状态和测试参数的适用性
  • To prepare  sample breakdown checklists and quotations based on international regulations  and customer's requisitions根据国际法规和客户的要求,准备样品分类检查表和报价单
  • To provide  accurate information to laboratories for testing 向实验室提供准确的测试信息
  • To create  order in system and maintain it (frequent completion reporting of orders,  release order in time, ensure EDR & IDR) 在系统中创建订单并进行维护(经常报告订单的完成情况,及时发布订单,确保EDR和IDR)
  • To monitor  the job status and ensure jobs can be completed on schedule 监控工作状态,确保工作能够按期完成
  • To control  the whole project and ensure our service to be delivered to client on time 控制整个项目,确保我们的服务能按时交付给客户
    1 n( o; x% _" ?

' r  X/ J+ @* ^" w9 i# L
  • To complete  any additional / ad hoc tasks assigned by supervisors 完成上级领导分配的任何额外/临时任务) C6 I/ V, h" b0 ?2 T
! G( w1 q4 I/ E9 d+ U

. l, [& i; H2 j' g
9 ]% h3 R( G% U6 p. l  f$ Q6 {3 d
0 I" l- l( ]' U- v  S2 M
Job Requirements:
% R' p' r' Z4 O  ^& q
4 D; Q: O. E: X& I
  • Diploma or  B.Sc in Chemistry or other Science subjects 化学或其他科学科目的文凭或学士学位
  • With 1 year  working experience in TIC industry, fresh graduates with proactive attitude are  also welcome 在TIC行业有1年的工作经验,也欢迎态度积极的应届毕业生
      t' n3 V% J) C3 _: a# H+ u$ G

! c6 f$ \9 b, O( a7 Y
  • Able to  work under pressure 能够在压力下工作
    ) t: I4 ]& u; |4 }0 R7 P9 G4 ?

6 w& e3 u% d! [- S) w
  • Customer  oriented, strong communication skills  以客户为导向,沟通能力强
  • Proficient  in Cantonese, English and Mandarin 精通普通话、英语
    + e- c6 w7 j5 V

$ M# N6 F; u2 o! k* g- f% D
8 A7 k% ^" [! L1 o
. ]) M0 m. Y" [3 n* Q) ^! B有意向请发简历至:124162168@qq.com1 x9 u! q# l, B' V+ p
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