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楼主: yyfyqzy
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[CE认证] CE需要安规螺丝吗

发表于 2007-5-20 05:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-5-20 21:48 | 只看该作者
% @$ [3 j8 S8 j" q. O如果针对你这里来说的话,我觉得应可以不用.
* m4 q; _" ^! s' e( C0 f提供参考,具体你还得问认证公司,毕竟那才是"权威",它们说要你不能不要.
发表于 2007-5-21 00:28 | 只看该作者
[s:18]其實若是無理要求~是可以針對法規提出~拒絕無理要求的!0 p6 l6 H( w7 o- t0 ^4 [( E

+ B$ x. W6 t: E+ `( ~* x2 F. w就算案件去到德國也不需害怕!
2 F2 n* c& i1 ~' x- s8 p5 _
( b) Z& S' N0 b/ b$ a~~因為我也曾經跟老外爭執~關於標準的內容!  ?! k; m+ w! p) E

* T% i8 Y, o' {& e5 e7 r因為其實很多時候~就算老外也會因為觀點不同或....他自己也不見得專!
- `1 F; J( }" `8 r/ f  M" Y2 m! W) F1 D
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-24 18:11 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-2 14:20 | 只看该作者
335是不需要所謂的安規螺絲,你可以查一下工具(335-1, TOOL)的定義:
* k+ W8 r) O! E- O% w4 K3.6.5 # T3 d2 H: f" _! i( L
tool+ A  ^% E5 Q' p& B6 s
screwdriver, coin or any other object that may be used to operate a screw or similar fixing means5 S, e# y0 I  z% y, {, i3 F2 _
而3.6.2 可拆卸部件
: f; p+ U1 T" I+ \1 y% U8 Z# }detachable part + N! ?8 m+ x" K8 x. ~: {. f
part that can be removed without the aid of a tool, a part that is removed in accordance with the instructions for use, even if a tool is needed for removal, or a part that does not fulfill the test of 22.11' W% G0 e: o" w- J# ]
9 G. I# r# T' Y1 i: R2 k! m( f0 V不管什麼螺絲,底殼螺絲是要依28章做扭力測試的。
发表于 2007-6-2 15:45 | 只看该作者
此问题,大家不要老是去看螺丝的章节,应当看机械部件或危险部件的地方,他们的要求往往以下面的形式出现:0 o5 U; [& _+ y4 b& q6 f: a
  u9 M+ q8 f6 e& q. A4 x2 V' O

+ J* n: d6 y+ L7 BAll guards shall be permanently attached to the machine and shall not be detachable without the use of tools.
- C) j1 {$ z  y, [The opening of guards shall require the use of a tool.
- o  {* t/ ~$ f/ Z- P
/ j4 z- ?# Z8 G: \
发表于 2007-6-2 18:39 | 只看该作者
; \' N8 L. L- n7 |4 D, e! R4 x/ _  p; W3 M
20.2 Replacement: ( ~& S0 ^- h  U: W3 q
All power driven components shall be guarded to prevent contact during intended use.
8 {% R; o1 n/ V, }8 X' SAll apertures and safety distances shall conform to relevant clauses of ISO 13852.
; k3 t6 L# O% ^" PAll guards shall be permanently attached to the appliance and shall not be detachable without the use of tools. The opening of guards shall require the use of a tool. Exceptions to this are
8 B* N' }/ f& @  m# k8 I6 t  hthe opening or removal of interlocked guards which disable the protected moving parts, which 9 j* n5 ~& y+ C. W( L: s
shall be in accordance with ISO/TR 12100-1. * m. O, U4 a0 r+ u% ~! f& |7 I: x
Compliance is checked by inspection and measurement.
发表于 2007-6-2 18:42 | 只看该作者
* D  ?& h+ X6 ?. z# C% l: h
4 v9 c$ m: G, L0 z9 B3 U8 Protection against access to live parts  }& v: o) V3 e- I
This clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:
4 u7 ^, _; t* N8.1.1 Addition:% k' Y# Q  K! C# T4 J( [
If the instructions state that a part is to be removed when replacing a lamp or a drive belt and a2 b4 w/ Z, T! L& Y7 ]" X. s+ u
tool is required for its removal, the part is not considered to be a detachable part provided
+ L/ @' E" I, D' Q/ C
that, ?- [  p' q, j9 v
– an instruction to disconnect the appliance from the supply before the opening is marked on
* H6 t4 j, }& j* `4 G' m1 Ithe cover or is visible during its removal, and0 J6 [! v4 m" \( \; M8 u, H
– after removal of the cover, access to live parts is prevented by at least basic insulation.
发表于 2007-6-5 12:18 | 只看该作者
Foot Bath 适用标准是 60335-2-32
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-7 08:15 | 只看该作者
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