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热度 4已有 338 次阅读2012-8-21 11:29 |系统分类:工作| 安全

         吹泡泡,儿童常见的一种游戏;有时也会出现在杂技或魔术表演的舞台上。然而你知道吗,吹泡泡有时也具有一定的风险。根据欧盟RAPEXThe Rapid Alert System for Non-Food Products 非食品类产品快速预警系统)2012-33周每周通报,一批吹泡泡的玩具被拒在意大利的国门之外,原因是肥皂水中好氧微生物数量太多,(一是达到90000cfu/ml-380000cfu/ml,另一达到55000cfu/ml-130000cfu/ml),远超1000的限值;而有一种,其中还含有铜绿假单胞菌,一旦吞咽或与皮肤接触,有感染的危险。



Notifying countryItaly


Category: Toys
Product: Soap bubble
Name: Bubble Ice Bullying
Type/number of model: JT511
Batch number/Bar code: IM 3124 8059070515107
Description: Soap bubbles in containers resembling ice cream cones of various flavours, sold in multi-packs of 24 with coloured cardboard packaging. The outside of the packaging contains a picture of the soap bubbles and of a child playing with them, as well as the wording "NO DRINKING" and "All new items, it cannot be missed" with an invitation to collect the different varieties. The packaging displays warnings in English and Spanish on the intended use of the toy and its risks. The labels with the logo and the importer details are affixed to each individual ice cream cone.
Country of origin: China


The product poses a microbiological risk because the total aerobic microbial count in the soapy water is too high (between 90 000 and 380 000 cfu/ml) while the threshold value is 1 000. There is a risk of infection if the liquid is swallowed or comes into contact with the skin.
The product does not comply with the Toys Safety Directive.

Measures adopted by notifying country

Compulsory measures:
Import rejected at border



Category: Toys
Product: Soap bubble
Brand: Arca Due
Name: Bubble Stick
Type/number of model: IM 3123
Batch number/Bar code: Unknown
Description: Soap bubbles in a pen-shaped container, sold in multi-packs of three with coloured cardboard packaging, the outside of which shows soap bubbles and illustrated instructions for use. The individual pens, which have a transparent central part and coloured lower and upper parts, contain soap bubbles and have a circular nozzle. The pens are available in the colours orange, yellow and green. The packaging also displays warnings in English and Spanish on the intended use of the toy and its risks. The labels with the logo and the importer details are affixed to each individual pen.
Country of origin: China  


The product poses a microbiological risk because the total aerobic microbial count in the soapy water, is too high (between 55 000 and 130 000 cfu/ml), while the threshold value is
1 000. In addition, the product also contains Pseudomonas aeruginosa. There is a risk of infection if the liquid is swallowed or comes into contact with the skin.
The product does not comply with the Toys Safety Directive.

Measures adopted by notifying country

Compulsory measures:
Import rejected at border

摘自- Weekly overview report of RAPEX notifications –week33 – 2012









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回复 zlliang 2012-8-21 12:19
回复 emilymaana 2012-8-21 19:01
如果让肥皂水没有细菌,该加点什么? 有点细菌还不算太坏吧,难道加点能毒死细菌的东西? 其实人的抵抗力不该那么差

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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