讨论:电池过充电压为额定输出106% 或可设置的最高电压中106%是怎么来的?
讨论:在UL60950中有对电池要求(4.3.8),其中一条就是对可充电电池的过充。The battery charging circuit is adjusted with the battery disconnected to give106 % of the rated output voltage of the charger, or the maximum chargingvoltage available from the charger (without simulation of faults), whichever isthe higher attainable value. The battery is then charged for 7 h.这里很清楚的说了过充电压为:1.电池充电器没带电池时,电池充电器的额定电压的106%2.或充电器可调节到的最高电压(选两者中最大) 疑问:电池充电器没带电池时,电池充电器的额定电压的106%,这个额定电压是怎么来的,为是106%,不是110%,是根据电网的容差来的吗?If the equipment is intended for direct connection to an AC MAINS SUPPLY, the tolerances on RATEDVOLTAGE shall be taken as +6 % and -10 %,(1.4.5 UL60950)如果设备预定直接与交流电网电源相连接,则除以下情况外额定电压的容差应当为+10%和-10%(1.4.5 GB4943)猜想:早期的设备不是很好,电池充电器电压会随着电网电压的波动而波动。那为什么在GB4943中4.3.8中电池的过充电压不是110%的额定电压?顺便问下,7个小时是怎么来的,电池在哪个阶段产生的氢气最多,为什么? 参考1:UL177852.6 Overcharge test52.6.1 When connected to a supply circuit adjusted to 106 percent of the test voltage specified in 41.1,a battery supply of a UPS is to be subjected to 7 hours of overcharging using a fully charged battery. Anyuser adjustable controls associated with the charger or charging circuit are to be adjusted for the mostsevere charging rate.Exception No. 1: This requirement does not apply to a UPS to be used with a battery supply that is notinvestigated with the UPS.Exception No. 2: This requirement does not apply to a UPS provided with a regulating circuit preventingan increase in battery charging current when the ac input voltage is increased from rated value to 106percent of rated value.52.6.2 The most severe charging rate referred to in 52.6.1 is the maximum charging rate that does notcause a thermal or overcurrent protective device to open. 参考2.IEC62040M.4 Overcharge conditionsIf a measurement is needed to determine if a battery compartment complies with Clause M.2,the battery charger shall be connected to a supply circuit adjusted to 106 % of nominalvoltage and then subjected to 7 h of overcharging using a fully charged battery. Anyoperator-adjustable controls associated with the charger or charging circuit shall be adjustedfor the most severe charging rate.Exception 1: This requirement does not apply to a UPS to be used with a battery charger thatis not investigated with the UPS.Exception 2: This requirement does not apply to a UPS provided with a regulating circuitpreventing an increase in battery charging current and voltage when the a.c. input voltage isincreased from rated value to 106 % of rated value.During, and at the conclusion of the test, the maximum hydrogen gas concentration shall notbe more than 2 % by volume. Measurements are to be made by sampling the atmosphereinside the battery compartment at the periods of 2 h, 4 h, 6 h and 7 h during the test. Samplesof the atmosphere within the battery compartment are to be taken at the location where thegreatest concentration of hydrogen gas is likely, using an aspirator bulb provided with theconcentration measurement equipment, or other equivalent means.:) 我哥们很好学啊,天天发一堆问题:lol xadzkjdxhj 发表于 2012-3-17 14:14 static/image/common/back.gif我哥们很好学啊,天天发一堆问题