同堂假期 Greycation
一提起度假,我们很自然地就想到甜蜜的二人世界,其实整个家族一起度假,可以拼车拼房拼伙食,也是一种省钱又充满人情味的度假方式,这就是greycation(同堂假期)。Greycation is a family vacation which is spent with grandparents in an effort to share costs.
An estimated 2.7 million families are planning to holiday in the UK this year with children, parents and grandparents all in the same resort, according to a survey. Researchers say that total has soared this year thanks to the rising price of foreign holidays and the opportunities for sharing costs on a greycation.
In addition to the economic benefits of multi-generational vacationing, many of those surveyed said greycations were appealing because they allowed grandparents and grandchildren to spend more time together.
Family time!