还是要分别通过不同的螺钉接地?IEC和UL标准是不是有不同的要求? 楼主的意思是:电源线中一个地线引到器具内部,通过一个接地端子和器具内多个地线相连接吧?
IEC(60335和60745)没有什么特殊的要求,UL里野没有什么要求,但UL把器具内外的接地的叫法不同,外部的叫grounding,内部的叫bounding X型连接就不允许了。 请教炮哥,为何X连接就不行了呢。。。。 引用第3楼yvi335于2011-08-09 17:07发表的:
让我查查26.2和26.3,回过头再回答。 引用第3楼yvi335于2011-08-09 17:07发表的:
我想应该是这个原因。但标准里怎么说还没找到。 可以参考Figure 10 的接法 借花献佛:
27.2 The clamping means of earthing terminals shall be adequately secured against accidental loosening.
NOTE 1 In general,the constructions commonly used for current-carrying terminals,other than some terminals of the pillar type,provide sufficient resiliency to comply with this requirement. For other constructions,special provisions,such as the use of an adequately resilient part that is not likely to be removed inadvertently,may be necessary.
Terminals for the connection of external equipotential bonding conductors shall allow the connection of conductors having nominal cross-sectional areas of 2,5 mm2 to 6 mm2 and shall not be used to provide earthing continuity between different parts of the appliance. It shall not be possible to loosen the conductors without the aid of a tool.
用于连接外部等电位导线的接线端子,应允许连接从 2.5mm2~6mm2的标称横截面积的导线,并且它不应用来提供器具不同部件之间的接地连续性。不借助工具的帮助应不能松开这些导线。
NOTE 2 The earthing conductor in a supply cord is not considered to be an equipotential bonding conductor. NOTE 2 The earthing conductor in a supply cord is not considered to be an equipotential bonding conductor.
注2说明连接电源线接地线的端子还是可以连接其它接地线的。 引用第8楼yearl于2011-08-10 07:57发表的:
NOTE 2 The earthing conductor in a supply cord is not considered to be an equipotential bonding conductor.