高手请帮忙:产品发货到欧洲,申请E-mark(我们的产品必须申请),Label上面是不是一定要标示E_mark证书号。谢谢~ 前提是產品太小才可不秀上!!! APPROVAL CERTIFICATE NUMBERING SYSTEM
1. The number shall consist of five sections separated by the ‘*’ character.
Section 1: the lower case letter ‘e’ followed by the distinguishing letter
(s) or number of the Member State issuing the approval:
1 for Germany
2 for France
3 for Italy
4 for the Netherlands
5 for Sweden
6 for Belgium
7 for Hungary
8 for the Czech Republic
9 for Spain
11 for the United Kingdom
12 for Austria
13 for Luxembourg
17 for Finland
18 for Denmark
19 for Romania
20 for Poland
21 for Portugal
23 for Greece
24 for Ireland
26 for Slovenia
27 for Slovakia
29 for Estonia
32 for Latvia
34 for Bulgaria
36 for Lithuania
CY for Cyprus
MT for Malta
Section 2: the number of this Directive. As it contains different implementation
dates and different technical standards, two alphabetical
characters are added. These characters refer to the
different application dates for the stages of severity and to
the application of the engine for different specification of
mobile machinery, on the basis of which type-approval was
granted. The first character is defined in Article 9. The
second character is defined in Annex I, section 1 with
regard to the test mode defined in Annex III, section 3.6.
Section 3: the number of the latest amending Directive applicable to the
approval. If applicable two further alphabetical characters are
to be added depending on the conditions described in section
2, even if as a result of the new parameters only one of the
characters was to be changed. If no change of these characters
apply they shall be omitted.
Section 4: a four-digit sequential number (with leading zeros as
applicable) to denote the base approval number. The
sequence shall start from 0001.
Section 5: a two-digit sequential number (with a leading zero if
applicable) to denote the extension. The sequence shall
start from 01 for each base approval number.
2. Example for the third approval (with, as yet, no extension) corresponding to
application date A (stage I, upper powerband) and to the application of the
engine for specification A of mobile machinery, issued by the United
e 11*98/…AA*00/000XX*0003*00
3. Example of the second extension to the fourth approval corresponding to
application date E (stage II, medium powerband) for the same specification
of machinery (A), issued by Germany:
e 1*01/…EA*00/000XX*0004*02 谢谢楼上,不过好像没有提到是否要绣上证书号。
我们申请的是E11英国。 会有E*******的编号,证书编号不需要。
E11是VCA负责,中国北京有他们的机构,直接问他们就行了。 E+数字 就可以了