质量体系审核文件资料清单Documents List for QMS Audit
1.营业执照 (Business Licenses);
2.质量体系认证证书 (QMS certificate);
3. 组织架构图 (Organization Chart);
4.质量手册 (Quality manual);
5.程序文件 (Quality procedure);
6.质量体系内审计划 (QMS internal audit plan);
7.质量体系内审记录 (QMS internal audit records):
1)内审员资格证书 (Internal auditor qualification certificate);
2)首末次会议 (Opening meeting and close meeting records);
3)检查表 (QMS internal audit checklist);
4)不符合项报告 (QMS internal audit NC reports);
5)内审报告 (QMS internal audit report)
8.质量体系管理评审计划 (QMS management review plan)
9.质量体系管理评审记录 (QMS management review records):
1)管理评审会议记录 (QMS management review meeting record);
2)管理评审报告 (QMS management review report);
3)决议事项的跟进记录 (QMS management review decisions follow-up records)
10. 主要生产设备清单 (Major production machinery list);
11.设备保养计划 (Machinery maintenance schedule);
12. 设备保养记录 (Machinery maintenance records);
13. 仪器清单 (Test and measure equipment list);
14. 仪器校准计划 (Test and measure equipment calibration schedule);
15. 仪器校准记录 (Test and measure equipment calibration records):
1)外校报告 (External calibration reports);
2)内校人员资格证书 (Internal calibration personnel qualification)
3)内校规程 (Internal calibration instruction);
4)内校报告 (Internal calibration reports
16. 年度培训计划 (Annual training plan)
17.培训记录 (Training records):
1) 签到表 (Training attendee signature);
2)测试卷 (Training effectiveness verification records
18. 品管人员岗前资质认定资料(培训及测试记录)-Quality personnel certification records (including training and examination records);
19.新产品设计开发资料 (New products design and development records):
1)产品规格书 (Product specification);
2) BOM表 (BOM);
3)安规认证证书 (Safety certificate);
4)样品检测报告 (Design samples test and inspection reports)
5)试产记录 (Pilot runs record);
6) 试产评估报告 (Pilot runs review records);
7) 作业指导书 (Work instruction);
8)检验标准 (Inspection standard);
9) FMEA分析资料 (FMEA analysis report);
10)产品质量控制计划(QC工程图)-Product quality control plan/chart.
20.订单评审记录 (Order review records);
21.新供应商资格评定报告 (New suppliers evaluation reports)
22.现有供应商质量、交期、价格及服务定期评分表 (Suppliers performance rating score in quality, delivery, price and services);
23.原材料采购订单 (Materials purchasing order);
24. 原材料规格承认书 (Materials specifications)
25.进料检验作业指导书 (incoming inspection procedure/instructions);
26.进料检验标准 (Incoming inspection standards);
27.进料检验样板清单及定期评估记录 (Incoming inspection samples list and its periodic review records);
28.进料检验记录 (Incoming inspection records);
29.不合格来料处理记录(含供应商纠正预防措施报告)-Non-conforming materials handling records (including supplier corrective and preventive reports);
30. 原材料保存周期规定 (Materials storage period instruction);
31. 原材料过期重检记录 (Materials periodic re-inspection records);
32.控制图表及超限处理记录 (Control charts and corrective and preventive records for the process/products out of control limit);
33.CPK应用指引 (CPK usage guideline);
34.CPK测量记录及制程能力不足时的改进记录 (The improvement actions for the incapable process);
35.生产作业指导书 (Work instruction);
36.制程检验作业指导书 (In-process inspection procedure/instruction);
37. 制程检验标准 (In-process inspection standards);
38. 制程检验记录 (In-process inspection records):
1)首件检验记录 (First article inspection reports);
2)巡检记录 (Production line tour inspection records);
3)抽检记录 (Sampling inspection records)
39. 制程不合格品的处理记录(含纠正预防措施报告)-In-process non-conforming products handling records (including corrective and preventive actions report);
40.制程检验不良统计报表(周报/月报,柏拉图)-In-process inspection defects analysis report (weekly/monthly report, Plato figure
41. 停线管理规定及记录 (Production stop procedure and records);
42. 成品检验作业指导书 (Final inspection procedure/instruction);
43. 成品检验标准 (Final inspection standards);
44.成品检验记录 (Final inspection records);
45. 不合格成品处理记录 (Non-conforming products handling records):
1)返工、返修记录 (Rework, repair records);
2)重检记录 (Re-inspection records)
3) 纠正预防措施报告 (Corrective and preventive actions report
46. 成品入库单 (Finished products warehouse-in records);
47. 产品可靠性及环境测试计划及记录 (Products reliability and environmental test plan/schedule and records);
48.数据分析程序 (Data analysis procedure);
49.质量目标统计资料 (Data analysis records-mainly focus on quality objectives analysis records
50.客户沟通资料 (Customer communication records);
51. 客户投诉处理程序 (Customer complaints procedure);
52. 客户投诉处理记录 (Customer complaints handling reports) 很好啊! 学习一下,我们最近要某个公证行验厂。 很好,春节后我司就要CCC审厂了 这东西实在是太好了,谢谢这位大哥。 是中英文对照的质量管理术语啦 这东西实在是太好了 我们正要审厂,要用到啊。谢谢了。 谢谢分享~~~