sqf324 发表于 2009-7-6 23:18


1、98版:如果施加5N的力试验指不能进入并触及带电部位,则用直指试验指施加20N 的力进行试验,如可以进入,则换用带关节的试验指重复进行5N的试验;

ylzyt 发表于 2009-7-7 09:29


milighost 发表于 2009-7-7 18:39

IEC的2001版是这样描述的“Test probe B of IEC 61032 is applied without appreciable force, the appliance being in every possible position except that appliances normally used on the floor and having a mass exceeding 40 kg are not tilted. Through openings, the test probe is applied to any depth that the probe will permit and is rotated or angled before, during and after insertion to any
position. If the opening does not allow the entry of the probe, the force on the probe in the
straight position is increased to 20 N. If the probe then enters the opening, the test is repeated with the probe in the angled position.“


NOTE 2 ”Without appreciable force” is considered to be a force not exceeding 1 N.

peter1715 发表于 2009-7-7 20:44


caballo3157 发表于 2009-7-7 20:55

The test finger of figure 1 is applied without appreciable force, the appliance being in every
possible position except that appliances normally used on the floor and having a mass
exceeding 40 kg are not tilted. Through openings, the test finger is applied to any depth that
the finger will permit and is rotated or angled before, during and after insertion to any position.
If the opening does not allow the entry of the finger, the force on the finger in the straight
position is increased to 20 N. If the finger then enters the opening, the test is repeated with the
finger in the angled position.
页: [1]
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