What the difference
Good day all,I would like to know that have any difference in between DIN 50021-1998 and IEC60068-2-11.
Hope can get a infor form you all. Thank you
Ed 请版主帮忙给两个标准你自己看看.呵呵~
看您的英文水平应该不赖吧~ 好象是马来西亚的认证同行,可以帮忙看看,给些链接~ 60068-2-11论坛里有(Please share IEC60068-2-11 via )http://www.angui.org/bbs/read.php?tid-459-keyword-60068.html Dear Seasunsky,
Thank you for your information given. How about DIN 50021-1998? Have any people know where i can get this standard. Actually i am facing a problem during a ISO TS audit...Looking for help now... 引用第4楼edward_lam于2007-07-31 09:39发表的:
Dear Seasunsky,
Thank you for your information given. How about DIN 50021-1998? Have any people know where i can get this standard. Actually i am facing a problem during a ISO TS audit...Looking for help now...
DIN standards, issued by Germany, are very hard to share freely. Also it is hard to understand for German version. You need buy it if you cannot find it to learn from internet.
Do not use any standards you get it from our forum in business range! 引用第4楼edward_lam于2007-07-31 09:39发表的:
Dear Seasunsky,
Thank you for your information given. How about DIN 50021-1998? Have any people know where i can get this standard. Actually i am facing a problem during a ISO TS audit...Looking for help now...
DIN 55021-1988 for your information. Good day All,
Thank you for your's kind respond especiallyfor Barry and jsh863.
I just get ASTM B633, IEC 60068-2-11 and IEC60068-2-30 just now.
Hornestly, my company just have malaysia standard handbook only, further more the standard is for Transfomer only due to our product is making a coils and transfomer.
Very-very appreciated for all of you! Good day all,
Here i have a suggestion regarding this web site. I found that if i just typing a Standard code in searh engine, is very difficult to get result. Like just now i try searching IEC60068-2-11 the result is empty. But a system have this standard. So, here i suggest that why next time we put a standard in a system and put the standard code as our title? Sothat is more easy when doing a searching. This only is my opinion. Hope it is use for all. But please forgive me if i am mistake.