Good day all,
Here i have a suggestion regarding this web site. I found that if i just typing a Standard code in searh engine, is very difficult to get result. Like just now i try searching IEC60068-2-11 the result is empty. But a system have this standard. So, here i suggest that why next time we put a standard in a system and put the standard code as our title? Sothat is more easy when doing a searching. This only is my opinion. Hope it is use for all. But please forgive me if i am mistake.
it's difficult to find what u want using the whole word.
so, use keyword.
u will find it easy to get what u want.
for example,if u use 60068 here.
Had try and found it is really can work. Thank youseasunsky 有没有哪位有盐雾试验是否通过的判定标准啊?也就是盐雾试验之后样品是pass 还是fail怎么判定?谢谢先。 请问没有中文版的吗,小弟的E文不好