各位大神,就是适配器,如图。这种为什么需要做60335-2-29和61558,还有60950.到底需要怎么确认标准?澳洲是不是有特殊要求。file:///C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\Users\3002706727\QQEIM\WinTemp\RichOle\FMZN0JDOVB](7R)UZF77W(A.png 看你用途 61347也可以做啊 同意楼上的。用在家电上,只能接受61558和60335-2-29,用在音视频设备上只能是60950. 不过国内的话,适配器CCC认证只能是60950的标准。 看最终用途来决定标准 有些适配器分别有61558,60950,61347几个证书,对应不同用途,用在IT/AV, 灯具等等都分别不同。 zylyr2001 发表于 2018-12-14 11:45同意楼上的。用在家电上,只能接受61558和60335-2-29,用在音视频设备上只能是60950. 不过国内的话,适配器 ...
NOTE 102This standard does not apply to
–built-in battery chargers, except those for installing in caravans and similar vehicles;
–battery chargers that are part of an appliance, the battery of which is not accessible to the user;
–battery chargers intended exclusively for industrial purposes;
–battery chargers intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a
corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapour or gas);
–battery chargers for emergency lighting (IEC60598-2-22);
–supply units for electronic equipment.
麻烦问下60335-2-29中有说明,用户不能触及到的电池是不适用60335-2-29? NOTE 102This standard does not apply to
–built-in battery chargers, except those for installing in caravans and similar vehicles;
–battery chargers that are part of an appliance, the battery of which is not accessible to the user;
–battery chargers intended exclusively for industrial purposes;
–battery chargers intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a
corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapour or gas);
–battery chargers for emergency lighting (IEC60598-2-22);
–supply units for electronic equipment.
麻烦问下60335-2-29中有说明,用户不能触及到的电池是不适用60335-2-29?这种适配器符合60335-2-29吗 陈雯瑶wy 发表于 2018-12-14 17:47
NOTE 102This standard does not apply to
–built-in battery chargers, except those for installin ...
我看我们的供应商提供的适配器GS证书是用的60335-1的标准,不是60335-2-29. 陈雯瑶wy 发表于 2018-12-14 17:47
NOTE 102This standard does not apply to
–built-in battery chargers, except those for installin ...
标准不是写的很清晰吗?只有电池充电器作为器具的一部分,且电池无法被用户容易接触。 现在还有62368。。。