打耐压我们常规都是打1分钟,但是在生产时为了提高效率,必须要缩短时间,我们这个缩短时间该怎么计算?又该打多少电压?有没有标准有说明的? 比如打3000V0.5mA 1Min 我想缩短到只打1S该打多少电压?1.2倍的電壓 我们一般都是按1.2倍来打的。 IEC60950有说明,可以缩短时间(提高电压1.2倍) 标题没写产品类别,这是家电版块就按家电来看了。EN60335的附录A.2有要求(详细电压要求见附表):
A.2Electric strength test
The insulation of the appliance is subjected to a voltage of substantially sinusoidal waveform
having a frequency of approximately 50 Hz or 60 Hz for 1 s. The value of the test voltage and
the points of application are shown in table A.1.
NOTE 1It may be necessary for the appliance to be in operation during the test to ensure that the test voltage is
applied to all relevant insulation, for example, heating elements controlled by a relay.
No breakdown shall occur. Breakdown is assumed to occur when the current in the test circuit
exceeds 5 mA. However, this limit may be increased up to 30 mA for appliances with a high
leakage current.
the limit.
NOTE 3The high voltage transformer is to be capable of maintaining the specified voltage at the limiting current.
1,5 timesthevalue shownin thetable.Ana.c. voltagehavingafrequencyupto5Hzis consideredto bead.c.
耐压跳闸电流为100mA,生产线可用5mAX0.8倍耐压电压打1S即可,标准中附录A已明确规定,但许多客户仍抱旧观念要打1.2倍lS,我们结合办就打规定耐压1.2倍5山AlS不击穿、无闪络为合格 3600V 5mA 1sec 即可 谢谢各位大大 如果是60335系列的产品见附录A,就可以了,. 4800V按1.4倍来打的