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[其他] 电池CE EMC认证问题

发表于 2009-3-4 10:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本人是做电池行业的,公司以前留有几份电池EMC检测报告,出自于ETS(倒闭换马甲了),现公司需要我对报告进行更新。$ m  W; ]. b: Q  }' v& H
4 m! C0 Y' l9 K1 V后来我在官方找了一下资料,2004/108/EC Art (9) page 1表示如下:
# T6 B% z5 ~' m3 D( ]
/ r, I$ W* e& t/ YThis Directive need not regulate equipment which is inherently benign in terms of electromagnetic compat-ibility.8 Z$ C- B6 }  \* F5 T
8 N, ?$ M6 `$ E' u/ P: S
对于这个inherently benign 不是很了解,后又在guide of 2004/108/EC page 14中找到如下文:
. }' Z+ o$ n( X! |- |
8 a) a, V4 g. h3 P4 X- B, u# j# M1.1.4  Inherently benign equipment 3 X4 N- z4 v/ b' H3 O; e
Equipment which is inherently benign in terms of electromagnetic 4 |) h+ c5 T6 C
25. N) m0 Q1 X: ]8 [
compatibility is excluded from the scope of the EMC Directive .
" D" x, O1 L, e0 B! M( t% |, zEquipment is considered inherently benign in terms of electromagnetic
' E3 e/ A. S3 hcompatibility if:
6 l$ n$ n- X5 ^5 _*  its inherent physical characteristics are such that it is incapable of
$ z6 C$ g- ~5 x3 T6 U4 e2 N0 r+ \' d' U! Dgenerating or contributing to electromagnetic emissions which
% N' e, h. x9 d0 c* ?exceed a level allowing radio and telecommunications equipment . j2 d% [3 U9 ?' s. G% |
and other equipment to operate as intended; and,  
& E# k5 e% _9 d) [/ M: ]*  it will operate without unacceptable degradation in the presence of ; ], d: [3 u: e- i0 e" q; ]
the electromagnetic disturbance normally present in its intended
! `2 Y  }0 I6 m  [3 renvironment.  
3 c/ E' T1 H* s. V9 a7 b) ZBoth conditions need to be met in order to classify equipment as inherently % T; ^/ }; ]& }
- w+ V$ u# z* S* @, J) YThe application of the above enables the exclusion of the following & O7 t' V( f  q. K$ r$ |" ~# k5 z
equipment (not exclusive) from the application of the EMC Directive, 6 d! n8 ^# A. l7 H- v. m
provided that they include no active electronic part(s):
% S3 _4 B4 e# m8 T3 l" x  g266 |: M9 x8 F! A" y5 w2 L' |
–  Cables and cabling , cables accessories, considered separately;   3 q/ _( _6 `# f4 s( O. p
–  Equipment containing only resistive loads without any + V7 d; @8 o" E, U  ^
automatic switching device; e.g. simple domestic heaters with 8 h6 ]& b6 C. ]4 S6 J: l% n
no controls, thermostat, or fan; . @" Q' G3 _, m) u+ l
–  Batteries and accumulators (without active electronic circuits);  
( v# b8 o. D- y8 Q; e2 _1 O–  Headphones, loudspeakers without amplification; . O( B9 V. a; H( Y  J6 \
–  Pocket lamps without active electronic circuits.  
8 V) ]0 ^  f, g7 ~6 e–  Protection equipment which  only produces transitory
, C. u) e8 {: E8 ]disturbances of short duration during the clearing of a short-0 x' W6 c0 b; H
5 g' J0 m' e( ?/ e
英文不是很好,但据我所知,从以上可以看到电池在(without active electronic circuits)的前提确实是不需要做CE EMC认证的,但为何检测机构却都说要做(骗钱?),而且同行很多也都去做那无意义、任何电池都能过的EMC认证?(骗中国消费者?)8 ?* |8 K6 @! O, j5 a! `. L

% d/ A  j6 e$ O0 E, O请各位前辈能否详细解释下电池到底是否需要CE EMC认证?如果不需要,是否存在欧盟其他指令针对电池的(2006/66/EC及被其取代指令除外,这个一般都知道),如果没有的话,那电池是否不能印上CE标记?


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发表于 2009-3-4 11:45 | 只看该作者
大家 互相学习~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
发表于 2009-3-4 16:34 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-3-5 09:04 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-5 10:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-5-24 16:05 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-5-25 17:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-5-26 16:13 | 只看该作者
$ C' D+ @6 q$ K+ ]国内的人做的话有可能是因为没有仔细研究!就跟着做!
发表于 2009-8-4 10:22 | 只看该作者
呵呵 带有保护电路的电池 还是要做一做的 有的电池保护板可能不过- ?; V. {! ?% T6 {$ N
发表于 2009-8-7 11:27 | 只看该作者
一般电池都是配整机买的,如果整机有做EMC的话,你就拿整机的报告用于电池就可以了。- X. ]( h2 d; C2 z" F' g
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