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lenis的个人空间 http://bbs.angui.org/?608 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


2020-2-12 11:01 回复|
it is difficult to run personal computer.(来自每日签到)
2012-1-12 08:38 回复|
i have no ticket to my home town for hardly buying. (来自每日签到)
2012-1-11 08:28 回复|
very pleased(来自每日签到)
2012-1-10 08:21 回复|
my personal computer doesn't work.(来自每日签到)
2012-1-9 08:14 回复|
pleased for the cold day(来自每日签到)
2012-1-6 08:10 回复|
nothing is to be done today morning(来自每日签到)
2012-1-5 08:26 回复|
wiping sweat for warm cloth(来自每日签到)
2012-1-4 08:10 回复|
a newing starting for a new year(来自每日签到)
2012-1-3 07:56 回复|
pleasure is not necessary for seasons. (来自每日签到)
2011-12-30 08:20 回复|
2011-12-29 08:33 回复|
no saying(来自每日签到)
2011-12-28 08:11 回复|
i am almost late for meeting.(来自每日签到)
2011-12-27 08:36 回复|
i am pleased for receiving a gift from my son.(来自每日签到)
2011-12-26 08:16 回复|
i am pleased for reading an interesting story.(来自每日签到)
2011-12-23 08:30 回复|
i have nothing to say(来自每日签到)
2011-12-22 08:30 回复|
i must work hard for better life.(来自每日签到)
2011-12-21 08:12 回复|
i like old type(来自每日签到)
2011-12-20 10:32 回复|

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