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[美洲灯具] 变压器绝缘系统认证?

发表于 2011-8-3 11:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
LED灯UL与ETL认证时要求提供变压器的绝缘系统认证,UL8750 里面也有提到但看的不是很明白,比如:UL认证变压器要注意思什么事项,要进行那些测试等等,好像有分五个等级CLASS A\B\E\F\只知道这个跟温度有关其它的就不懂了。那位朋友能详细的对变压器绝缘系统给予讲解一下,
发表于 2011-8-3 11:38 | 只看该作者
Insulation system must be combined with motor or transformer, and that's UL called OBJY2, and if you are the user of the insulation system, then you only need to focus that, the supplier of insulation system should be UL recognized when you apply for UL approval for your own products, such as LED, motor and tranformer products.
; @9 c1 W- E; Q( l) U: |# ~  mGenerally, insulation system is composed of bobbin, magnet wire, insulating tape, insulating coating, and other critical components, as well, almost all those components in the insulation system, should be UL R/C, if UL is necessary for the insulation system itself. Remember, the insulation system can not be simply regarded as the combination of its all components, and it should be considered and evaluated combined with the final transformer, or motor...
发表于 2011-8-3 11:40 | 只看该作者
这个ANDY YANG是鬼佬吗?鬼话连篇,好牛啊
发表于 2011-8-3 11:55 | 只看该作者
UL认证中,如果你的产品做CLASS2,变压器的温升超过90度,是需要绝缘系统的认证的。 如果不需要满足CLASS2,就算温度超过90度,也不需要绝缘系统的认证,但是各个组件(WIRE, BOBBIN)需要有UL认证且满足相应的绝缘等级要求。
发表于 2011-8-3 13:44 | 只看该作者
引用第1楼Andy.Yang于2011-08-03 11:38发表的  :  n5 p% W* h3 S2 k$ s
Insulation system must be combined with motor or transformer, and that's UL called OBJY2, and if you are the user of the insulation system, then you only need to focus that, the supplier of insulation system should be UL recognized when you apply for UL approval for your own products, such as LED, motor and tranformer products.
/ S3 V# i8 K6 I' {9 YGenerally, insulation system is composed of bobbin, magnet wire, insulating tape, insulating coating, and other critical components, as well, almost all those components in the insulation system, should be UL R/C, if UL is necessary for the insulation system itself. Remember, the insulation system can not be simply regarded as the combination of its all components, and it should be considered and evaluated combined with the final transformer, or motor...

5 k8 d  v$ g. U- v# P3 F* G1 _0 k6 F' E3 g
# T1 e$ E+ j' [4 j' H0 m" J$ J8 {1 v同时问,按照什么什么标准测试?
发表于 2011-8-3 14:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-8-3 14:07 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼jsspace于2011-08-03 11:55发表的  :/ j) P1 u1 ~+ `/ l% v; Y) A
UL认证中,如果你的产品做CLASS2,变压器的温升超过90度,是需要绝缘系统的认证的。 如果不需要满足CLASS2,就算温度超过90度,也不需要绝缘系统的认证,但是各个组件(WIRE, BOBBIN)需要有UL认证且满足相应的绝缘等级要求。
# W4 E2 {. I8 B& q: D' _
非常感謝!這是我以前所疏漏的,+ h8 H8 ~* M3 F9 t1 h
发表于 2011-8-3 16:14 | 只看该作者
纠正下,关于变压器的绝缘系统,只要温度不超过90度,不管是I类,II类还是III类产品,都可以使用Class A的绝缘系统,Class A的绝缘系统是不需要认证的,但要求所用的材料能达到相关的防火等级且有相关认证,所以客户可以自行选择所用的材料。Class B以上的绝缘系统必须有UL认证,且每一个型号的绝缘系统都限制了材料的提供商,大家可以到UL的网站上去查:https://my.secure.home1.ul.com/p ... al/usa/iQ/iQWelcome, 在这里面注册个账号进去就可以查到详细的资料。
发表于 2011-8-3 17:00 | 只看该作者
引用第6楼market于2011-08-03 14:07发表的  :
9 x. t3 n0 A& q0 ]7 J5 [& T3 D7 ^
7 M: F2 j  G" C, \& `+ y
非常感謝!這是我以前所疏漏的,, q, \; J' O4 v# K6 h3 R
  f7 d5 W' J/ x. t  Z0 z6 O

! V# t; \+ W/ j7 B  o+ H( b非常感谢的话要给我送金币[s:87]" h6 K" f' H2 l  i" \* T
% F- }' x8 |' L2 i% {! t4 e这个我是和广州UL确认的。
发表于 2011-8-4 13:39 | 只看该作者
引用第4楼至尊宝于2011-08-03 13:44发表的  :' Y  ^# u" D, B1 O
0 C: o1 Z. N2 @; A4 Z4 K

8 p4 ]# W  N' b& e& R0 y) N
6 I* n8 e  s/ O2 Q) s% p* o可以举个实例么?" V7 H% p( u; N; ~
& {8 b# @! ]- Z( T* VThe basic standard used to investigate products in this category is UL 1446, "Systems of Insulating Materials - General.": c8 o* g" e8 K3 T0 b5 e

# f5 d  ^, H8 t" D3 wOther standards which may be used, where appropriate, are as follows:
* `, N- S0 H3 e, \- Y7 R
# M5 M# X5 R: P) z- G( _ANSI/IEEE C57.12.56-1986, "Standard Test Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of Insulation Systems for Ventilated Dry-Type Power and Distribution Transformers"* Z- }! m1 f; p! U) A6 N  B
IEEE C57.12.60-1992, "Guide for Test Procedures for Thermal Evaluation of Insulation Systems for Solid-Cast and Resin-Encapsulated Power and Distribution Transformers"
. h  I  K& _( [# w" TIEEE 275-1992, "Recommended Practice for Thermal Evaluation of Insulation Systems for Alternating-Current Electric Machinery Employing Form-Wound Preinsulated Stator Coils for Machines Rated 6900 V and Below"
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