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[IEC灯具] LED灯具寿命测试

发表于 2013-11-22 10:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
各位大侠,1 [# ^3 T4 K+ _+ {
  g; ?# i$ ]1 p6 c以下是原文EN60598-1:20089 Y, }! A) _; e2 N
12.3.1  Test 7 S1 E  K2 D1 V
c)  The  luminaire  shall  be  tested  in  the  enclosure  for  a  total  duration  of  168  h  consisting  of
/ [: O! k5 t! o- @; ?9 {1 O# useven  successive  cycles  of  24  h.  Supply  voltage  as  specified  in  item  d)  below  shall  be
& y8 Q$ j4 \  e! z% r9 xapplied  to  the  luminaire  for  the  first  21  h  and  disconnected  for  the  remaining  3 h  of  each
5 e% ~& E7 q% {" \% qcycle. The initial heating period of the luminaire is part of the first test cycle.  
0 F' m3 N5 C4 P0 O! m6 R  The  circuit  condition  shall  be  as  in  normal  operation  for  the  first  six  cycles,  and  as  in
. z% a0 j6 a; l% |: Oabnormal  operation  (see  Annex  C)  for  the  seventh  cycle.  For  luminaires  containing  an 9 z1 ^. F3 p& I0 h% D
electrical motor (e.g. a fan) the abnormal condition which most adversely affects the result & @! M  L. J; h5 a7 P& i
of the test shall be selected.
" Z  m4 n7 i; `2 A  For  luminaires  for  which  there  is  no  abnormal  condition  test  according  to  12.5.1,  the  total
; f( _+ @5 S8 d* y' Q; Ltest  duration  shall  be  240  h  (i.e.  10  x  24  cycles  at  normal  operation).  For  filament
# f+ h7 I+ s" `" Kluminaires, the total test duration of 240 h shall apply in all cases. 9 ^0 w+ r9 [. i& s  }
* U& \0 x/ L3 I( h5 [
12.5.1  Test  
9 n. C: V+ s( p" y) w$ t0 TTemperatures of parts listed in Table 12.3 shall be measured in accordance with the following
; R5 A2 q3 c: d7 m5 m6 a: Qconditions.  
$ [2 }6 T3 i0 ?' fa)  The test shall be made if, during service, the luminaire could be in an abnormal condition as 2 A5 S1 q* v6 P5 q9 @- ~, A
in cases 1), 2), 3) or 4) below, and if this condition would cause any part to be at a higher
; t9 Y% P6 P) O- M$ n& _5 ^temperature  than  during  normal  operation  (in  which  case  a  preliminary  trial  may  be - {1 Q" p* e  z2 A
needed).  $ m( a* c9 B: |' Z/ X8 W: x1 d
  If more than one abnormal condition is possible, that condition which most adversely affects
# {- D' d. m6 b0 c  K1 @the results of the tests shall be selected.  $ l+ U. j* j3 a/ p
  The test is not applicable to fixed non-adjustable filament lamp luminaires, except in case
1 I/ c1 e6 |8 h% L8 F; h- t3 N3) below.
5 s8 [) l- ]0 j4 b5 a1 F2 `, r1)  A possibly unsafe operating position, arising other than from misuse, e.g. if by accident
  K! r  F) E+ |$ t/ T, ~* p0 fan adjustable luminaire is bent in the direction of the mounting surface by using a force 0 M7 I7 F% z& T
of  30  N  minimum  during  a short period of time and on the most unfavourable point on 7 w' [7 T+ v* }  w. x! \9 X
the luminaire.
4 j! S" [4 B* [9 C  M2)  A  possibly  unsafe  circuit  condition  arising  other  than  from  defective  manufacture  or
; @0 k8 X0 L; C* ]+ B. j- M  d8 Omisuse;  for  example  a  circuit  condition  occurring  at  the  end  of  the  service  period  of  a
9 W5 o$ \7 A9 n& y1 g% llamp or of a starter (see Annex C).  
  l( p, Q! E3 b% c3)  A possibly unsafe operation condition arising from the use of a GLS lamp in a filament 8 m) D% S2 w( G! C$ H0 M+ p
lamp  luminaire  intended  for  a  special  lamp;  e.g.  if,  temporarily,  a  special  lamp  is 6 J  g9 z% J9 i# E# |4 b) S: N; x
replaced by a GLS lamp of the same wattage.  
1 s4 D/ l* O! C  }' E8 G- z4)  A  possible  unsafe  circuit  condition  arising  from  a  short  circuit  in  the  secondary  circuit ' I: d+ X" E1 |
(including  the  transformer  itself)  of  a  luminaire  with  transformer  fitted  for  lamp  voltage
- ~3 p" q% V: d$ V1 }supply.
9 N/ _5 ^, n& v' L% s  Test 2) is applicable only to tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp luminaires.  4 J6 Q0 d5 U7 |0 e$ o& U$ d, ~( z
  Test 4) shall be made with a short-circuit in the lampholder. During test 4), the temperature ! U* h) `3 d- Z- N. [/ |
rise due to heat emanating from the lamp to the mounting surface shall be checked by the
2 n7 J* U' C' w# @: X2 O+ {. w% otest  according  to  item  1),  while  the  temperature  rise  due  to  heat  emanating  from  the
8 t$ A) F0 O- otransformer shall be measured with the contacts of the lampholder being short-circuited. 7 H2 b! r% b7 _" y
  Luminaires containing an electrical motor are operated with the rotor locked against rotation.
( Z3 _) v! b: N, k" P* g  NOTE  In  the  case  of  the  presence  of  one  or  more  motors,  the  test  should  be  made  in  accordance  with  the
# ~+ B- U$ ~3 ^7 {# F0 E1 d, P" ?most critical condition (see Annex C). & A) U. k! e: N, q
6 b2 L: B9 ^% _+ z
谢谢!0 u& P/ D, R4 ?/ p3 i3 s
发表于 2013-11-22 10:11 | 只看该作者
! C, a6 i% }0 ~3 b! V, J你的LED灯具要看 CTL决议DSH0745 按1.1倍电压,做10天,21h on / 3h off
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-22 11:10 | 只看该作者
做10天耐久也要21h on / 3h off?我一直以为做168小时才会有21h on / 3h off呢!


请参考NEZOF的说法,完全正确  详情 回复 发表于 2013-11-22 11:39
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-22 11:16 | 只看该作者


美军标如何推算控制装置寿命?晒出来分享一下嘛。。。  详情 回复 发表于 2013-11-22 11:45
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-22 11:39 | 只看该作者
520168 发表于 2013-11-22 11:10 ( j5 t$ Z, J7 Q" j. P" a+ t
做10天耐久也要21h on / 3h off?我一直以为做168小时才会有21h on / 3h off呢!
& }' e2 m& p7 }- X& E


是指耐久性试验吧?  详情 回复 发表于 2013-11-22 11:42
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-22 11:42 | 只看该作者
jsspace 发表于 2013-11-22 11:39   s1 N. C2 n( @4 y6 |: P" G: t

! a5 r, W0 J) ^0 d是指耐久性试验吧?


是的,耐久性实验  详情 回复 发表于 2013-11-22 13:33
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-22 11:45 | 只看该作者
jsq123 发表于 2013-11-22 11:16 6 b" R; C( H# p7 g6 l) G

5 }( m4 a/ B& j美军标如何推算控制装置寿命?晒出来分享一下嘛。。。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-22 11:51 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-22 12:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 jsq123 于 2013-11-22 12:05 编辑 $ P6 y+ _7 o% S, y+ r
7 P! M) s9 u3 B1 H+ N( A


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参与人数 2安规金币 +10 收起 理由
jjlamshushushu + 6 有点深奥。。。
lds08080808 + 4 赞就一个字!


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发表于 2013-11-22 12:20 | 只看该作者
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