
标题: 急求:荧光管光源的吸顶灯 底盘孔位要求 [打印本页]

作者: gmr24185    时间: 2012-5-12 14:18
标题: 急求:荧光管光源的吸顶灯 底盘孔位要求
& H+ F: \" `3 b# M- X传统的荧光灯管作为光源的吸顶灯具,其底盘的各孔位尺寸要求是什么,采用什么标准?& r1 w1 c4 g/ Z. l
现在要做吸顶灯底盘,但是不知道钥匙孔具体孔距. 客户说北美常用4”的接线盒。请问对应的钥匙孔孔距是多少呢?
; j: A& x: ^& U5 J, \; c' {3 F2 Y有人说UL1598里边有,但是我没有找到。
* n* i: c; ~8 A+ X; B: o) _在线等,请高人指点, N: W! X. k6 T% A# u
2 x4 C( ^0 o. A) U
作者: 568174141    时间: 2012-5-15 09:38
作者: gmr24185    时间: 2012-5-15 11:28
作者: 依然    时间: 2012-5-15 11:47
两个孔之间的距离是取决于灯具适用的oulet box尺寸以及cross bar 上开孔位置的。
' z/ M5 n& o0 _9 A9 x9 d4 z不过你这个图上,有很多不应该开的孔。你要看下这几个条款:: k4 }) e+ C: n
10.4.1 Open holes located 13 mm (0.5 in) or less from the surface on which the enclosure of a
0 ]- I# m6 j( d, X% n! z+ ^  P3 msurface-mounted, outlet-box connected luminaire is intended to be mounted shall be considered to be one9 s- D0 K, k) F8 I% h5 M% K
or more of the following:9 r7 _% d/ r6 w2 z8 ?
(a) luminaire mounting holes;
- P9 @# `! s* H  t4 [(b) component mounting holes;
2 f6 r: K& ^; l% J2 o: n9 R# Y(c) pendant device mounting holes; or
6 c) X& J0 C  A; D* S( Z( o3 l(d) access holes.
4 D2 |" ^6 ~  u! v10.4.3 General purpose open holes, such as ventilating open holes, shall be located more than 13 mm
. Y$ _, P2 ~3 k+ x(0.5 in) from the mounting surface of a luminaire and shall comply with the following:
7 [, ?7 ^% F3 D0 }+ l4 z% ?(a) the area of each open hole shall not exceed 10 cm2 (1.5 in2).
5 J! Z4 d/ Z( {0 `2 o0 K3 h' e$ \" K(b) the total area of holes shall be not more than 15 percent of the total area of the surface in8 r& q4 b& Y9 L9 c8 p
which the hole or holes are located.; ~, y8 b1 _  \; j
(c) The open holes shall not be located in the mounting surface, in a canopy, or directly below1 K: \, z: h. E8 u! E: w9 k4 m
electrical parts, as shown in Figure 10.4.1, that are required to be enclosed, unless the parts:
/ D4 s9 M3 ?# k: H(1) are protected by a baffle in accordance with Clause 5.8;! {+ m- }. F5 F! q' U+ Z$ w: a- z8 n
(2) have demonstrated compliance with the applicable normal and abnormal test& W9 k: j$ Y: d- R4 t' {' n
requirements; or" y+ T* D  G6 a( \# P
(3) are constructed so as not to present a risk of fire under any foreseeable conditions.
作者: robin_he    时间: 2012-5-15 15:58
本帖最后由 robin_he 于 2012-5-15 16:00 编辑
9 @! Q/ L1 e6 y) v4 G8 @2 @
( w$ J4 e, p& q6 _/ _% I[attach]73253[/attach]file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/robin_he/桌面/1
作者: robin_he    时间: 2012-5-15 16:03
1.钥匙孔的距离一般为70mm ,你的应该是70和90都有   2.穿电源线的大圆孔一个就够了  3.固定镇流器的孔2个小孔就够.
作者: 520168    时间: 2012-5-16 08:18
5 q) y2 ]0 S0 cLZ所说的盒子是不是UL1598里面的 FIGURE 19.9.1的那个图呀!
作者: gmr24185    时间: 2012-5-16 09:32
520168 发表于 2012-5-16 08:18 ! y+ E% d: n8 @. p: J% F8 \
建议去市场上买一个北美常用4”的接线盒回来看看,方便设计.8 C9 B# S$ ?6 b5 d
LZ所说的盒子是不是UL1598里面的 FIGURE 19.9. ...
5 Y- T. Z. D+ B
是啊 ,原来UL1598里边有,哎看的不仔细啊

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