
标题: ASTMF963電池驅動玩具測試問題 [打印本页]

作者: hewei    时间: 2011-2-28 12:15
标题: ASTMF963電池驅動玩具測試問題
9 I/ I/ L  p. }3 P' H送去SGS檢測,檢測報告上寫明4.25.1是PASS,不是NA嗎? 難道我哪個條款理解錯誤了
' U: u. t- i: p3 Q4 S1 @! q我的意見是不需要符合ASTM4.25.1要求,也許是我理解有誤,請大家指正$ X5 X! Y6 X7 ?3 p3 j3 E
理由:Batter compartments for button cell batteries are not subject to this requirement.
作者: yeman    时间: 2011-2-28 13:45
作者: 浪子边城    时间: 2011-2-28 14:43
从标准来看,带纽扣电池的玩具不需要满足ASTM F963-08 中4.25.1条款
作者: yyy3    时间: 2011-2-28 15:45
作者: 哥哥在家    时间: 2011-3-2 10:34
作者: sukaladin    时间: 2011-3-18 11:10
标准写的是:6 o" n5 L* p  a" R% }
Battery compartments for button cell batteries are not subject to this requirement.
: P" x$ K* r3 z. j! q1 `8 J1 z
8 X9 [5 e5 ~- T0 [: |) e! q3 s- e8 Z但同时,还有另外一句话
( Q) \# ^2 U: V/ [1 nAdditional markings located on the toy or in the instructions must indicate the correct battery size and voltage.
/ Q* _9 g, v4 @. Q' Q" G因此,对于钮扣电池,电池箱上不用标识任何标记.但是对于包装或者说明书上的标识要求,ASTM里面并没有豁免.' L, d& @! j4 W  i& Z4 x
. [8 J9 S* s: E' `. |
从标准的目的上讲:ASTM 一直都认为:钮扣电池反装没有危害,因此,不标明正负极是可以理解的(ASTM F963原文中有)./ @% V$ l6 m; p0 O& `  J% N/ I- z; R
作者: 哥哥在家    时间: 2011-3-18 14:46
引用第5楼sukaladin于2011-03-18 11:10发表的 :   [/ t; n% H- f; k: F7 v  G9 _( D
) x, |4 [+ K- u( P' ^Battery compartments for button cell batteries are not subject to this requirement.
$ Z7 Q6 f5 {5 K7 m0 R
' }7 I2 s: e' i3 P* W但同时,还有另外一句话
' Y1 @, `, p$ v3 M4 oAdditional markings located on the toy or in the instructions must indicate the correct battery size and voltage. ( s, h0 W! {1 i# D& ]4 a! w/ Q) C
! p6 j1 H+ b+ P9 {8 @: I
老兄,想必你误解标准这段话的意思了。4.25.1中Additional markings located on the toy or in the instructions must indicate the correct battery size and voltage.这句话是对除了相对于设计不可再充电的电池或设计时只能按正确方向放入的可再充电的电池(These markings are not required for nonreplaceablebatteries or for rechargeable battery packs that, by . J' K* O& i# G
design, can only be inserted in the correct orientation. Batterycompartments forbutton cell batteries are not subject to this
9 w& O- l8 X* z% _$ B1 E! L. }requirement.)而论。这样就一定要有标识。而纽扣电池除外。所以纽扣电池对这个条款4.25.1是NA的。当然, 现在好多纽扣电池的电池盒都标有正负极,但在这个条款不做要求。
作者: hewei    时间: 2011-3-19 10:16
2 q2 F3 x1 v3 nThese markings are not required for nonreplaceable batteries or for rechargeable battery packs that,
; w9 e; o" D3 ~5 w. {: w1 {Battery compartments for button cell batteries are not subject to this requirement.
, J/ V7 [# I9 M2 P: Z) u第一個these是代前面兩句話的標示要求,8 o. M: k5 B" }* }& J( O2 f) ~3 u
第二個代詞this 只代 The toy shall be marked permanently on the battery compartment or on the area immediately adjacent to the battery compartment to show the correct battery polarity using the polarity symbols “+” and “−”.
7 `% y1 y: l. S  q' F
0 @% a8 ^' ~6 V$ \/ e也就是說鈕扣電池需要符合:" C. Y. C* ~4 S
Additional markings located on the toy or in the instructions must indicate the correct battery size and voltage. 這句話的要求
作者: sukaladin    时间: 2011-4-22 16:12
作者: tassx    时间: 2011-4-22 19:54
不从语法句法分析,以下只是根据句意推理:: v) w* P+ ^4 m7 _/ [7 p  M4 ]
The toy shall be marked permanently on the battery compartment or on the area immediately adjacent to the battery compartment to show the correct battery polarity using the polarity symbols “+” and “-”. (只限于对电池盒的要求)2 u" |, X% Z/ h( D$ \9 R6 c6 O
Additional markings located on the toy or in the instructions must indicate the correct battery size and voltage. (要求包括玩具或说明书)
) N% ?5 W" Z8 W- q4 GThese markings are not required for nonreplaceable batteries or for rechargeable battery packs that, by design, can only be inserted in the correct orientation. (涉及插入的方向,只关系到“+” and “-”,与 size and voltage无关,因此只豁免“+” and “-”)
5 `" o! C  M) J- ]* T+ ?2 \* dBattery compartments for button cell batteries are not subject to this requirement.(只说明电池盒的要求,与说明书无关,因此与 size and voltage 无关,只与“+” and “-”有关,只豁免 “+” and “-”要求)- Y% E: O+ T  g& D4 ^/ D
结论,无论 "These markings"  还是“this requirement”,只与“+” and “-”有关,只豁免“+” and “-”要求。! u* U' L: `1 {6 O4 {! p
作者: ICEBERG    时间: 2011-4-29 16:18
  [s:83]  [s:83]
作者: suihua200    时间: 2011-5-2 14:16
作者: styu    时间: 2011-5-6 15:29
作者: gzsu    时间: 2012-8-11 00:31
tassx 发表于 2011-4-22 19:54 $ a2 O* u; n3 p# m5 Q& O  c0 B. T
8 v# D  ^6 x5 K; gThe toy shall be marked permanently on the battery compartm ...

. @4 h+ d9 E/ ltassx 正解!
' z8 z( I- k% Y. ^  [7 d$ C  b( L另据我观察,在这方面,看来瑞士的某检测机构走在法国的某检测机构前面……
作者: kobe_mai    时间: 2012-8-28 18:03
分析透切。厉害。。3 H5 n7 _2 D7 T. k  f$ D. T/ z
还有一个问题了。这样的纽扣电池在UL的标准里面是可以允许反装,那欧洲62115呢?3 O3 p; M! {/ d  ~6 z0 }! f Toys having a circuit powered only by button cell- J; S3 V* n( R$ h5 x" P% E
type batteries are not subject to this requirement.
作者: lengchuan000    时间: 2012-9-4 18:09
作者: lengchuan000    时间: 2012-9-4 18:28
作者: YHH198219    时间: 2013-5-28 08:20

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