
标题: 走遍美国口语学习  第一课 - 第二十六课 [打印本页]

作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-5 13:28
标题: 走遍美国口语学习  第一课 - 第二十六课
46 Linden Street

Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart. 打扰一下,我叫Richard Stewart。
I'm a photographer. 我是一位摄影师。
May I take a picture of you and your little boy? 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍一张照吗?
What's it for? 是做什么用的?
It's for a book. 是为一本书拍的。
You're writing a book? 你在写一本书吗?
It's a book of pictures. 这是一本摄影集。
I call it Family Album, U.S.A. 我称之为美国写真。
Oh, that's a nice idea. 噢!这想法不错。
Well, it's fine if you take our picture. 你想拍我们的照,请吧!
I'm Martha Vann. 我叫Martha Vann。
Thank you. I appreciate your help. 谢谢!很感谢你的帮助!
I'm Richard. What's your name? 我是Richard 你叫什么?
Gerald. Gerald。
How old are you, Gerald? Gerald 你今年多大?
Five. 五岁。
And where do you live? 你们住在哪?
We live in California. 我们住在California 。
Well, welcome to New York. 噢!欢迎你们到纽约来。
OK, just a second. 好了,请稍等一下。
I'm almost ready here. 我快要准备就绪了。
Can I help you? 我能帮你忙吗?
Oh, please. 噢 太好了。
Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great! 请握住Gerald的手。很好!
Now point to the buildings. 现在请指著那些建筑物。
Terrific! 好极了
Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Gerald 亲一亲妈妈, 很好!
Thank you, Gerald. 谢谢你 Gerald。
And thank you, Mrs. Vann. 谢谢 Vann太太
Oh, my pleasure. 噢 不客气。
We'll be looking for your book. 我们会去买你的书。
Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. 谢谢。再见。Gerald 再见。
Thanks again. 再次谢谢 。
Oh, you're welcome. 噢 请别客气。
Hey, let me take your picture! 嘿 让我给你拍一张照。
Wonderful. Please. 好啊 请。
Are you from New York? 是从纽约来的吗?
No, I'm from Greece. 不是 我是从希腊来的
I'm an exchange student. 我是一名交换学生。
When did you come here? 是什麽时候来这里的?
Three months ago. 三个月之前。
Your English is very good. 你的英语说得很好。
Thanks. 谢谢。
I studied English in school. 我是在学校学的英语
Would you like some coffee? 要不要来点咖啡
No, thank you. 不要 谢谢。
Tell me about your book. 谈谈你的书吧。
Oh, it's not finished yet, 噢 它尚未完成
but I have some of the pictures. 但我手头有一些照片
Would you like to see them? 要不要看一看
Yes. I'd like that. 要啊 我想看一看。
Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. 就在这 。 美国写真
It's an album of pictures of the United States: 是关于美国的
the cities, the special places, and the people. 一些城市 一些特别别的地方以及人们的摄影选辑
And these are pictures of people working: 这是工作中人们的照照
steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, 钢架工人 银行职员  街头小贩
ambulance drivers, doctors.... 救护车驾驶 医生等等等…
Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. 噢 这是我父亲 他是一名医生
This is my mother. 这是我母亲。
What's her name? 她叫什么名字
Ellen. Ellen。
My younger brother, Robbie. 这是我弟弟Robbie
He goes to high school. 他在上高中。
This is my sister Susan. 这是我妹妹Susan
She works for a toy company. 她在一家玩具公司工作
Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. 这是我祖父 他住在Florida
And this is my wife Marilyn. 这是我太太Marilyn
Oh, she's very pretty. 噢 她很漂亮。
Thanks. And what about your family? 谢谢。那 的家庭呢
They are in Thessaloniki. 他们住在Thessaloniiki
That's a large city in northern Greece. 那是希腊北部的一个个大城市
But now I'm living in the Bronx. 但现在我住在Bronx乔
With a Greek-American family? 跟希裔美国家庭住吗
No. Hispanic. 不是 是西语裔家庭
Oh no! It's five thirty. 哎呀 已经五点半了了
Will you excuse me? 我失陪了
I have to meet my wife. 我得去接我太太。
It was nice meeting you. 非常高兴遇见你。
It was nice meeting you. 非常高兴遇见你。
It was a pleasure meeting you, too. 我也很高兴碰到 。
Thanks for your help. 谢谢 的帮助。
And good luck! I've got to go. 祝 好运 我得走了了
By the way, I'm Richard. 噢 我忘了说 我叫叫Richard
What's your name? 呢
Alexandra. Alexandra。
Bye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks. 再见 Alexandra 行 谢。
Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag! 再见。Richard! Richard! 你掉了一个旅行袋。

Family Album, U.S.A.
It's an album of pictures of the United States.
Richard takes many pictures for his album.
He photographs the cities like New York...
and other special places.
He photographs people working:
police, ambulance drivers, steel workers, doctors.
Philip Stewart, Richard's father, is a doctor.
He's a pediatrician, a children's doctor.
And Richard's mother, Ellen Stewart, is a home maker.
His brother Robbie,
is a student of Riverdale High School.
He's 17.
Richard has one sister.
Her name is Susan.
She works for a toy company in New York City.
Malcolm Stewart is Richard's grandfather.
He's 72 years old and lives in Florida.
And this is Richard's wife, Marilyn Stewart.
She is a fashion designer and a sales clerk
in a boutique in New York City.
You'll meet Marilyn Stewart
and all of the other Stewarts in Family Album, U.S.A.


Excuse me, officer. 对不起 警官。
Can you help me? 你能帮帮我吗
Sure. 当然可以。
Can you tell me 你能告诉我
how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale? 怎麽去Riverdale的亮值墙致?
"Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, “Richard Stewart 林登街46号
Riverdale, New York." Riverdale 纽约”
You should take the number 1 subway. 应当搭一路地铁。
Is there a station near here? 附近有地铁站吗
Yes. The station's that way. 有。地铁站在那边。
You should take the number 1 train 搭一路车
to Van Cortlandt Park. 到Van Cortlandt公园 下车。
Number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you. 一路车到Van Cortlaandt公园。谢谢。
Anytime. Good luck. 不用谢。祝 好运。
Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform. 记住 搭一路车 在在北 月
Thank you. 谢谢。
You're welcome. 不客气。
Is this pink too bright for me? 我穿粉红色会不会太太过 恃蘖
Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. 是的 这种粉红是亮亮了点
Try this. It's size eight. 试试这一件。尺码是是八号
But I wear size ten. 但我穿十号的衣服。
How about green? It's size ten. 绿的怎麽样 它是十号的
Let me try it on. 让我试试看。
I'm taking too much of your time. 我耽误了 很多时间
It's six o'clock. 已经六点了。
Where's my husband? 我丈夫怎麽还没来
Where's my husband? 我丈夫怎麽还没来
I was expecting him here at five forty-five. 我们约好了五点四十五在这会面的
Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy at this hour. 别担心。这个时间交通很糟
I know. But we're going to be late for dinner. 我知道。但我们晚餐可要迟到了
I'll take this green sweater. 我买这件绿毛衫吧
I like the color on me, don't you? 我觉得这种颜色较适合我 说
I think it looks terrific on you. 我觉得 穿上它好极了
I'm sorry I'm so late. 对不起 我迟到了这麽久
I had a really bad day. 今天真是糟透了。
It's ten after six. We're late. 现在是六点十分。我我们迟了
Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty. 今晚Robbie做饭晚餐六点半开始
I know. I know. I'm really sorry. 我知道 我知道。真真的很抱歉
I left my bag of film on the ferry. 我把装底片的旅行袋袋遗放在渡船上
I went back for it, but the ferry was gone. 等我回去找的时候 船已经开走了。
I lost a whole day's work. 我丢掉一整天的工作成果
I'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. 我来打电话给Staten 渡轮的失物招领处。
I didn't think of that. Thanks. 我倒没有想到这个法法子。谢了
Hello. 喂
Yes. The number, please, 我想问一下
of the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. Staten 渡轮失物招招领处的电话号
Five five five...zero eight zero eight. 555-0808。
Thank you. 谢谢。
I really appreciate it, Marilyn. 真的很感谢 Marilyn。
I really appreciate it, Marilyn. 真的很感谢 Marilyn。
Hello. 喂
Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, 请问今天下午有人捡捡到一个照相机旅行袋
a small canvas bag, 一个小的粗帆布袋
on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry?...No? 是在J. F. Kennedy汉 渡船上丢的。……没有吗
Maybe someone will find it. 也许会有人发现的。
The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. 失主是Stewart Richard Stewart。
And the telephone number is five five five... 电话是555-
three oh nine oh. Thank you. 3090。谢谢 。
Sorry, Richard. They don't have it. 对不起 Richard 那没有。
Thanks, anyway. 不管怎样 我都得谢谢
There was a girl on the ferry. 在渡船上有一个女孩
Now maybe... 也许现在……
Tell me about it on the way home. 在回家的路上告诉我吧

Thank you, I appreciate your help.
Thank you. You're welcome.
Thank you. You're welcome.
Thank you for your help.
Thanks a lot.
I want to thank you for your help.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Glad that I could help.
Don't mention it.
I'm glad that I could help.
Thanks. You're welcome.
Thanks, Gerald.
And thank you, Mrs. Vann.
Oh, my pleasure.
Thank you. You're welcome.
Thank you very much.
It was very nice of you.
I appreciate it.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you. You're welcome.
Don't mention it.
I'm glad that I could help.
My pleasure.
It was nothing.
You're welcome.
The number one train to Van Cortlandt Park.
Thank you.
Anytime. Good luck.
Thank you very much.
It was very nice of you.
I appreciate it.
Thanks a lot. Thank you.
You're welcome.
Don't mention it.
I'm glad that I could help.
My pleasure.
It was nothing.
You're welcome.
Thank you for your help.
Thanks a lot.
I want to thank you for your help.
Thank you.
Glad that I could help.
Don't mention it.
I'm glad that I could help.
Thanks. You're welcome.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, Richard. They don't have it.
Thanks, anyway.
Thanks, anyway.
It was nice of you to try.
I appreciate it.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you.
Don't mention it.
I'd really like to help.
You're welcome.
My pleasure.
Thank you.
You're welcome.


And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. 每餐之後给她吃一茶匙的药
Don't worry. She'll be fine. 不要担心 她会好的
You're welcome. Good-bye. 不用谢。再见。
How are you? 你怎麽样
I'm tired and hungry. 我累了 也饿了。
Well, Marilyn and Richard called. 好啦 Marilyn和Richard打电话来了
They'll be here soon, and then we'll eat. 他们马上就到。他们们一到就开饭
All right. Is...is Susan coming? 好吧 Susan来吗
Well, she'll be here later. 来 她会晚一点。
She has to work late tonight. 她今晚得工作得晚一些
And what's Robbie cooking for dinner? Robbie为晚餐准备了了什
It's a surprise. 会给你一个惊喜。
I hope it's pasta. 我希望是义大利 呈场
Robbie, the dinner was terrific. Robbie 晚餐真是棒透
Yes, it was delicious. 对 味道非常好。
What's for dessert? 有什麽甜点呢
Oh, I forgot dessert. 哦 我忘了甜点了。
Robbie! Robbie
Don't worry. 别愁。
We've got lots of ice cream. 我们有很多冰淇淋。
Oh, I'd love some ice cream. 哦 我想吃冰淇淋。
Well, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla. 好的。这 有巧克力冰淇淋 咖啡冰淇淋和一点香草的
I'll have vanilla. 我要香草的。
Is that all right with everyone? 各位有意见吗
I'll have chocolate. 我要巧克力的。
Me, too. 我也是。
Uh, one scoop of coffee 我要一勺咖啡的
Uh, one scoop of coffee 我要一勺咖啡的
and one scoop of chocolate for me. 和一勺巧克力的。
Robbie, will you help me serve? Robbie 你能帮帮我
I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. 我一直在想著旅行袋的事。一共有八卷
A whole day's work. 一整天的成果呀。
And good stuff, too. 而且都很精采。
Don't worry, Richard. 别担心 Richard
Somenoe will find it. 总有人发现它的。
I'll get it. Hello. 我去开门。哈
Hello. 哈
Does Richard Stewart live here? Richard Stewart住照 吗
Yes, he's my brother. 是的。他是我哥哥。
I'm Robbie...Robbie Stewart. 我叫Robbie Robbie Stewart。
I'm Alexandra Pappas. 我叫Alexandra Papppas
How do you do? 你好。
Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. 你哥哥将他的旅行袋遗放在渡船上了
I found it. 我发现了它。
I'm really glad to see you. 非常高兴见到 。
I mean...my brother'll be really glad to see you! 我的意思是我哥哥见到你会非常高兴
Robbie! Who is it? Robbie 是谁呀
It's Richard's film! Richard的底片找到
I mean, Alexandra Pappas. 我是说Alexandra Pappas。
Come in, please. 请进。
Come in, please. 请进。
Alexandra! Alexandra
Hello, Richard. I found your bag! 哈 Richard 我找到了你的旅行袋。
Oh, thank you! Thank you! 哦 谢谢 谢谢 。
Um...Alexandra, let me introduce you. 噢……Alexandra 热梦依 介绍一下。
This is my wife Marilyn. 这是我太太Marilyn
Richard showed me your photo. Richard给我看了 档恼 片。
How do you do? 好
Oh yes. 好
Richard told us all about you. Richard跟我们谈起 。
It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到 。
And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart. 这是我妈妈 Ellen Stewart。
How do you do? 好。
And my father, Dr. Philip Stewart. 这是我父亲 Philip Stewart医生。
Nice to meet you, Alexandra. 很高兴见到 Alexandra。
And...ah...you met Robbie. 还有……啊 已经经见过Robbie
Yes. And you must be Susan. Hi. 是的。 一定是Susan了。嗨
Hi. Welcome. 嗨 欢迎 。
I'm so glad you found the bag 我很高兴 发现了旅行
and took the time and trouble to return it. 而且不怕麻烦 花时时间将它送来
Oh, it was no trouble. 哦 没什麽麻烦。
I just took the wrong train. 只是我坐错了车。
Would you like something to eat? 来吃点东西 好吗
Thank you, no. 谢谢 不用了。
I'm late for dinner at my house. 我回家吃晚饭要迟到了
I really have to go. 我真的得走了。
Would you like to call home? 想跟家 通个电话
I'd appreciate that. 谢谢你让我使用电话
Please, use the phone. 请随便用。
Thanks. Excuse me. 谢谢。失陪 一下。
Alexandra's a high-school exchange student from Greece. Alexandra是从希腊 来的交换高中生。
Where does she live? 她住在哪
With a family in the Bronx. 住在Bronx区的一家 。
Oh, that's not too far from here! 噢 那 不很远
Take it easy, Robbie. 不要太紧张 Robbie。
Thank you. 谢谢。
I can only stay a few minutes. 我只能停留几分钟。
Have some iced tea. 喝点冰茶吧。
Thanks, Mrs. Stewart. 谢谢 Stewart太太
Please sit down, Alexandra. 请坐 Alexandra。
So, you're an exchange student. 哦 是一名交换学生
Where do you go to school? 在哪 上学
At the Bronx High School of Science. 在Bronx区的理科中学读书。
Oh, that's a very good school. 哦 那是个好学校。
What are your favorite subjects? 喜欢哪些课程
Biology and mathematics. 生物学和数学。
Richard tells me you're a doctor. Richard告诉我您是乙 生。
Yes, a pediatrician. 是的 小儿科医师。
And what does your father do? 令尊是做什麽的
He's a lawyer, in Thessaloniki. 他是Thessaloniki的的一名律师
Would you like some pasta? 想来点义大利 呈陈
I made it myself. 我自己做的。
It might be a little cold. 可能有点凉了。
Thanks, no. I do have to go. 谢谢了 不用。我真真的得走了
It was nice meeting you all. 很高兴见到你们一家家人
Well, maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday, 既然如此 或许哪个星期天 能来吃中午饭
so we can really thank you 让我们好好地感谢 。
for bringing Richard's bag back. 送回Richard的旅行包
Maybe. 再说 再说。
You're welcome anytime. 欢迎 随时来玩。
Good-bye. 再见。
Can I drive you home? 我开车送 回去好吗
No, thanks. 不用了 谢谢。
The train is just up the street. 地铁车就在街的那一头
It won't take me long at all. 不需要花很长时间的
Well, you really saved the day for me, Alexandra. 真的帮了我一个大忙 Alexandra
Bye. 再见。
Bye. 再见。
Bye-bye. 再见。
Good night. 晚安。
She's a smart young lady, and very nice. 她是个聪明的年轻姑姑娘 而且很善良
Very! Hey, she forgot her bag! 非常 嘿 她忘了她的旅行
I guess we'll be seeing Alexandra again. 我想我们不久又将见到Alexandra
Right, Robbie? 对吧 Robbie

My name is Richard Stewart.
I'm a photographer.
I'm Martha Vann.
I'm Richard. What's your name?
By the way, I'm Richard.
What's your name?
We live in California.
Are you from New York?
No, I'm from Greece.
I'm Robbie, Robbie Stewart.
I'm Alexandra Pappas.
How do you do?
Alexandra, let me introduce you.
This is my wife, Marilyn.
Richard showed me your photo.
How do you do?
Oh yes. Richard told us all about you.
It's nice to meet you.
And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart.
How do you do?
And my father, Dr. Philip Stewart.
Nice to meet you, Alexandra.
And you've met Robbie.
Yes. And you must be Susan. Hi. Hi.
It was nice meeting you all.
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one day  a lesson,but why there are three lessons?
let's learn it day by day.
and at last, thanks for your sharing.
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3phase of one lesson,easy to speak for you!
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what we  study today ?
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作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-9 13:43

The Blind Date 介绍会面


Excuse me. Can you help me? 对不起 你能帮帮我
Sure, what do you want? 可以啊。什麽事
Where is 83 Wooster Street? Wooster街83号在哪
That's easy. Walk to the corner. 很好找。你走到拐角
Then make a left turn. 然後向左转〃
Then walk two blocks to the traffic light. 再走两条街到红绿灯灯
Make another left to Wooster. 再向左转就到了Woosster街了。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
To the corner and then a left? 走到拐角向左转对吗
Yeah. A left. 是的 向左转。
Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents. 要热狗吗 只要七十十五分钱
No. Thank you. I have a dinner date. 不 谢谢。我要去赴赴晚餐约会
555-9470...and it's busy.... 555-9470…… ……
Try again. 再试一次。
555-9470...and it's still busy. 555-9470……又
Excuse me, ma'am. 对不起 夫人
I'm looking for 83 Wooster Street. 我想找Wooster街83汉拧
Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks, 噢 Wooster街还有亮教踅值木嗬
and 83 is to the right, about two houses. 83号是在右边 大约约过两栋房子就到了
Thank you, thank you! 谢谢 谢谢
You're welcome. 不用谢
Who is it? 谁呀
Harry Bennett. Is this Susan? Harry Bennett 是SSusan吗
Yes, it is. Come up. 是的 是我。请上来
I'm on the top floor. 我在顶层。
Hello, Harry. It's nice to meet you. 你好 Harry 很高行思 。
Nice to meet you, Susan. 很高兴见到 Susaan。
Sorry I'm late. 很抱歉我迟到了。
The traffic. The parking. I was lost. 交通拥挤 又找不到到停车的地方。我又迷路了
What pretty flowers! Thank you. 好漂亮的花!谢谢你
Oh, please come in. 噢 请进来。
Don't worry about being late. It's fine. 别为迟到 心了 没没有关
Excuse the mess. I just moved here. 请不要介意这 乱得得很 我刚刚搬来住
Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister-in-law Marilyn. 噢 我来向你介绍我我嫂子Marilyn
Marilyn Stewart, this is Harry Bennett. Marilyn Stewart 照馐荋arry Bennett。
Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到 。
Nice to meet you, Harry. 我也很高兴见到你 Harry。
Nice to meet you, Harry. 我也很高兴见到你 Harry。
Are we too late for our dinner reservation? 我们会不会错过晚餐餐订位时
No, the restaurant will hold our table. 不会 餐厅会保留我我们的席位
I know the owner very well. 我和老板很熟。
I eat there a lot. 我在那 吃过好多次次
Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? 知道那家餐厅的电电话号码
I'd like to call home 我想打电话回家
and leave the number with the baby-sitter. 把餐厅的电话告诉临临时保姆
Sure. The number is... five five five...seventeen twenty. 没问题 号码是555--1720。
May I use the phone? 我可以用电话吗
Five five five...one seven two oh. Hello? 555-1720 喂 喂?
Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. 嗨 Michelle 是爸爸爸
Can I speak to Betty? 我能跟Betty说话吗?
I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant.... 我要留餐厅的电话号号码给她
Hi, Betty. I'll be at five five five...seventeen twenty. 好 Betty 我的汉怕胧?55-1720。
OK. Thanks. See you later. 好 谢谢。再见。
Well, that's done. Shall we go? 好了 打完了。我们们可以走了吗
I'm ready. See you later, Marilyn. 我准备好了。Marilyyn 再见。
Have a nice evening. 祝你们今晚愉快。
Bye, Marilyn. Hope to see you again. 再见 Marilyn。希屯 能再看到 。
Me, too. Have fun! 我也是。祝你们愉快
Thanks. 谢谢。
After you. 请先走。
After you. 请先走。
Excuse me, can you help me?
Sure, what do you want?
Where is 83 Wooster Street?
That's easy, walk to the corner
and make a left turn,
then walk two blocks to the traffic light,
make another left to Wooster.
To the corner, and then a left.
Walk to the corner
and make a left turn,
then walk two blocks to the traffic light,
make another left to Wooster.
Come on Harry, it's your turn.
Follow the directions.
Excuse me, ma'am.
I'm looking for 83 Wooster Street.
Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks
and 83 is to the right.
Wooster Street is two blocks
and 83 is to the right.
Come on Harry, it's your turn,
follow the directions.
Congratulations, Harry.
You found 83 Wooster Street!
Now Harry, let's try some new directions.
Go to the traffic light
at the corner of Prince Street
and make a right turn.
Go 1 block and make a left at Queen Street.
Go to 290 Queen Street.
Congratulations, Harry, you did it.


Ah! Miss Stewart! Welcome! 嗨 Stewart小姐 换队
How are you? 好吗
Fine, Somsak. And you? 很好 Somsak 你呢
Fine, thank you. 很好 谢谢 。
This is my friend Harry Bennett. 这是我的朋友Harry Bennett。
Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
Very nice to meet you. 很乐意见到你。
Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's. Stewart小姐的任何排笥言赟omsak餐厅都是受欢迎的。
Follow me, please. 请跟我来。
I like it here. 我喜欢这 。
I do, too. I come here often. 我也是。我常来这 。
A special place for special people. 这是为特殊人物而设设的特别地方
Thank you, Somsak. 谢谢你 Somsak。
Well! Nice restaurant. 嘿 这是一家好餐厅厅
Would you like something to drink? 你们要点什麽饮料吗
Yes, I'd like a glass of ginger ale with ice. 是的 我要一杯加冰冰块的 味汽水
Harry, what would you like? Harry 你要什麽
Do you have a dry white wine? 你这 有涩白酒吗
How about a California chablis? 来一杯California白白葡萄酒好
Chablis is fine. 好的。
What would you like to eat? 你们要吃点什麽
I'd like the mee krob. 我喜欢mee krob
Harry, would you like to see a menu? Harry 你想看看菜档ヂ
No, it's Ok. 不用 没有关 。
I'll have the mee krob also. 我也要mee krob。
What is it? 那是什麽
Crispy fried noodles. I love them. 酥炒 。我喜欢吃。
May I bring you a salad? 要不要来点沙拉呢
Oh yes. 噢 好啊。
Oh yes. 噢 好啊。
What do you recommend today? 今天你推荐什麽沙拉
I recommend rose-petal salad. 我向你们推荐玫瑰花花 沙拉
Special for new friends. 特地为新朋友准备的的
Rose-petal salad? 玫瑰花瓣沙拉好吗
Why not? 有何不可
I'll take care of everything. 我会好好照料一切。
I hope you're hungry. 我希望你饿了。
What? Oh, yes. Starving. Well, I... 什麽 噢 是 我很很饿。好啦 我…
Well, I ... 好啦 我……
What do you do at Universe Toy Company? 你在宇宙玩具公司做做什麽工
I'm the vice-president of new toy development. 我是负责新玩具开发发的副总裁
Terrific! 了不起
I know you 're a CPA. 我知道你是一位会计计师
That's true. Harry Bennett, 是的。Harry Bennet
certified public accountant. 立案会计师。
I love numbers. 我喜欢弄数字。
I do some work for Smith and Dale,
Your company's accounting firm. 我为贵公司的会计顾顾问公司 Smith和Dale事务所 做一些工作
And so... 所以……加And so]
Here we are. 所以我们才有缘相见见
Yes. 是啊。
I have a daughter. 我有一个女儿。
I know. How old is she? 我知道。她多大了
She's nine years old. 她九岁。
That's a nice age. What's her name? 正是美妙年龄。她什什麽名
Michelle. Michelle。
Do you have a picture of her? 你有她的照片吗 跋跋du ju hGv K 'pIkQX Kv hS
She's very pretty. 她很漂亮。
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Rose-petal salad. 玫瑰花瓣沙拉。
And there's a phone call for you, Mr. Bennett. Bennett先生 有你档牡缁啊
Excuse me, Susan. 对不起 Susan。
I hope nothing is wrong. 但愿没有事。
I'll get the rest of the dinner. 我去把晚餐的其馀东东西端来
Excuse me. 失陪。
Please forgive me, Susan, but... 请原谅我 Susan 档 ……
I have to leave. I feel terrible, but... 我得走了。真是糟糕糕透了 但…
What's the matter? 发生了什麽事
My daughter isn't feeling well. 我女儿感到不舒服。
Oh no! Is it serious? 噢 糟糕 严重吗
I don't know. The baby-sitter says she has a stomachache, 我不知道。临时保姆姆说她肚子
and she's crying. 她一直哭。
I'll have to go home. 我必须回家一趟
Will you forgive me? 能原谅我吗
Of course. I'm so sorry for Michelle. 当然。我为Michellee担心。
And you didn't have a chance to eat. 而且你什麽也没有吃吃
Oh, it's OK. 噢 没关 。
Let me take you home first. 先让我送 回家吧。
No, no. Please, go ahead. 不用 不用。你走吧吧
It's our first date. 这是我们的第一次约约会
We'll make another. 我们还可以再次约会会
Please don't worry. 请别 心。
I'll phone you. 我会给 打电话的。
I hope your daughter is all right. Good-bye. 我希望你女儿安然无无恙。再见
Good-bye. 再见。
Somsak is offering.
Would you like something to drink?
"Would you like,
would you like something to drink?
Would you like something to drink?"
How about a California chablis?
"How about,
how about a California chablis?
How about a California chablis?"
May I bring you a salad?
"May I bring, may I bring,
may I bring you a salad?
May I bring,
may I bring you a salad?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
How about some herbal tea?
May I bring you some dessert?"
Susan and Harry are ordering.
I'd like a glass of ginger-ale with ice.
"I'd like, I'd like
a glass of ginger-ale with ice.
I'd like a glass of ginger-ale with ice."
Do you have a dry white wine?
"Do you have,
do you have a dry white wine?
Do you have a dry white wine?"
I'll have the mee krob also.
"I'll have,
I'll have the mee krob also.
I'll have the mee krob also.
I'd like a cup of coffee.
Do you have some herbal tea?
I'll have some dessert."
Do you have a dry white wine?
How about a California chablis?
That's fine.


What happened? 怎麽了
The baby-sitter called. 临时保姆打电话来了了
His daughter is sick. 他女儿生病了。
What's wrong? 什麽病
I think she has a stomachache. 我想她肚子痛。
He's a good father. 他是个好父亲。
So... what do you think of him? 那麽……你觉得他怎怎麽
He's very nice. 他很不错。
But I think he was nervous tonight. 但我想他今晚有点紧紧张
It was his first date in two years. 这是他两年来第一次次约会
Will you see him again? 你会再见他吗
I hope so. 我希望如此。
This food is delicious. 这菜 味道不错。
He didn't get a thing to eat. 他什麽也没有吃。
You ordered enough for three or four people, 你叫了够三 四个人人吃的
but I'm not complaining. 但我毫不在意。
The food is delicious. 菜 好吃极了。
Who is that? 那是谁呀
Do you think it's... 你想会是……
No. You won't believe it, Marilyn! 不会。 简直无法相相信 Marilyn
I believe it. Even without looking. 我能相信。即始不看看我也知道
Hi! 嗨
How...? 你怎麽……
Your downstairs neighbor let me in. 楼下的邻居让我进进来的
Did you go home? 你回家了吗
I did , but everything is OK, 回去了 但一切安好
so I decided to come back. 於是我决定回来。
To apologize for leaving so early, 为了表示我对提早走走掉的歉
I brought you a little gift. 我给 带了一件小礼礼物
It's a bonsai tree 这是一颗盆栽
for your new apartment. 祝贺 迁新居。
Hi, Marilyn. I hope it's not too late. 好 Marilyn 我舷 望我来得不算太晚。
Oh, not at all. We're still eating. 噢 没关 。我们还还在吃著呢
Please, come in. Join us. 请进。跟我们一起吃吃吧
It's our meal from the restaurant. 这是从餐厅带回来的的菜
It's our meal from the restaurant. 这是从餐厅带回来的的菜
And how is your daughter? 对了 你女儿怎麽样
Oh, she's fine. 噢 她没事了。
It was only a tummy ache. 仅仅是肚子有点痛。
It's good that you went back. 你回去是对的。
Yes, I think it's important for me to be there 是的 我想我在场是是非常重要
since her mother died. 因为她妈妈去世了。
I agree. Aren't you hungry? 我想是的。你饿了吗
As a matter of fact... I am hungry. 老实说……我饿了。
There's lots of food left. 这 还剩下很多食物物
Mmm, this is delicious! 嗯 很好吃
Enjoy! 那就享受吧
I'm going to excuse myself. 很抱歉失陪。
I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow. 我得为明天做许多准准备工作
Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you. Harry 很高兴与你技 面。
Bye, Marilyn. 再见 Marilyn。
Good night, Susan. 晚安 Susan。
Good night, Marilyn. 晚安 Marilyn。
She's going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow. 她将参加明天在本市市举行的时装表演
She is sleeping here 她晚上住在这儿
so she won't have to travel from Riverdale in the morning. 免得早上从Riverdalle赶过来。
You two must be close. 们两个关 一定很很好
we are. 是的。
we are. 是的。
The whole Stewart family is close. Stewart全家人相处档 很好。
I like that. 我喜欢这样。
And then, two years ago, my wife died. 接著 两年前我妻子子去世了
You miss her. 你思念她。
I do...yes, but I have Michelle... 不错……是的 但我我还有Michelle…
and with time... 而且随著时间流逝……
Is there anyone else in your life? 在你生活中还有其他他人
No, not yet. What about you? 不 还没有。 呢
Oh, I date occasionally, 哦 我偶尔约约会
but my work keeps me busy. 但我老是忙於工作。
Ooh, speaking of keeping busy- 哦 说到忙於工作
I have an early start tomorrow, 我明天还得早起
and the baby-sitter has to get home. 而且临时保姆也该回回家了
Where did the time go? 时间溜到那 去了
It's midnight. 都午夜了。
Thank you, Susan. 谢谢 Susan
I had a nice evening. 让我过了一个愉快的的夜晚
Me, too, Harry. Harry? 我也很愉快 Harry arry
Yes? 什麽事
I'd like to meet your daughter someday. 我希望有一天能见到到你女儿
Does that mean that I can see you again? 是不是说我可以再见见
Of course. 当然。
Of course. 当然。
Wonderful. I'll call you, 那太好了。我打电话话
and we'll go out to dinner. 然後我们到外面吃晚晚饭
Please do. 好呀。
I promise I won't leave early. 我发誓我再也不会早早走了
It was for a good reason. 你今天早走是有原因因的
You know something? 知道吗
What? 什麽
I think we're going to be good friends. 我想我们可以成为好好朋友
Good night, Susan. 再见 Susan。
Good night, Harry, 再见 Harry
Have a safe trip home. 路上小心点。
Are you all right? 你怎麽了
Sorry. 对不起。
I never liked that umbrella stand. 我一直嫌那伞架碍事事
Good night, Harry. 再见
He's an accountant.
He works with numbers.
He's an accountant.
He manages your money.
He's an accountant.
He plans your taxes.
An accountant.
An accountant.
That's his occupation, his job.
She's in business.
She's the vice-president
She's in business.
She's the boss.
A vice-president.
That's her occupation, her job.
She's a sales clerk.
She sells clothing.
She's a sales clerk.
She works in a store.
Ya, she's a sales clerk.
She designs clothing too.
A sales clerk.
That's her occupation, her job.
She's a teacher.
That's her job.
Yaaa she's a nurse.
That's her job.
He's a pilot.
That's his job.
Those are occupations.
They're all jobs.
That's her job.
That's her job.
That's his job.
Those are occupations.
They are all jobs.
He's a vendor.
He sells food on the street.
He's a vendor.
He sells hot dogs.
Ya he's a vendor.
He sells ice cream.
A vendor, an accoutant,
a sales clerk, a nurse,
a teacher, a pilot.
They 're all jobs.
a vice-president,
in a toy company.
  [s:90]  [s:90]
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-10 08:00
标题: 走遍美国口语学习  第三课 第四课

第三课,Grandpa's Trunk 祖父的行李箱

Marilyn, you want coffee or tea? Marilyn 要要咖啡还是
Coffee, please. 请来点咖啡。
I am so excited! 我感到好兴奋
At this time tomorrow morning, 明早这时候
Grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us. 爷爷就和我们乙黄 坐在厨房 啦。
When does he arrive? 他什麽时候到
At six o'clock this evening. 今晚六点。
By plane? 坐飞机来
No, by train. 不 坐火车。
Are we picking him up at the station? 我们要去车站浇 他吗
Not Grandpa. 爷爷不是这种
He doesn't want anybody picking him up. 他不愿意让别热 接他
He likes to be independent. 他独*立性很强
Huh. 哦。
Oh, let's go upstairs and prepare Grandpa's room. 对 我们上去鬃急敢幌 爷爷的房间。
Great! Let's do it! 好 我们去
Good morning, Mom. 早安 妈妈。
Morning. 早安。
Well, hi, fellas. 你们大家好。
Hello. 哈 。
Hi, honey. 嗨 亲爱的。
Morning, Marilyn. 早安 Marilynn。
We are going upstairs to set up Grandpa's room. 我们要上楼收适 一下爷爷的房间。
There's coffee ready. 咖啡准备好了
I'm really excited about seeing Grandpa. 一想到要见到乙 我就觉得兴奋。
Me, too. Milk, please. 我也一样。请档 给我牛奶。
He's so funny. 他很逗趣
He always makes me laugh. 他总是让我笑
I hope Grandpa's going to like living with us. 我希望爷爷喜换 和我们住在一起。
I think he will. 我想会的。
It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place. 总是需要一段适奔 才能适应一个新的环境。
Won't he miss being in Florida? 他不会想念佛侣 里达吗
Well, he will. 他会的。
But I think he'll like being here with the family. 但我想他也会舷不 和全家人住在这儿。
But I think he'll like being here with the family. 但我想他也会舷不 和全家人住在这儿。
Are you sure about that? 你真的这麽想
It's crazy here most of the time. 这儿经常吵吵哪帜帧
But it's fun. 但很有趣。
That's for sure. 说的也是。
You know, 我说
maybe I'll put together some photos of Grandpa 或许我把爷爷档 一些照片组合起来
as a "welcome" present. 作为欢迎他的乙环 礼物。
That's a neat idea. 这是个好主意
What can I do? 那我能做点什鼢崮
I've got it! 有啦
I have a picture of Grandpa and Dad and me in my wallet. 我皮夹 有一照耪掌 是爷爷 爸爸和我在一起照的。
It's from the Fathers and Sons' Breakfast 那是在父子早膊突 上拍的
at my junior high school graduation. 在我初中毕业档 时候。
Oh, I remember this picture. 噢 我还记得照 张照片。
I'd really like to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station. 我真想去火车照窘 爷爷。
Railroad stations or airports-- 无论是火车站换故 机场
Grandpa always tells us he'll get here by himself. 爷爷总是说他换嶙 个儿设法到这 。
He's something! 他真了不起
Is this all Grandpa's stuff? 这 面都是爷乙 的东西吗
That's it. 是的。
But I'm sure he has a few bags with him on the train. 不过我相信他栽 火车上还有几件行李的。
What's inside? 这 面是什麽
What's inside? 这 面是什麽
I don't know. It's locked. 不知道 锁著哪亍
Hi. 嗨
Oh, hi, darling. 哦 亲爱的。
Morning, Philip. 早安 Philip
I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet. 我想在爷爷的乙鲁 放几个好的衣架。
You know I'm very excited about his arrival. 知道我对他档牡嚼 是多麽兴奋。
We are, too. 我们也很兴奋
Susan called early this morning. Susan一大早打打电话来
She's unhappy 她很不高兴
because she's had to go to Chicago on a business trip 因为她得到芝 加哥出差
and can't leave till tonight. 而且要到今晚膊 能脱身。
She wants to be here for Grandpa. 她原希望在此档 爷爷。
Well, Grandpa will be disappointed, too. 爷爷也会感到适 望。
He loves Susan. 他喜欢Susan。
She always reminds him of Grandma. Susan总是让他他想起奶奶
Well, how's everything here? 唔 东西都收适 好了吗
Fine. We were just wondering about this trunk. 好啦。我们正哪擅 这只大衣箱呢。
It's locked. 它锁著。
Oh. I have the key. Grandpa sent it to me. 啊。钥匙在这 。爷爷寄来给我的。

He doesn't want anybody picking him up.
He likes to be independent.
I think that's good.
He's got his own way of doing things.
He likes to take care of himself.
I guess you're right.
He's so funny. He always makes me laugh.
I guess he has a good sense of humor.
Yeah, I bet he's a lot of fun.
Grandpa always tells us he'll get here by himself.
He's something.
In my opinion, he's a very special man. What do you think?
Well, I believe I'm going to like him. But...
But what?
Won't he miss being in Florida?
Well, he will. But I think he'll like being here with the family.
I suppose he'll miss his home in Florida and his independence.
I suppose you're right. But what about you?
What do you think?
What kind of man is Grandpa?
What do you imagine he's like?
Why is he moving away from Florida?
And how does he feel about moving to Riverdale?
What do you think?
Let's see.


Excuse me. Is this seat taken? 对不起 请问照 个座位有人吗
No, it's not taken. 没有 没人坐
Oh, thank you. 啊 谢谢
Oh, let me help you with this. 来 我帮 放汉谩
Oh, thank you. 谢谢你。
Do you want to sit by the window? 想靠窗坐吗
No, no, no. I like the aisle seat better. 不 不 不。挝蚁 欢坐在靠过道的地方。
Please, you sit by the window. 你请靠窗坐。
My name is Stewart... Malcolm Stewart. 我姓Stewart………Malcolm Stewart
Pleased to meet you. 很高兴遇见
I'm Elsa Tobin. How do you do? 我叫Elsa Tobiin 你好。
Do you live in New York? 住在纽约吗
No, no. I'm from Florida. 不 我从佛罗 里达来的。
I am, too. But didn't you just get on? 我也是。可是 不是刚上车的吗
No, no. I just changed my seat. 不 不。我刚膊 换了一下座位。
A man next to me was smoking, 我旁边的那个热顺
and smoke really bothers me. 我受不了。
Where are you from in Florida? 你从佛罗里达档 什麽地方来
Titusville. It's near Orlando. Titusville 栽贠rlando附近。
Small world. I'm from Titusville, too. 世界真小。我乙彩谴覶itusville来的。
Really? What part? 真的 什麽地
My husband and I live near Spaceport. 我和我丈夫住栽赟paceport附近。
I know that area. 我知道那地方
My house is only a few miles from Spaceport. 我的家离Spaceeport只有几哩路。
Do you still live there? 还住在那儿
Oh yes, yes. My husband's there now. 啊 对 对。挝 丈夫现在就在那儿。
He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me. 他走不开 没鞍 法和我一 来纽约。
Do you still live there? 你现在还住那抖
No. I sold the house and the furniture, 不。我把房子汉图 俱都卖了
put a few personal things in an old trunk, 剩下一些东西贩 进一个旧衣箱
and shipped it to my children in New York. 运到我孩子那抖 去了 他们住在纽约。
That's my destination. 那是我要去的档 方。
Are you married? 你有家室吗
My wife died four years ago. 我妻子四年前热 世了。
She was a wonderful woman. A real friend. 她是个很好的排 一个真正的朋友。
I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry. 我为你难过 照 的为你难过。
I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry. 我为你难过 照 的为你难过。
Lots of wonderful memories. 留下的是许多妹 好的回忆。
We were married almost fifty years. 我们结婚将近挝 十年。
Well, forty-seven, to be exact. 准确点说 四适 七年。
John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month. 下个月John和挝医 庆祝我们的结婚四十 年纪念。
Oh, congratulations! That's nice. 啊 恭喜你们 太好了。
What does John do? John现在做什鼢崾
He's an aerospace engineer 他担任航太工吵淌
and works for Orlando Aircraft Corporation. 为Orlando飞机机公司工作
He started with them almost forty years ago. 他在那 做了靠 四十年了。
What do you do? 你现在做什麽构ぷ
I just retired. Had my own company. 我刚退休。我栽 来开一家公司
A construction company. Roads, bridges, big stuff. 一家营造公司 P蘼 筑桥 都是大工程。
But I just sold it and retired. 我前不久把它侣袅 然後退休。
Excuse me, ma'am. Ticket, please. 对不起 太太 车票请拿出来看一下。
Would you kindly hold these keys, please? 请帮我拿一下栽砍住
I have a ticket, I know. 我知道我有车破薄
I was in the smoking section. 我原本坐在吸 车厢的。
It's OK, lady. Take your time. 没关 太太 B 慢来。
I'm sure it's in your purse, Mrs. Tobin. 我相信是在 档 皮包 Tobin太太。
Oh, here it is. 哦 在这 。
And here are your keys. 的钥匙。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Do you have family in New York? 在纽约有亲热寺
No, no. But I do have very close friends in New York City. 没有。我在纽栽加 很要好的朋友。
We like to go to the theater together. 我们常一起去靠 戏。
You said you have family in New York. 你说你在纽约佑星 人。
Yes, indeed. 对 没错。
A son and his wife and their three children-- 有个儿子 还佑 儿媳妇以及 们的三个孩子
my grandchildren. 我的孙儿女们
You must be excited. 您一定很兴奋
I can't wait, to see them! 我恨不得马上技 到他们。
Are you going to live with them? 您打算和他们乙黄 住吗
Yes. 对。
Permanently? 一直住下去
Well... they want me to, 这……他们希屯 这样。
but it's too early to know for sure. 但我现在还不哪 决定。
I'm pretty independent. 我是独*立性很乔 的人。
I tried to teach my kids the importance of independence, 我总是告诫孩鬃用 独*立的重要。
but I'm not sure I want to be alone. 但我不知道我适 否想一个人生活。
Some people don't mind being alone. I do. 有些人不在乎抖 自生活 我在乎。
I understand. But tell me. 我能理解。告怂呶
Why did you stop working? 你为什麽要退
I retired because... I wanted to be with my family. 我退休是因为  …我想和全家人在一起。
I didn't want to be alone anymore! 我不想再一个热 独自生活了。
I didn't want to be alone anymore! 我不想再一个热 独自生活了。

What's your name?
My name is Stewart... Malcolm Stewart.
Pleased to meet you. What's your name?
I'm Elsa Tobin. How do you do?
How do you do? Where do you live?
In Titusville.
Where do you live?
Small world. I'm from Titusville, too.
It's a small, small world. How do you do?
Are you married? Yes or no?
Please tell me. Let me know.
John and I celebrate our 40th anniversary next month.
Congratulations. Congratulations.
What do you do?
Are you a doctor, a farmer, a mailman,
a lawyer, an artist, a salesman, a businessman
or a preacher, a high school teacher?
I just retired.
Do you have family in New York?
Do you have family in New York?
Yes, indeed.
I'm pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you.
How do you do? I'm pleased to meet you.


Ladies and gentlemen, 各位女士 各挝 先生
Amtrak is happy to announce our arrival in New York City. 我们很高兴报父嬷钗 Amtrak火车就要到达纽约了。
The train will be stopping in five minutes. 火车将在五分种 後靠站
Please check to be sure you have your belongings. 请记得带您的行 李。
And have a good stay in the Big Apple. 祝您在纽约愉 快。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Well, here we are. 好了 终於到览病
It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Stewart. 很高兴遇见你 Stewart先生。
And nice meeting you, too, Mrs. Tobin. 我也很高兴见档 Tobin太太。
Please look us up. 请和我们联络
We're in the phone book. 我们家的电话汉怕 可以在电话簿上查到。
Dr. Philip Stewart, in Riverdale. Philip Stewarrt大夫 在Riverdale 。
Your son? 你的儿子
That's right. And have a good time in New York. 对。祝 在纽 约玩得愉快。
And don't be so independent. 不要再坚持独亮 个性了
You're very lucky to have a caring family. 你很幸运有一父 温馨的家庭。
When can we go fishing? 我们什麽时候热 钓鱼
Robbie, we'll go fishing soon, Robbie啊 我妹 很快就会去。
and we'll take your dad with us. 带你爸爸也一破 去。
I'm ready, Grandpa. You name the day. 我准备好啦 乙 爷。哪一天随你挑吧。
That's a great idea, Grandpa! 这太好了 爷乙
Philip needs a day off. Philip需要休 假。
Let's give him our presents--now. 现在把我们的览 物送给爷爷吧。
Good idea. 好。
Presents--for me? 礼物 给我的
From me and Marilyn. Marilyn和我送送的
And this one's from me. 这张是我送的
I looked all over the house to find it. 我找遍了整间挝葑硬耪 到它。
Richard, these are terrific pictures. Richard这些照照片真棒
This one really brings back memories. 这一张的确唤 起了许多的回忆。
You remember that day, Robbie? 你还记得那天侣 Robbie
I sure do. It was fun. 当然。当时真佑 意思。
Oh, I'm sorry Susan isn't here. 啊 可惜Susann不在。
I miss her very much. 我非常想她。
I miss her very much. 我非常想她。
She feels bad, too, Grandpa. 她也很沮丧 乙 爷。
She called to say the plane was delayed. 她打电话回来 告诉我们飞机误点。
You know airports. 机场的事你是种 道的。
I can't wait to see her. 我等不及要见怂
She looks just like Grandma at that age. 她和她奶奶年乔 时候长得一模一样。
I'd better unpack. 我还是先把行览 打开吧。
I started traveling twenty-four hours ago. 从出门到现在乙 经二十四小时了。
I'm not so young anymore. 我不再那麽年乔 了。
Don't you want something to eat? 您想吃点什麽
No, thanks. 不用了 谢谢
After a good night's sleep, I'll enjoy breakfast even more. 好好睡一觉 妹 早吃早餐会更香。
Well, come on, Dad. 好 来吧 爸
Ellen and I'll take you to your room. Ellen和我带你你去你房间
I'm sure glad you're here, Grandpa. 您来这 我真父咝 爷爷。
Good night, Grandpa. 晚安 爷爷。
Pleasant dreams. 祝你有个好梦
Philip, do you have the key to the trunk? Philip 衣箱箱的钥匙在你那
I have the key, but it doesn't work. 我有钥匙 但适强 不开箱子。
I sent the wrong key. 我寄错了钥匙
I have something for you. I made it myself. 我有件东西给哪忝 是我亲手做的。
I think you'll enjoy it. 我想你们会喜换 的。
I researched it for over a year. 我研究了一年抖唷
I researched it for over a year. 我研究了一年抖唷
It's our family tree. 这是我们的家破住
Oh, Grandpa! How exciting! 啊 爷爷 真亮瞬 起。
Fabulous! 真是令人难以种 信。
Why, I didn't know that your grandfather was born in Germany. 你看 我竟然膊 知道您的爷爷出生在德国。
Lots of interesting information about our family. 面很多我们技 有趣的东西呢
A gift from me. 这是我的一件览 物。
Thank you so much. 太感谢你了。
Grandpa! Grandpa! 爷爷 爷爷
Oh, Grandpa, I'm so happy to see you! 啊 爷爷 见档 您我真高兴。
Oh, you look so beautiful, Susan. My granddaughter. 啊 真漂亮 Susan 我的好孙女。
Like I always said, you look just like Grandma. 我老是说 照嫦 奶奶。
I think you're going to be very happy here with us. 我想你和我们鬃 在一起会很愉快的。
I know you will. 我想你会的。
I don't feel alone anymore. 我再也不觉得构露 了。

Malcolm Stewart is not alone anymore.
That's for sure.
In fact,
he'll have his family around him every day of his life now.
Finding some peace and quiet may be a little difficult.
But my father won't be lonely anymore.
He has me,
Philip Stewart, nearby and the rest of his family.
He has Ellen, his daughter-in-law.
You know, I met Ellen
when I was a student of the University of Michigan.
Later she became my wife.
We have three children now.
Our oldest son is a photographer.
Richard is very talented, like his grandfather.
Marilyn is talented too. She designs clothing.
Marilyn is Richard's wife
and she's also a sister-in-law to Susan.
Susan is my daughter.
Susan reminds us of her grandmother,
Bernice Cassidy Stewart, my mother.
She was kind, intelligent and loveable, like Susan.
Susan has two brothers, Richard and Robert.
We call him Robbie. He's our other son.
He loves his grandfather very much.
Well, that's our family, the Stewarts.
Did you follow me? Let's see.
Who is my daughter? That's it. Susan is my daughter.
How about this?
Who is Robbie's grandfather?
Malcolm is Robbie's grandfather.
Okay, who is Susan's sister-in-law?
Marilyn is Susan's sister-in-law.
That's right.
Well, that's our family and I love them all.
作者: noangelrain    时间: 2009-11-10 09:48
It's too simple for me ...........
作者: hutian02    时间: 2009-11-10 11:05
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-10 12:28
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-11 07:42
第四课 A Piece of Cake

I am exhausted. My new exercise class is so hard. 我太累了。我哪切 的健身班太难了。
Your new exercise class? 的新健身班
Yeah. My new advanced exercise class. 对 新的高级浇 身班。
Why advanced? 为什麽是高级
My instructor thought that 老师认为
the beginner's class was too easy for me. 初级课程对我览此 太容易了。
Too easy for you? 对 太容易了
Don't laugh. In the beginner's class, 别笑。在初级靠纬讨
they give you a chance to rest between exercises. 你有机会休息
So? 那又怎麽样
The advanced class is nonstop. 高级课程 是妹挥行 息的。
I lift weights every morning for sixty minutes 每天早晨我举种 六十分钟
without stopping. 中间还不是没佑行 息。
No problem. 小事一桩。
Listen, Richard, 听著 Richard
doing aerobics for an hour is a lot different than lifting weights.一小时的有氧 运动可与举重大不相同。
Yeah. Quite a bit different. 是啊 相当不乙 样。
I think aerobics is easy. 我觉得有氧运抖 很容易。
I could work out in your class with no problem. 如果我去 的鞍 上做运动 一定不会觉得有问题。
You think so? 你这样认为
Oh, without a doubt. 啊 毫无问题
When's the next class? 下一次上课什鼢 时候
Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. Try it. 明早上午十点 @ 试一试吧。
Tomorrow morning after lifting weights, 明早举完重
I'll try aerobics. 我去试试有氧 运动。
It's a nap. Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. 简单得很。明栽 十点。
Aren't you going to the aerobics class this morning? 今天上午你不适 去上有氧运动课吗
Of Course. Easy. No sweat. 当然 小事情  绝无问题。
You are not going to be able to move 你会动都动不亮说
after this and the aerobics class. 在你做完这个 又去上有氧运动课之後。
Are you kidding me? 在取笑我
It's going to be a piece of cake. 这种事不费吹 灰之力。
You want to bet? 想打赌吗
Yeah. What's the bet? 好啊 赌什麽
I bet I can go one hour in your class this morning 我打赌我今天缮衔绲 的健身班运动一小时之後
and not feel a thing! 丝毫不累。
and not feel a thing! 丝毫不累。
The bet is -- I win, and you cook dinner for the entire family. 这样赌好了
Or you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family. 要是你赢了 挝 替全家做晚餐。
It's a bet. 一言为定。
Ok. Call my instructor, Jack Davis, right now. 好 给我的老适ack Davis打个电话 现在就打。
His number is 555-8842. 他的电话是5555-8842
The advanced class starts at ten o'clock. 高级健身课十档 钟开始。
Well, it's eight twenty now. 现在是八点二适 了。
It only takes eight minutes by bicycle to the aerobics class. 骑自行车去上佑 氧运动课只需要八分钟。
Give him a call. 打个电话给他
Davis Aerobics Center for Good Health. Davis有氧运动动健身中心
Jack Davis, please. 请找Jack Daviis。
This is Jack Davis. 我就是Jack Daavis。
Hello. This is Richard Stewart. 你好 我是Ricchard Stewart。
My wife, Marilyn Stewart, is a member of your program. 我太太Marily Stewart是你的学生。
I'd like to come to 我想
the ten o'clock advanced class this morning. 今早十点来上哪愕 高级健身班。
Oh, fine, fine. Be here a few minutes early. 啊 好 好。乔 早几分钟到这。
You need to complete some forms before the class. 上课之前你得烫 一些表格。
Thanks. I'm on my way over. 谢谢 我马上揪 来。
Good-bye. 再见。
Bye-bye. It's all set. I'm going. 再见。都安排汉 了。我现在就去。
Bye. 再见。
Bye. 再见。
See you later. 待会见。
Good luck. 祝你好运。
Don't forget about the bet. 别忘了打赌的适隆
Dinner for the entire family. 给全家做晚餐
And that includes Susan. 包括Susan的。
Don't you forget. 你自己别忘了

I think aerobics is easy.
It's easy. No problem. It's a piece of cake.
No sweat. It's easy.
No problem. It's a piece of cake.
No sweat. It's a snap. It's easy.
No problem. It's a piece of cake.
No sweat. It's a snap.
My new exercise class is so hard.
It's not easy. It's rough.
It's difficult. it's tough.
It's not easy. It's rough.
Really difficult. It's hard and it's tough.
It's not easy. It's difficult.
It's rough. It's very hard.
It's difficult. It's hard and it's tough. Tough. Tough.
I think aerobics is easy.
It's easy. No problem.
It's a piece of cake. No sweat.
My new exercise class is so hard.
It's not easy. It's rough. It's difficult. It's tough.
It's easy. I think aerobics is easy.
It's not easy.
Why are exercise classes so hard?
It's easy. I think aerobics is easy.
It's not easy.
It's a snap. A snap.
No, it's tough, tough, tough.


OK, Richard. That's terrific. 很好 Richardd 真不错。
Your pressure is 120 over 75, and that's fine. 你的收缩压是1120 舒张压 75。
Now stand up, please. 现在站起来。
Good, it's 122 over 80. 好 收缩压1222 舒张压80。
You can sit down now. 现在你可以坐舷 了。
When was your last complete physical? 上一次全身检 查是什麽时候
Six months ago. 六个月以前。
Good. Do you have any back or knee problems? 好。你的背部汉 膝关节有什麽毛病吗
Nope. I am in perfect health. 没有。我身体汉 的很。
What do you do for a living, Mr. Stewart? 你是做哪一行档 Stewart先生
I'm a photographer. 我是摄影师。
Interesting. What do you photograph? 很有意思。你排男 什麽样的照片呢
Everything. The American scene. People, places, events. 什麽都拍。美构 风光。人物 地方 事件。
Did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class? 你想过拍摄有蜒 运动课吗
No...I can't remember taking pictures of people exercising. 没有 ……我汉孟衩挥信 过人们练健身操的照片。
But don't you think it'd be a good subject? 你不觉得这是父 好题材吗
Sure. 当然是。
I need some good photos for my advertising, Mr. Stewart. 我做广告需要乙 些好照片 Stewart先生。
Maybe you can photogragh a class, 也许你来拍一创 上课的情形
and I can give you and Mrs. Stewart 我让你和你太
a month of classes ree. 费上一个月的目巍*
When can I photograph a class? 我何时才来拍缮峡文
Anytime. 什麽时候都行
How about today? 今天怎麽样
Terrific! 太好了
Hi. 嗨。
Oh, hi. 噢 嗨。
Oh, hi. 噢 嗨。
Are we ready to go? 我们可以开始亮寺
Yeah. Yeah. Let's get in our lines. 是啊 是啊。乔 排好位置。
We're going to take it slow first. 开头我们要做侣 一点。
Stretch up...and we're going to go left first ... 伸展……先向鬃 ……
2,3,4 ... now switch. ... 2 3 4……现现在 左右交替…
OK, hold to the right. 好 在右边停鬃 
Sunrises. Stretch it out. Flat back. 双手捧日。尽亮可 展。平背拉回。
Bring it up ... and twists ... and side ... 2, 3 ... 身体打直……排 摆……侧身……2 3 ……
and left ... push ... push ... turn ... hit the floor. 向左……推…  推……转身……坐地板。
Take it side again .... OK, and switch. Stretch it out. 再侧身……好 左右交替。尽量伸展。
And we're going to warm down with a tango. 我们用探 舞膊嚼 舒缓
Left, right. Enjoy it. 左 右。放
Richard, did you go to the Davis Aerobics class today? Richard 你去去上Davis有氧运动健身课了
Yes, I went to the aerobics class today. 去了啦 我上亮 有氧运动课了。
What is wrong with you? 你怎麽啦
Nothing. I am in excellent health. 没什麽。我身烫 好的很。
I have ideal blood pressure. A perfect heart. 我血压正常得汉 心脏也很好。
In other words, I'm in wonderful condition. 总之 我身体贩浅 好。
Richard, did you go to the aerobics class, really? Richard 你真真的上了有氧运动课
And don't forget to invite Susan for dinner. 别忘了请Susann来吃晚餐。
And your legs don't hurt? 你的腿不酸不
Hurt? What do you mean? 酸痛 什麽意
Hurt? What do you mean? 酸痛 什麽意
What about your arms? Lift your arms up like this. 你胳膊怎麽样??手抬起来 像这样。
And they don't hurt ot even a little? 换崴嵬* 一点点也不
Nope. 不会。
You are in great condition. I can't believe it! 你的身体太好览病 我简直不敢相信。

Pronunciation man. Pronunciation man.
Pronunciation man. Listen.
What do you do?
Excuse me.
What do you do?
You are not speaking clearly.
I asked what you do.
What you do?
You mean what do you do.
Yes, what you do?
Well, I speak English slowly and clearly.
I don't understand your pronunciation.
But a lot of people speak English
the way I speak English. Listen.
What do you do for a living, Mr. Stewart?
What do you photograph? What do you mean?
I don't believe this.
Who do you mean?
I mean they are pushing the sounds together.
That's right. Did you like listening to them?
Did you hear me?
Yes, I did. Did you really say didja?
Did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class?
He said it too.
Don't you love it?
Don't cha. More pushing together.
But don't you like this pronunciation?
It's very common. Very frequent.
Very interesting.
I suppose. But don't you think
it would be a good subject?
Maybe we can change the subject.
O.K. Maybe we can change the subject.
We can talk about something else.
Maybe you can photograph a class
Ohhh, what can I say?
whadya, didja, donchya! Ahhhh!


Grandpa, Ellen, Philip, Robbie, you and me. 爷爷 Ellen Philip Robbie 你和我。
That's six steaks. 六份牛排。
Don't forget Susan. 别忘了Susan。
Seven steaks. 七份牛排。
Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy. 给全家人做晚膊 真不是件容易的事。
The shopping: the salad: 买项目 沙
tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and onions. 蕃茄 莴苣 换乒 洋 。
The main course: steak and potatoes. 主菜 牛排和侣 铃薯。
Richard, how much broccoli do I need for seven people? Richard 七个个人吃需要多少花椰
Marilyn, I have to tell you something. Marilyn 我得得告
At today's exercise class... 今天上健身课档 时候……
Yes, Richard. 说吧 Richardd。
Well, I didn't really exercise. 嗯 我没有真档 上健身课。
I knew it! 我就知道
I wanted to, but Jack Davis needed a photographer. 我真的想参加缮峡 但Jack Davis要我拍照。
I'm sorry, Marilyn. 对不起 Marillyn。
I don't understand. Did you exercise or not? 我搞不懂 你档 底作了健身操没有
No. Instead of exercising, I photographed the class. 没有 没有 挝以 给他们拍照。
And you didn't exercise? 你没有参加健 身操
No. 没有。
There's another advanced class today at four o'clock. 今天下午四点种 还有一次高级班
We'll go together. 我们一起去。
What about the bet? 那打赌的事呢
Oh, the bet is still on, but you shop for the groceries. 打赌人仍然有行 但你去买菜。
Remember, you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family. 记得吗 你要适 赢了 我给全家做晚餐。
You win, and I cook dinner for the entire family. 赢了 我给热 做晚餐。
Including Susan. 包括Susan的。
Four o'clock at the advanced exercise class. With me. 四点钟去高级浇∩砜 跟我一起。
Don't forget to breathe. 别忘了呼吸。
Skip, hop, front. 跳 蹦 向前
Twist... again.... OK, now... scissors. 扭摆……再来  …好现在……张腿合腿。
This is fun. It's a piece of cake. 有意思 毫不贩 力。
Yeah. Just wait. 是啊 等著瞧 吧。
5, 6, 7, go right, 1, 2, back, 5 6 7 向右右 1 2 後
2, 3 , 1, 2, 3, pony, pony... 2 3 1 2 33 小马步 小马步 ……
1, 2, 3, kick... 1, 2, 3, kick... pony. 1 2 3 踢 ……1 2 3踢……小马步
And twist, twist. 扭摆 扭摆。
OK. Let's pick up the pace. 好 把节奏加靠 一些。
OK. Let's pick up the pace. 好 把节奏加靠 一些。
How are you doing, Richard? 现在怎麽样 RRichard
I can barely move. 我简直动不了览病
2, 3, 4, front. Now we're going to run it off. 2 3 4 前踢踢。现在 我们来快跑
Front... knees up, knees up. 前踢 膝盖抬父摺
OK. Finish off by jogging in place. 好 结束之前栽 原地慢跑。
OK. Keep those knees up. 好 膝盖抬高
All right. That's it for today. 行了。今天就鬃 这些。
Thank you, everyone. See you next week. 谢谢大家。下行 期见。
Thank you, Jack, but no thank you. 谢谢你 Jack 但不谢 。
The advanced exercise class is not so easy, huh? 高级健身班不适 那麽容易吧 对不对
No, no, you were right. I was wrong. 确实不容易
Come on, Richard. Get up. Let's go. 好啦 Richardd。起来。走吧。
You have to cook dinner for the entire family. 你今晚得替全技易 晚餐呢。
Marilyn, I'm exhausted. I can't move. Marilyn 我太太累了。简直动不了
Oh, you'll do it. It's a piece of cake. 噢 你办得到档 。这不费吹灰之力。
Excuse me, Richard, Marilyn. 打扰一下 Ricchard Marilyn。
You are a terrific instructor, Jack. 你真是个了不破 的教练 Jack。
Thanks. But I have a question. 谢谢。但我想挝室幌
Is this your very first advanced aerobics class? 这是你第一次缮 有氧运动高级班吗
Yes, it is. 是的。
You are in great shape, Richard. 你的身体状 汉 极了 Richard。
Very few people last in this class 很少人能够
Very few people last in this class 很少人能够
for the full hour the very first time. 第一次撑完一父 小时的课。
It's true. You are in great shape. 这是真的。你档 身体很好。
Thanks! 谢谢。
I think we'll cook dinner together. 我想 我们一破 做晚餐了。

We'll cook dinner together.
They're going to cook dinner.
Cook dinner together tonight.
For how many people?
Grandpa, Ellen, Philip, Robbie, you and me.
That's six.
Don't forget Susan.
That's seven.
You can count them so you ask how many.
How many? You can count them so you ask,
How many people?
What's for dinner?
Steak and potatoes.
Richard, how much broccoli do I need for seven people?
How much broccoli?
You can't count it.
So you ask how much. How much?
You can't count it so you ask, "How much broccoli?"
What's the dinner?
A salad. We need tomatoes, lettuce, cucmbers and onions.
Tomatoes, Hmmmmm.
You have tomatoes.
You can count them. How many?
You can count them.
So you ask, "How many tomatoes?"
Lettuce; hmmm.
You have lettuce. You can't count it. How much?
You can't count it so you ask "How much lettuce?"
Cucumbers, hmmm.
You have cucumbers.
You can count them. How many?
You can count them so you ask, "How many cucumbers?"
Onions, hmmm.
作者: trease    时间: 2009-11-11 10:28
作者: fengjunping    时间: 2009-11-11 10:46
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-12 08:28
标题: 走遍美国口语学习  第五课
第五课 The Right Magic

Hi, Grandpa. 嗨 爷爷。
Hi, Robbie. 嗨 Robbie。
Can I help? 要我帮忙吗
Yes, indeed. 对 正需要。
Hand me two eggs from the refrigerator, 替我从冰箱 拿两父 蛋来
and I'll make you two fried eggs. 我给你煎两个蛋。
How about some bacon? 来点 肉怎麽样
I made enough for an army. 我煎了一大堆。
You going to the baseball game today? 你今天要去看棒球热
It's a perfect day for it--a little cloudy but nice and warm. 今天是最好的看球烫 有点云 但舒适暖和。
Dad and I were planning to go to the game, 爸爸本来要和我一破鹑
but he has to work today, 但他今天工作忙
and my friends don't want to go. 我的朋友们又不想热ァ
It's not an important game, anyway. 话说回来 这场比热 不重要。
Do you have any other plans for the day? 那麽你今天有别的适侣
I'll work on my computer. 我要练电脑。
I have a new math program, and I want to learn how to use it. 我有一个新的数学吵淌 我想学习怎样用。
Maybe you can teach me 改天你教教我
how to work on a computer someday. 如何使用电脑吧。
Anytime. It's really easy, but, like anything, 没问题。实在很容乙 但是 和其它东西一样
you need to work at it, Grandpa. 你得常练它 爷爷
This bacon is great. 肉做得太好了。
I love crispy bacon. 我喜欢脆 肉。
Oh, what are you doing tomorrow? 噢 明天你打算 适谗
Nothing much. 没什麽要紧的事。
Well, maybe your dad and I could take you fishing with us. 嗯 也许你爸爸和挝 可以带你去钓鱼。
I'd like that, but ... 我很想去 但是…
But what? 但是什麽
But Dad is always so busy. 但是爸爸总是那麽妹Α
Well, can you come fishing with me tomorrow? 那麽 你明天能和挝乙黄 去钓鱼吗
Sure, I can. 当然 我可以。
Robbie says you can't take him to the game today. Robbie说你今天不哪 带他去看比赛。
I really feel bad about it, 我真过意不去。
but they need me at the hospital today, 但今天医院有事
in the children's ward. 在小儿科病房那边
I understand. 我可以理解。
I understand. 我可以理解。
Maybe we can spend some time together next weekend. 也许下个 末我们靠 以一起玩玩。
Definitely. 没问题。
We should. 我们应该如此。
You and Robbie and me. 你 Robbie和我。
Remember our first fishing trip? 还记得我们第一次热 钓鱼吗
I sure do.... 我当然记得……
Well, I've got to run, Dad. 嗯 我得赶紧走了 爸爸。
See you later. 再见。
Going fishing? 要去钓鱼
I'm thinking about it.... 我正在考虑中……
So, how's work? 工作还顺利吗
Oh, the usual problems. 还不是那些老问题
You're working pretty hard these days. 你这阵子工作得很行量 呀。
I guess I am. 我想是吧。
When did you last go fishing with Robbie? 你上一次和Robbie乙黄 去钓鱼是什麽时候啦
I remember exactly. 我记得很清楚。
It was on his birthday, June second, two years ago. 是在他生日那天。亮 年前的六月二日。
We didn't catch anything. 我们什麽也没有钓 著。
Remember our fishing trips? 还记得我们以前那行┑鲇阒新
Yes. I loved them. 记得。我好喜欢哟
Remember catching your first fish? 还记得你第一次钓档接愕那樾温
How can I forget? 怎麽忘得了
How can I forget? 怎麽忘得了
I fell out of the boat! 我摔到船外去了。
We had some good times together. 我们共渡许多美好适 光。
Yes, we did. 确实如此。
Maybe we should do it again. 也许我们该再来一创巍
How about tomorrow? 明天怎麽样
Don't you have to work? 你明天不用上班吗
My paper work will wait. 文书工作可以缓一换骸
Oh, Robbie will be thrilled. 啊 Robbie会高兴档 不得了。
I am, too, Son. 我也很高兴 儿子
I want to spend more time with Robbie. 我想多花点时间和RRobbie在一起。
Tomorrow. 明天
It'll be like old times for you and me. 你我过去的美好时构庥 会重现。
And Robbie will love it. Robbie会喜欢的。
Well, what's the weather going to be like? 那麽 明天的天气栽跹
Radio says sunny and mild. 广播说是晴天 温排手小
Well, I'll tell Robbie. 好 我告诉Robbie
And thanks, Dad. 谢谢你 爸爸。
Don't thank me. 别谢我。
I'm just being a grandfather. 我只是在尽一个爷乙 的本份而已。

What's the weather going to be like?
Radio says sunny and mild.
What's the weather going to be like in the U.S.A. today?
In New York City, home of the Statue of Liberty
and all those skyscrapers and the surrounding area,
it will be sunny and mild,
a little cloudy but nice and warm.
What a beautiful day to do some fishing.
Down in the Southeast today,
the weather will be gorgeous.
In Miami, Florida, a popular vacation spot,
it's going to be sunny and hot, hot, hot!
It's 90 degrees Fahrenheit,
that's 32 degrees Celsius now,
a perfect day for the beach.
Not so in St. Louis, Missouri,
the gateway to the West.
It's cool and windy.
We expect rain there
and throughout the Midwest this afternoon.
So get out your umbrella.
And in the Rocky Mountains it's freezing.
Brrrrr! It's 32 degrees Fahrenheit,
that's 0 degrees Celsius.
Outside Denver, Colorado,
there is two feet of snow already
and it's going to snow some more.
It's a perfect place for skiing.
And on the west coast in Los Angeles, California,
home of Hollywood movie stars and fast cars,
it's sunny and warm.
It'll be a beautiful day for a drive up the coast.
And that's the weather in the U.S.A. today.


This is really neat! 太好了
When do we eat? 我们什麽时候吃
First, we have to catch some fish. 首先 我们得钓几烫 鱼。
In order to catch fish, you have to do this. 要钓鱼你就得这样
Here we go. 现在可以开始了。
That's it. 就这样。
Then drop it into the water. 然後把它扔到水
All of this comes before eating. OK? 这些都是在吃之前舷 得做的事 知道吗
How do you know so much about fishing? 你对钓鱼怎麽知道照 麽多
Grandpa taught me. 爷爷教我的。
We spent a lot of time fishing together. 我们以前常常一起档 鱼。
Now, the important thing is to get the hook close to the fish. 现在 重要的是让佑 靠近鱼。
All right? 知道吗
Like this. 像这样。
I think I see some fish right under us, Dad. 爸爸 我想我看见乙 些鱼就在我们下方的水 。
Oh, not a chance! 啊 不可能。
I just saw a big one! 我刚看见一条大的
Hi, there! 你好
Hi. 你好
What's your name? 你叫什麽名字
Albert. Albert。
Are you all alone? 就你一个人吗
Yes, sir. 是的 先生。
How old are you, Albert? 几岁啦 Albert
I'm ten. 十岁。
Where's your father? 你爸爸在哪
He's up there at the lodge. 他在那边小屋 。
Does he know you're here? 他知道你在这 吗
Yes, sir. 是的 先生。
OK, Robbie, maybe you should watch him. Robbie 也许你得靠 著他点。
The water's pretty deep here. 这 水相当深。
I'll watch him, Dad. 我会注意他的 爸鞍帧
What time is it? 什麽时间啦
It's almost lunchtime, and no fish yet. 差不多到午餐时间亮 还没钓到鱼。
I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks. 我可以到那边小屋 去弄些热狗和饮料来。
No way! 不行
We're here to catch our lunch. 我们要在这 钓我妹 的午餐。
To catch fish, you need the right magic. 要钓得到鱼 你得佑 对魔法。
That's right. 对了。
I forgot! 我忘记这招
The right magic. 正确的魔法。
Do it for Robbie, Dad. 爸爸 给Robbie示贩 示范。
You remember? 你还记得吗
Sure. Come on. 当然记得。你来吧
Well, first, you have to turn your hat around like this. 首先 你得把你的妹 子转一下 像这样。
Then you close your eyes and say the magic words. 然後 闭上眼睛念哪 语。
Fish, fish, send me a fish. 鱼 鱼 给我一条佑恪
Fish, fish, send me a fish.... I got one! 鱼 鱼 给我一条佑 ……我钓到了
See, it works! 瞧 真有效
It's a big one! 真大哟
It's a big one! 真大哟
Well, it always worked for me, too. 嗯 这办法对我也览 试不爽。
Grandpa, get the net, please! 爷爷 请把网子拿
Dad, you got one, too! 爸爸 你也钓到一
You bet I have! 我铁定已经钓到了
Easy, Philip, easy. 慢慢来 Philip 侣 慢来。
Sorry, Dad. 抱歉 爸爸。
Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots. 嗯 再钓一只我就佑 一双靴子了。
You didn't say the magic words. 你没有念魔语。
Robbie's right. Robbie说对了。
Yes, but you did, and we've got our lunch. 没错 但你念了 适 我们钓到了午餐。
Let's build a fire and cook it! 咱们去升火煮鱼
Come on, Albert, you can help us! 走 Albert 你来鞍锩
I want to stay here and fish. 我想待在这 钓鱼
All right, but be careful. 好吧 但你得小心
Is it finished yet? 行了吗
I think so. 我想行了。
I hope you like your fish well done. 我希望你们喜欢吃适 透了的鱼。
Burned, you mean. 你的意思是 烧焦档摹
Hey, I'm a doctor, not a chef. 嘿 我是个医生 佑 不是厨师。
Help! Help! I can't swim! 救命 救命 我不换 游泳
Dad! Grandpa! He fell in! 爸爸 爷爷 他掉舷 去了。
Easy does it, Robbie. 慢慢来 Robbie。
Easy does it, Robbie. 慢慢来 Robbie。
That a boy. 对了
That's it. 就这样。
He's not breathing, Philip! 他停止呼吸了 Phiilip
Robbie, run to the car! Robbie 快跑去车鬃由
Bring a blanket and my medical bag. 拿一条毯子和我的乙 疗箱来。
Yes, Dad. 好的 爸爸。
Now, come on, son. Come on, son. 醒醒 孩子。醒醒 孩子。
Breathe, Albert! 呼吸呀 Albert

So first you have to turn your hat around like this.
Then you close your eyes and say the magic words.
I got one.
"First, then, last."
What happened first?
What happened then?
What happened last?
First, then, last.
Let's try that again.
This time with other parts of Act 2.
First they arrived at the lake.
Next, Grandpa used the right magic.
After that, Robbie caught a fish.
Later on they cooked.
They burned the fish.
Finally Albert fell in the water.
First, next, after that, later on, finally.
What happened first?
What happened next?
What happened after that?
What happened later on?
And finally?
First, next, after that, later on and finally.


Here's the bag. 箱子拿来了。
Will he be OK, Dad? 他会没事吗 爸爸
I hope so. 希望没事。
That's it. 对啦
That's the way. 就这样
That's it. There. 很好。啊
Oh, it's going to be all right. 不会有问题了。
That's it. 对了。
Wrap him in the blanket, Dad! 用毯子把他裹好 鞍职
That's it. That's it. 对了 就这样。
It's all right, Albert. 不要紧了。Albert
You're going to be OK. 你不会有问题了。
I want my daddy! 我要我爸爸
We'll take you to him. 我们会送你去他那抖
Easy now. Easy does it. That's it. 放轻 不要紧 抖 了。
Your dad is quite a guy. 你爸爸真不赖。
I know, Grandpa. 我知道 爷爷。
How is he, Philip? 他怎样了 Philip
He's asleep. 他睡了。
He's going to be fine. 他不会有事了。
How can I thank all of you? 我该如何感谢你们
Thank my son Robbie. 谢我儿子Robbie吧
He pulled him out of the water. 是他把你孩子从水 拉上来的。
I'm very grateful, Robbie. 非常感谢你 Robbiie。
Dad saved him, not me. 是爸爸救了他 不适 我。
I'm so thankful to all of you. 非常感谢你们诸位
So long. 再见。
He's a lucky boy. 他是个幸运的孩子
Well, what do you say we get back to our fishing? 你们说 我们回去档 鱼怎样
That's a great idea. 好主意。
Uh-oh. It's probably the hospital. 哎哟 可能是医院
I have to get to a phone. 我得去找个电话。
It probably means we can't stay. 看来我们不能待在照 了。
That's OK. 没有关 。
One of my patients has a high fever, 我的一位病人发高
and I have to go to the hospital. 我得赶去医院。
I'm sorry, Robbie. 对不起 Robbie
I guess I ruined your day. 我想我扫了你今天档男恕
You didn't ruin my day, Dad. 你没有扫我的兴 鞍职帧
I understand. I really do. 我能理解 真的。
Why are you back so early? 你们怎麽这麽早回
Philip had to go back to the hospital. Philip必须要回医栽骸
He had an emergency. 他有紧急事情。
Oh, that's too bad, Robbie. 啊 那太遗憾了 RRobbie。
Did it spoil your fun? 会不会让你扫兴
No, Mom. We had a great time. 不 妈妈。我们玩档 很高兴。
No, Mom. We had a great time. 不 妈妈。我们玩档 很高兴。
Well, did you do any fishing? 你们钓了鱼吗
Yeah, we caught lots of them. Look! 当然 我们抓到不缮 鱼。看
They had a special on frozen fish down at the supermarket. 超级市场 冷冻鱼烫 价。
Oh, you really had a bad day. 哦 你们真的没玩汉谩
We had a good day. 我们今天玩得很开行摹
Robbie pulled a boy out of the water. Robbie从水中救出乙 个孩子。
And Dad saved his life. 爸爸救了他的命。
He's a terrific doctor, Mom. 爸爸是个了不起的乙缴 妈妈。
I know. 我知道。
Hi, Pop. Hi, Son. 你好 爸。你好 抖 子。
Hello, Dad. 你好 爸爸。
What a day! 今天好忙
How about a cup of coffee, Son? 来杯咖啡怎麽样 汉⒆
I'd love a cup of coffee. 我是想来杯咖啡。
How was the patient? 病人怎麽样了
She'll be fine. 她不会有事。
Was it serious? 病得很重吗
No. 不。
Until today, I was never really interested in medicine. 直到今天 我才对乙 学真正感兴趣。
Well, it's hard work. 嗯 这种工作很辛 苦。
Now I know. 我现在知道了。
I had a good time today, Robbie. 我今天玩得很开心 Robbie。
I had a good time today, Robbie. 我今天玩得很开心 Robbie。
Me, too. 我也一样。
Why don't we do it again? 我们再来一次怎麽
Can we? When? 行吗 什麽时候
How about next Saturday? 下 六如何
Won't you be busy? 你不是有事吗
I'm changing my schedule. 我准备把工作重新鞍才 一下。
Well, do we have a date? 怎样 我们算是约抖 了吗
We sure do, Dad. 当然 爸爸。
Grandpa, can you come? 爷爷 你能去吗
I have other plans, Robbie. 我另有安排 Robbiie。
But I think you two can have a good time together without me. 但我觉得 我不去哪忝且不 玩得很开心。
No, Dad, and certainly not without the right magic. 不 爸爸 而且没佑姓返哪 法更是绝对不行。

Maybe we can spend some time together next week.
"Maybe ...
Maybe ...
Maybe we can spend some time together.
Maybe we can stay at home,
maybe get away.
Oh yeah!
Because I really like to be with you.
I know we'll have fun whatever we do.
Maybe we can do it again another day.
Maybe we can go bowling,
and golf would be fun to play.
Maybe we can play baseball,
or go fishing on a summer,
fishing on a summer day."
What do you say we get back to our fishing?
"What do you say ...
What do you say ...
What do you say we get back to our fishing?
What do you say we fish?
That's what we want to do!
So let's get back to it right away.
We don't want to waste this beautiful day.
What do you say we keep on fishing
until the day is through?"
Why don't we do it again?
"Why don't we do it ...
Why don't we do it ...
Why don't we do it again?
Why don't we find the time?
Hey, what do you say?
There are lots of things that we can do.
And I enjoy spending time with you.
So why don't we do it again another day?"
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-13 08:25
第六课 Thanksgiving

OK, Philip. This is your third cup of coffee. 好啦 Philip。这这是你第三杯咖啡了
We should get to work, 我们得开始做事了了
or we won't be finished by dinnertime. 要不然 晚餐时间间到了我们还做不完
I guess we must. 我想咱们是该开始始了
We must. 我们是该开始了。
OK. The beginning of my famous Thanksgiving apple pie. 好。开始做我拿手手的感恩节苹果派
One apple. Two apples. Three apples. Four apples. 一个苹果。两个苹苹果。三个苹果。四个苹果
Come on, Philip! 快点 Philip
Get busy with your famous apple pie. 快做你拿手的苹果果派吧
There's much more to be done. 要做的事太多了。
Now, the ingredients. 现在 看看配料。
What goes into my apple pie besides apples? 除了苹果以外 我我的派还要放什麽
Ah, yes. Flour, sugar, butter. 对了。 粉 糖 牛油。
Butter, nice and cold and hard. 牛油 新鲜又冷又又硬
OK, here are the walnuts. 嗯 核桃在这 。
Last but not least, 最後但同等重要的的一
the reason my apple pie is famous--cinnamon. 我的苹果派就是靠靠它出名的 肉桂
Cinnamon ... 肉桂 ……
Ellen, where's the cinnamon? Ellen 肉桂放在
If there is any cinnamon, 要是有的话
it's in the cabinet with the salt and pepper. 应该跟盐和胡椒一一起放在橱柜
Salt, pepper, dill weed, garlic powder, cinnamon. Ellen? 盐 胡椒 莳萝 大蒜粉 肉桂。Ellen
Yes, Philip. 什麽事 Philip
Is it possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon? 是不是我们忘了买买肉
Yes, it is possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon. 是的 我们可能忘忘了买肉桂
Well, how can I make my famous apple pie without cinnamon? 这下好啦 没有肉肉桂 我那道著名的苹果派怎麽做
Good morning. 早安。
Oh, hi, Robbie. Good morning. 啊 Robbie 早安安
Good morning. Robbie. 早安 Robbie。
Can you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗
Sure, Dad. What? 当然 爸爸。什麽麽
Remember my apple pie on Thanksgiving? 记得在感恩节我做做的苹果派
What do you love about it? 你最喜欢中间的什什
The apples? 苹果吗
The apples? 苹果吗
No. The sssss... 不 是sssss……
Right. We don't have any cinnamon. 对。我们没有肉桂桂了
I'll go down to Henry's grocery. He's always open. 我到亨利杂货店去去。那 总是开门营业
I'll get some for you. 我去替你买一些。
That's my boy! 好儿子
Oh, put your heavy jacket on, Robbie. 把你的厚夹克穿上上 Robbie
It's cold outside. 外面很冷。
Alexandra might call. Alexandra可能会览 电话。
Tell her I'll call her right back. 告诉她我会马上给给她回电话的
OK. 好。
Thanks, Son. 谢谢你 孩子。
Uh, why does he always have to slam the door? 唉 为什麽他老是是砰一声地关上
Hello.... Hello, Alexandra. How are you? ... Fine. 好……Alexandrra。 好吗 ……很好。
Robbie just went to the store. Robbie刚去商店。
He'll be back soon. 他很快就回来。
He said he'll call you. 他说了他要给 打打电话
... Oh, oh, I see.... Oh ... certainly. ……嗯 嗯 我知知道了。……嗯……一定
Well, do you have the phone number there? 那麽 有那儿的电电话号码
... Oh ... I see.... Please, I know he wants to talk to you.... ……啊……我懂。。……麻烦 我知道他想跟 说话
Thank you, 谢谢
and happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too. 祝 和 的全家感感恩节愉快
Try to come by later for dessert.... Bye. 晚一点尽量设法弯弯到这 来吃甜点。……再见
Try to come by later for dessert.... Bye. 晚一点尽量设法弯弯到这 来吃甜点。……再见
That was Alexandra. 是Alexandra打来档牡缁啊
She and the Molinas 她和Molinas一家
are going to spend Thanksgiving with their cousins. 准备与亲戚一起过过感恩节
She doesn't have the phone number. 她不知道那儿的电电话号码
Oh, Robbie will be disappointed. 啊 Robbie会很失失望
He'll be grouchy. 他会发牢骚的。
Maybe she'll call back. She promised. 也许她会打电话回回来。她说了
Here's your cinnamon, Pop. 这是你要的肉桂 爸爸。
It was a dollar and sixty cents. 花了一元六角。
You forgot to ask me for the change. 你忘了问我要找回回零钱
Or did you forget to give it to me? 或许是你忘了给我我
Thanks, Son. 谢谢你 儿子。
Alexandra called. Alexandra来电话亮恕
I'll call her back. 我给她回电话。
She said she'll call you later. 她说她等会儿给你你电话
She's not at home. 她现在不在家。
You should have your breakfast, Son. 你应该吃早点 孩孩子
Make you feel better. 这样才会让你觉得得舒服些
Protein, vitamins. 蛋白质 维他命。
She said she'll call back? 她说过她会打电话话回
Yes, she did. 是的 她说了。
Good morning, everyone! 各位早安
Good morning, everyone! 各位早安
Happy Turkey Day! 火 节快乐
What's wrong? 怎麽啦
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 没有啊。什麽事也也没有
What's gotten into him? 他怎麽搞的
He missed a phone call. 他没接到一通电话话
From ...? 打来的人是……
Yes, Alexandra. 对 Alexandra。
It's nice to see young love.... Oh, to be young again! 真高兴看见年轻人人相爱……。啊 能再恢复年轻多
Where's the coffee? 咖啡在哪

"It's possible.
It's possible.
Could be.
It's possible.
We might.
We may.
It's possible.
Let's see."
Is it possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon?
"It's Thanksgiving Day,
and I need to make a pie.
We have sugar, apples, walnuts,
and time is going by.
It's possible there's something
I forgot to buy.
I need some cinnamon,
or I can't make the pie.
Is it possible we forgot?
Maybe we forgot.
Is it possible we forgot?
Could be.
It's possible we forgot?
Maybe we forgot.
It's possible we forgot.
Let's see."
Alexandra might call.
"It's Thanksgiving Day,
and I'm at home.
There's someone I want to hear from,
and I'm waiting by the phone.
She might call me real soon,
before we eat.
before we eat.
When she does, my Thanksgiving Day will be complete.
Yes, it's possible she'll call.
Maybe she'll call.
It's possible she'll call.
Could be.
It's possible she'll call.
She might.
She may.
It's possible she'll call.
Let's see."
Or maybe she'll call back. She promised to.
"It's possible.
It's possible.
Could be.
It's possible.
She might.
She may."
Mom, is it for me?


Cinnamon! 肉桂
I love parades. 我爱看 行。
The Thanksgiving Day parade is always such great fun. 感恩节的 行总是是如此有趣
Look at that Superman balloon! 你看那个超人气球
Wowee! Just floating along high above Central Park West. 啊哈 高高飘浮在在中央公园西路上空前
Don't you just love it? 你能不喜欢吗
Oh, and the bands and the music. 还有那乐队和音乐乐
John Philip Sousa. John Philip Soussa的曲子。
I love his music. 我喜欢他的作品。
Da dada da da dada da da da da da da dada. 哒 哒哒 哒 哒 哌者 哒 哒 哒 哒 哒 哒 哒哒。
Oh, look at that float, Robbie. 噢 你看那花车 Robbie。
Look at those funny-looking clowns. 你看那些滑稽的小小丑
It's for kids. 这是给小孩看的。
Maybe so, but parades always make me feel like a kid. 也许是 但这些 行总是让我觉得像小孩子。
Remember when you and your dad and I 还记得你 你爸爸爸 和
went to the Thanksgiving Day parade? 去参加感恩节 行行
You were four or five years old, I think. 当时你才四 五岁岁 我想
Hello, hello.... Oh, hi, Susan. 喂 喂……啊 嗨嗨 Susa
How are you?... Here's Mom. 好吗 …… 妈侣 就来了。
Hello, Susan. 喂 Susan。
Yes, he missed a phone call from Alexandra. 对 他没接到Alexxandra打来的电话。
Yes, I know, but he'll get over it. 是的 我知道 过过一下就会好的
Good. Then you'll be here about five? 很好。那麽 大约约在五点左右来
Oh, fine. 嗯 很好。
I look forward to seeing you and Harry and Michelle. 我等著见 Harrry和Michelle。
Drive carefully. 开车时小心。
Good-bye. 再见。
Taste Ellen's turkey dressing. 一 Ellen的火 填料。
It's delicious. 味道好极了。
I'm not surprised. 我一点也不觉得奇奇怪
It's Grandma's recipe. 这是奶奶的配方。
It's my favorite part of the meal. 这是全餐中我最爱爱吃的部份
What about my famous apple pie? 我那著名的苹果派派
Dad, your apple pie is my favorite dessert. 爸爸 你做的苹果果派是我最爱吃的甜点
How's the parade? 行怎麽样
OK. 还好。
Mom! Is it for me? 妈妈 是我的吗
No, Robbie. 不 Robbie。
Who was it? 谁来的电话
Wrong number. 打错号码。
Wrong number. 打错号码。
Philip, would you join me in the kitchen, please? Philip 请你跟我我来厨房好
It's getting late. 时间不早了。
We have vegetables to prepare. 我们还得准备蔬菜菜
Can I help with anything? 我能帮什麽忙吗
No, honey. 不用 亲爱的。
You just relax with Grandpa. 你只要放轻 陪陪爷爷就行了
I'll get you to help serve later. 等一会我会叫你帮帮忙分菜
Ellen reminds me so much of Grandma. Ellen真让我想起哪 奶。
What time does the Michigan football game come on? Michigan足球赛何何时开
Four. 四点钟。
Philip! Philip
I'll be back to see the game. 我到时候来看比赛赛
Grandpa, when did Dad graduate from Michigan? 爷爷 爸爸是什麽麽时候从Michigan毕业
Let me think. 让我想想。
He graduated from medical school in 1960 他在一九六零年从从医学院毕
and from the University of Michigan in 1956. 一九五六年从Michhigan大学毕业。
Did you go to Michigan, too, Grandpa? 你也 Michigan吗吗 爷
Yup. I graduated in 1937. 是的。我是一九三三七年毕业的
I've got to start thinking about college soon. 我很快也得开始考考虑大学的事了

Likes and Dislikes
Grandpa loves the Thanksgiving Day parade.
I love parades.
Philip likes to make apple pie.
One apple.
Two apples.
He really enjoys it.
And Robbie is fond of Alexandra.
Philip likes Ellen's turkey dressing.
And Grandpa loves Thanksgiving Day.
Happy Turkey Day.
Philip is crazy about football.
What time does the Michigan football game come on?
And Robbie is crazy about Alexandra.
Why does he always have to slam the door?
Ellen doesn't like that sound.
She can't stand it.
And Robbie hates waiting for Alexandra to call.
He can't stand waiting.
But Robbie really likes his mom's turkey dressing.
It's my favorite part of the meal.
And you can guess his favorite friend is ...
That's right. Alexandra.
He's fond of her.
He's crazy about her.
He's wild about her.
He likes her a lot.


OK, everybody. 好啦 各位。
I want to welcome Harry and his daughter Michelle 我想对Harry和他排鵐ichelle
to Thanksgiving with us. 来参加我们的感恩恩节晚餐表示欢迎
Thank you, Dr. Stewart. 谢谢你 Stewart创 夫。
Call me Philip. 叫我Philip。
OK. 好的。
But first, I think we should take a moment 不过首先 我想我我们应该用一两分
and remember the meaning of Thanksgiving. 来追忆一下感恩节节的意义
Philip, I took Michelle to a school play Philip 我带Michhelle看过学校 演出的
about the first Thanksgiving. 第一次感恩节历史史剧
Well, why don't you tell us about that, Michelle? 那好 能否给我我们讲一讲 Michell
Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims, 感恩节是关於清教教徒
the first settlers in America. 他们是第一批来美美国定居的移民
They shared the first harvest with the Indians 他们与印第安人分分享首次收
and gave thanks. 感恩。
All right. 很正确。
Then in that spirit let each of us give thanks. 现在 本著同样心心意 让我们开始感恩
Each in his own way. 每个人用自己的方方式来表达
Who wants to begin? 谁先开始
I will. 我来。
I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well, 我感谢能在这 和和家人同住 且很健
so I can enjoy you all. 让我享受到你们大大家的温馨
All rihgt! 太好了
We love you, Grandpa. 我们爱你 爷爷。
I'd like to give thanks for a healthy year, a good job, 我感谢这一年来身身体健康 工作顺
and for meeting Harry and Michelle. 认识了Harry和Micchelle。
We'd like to give thanks for meeting Susan 我们要感谢认识了了Susa
and the Stewart family. 和Stewart一家人
I love you, Daddy. 我爱你 爸爸。
Thanks, Harry. 谢谢你 Harry。
That was very kind of you. 你真周到。
I'd like to give thanks for Grandpa coming to live with us. 我感谢爷爷到这 和我们一起生活。
And I'd also like to thank my math teacher 我还要感谢我的数数学老
for giving me a passing grade. 给我及格分数。
for giving me a passing grade. 给我及格分数。
And call me, Alexandra. 还有 打电话给我我 Alexandra
Oh, Robbie! 啊 Robbie
She'll call. 她会打的。
You go first, Marilyn. 先讲 Marilyn
I'm thinking. 我还在想。
You go first. 你先来。
Well, you all know I'm working on my photo album. 好吧 你们都知道道我正在进行我的写真集
It's not finished yet. 现在还没有完成。
And I'd like to thank Marilyn for being so patient. 我要感谢Marilyn父冻龅哪托摹
Thanks, Richard. 谢谢你 Richard
I should thank you for encouraging me 我应该感谢你一直直鼓励
to keep working on my fashion designs. 继续我的服装设计计工作
I'm lucky to have a husband with an artistic eye. 我很庆幸 我丈夫夫具有艺术的眼光
Oh, we have a lot to be thankful for. 啊 我们有很多需需要感谢的事情
For the food on this table. 感谢这桌上的丰盛盛食物
Just like the Pilgrims. 就像早年清教徒那那样
I'll go along with that, Ellen. 我也有同感 Elleen。
Well, help me serve, Robbie. 好 帮我分菜 Roobbie。
It was a wonderful meal, Mrs. Stewart. 真是一顿精美的晚晚餐 Stewart太太
Thank you. 谢谢 。
And now to see the end of the football game. 现在去看看足球赛赛的最後一段
Exactly. 正合我意。
Exactly. 正合我意。
Where are you going, Philip? 你上哪去 Philip
Remember, the Michigan football game? 记得吗 Michigann足球赛
And Michigan needs a touchdown. Michigan队需要达达阵得分
Did you forget something? 你是否忘了什麽东东
Dad, your famous apple pie. 爸爸 你最著名的的苹果派
Just let me see the score, Ellen. 让我去看看比数 Ellen。
Go ahead, Philip. 去吧 Philip。
We should all take a little break before dessert. 吃甜点之前我们大大家应该稍微休息一下
Oh, who could that be? 啊 这会是谁呢
Oh, it must be Alexandra. 一定是Alexandra
I invited her to come by for dessert. 我邀请她来吃甜点点
You did? 请了她
I like Ellen. 我喜欢Ellen。
You know everyone, Alexandra. 你认识每一位吧 Alexandra。
No, she doesn't know Harry Bennett and his daughter Michelle. 不 她不认识Harrry Bennett和他女儿Michelle。
Nice to meet you. 幸会。
Hi. 好。
Hi. 好。
Hello, Alexandra. 好 Alexandra
Hello, Alexandra. 好 Alexandra
Hi, Marilyn. 嗨 Marilyn。
Hi, Susan. 嗨 Susan。
Hi, Susan. 嗨 Susan。
Happy Thanksgiving. 感恩节快乐。
And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie. Alexandra给我们创 来了一个南瓜派。
Please sit down, Alexandra. 请坐 Alexandra
Dad, Richard--Alexandra's here. 爸爸 Richard AAlexandra来了。
Michigan needs a touchdown. Michigan队需要一一次达阵得分
Three minutes to play. 还剩三分钟。
Hi, Alexandra. Welcome. 嗨 Alexandra。换队 。
Hello, Alexandra. 好 Alexandra
Yes, Michigan needs a touchdown. 是啊 Michigan队队需要一次达阵得分
One tiny little touchdown, with just three minutes to play. 一次小小的达阵得得分 只剩下三分钟了
You want Michigan to win. 你希望Michigan队队赢球
How'd you guess? 怎麽晓得
And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie. Alexandra给我们创 来了一个南瓜派。
What happened? 怎麽啦
We forgot to turn the oven on. 我们忘了开烤箱开开关
We did? 我们忘了吗
Philip, why don't you go Philip 你何不去
watch the last three minutes of the game. 看完那最後三分钟钟的球赛
I will serve coffee and pumpkin pie. 我来准备咖啡和南南 吓伞
OK. I'll be back in a few minutes. 好 过几分钟我就就回来
Robbie, would you bring the dessert plates. Robbie 你把甜点点盘子拿来好
And, Marilyn, would you pour coffee, please. Marilyn请 倒一舷 咖啡。
And, Marilyn, would you pour coffee, please. Marilyn请 倒一舷 咖啡。
Sure, Ellen. 当然 Ellen。
How was your Thanksgiving dinner, Alexandra? 的感恩节晚餐怎怎麽样 Alexandr
Just wonderful, Mr. Stewart. 好极了 Stewart舷 生。
The Molinas are a large family. Molina家是一个大大家族
I love being with them. 我喜欢和他们在一一起
I'm glad you came by, Alexandra. 我很高兴 来 Allexandra。
I am, too. 我也一样。
Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown! 达阵得分 达阵得得分 达阵得
Great Thanksgiving. 美好的感恩节。
Lots to be thankful for. 要感谢的事很多。
Michigan scored a touchdown. Michigan队达阵得得分
Alexandra came by. Alexandra来了。
And nobody misses Philip's famous apple pie. 还有 没人再想到到Philip著名的苹果派
Oh, Grandpa! 啊 爷爷

On Thanksgiving Day, people in the U.S.A.
get together with family and friends.
I want to welcome Harry and his daughter
Michelle to Thanksgiving with us.
Thank you, Dr. Stewart.
Hello, Alexandra.
Hi, Marilyn. Hi, Susan. Happy Thanksgiving.
And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.
Please, sit down. Alexandra.
Hi, Alexandra. Welcome.
Hello, Alexandra.
The first Thanksgiving was in 1621.
Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims,
the first settlers in America.
They shared the first harvest with the Indians
and gave thanks.
Thanksgiving is a day with many traditions.
People eat traditional foods like turkey and turkey dressing.
And fruit pies, like apple pie and pumpkin pie.
Families enjoy modern traditions, too,
like watching the Thanksgiving Day parade on television.
Don't you just love it.
Oh, and the bands, and the music.
John Philip Sousa. I love his music.
And people watch the afternoon football game.
Touchdown! Touchdown!
And Thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks.
I give thanks for being here with my family
and for being well so I can enjoy you all.
Well ... I'd like to give thanks for a healthy year,
a good job and for meeting Harry and Michelle.
It's a special holiday, a day to be with people you love.
We love you, Grandpa.
I love you, Daddy.
作者: honseng    时间: 2009-11-13 08:42

作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-13 09:01
那也是我发的 ,满足不同需求的,换一种方式,这是给热爱学习英文口语,却总是放在电脑里不看的。
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-16 07:46
第七课  Man's Best Friend

Robbie, this new Walkman is absolutely wonderful. Robbie 这个新的怂 身听真棒。
Richard and Marilyn bought it for me for my birthday. 这是Richard和Mariilyn送给我的生日礼物。
They're so thoughtful. 他们真周到。
You are very lucky, Robbie, to have such a nice family. Robbie 你真幸运 拥有一个这样温馨的家。
Is something wrong, Alexandra? Alexandra 怎麽麽
No, nothing. 没有 没什麽。
Yes, there is. 有 有心事
I can tell. 我能觉察到。
What's the matter? 到底发生了什麽事
Come on, you can tell me. 说吧 告诉我。
What's up? 有什麽事
I don't know. 我也说不上来。
Something's wrong. 有点不对劲。
OK, let's talk. 好吧 我们就来谈烫浮
I received a letter from my parents this morning. 今天早上我收到父哪敢环 信。
Did they write some bad news? 他们写了什麽坏消舷⒙
No. 没有。
Well, then why are you so sad? 那 那 为什麽如创四压
I miss them. 我想念他们
I miss them very much. 我非常想他们。
I'm sorry, Alexandra. 我为 难过 Alexaandra。
But I understand. 但是我能理解。
The Molinas treat me so nicely, Molina一家人对我汉芎
and I love being with your family so much ... 我也很喜欢和你们技以谝黄 ……
but when I received the letter 但是当我收到那封
with photographs of my family, I cried. 连同家人照片时 挝 哭了。
I cried because I miss them all. 我哭 因为我想念怂 们。
You really miss your family, don't you? 非常惦念 的家热 是吗
Yes. I know I must seem silly. 是的 我知道我看览匆 定很可笑。
It's not like I have nobody. 我身边 非没有亲浇 的人。
I like the Molinas very much, 我很喜欢Molina一技胰
and they're so kind to me. 他们对我真好。
Hey, why don't we go out 嘿 我们何不出去
for a cheeseburger and french fries? 吃一顿起士汉堡和照 薯条
That'll cheer you up. 这样会让 舒畅些
That'll cheer you up. 这样会让 舒畅些
And you can use my Walkman. 可以用我的随身烫
That's a good idea. 好主意。
But if we go out, 但是我们出去
please don't complain 你可别老抱怨
about your math teacher or your math homework. 你的数学老师或你档 数学作业。
I want to have fun. 我想要快快乐乐的
So do I. 我也想。
I have to turn off the lights, 我得关掉灯
or else my father will get really angry. 要不然 我爸爸会汉 生气。
He says I never turn them out when I leave. 他说我离开时从不构 灯。
If they come home and they're on ... 要是他们回来看见档 开著……。
Do you hear something? 听到什麽了吗
Yes. 是的
What was that? 是什麽呢
It sounded like a dog barking. 听起来像狗叫。
It sounded like a dog barking right here. 好像有 狗就在这 叫。
Yeah. 对。
A dog! 狗
A springer spaniel! 一 激飞狗
Come on in! 进来
Make yourself at home. 不要客气。
Oh, you poor little thing. 可怜的小东西。
Come here. 过来。
Come on. 过来。
Poor baby. 可怜的小东西。
Where did you come from? 你从哪 来
Her name's Gemma, 叫做Gemma
and she belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Levinson. 是Levinson夫妇家档 狗。
There's a phone number -- 有电话号码
five five five ... eight four four eight. 555 ……8448。
Robbie, maybe you should call them Robbie 也许你应父 给他们打个电话
and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel. 告诉Levinson夫妇怂 可爱的小猎犬在我们这 。
I've always wanted a springer spaniel. 我一直想要一 激贩 狗。
She's so cute. 这 狗真可爱。
The number you are calling -- 555-8448 -- 你打的电话号码5555 8448
is no longer in service. 是空号。
The number's no longer in service. 这个号码现在是空汉拧
Oh, you poor, poor baby. 呵 可怜的小 伙
You've lost your family. 无家可归了。
We'll find them. 我们会找到他们的
Don't worry, Alexandra. 别担心 Alexandraa。

Alexandra and I are such good friends.
We listen to music together
and go places together
and talk about things.
Like today, Alexandra was so unhappy
and I didn't understand why at first.
I received a letter from my parents this morning.
Did they write some bad news?
Well, then why are you so sad?
Then I realized that Alexandra was lonely.
She was so lonely without her family.
You really miss your family, don't you?
Yes. I know I must seem silly.
It's not like I have nobody.
I like the Molinas very much
and they are so kind to me.
She seemed so sad.
I had to cheer her up.
I got an idea.
We always have such a good time
when we go out together.
Hey, why don't we go out for a cheeseburger
and french fries?
That will cheer you up.
But then Gemma showed up.
A dog.
I think Alexandra felt better.
She wasn't the only one who missed her family.
Gemma did too.
Gemma looked so lonely.
With such a sad face,
and Alexandra understood.
Oh, you poor, poor baby.
You've lost your family.
Don't worry, Alexandra.
We'll find them.


Don't worry, Alexandra. 别担心 Alexandraa。
We'll find the owner. 我们会找到狗的主热说摹
How, Robbie? 怎麽找 Robbie
Let me think. 让我想想。
Gemma, sit. Gemma 坐
Good Gemma. 乖Gemma。
Give me your paw. 把脚伸出来
Good Gemma. 乖Gemma。
This dog is well trained. 这 狗受过很好的蜒 练。
She likes you, too. 也喜欢 。
So how are we going to find the owners? 那麽 我们如何去照夜返 主人呢
With a little help from the ASPCA, 请ASPCA
the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 美国禁止虐待动物行 会帮个忙。
They're the ones. 找他们没错。
We once found a cat. 我们有一次找到一 猫
She was caught in the branches of our tree. 被我们家树上的树 枝夹住了
And Dad called the ASPCA. 爸爸打电话给ASPCA
They came and solved the problem. 他们来了 也解决亮 问题。
Robbie, let's call them. Robbie 我们给他妹 打电话。
Let me see -- ASPCA.... 让我瞧瞧 ASPCA  
Here it is. 在这
ASPCA Animal Shelter. ASPCA动物收容所
555-7700. 555 7700。
Hello, ASPCA. 喂 ASPCA。
Hello, my name is Robbie Stewart. 喂 我叫Robbie Sttewart
I have a lost dog I'd like to bring to you. 我这 有一 失散档墓 我想送来给你们。
How late are you open? 你们那 开到多晚
We're open till nine P.M. 我们开到晚上九点
Thank you. 谢谢
I'll bring the dog over by nine. 我在九点之前把狗怂 来。
Thanks. 谢谢
Bye. 再见。
Thanks. 谢谢
Good-bye. 再见。
They're still open? 他们现在还开著
They're open until nine o'clock. 他们开到九点。
We have two and a half hours. 还有两个半小时。
Let's take Gemma by there now. 我们赶紧把Gemma送送去
They'll find the owner. 他们会找到主人的
I hope so. 希望如此。
I'm so sad to see this little dog without her family. 看到这 狗没有家 我真难过。
I'm sure they'll find the owner. 我相信他们会找到构返 主人。
But if they don't, I'll adopt her. 如果找不到 我就适昭 。
She's so cute. 真逗人喜欢。
Look at those eyes. 你看 的眼睛。
She's hard to resist. 真是人见人爱。
Don't you just love her? 你能说你不喜欢
I'd like to keep her, too. 我也愿意收留 。
But I'll be going home to Greece 但是我就要回希腊 去了
at the end of the semester. 就在这个学期结束档 时候。
She just wants love and affection. 她需要爱和关怀。
Come on, Robbie. 走吧 Robbie。
Let's get her to the animal shelter, 我们把 送到动物适 容所
so they can find her owners quickly. 好让他们很快找到 的主人。
Don't worry, Gemma. 别担心 Gemma。
We'll get you home. 我们会送 回家的
It's not easy being away from home. 离家独闯不容易。
Come on, poochie. 来吧 小 伙。
Atta girl! 好女孩
Let's go. 我们走。
We're off to the animal shelter. 我们这就去动物收热 所。
Your name? 你的名字
Robbie Stewart. Robbie Stewart。
And this is Alexandra Pappas. 这位是Alexandra PPappas。
Your name will do, Mr. Stewart. 你的名字就够了 SStewart先生。
Your address? 你的住址
46 Linden street, Riverdale. Riverdale 林登街街46号
Where did you find the dog? 你在什麽地方找到照 狗的
Where did you find the dog? 你在什麽地方找到照 狗的
She found us. 跑到我们那 去档摹
You tried calling the number on the collar? 是否照狗脖子上项热Φ 电话号码打过电话了
Yes, but the number's no longer in service. 打过 但那个号码适强 号。
And there's no address on the dog tag? 牌子上没有地址
There's no other information. 没有其他资料。
No ID number. 没有识别号码吗
Without that, it's hard. 没有就难办了。
You will try to find the dog's owner. 你们会尽力去找寻构返 主人吧。
Oh, we'll try, believe me. 哦 我们会想办法 相信我。
And if you don't? 要是 找不到呢
Yes? 什麽
If you don't ... can I ... can I adopt the dog? 要是你们找不到狗档 主人 我可否…… 我可否收养这 ?
Why, yes. 当然可以。
If the owners don't claim the dog in forty-eight hours, 如果狗的主人在四适 八小时内不认领
then you can apply for adoption. 你就可以申请收养 了。
How do I do that? 我该办什麽手续呢
You really want to? 你真想要这样做
Yes, I'm serious. 是的 我是真心的
If no one comes to claim Gemma, 如果没有人来认领GGemma
I'd like to adopt her. 我愿意收养 。
It's not difficult. 这不难。

Pronunciation man.
Pronunciation man.
Pronunciation man.
Listen. T-H-E. "THE," I mean "THE."
The dog.
Where did you find the dog?
The owner.
I'm sure they'll find the owner.
The problem is they need to find the owner of the dog.
The number.
Have you tried calling the number on the collar?
The animal shelter.
Come on, Robbie.
Let's get her to the animal shelter.
so they can find her owners quickly.
The number is out of service.
So the problem is
they need to find the owner of the dog,
and the hour is very late.
But the animal shelter -- ruff ruff --
is open until 9:00.
The dog. The owner.
The problem. The animal.
The number. The hour.
Your hear "the" before a consonant sound,
the dog, the problem, the number.
Your hear "the" before a vowel sound,
the owner, the animal, the hour.
Wait ... H is not a vowel sound!
It's a consonant sound!
But it's not the first sound.
The H is silent. The hour.
But what about the dog?
Robbie has the idea to adopt Gemma
if the owners (the Levinsons) don't call the office.
You hear "the" before a consonant sound.
You hear "the" before a vowel sound.
The idea, the owner, the Levinsons.
The office.
I just love
the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
The end.
The end.


OK. 好
If you want to adopt an animal, 如果你想收养动物
first we need to know some references. 首先 我们得知道哪忝怯心男 备询人。
References? 备询人
People we know? 我们认识的人
Friends, teachers.... 朋友 老师……
We need to talk to some people about you. 我们得向一些人打烫 你。
We want to be sure that you're responsible 我们要确定你是肯父 责的
and that you can take good care of an animal. 而且能够好好照料抖 物。
Then you have to fill out this form 然後你要填写这份北砀
about your family background. 关於你的家庭背景 的。
Is that it? 就这些啦
No, there's more. 不 还有。
We need to know about your history with animals. 我们要了解你以前佑 动物的关连。
Have you ever owned an animal? 你是否曾养过动物
Yes. 是的。
We had a cat when I was eight years old. 我八岁时养过一
I love cats. 我喜欢猫。
Do you have any animals now? 你现在还养著什麽抖 物吗
Unfortunately, no. 很遗憾 没有。
Anything else? 还有别的事吗
We also like to know 我们还想知道
your reasons for wanting an animal. 你要养动物的原因
Just to hold it and cuddle with it. 只不过想抱抱 侣 。
Just to have as a pet. 只是要养来当宠物
I love animals. 我喜欢动物。
To have a friend -- a pal. 想要一个朋友 一父 伙伴。
You know, man's best friend is his dog. 知道的 人类最汉 的朋友就是狗。
And one thing more. 还有一件事。
If you're under twenty-one years of age ... 如果你还不到二十乙 岁……
That's me. 我就是这种情 。
Then an adult must sign for you. 那就必须有一位成哪耆 来替你签字。
Uh-oh. 啊哈。
No problem. 没问题。
My parents will think it's a good idea. 我的父母会觉得这适 件好事。
I'll be back with them. 我会带他们来。
If the real owners don't come to claim Gemma ... 如果狗的主人没认亮霨emma……
After forty-eight hours. 四十八小时後。
After forty-eight hours. 四十八小时後。
But please call first. 不过 请你先打电换啊
Thanks for your information and for being so helpful. 谢谢 的帮助和提构┑难断ⅰ
It's my pleasure. 我很愿意效劳。
Nice talking to both of you. 很高兴与两位交谈
Thanks again. 再次谢谢 。
Bye. 再见。
Maybe the real owners will come to claim her. 也许狗的主人会来热狭 的。
Her eyes look so sad. 的目光那麽忧郁
She must really miss them. 她准是很想主人。
I see you're both animal lovers. 我看得出你们都是舷 爱动物的人。
We are. 我们是。
Good-bye, Miss Aborn. 再见 Aborn小姐。
We'll call in a couple of days. 我们两三天後给 创 电话。
Good-bye, and thanks for bringing Gemma in. 再见 谢谢你们把GGemma送来。
Bye. 再见。
I keep thinking about the dog -- about Gemma, 我一直在想那 狗 Gemma
alone in the animal shelter. 独自在动物收容所 。
I know. 我知道。
But I promise you, Alexandra, 但是 我向 保
the dog is just fine. 那 狗会很好的。
They're very kind to the animals. 他们照料动物很细行牡摹
I know they are. 我知道他们会。
I know they are. 我知道他们会。
I mean about her being alone. 我是指 很孤单。
Even if they are kind to Gemma, 即使他们对Gemma很很
she's still alone, without her family. 仍是孤单单的 照也 到家。
Ready, folks? 可以点菜了吗 两
Are you ready, Alexandra? 想好了吗 Alexaandra
Yes, I'm ready. 是的 我想好了。
I'll have the chef's salad, please. 我要主厨沙拉。
I will have a cheeseburger, medium rare, 我要一份起士汉堡 五分熟
with raw onion, and french fries, please. 加生洋 和炸薯烫酢
Anything to drink? 要喝点什麽吗
A diet cola, please. 一份健怡可乐。
Ginger ale with lots of ice for me, thank you. 味汽水 多加些北 谢谢。
I've got it. 我都记下了。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Aren't you surprised 不觉得很讶 吗
that the animal shelter is so careful 动物收容所需要如创 小心
about finding homes for the animals? 为动物寻个家。
No, I'm not. 不 我不觉得。
And a cheeseburger, medium rare, 一份起士汉堡 五贩质
with onion and french fries. 附加洋 和炸薯条
And a ginger ale with lots of ice. 一份 味汽水 加汉 多冰块。
Salad dressing? 沙拉要什麽调味酱
Salad dressing? 沙拉要什麽调味酱
Hey, I wanted you to hear my new sound system 嘿 我正想让 听烫业男乱粝
when the dog scratched on the front door. 当那狗在抓前门时
Let's finish eating, 我们赶紧吃完
and then we'll go back to my house. 然後回到我家。
I want you to hear my new tapes. 我给 听我的新录乙 带。
I've got some great new dance music. 我有几卷很好的新挝 曲。
Hello. 喂。
Stewart residence. Stewart家。
Hello. 你好。
Is Robbie Stewart there? Robbie Stewart在
This is he. 我就是。
Who's this? 是谁
This is Linda Aborn from the animal shelter. 我是动物收容所的LLinda Aborn。
It's Linda from the animal shelter. 是动物收容所的Linnda。
Yes, Linda. 是的 Linda。
Hi. 嗨。
We have good news and bad news, Robbie. 我给你带来了好消舷⒑ 坏消息 Robbie。
Oh? 噢
The good news is that the Levinsons have come by 好消息是Levinson贩 妇已来这儿
to pick up the dog. 把狗领回去了。
The bad news is, you won't be able to adopt the dog. 坏消息是 你不能适 养那 狗了。
That's OK. 没有关 。
Come by one day and look at some of the other dogs. 有空来一趟 看看破 他狗。
I'm sure there's one for you. 我相信会有你喜欢档摹
Thanks, Robbie. 谢谢 Robbie。
And the Levinsons thank you for bringing their dog to us. Levinson夫妇也谢 谢你把他们的狗送来。
Thanks, Linda. 谢谢 Linda。
Bye. 再见。
The owners claimed Gemma? 主人把狗领回去了
That's right. 对的。
I'm glad for the dog. 我真替那 狗高兴
I guess I am, too. 我想我也一样。
She said if I come by, 她说 如果我去一
she'll help me find another dog. 她会帮我另外找一 狗。
Come on. 来吧
Let's dance. 咱们跳舞。

They come in every shape.
Every size, and every color...
Long hair, and short hair, or no hair at all.
Some come with feathers.
And some have fur.
And some will even come when you call.
I'm talking about pets in the U.S.A.
Pets in the U.S.A.
Some you can hold.
Some will walk by your side.
Some you can ride every day.
Some will shake your hand.
And when they get to know you.
They seem to understand what you say.
I'm talking about pets in the U.S.A.
Pets in the U.S.A.
No matter what they look like.
No matter what they are.
We like to think of them as our friends.
Just like you and me.
They have personalities.
And they can be such good company.
Some live under water.
Some live in a cage.
And some can just walk around your home.
They may have droopy eyes.
They may have floppy ears.
But they can keep you from feeling all alone.
I'm talking about pets in the U.S.A.
Pets in the U.S.A.
作者: luohui2000    时间: 2009-11-16 14:45
do not just copy and paste please...it's a machine work.
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-17 07:52
第八课 You're Going to Be Fine

Molly, I need your special talent for handling special matters. Molly 我需要 处理特殊状 的特殊才能。
Like what special matters? 什麽样的特殊状
Well, I have a scheduling problem. 嗯 我在排工作贩 面遇到困难。
Yes? 是吗
I have three tonsillectomies set for Friday with Dr. Earl. 我排好要和Earl创 夫在星期五进行三个 桃腺切除手术。
Yes? 是吗
I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. 我得在他的工作北砩 再加第四个手术
And ... I know you can do it. 这……我知道 鞍 得到。
Who's the patient? 病人是谁
Carl Herrera. Carl Herrera。
The boy has infected tonsils, 这孩子的 蚁偈受到感染了
and we should remove them as soon as possible. 我们要尽快把它乔 除。
Well, I'll try to arrange the schedule, Dr. Stewart. 好吧 我尽力去鞍才 Stewart大夫。
But it's not going to be easy. 不过 这事可不热菀住
I know you'll be able to take care of it. 我知道 能够处览 好这件事。
Well, Mrs. Herrera, 好 Herrera太太
Carl will be perfectly fine after we remove his tonsils. 切除扁桃腺之後 Carl会完全恢复健康的。
Thank you for your reassurance, Dr. Stewart. 谢谢你消除了我乙陕 Stewart大夫。
He's had so many colds and sore throats recently. 他最近常常感冒汉 咙痛。
Well, it's a very easy operation, Carl. 这是个很简单的适质 Carl。
You won't feel a thing. 你一点也没有感揪酢
But when do they do it? 但是什麽时候动适质
This Friday. 这个星期五。
But Saturday's my birthday. 但星期六是我的缮 日。
Well, we could reschedule the operation, Mrs. Herrera, 这样吧 我们可乙 重新安排手术 Herrera太太。
but I don't want to put it off too long. 但我希望不要拖 得太久。
No, I think it's important to do it now. 不 我觉得还是佑 该现在动手术。
We can have a birthday party for you, Carl, 我们可以给你举行 生日派对 Carl。
When you come out of the hospital. 在你病好出院後
But it won't be on my birthday. 但是那就不是在挝疑 日那天了。
But your health is more important, Carl. Believe me. 可是你的身体更种匾 Carl 相信我的话。
I don't want my tonsils out. 我不想把扁桃腺乔谐
Nurse Baker, would you come in, please? Baker护士 请 来一下 好吗
Hello, Mrs. Herrera. Hi, Carl, how you doing? 好 Herrera烫 嗨 Carl 你怎麽样啦
I don't want my tonsils out. 我不想切除 馓蚁腺。
Come with me, Carl. 跟我来 Carl。
Come with me, Carl. 跟我来 Carl。
You and I will talk this over. 我俩商量商量。
She has a special way with kids. 她对孩子很有一烫住
She sure does. 她的确如此。
Carl, does your throat hurt? Carl 你喉咙痛
Yes. 是的。
OK. Do you want to get better? 好 你想把病治 好吗
Yes. 是的。
OK. We want you to get better, too. 我们也希望你能换指唇 康。
You'll have your tonsils out tomorrow, 明天 你的扁桃桃腺一切
and you won't get so many colds anymore. 你就不会老患感妹 了。
But if I have my tonsils out tomorrow, 但是 我如果明烫 切除扁桃腺
I'll miss my birthday party on Saturday. 就会错过星期六挝业 生日派对。
I know. 我知道
It's a problem, isn't it? 这确实是个问题 不是吗
Let me try to work something out. 让我想个办法。
What? 什麽办法
I have to think about it. 我得想一想。
You're fooling me. 你想骗我。
Oh, I'm not, Carl. 噢 不骗你 Carrl。
Give me a chance to think about it, 给我一个机会想乙幌
and I'll come up with something. 我会想出个办法档摹
A surprise? 一个惊喜
A surprise? 一个惊喜
Maybe. 也许是。
But you just put on your pajamas and robe, 你先把这睡衣裤创┥
and I'll think of a surprise. 我来想出一个惊舷病
Will it hurt? 会痛吗
No. 不痛。
There are other boys and girls here, 还有其他男孩女汉 在这
and they're having their tonsils out. 他们也将切除扁 桃腺
You'll meet them. 你会见到他们的
I don't want to. 我不想见。
Change your clothes, Carl. 把衣服换了 Car
Everything will be just fine. 一切都会安好的

How you feeling?
He's had so many colds and sore throats recently.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be all right.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to feel better.
Don't worry.
Carl will be perfectly fine after we remove his tonsils.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be all right.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to feel better.
Are you feeling all right?
I have a cold.
How you doing?
I have a fever.
Does something hurt?
I have a headache.
How you feeling?
I have a stomachache.
It's a very easy operation, Carl.
You won't feel a thing.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be all right.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to feel better.
How're you doing?
Not too well.
Does your throat hurt?
Yes, it does.
Do you want to get better?
Yes, I do.
Everything will be just fine.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be fine.
You're gonna to be fine!


OK. 喂
Do you know how to play charades? 你们会打哑谜吗
Frank, you've never played charades? Frank 你从来没没玩过哑
Nope. 没有。
Carl, you're sure you've never played? Carl 你肯定你创永 没玩过吗
OK, Betty, Tim, and Frank. 好 Betty Timm Frank
We're going to play charades. 我们来玩哑谜。
Frank, you can learn as we go. Frank 我们玩 你跟著学。
And, Carl, you join in at any time. 还有Carl 你随适 都可以加入。
OK, let me think. 好 让我想想。
OK, I've got one. 好 我有了。
All right. 行了。
A movie! 电影
A movie! 电影
Right. 对。
A movie. 电影。
OK. 好。
Six words. 六个字。
It has six words. 有六个字。
That's easy. 这很容易。
I can play. 我也能玩。
Good. OK. 好的。
We've got a movie. 我们知道是一部档缬
The title ... 名字……
Six words. 有六个字。
Right. 对。
First word ... 第一个字……
Sounds like. 声音像……
Sounds like ... 声音像……
You got that part right. 你们这一部份猜 对了。
Yes. 是的。
Sounds like ... 声音像……
Sounds like what? 声音像什麽
Sounds like no. 声音像 no 。
Absolutely right, Frank. 完全正确 Frankk。
Sounds like no. 声音像 no 。
OK. 好
We've got a movie. 我们知道是一部档缬啊
Six words. 六个字。
The first word sounds like no. 第一个字音像 nno 。
Row. Row. Row。 Row。
Go. Go。
Nope. 不对。
Show. Show。
That's it--show. 就是它 show !                ?
No ... OK ... 不是……好……
Snow. 雪。
Absolutely right, Betty. 完全正确 Bettyy。
Sounds like no -- snow. 音像 no  皊now”。
OK, a movie. Six words. 好 一部电影。亮 个字。
The first word is snow. 第一个字是 雪 。
This is fun. 很有意思。
Oh, OK. 噢 好了。
The fifth word. 第五个字。
Right, fifth word. 对 第五个字。
Seven? 七
Absolutely right. 完全正确。
Very good. 很好。
The fifth word is seven. 第五个字是七。
OK, we've got a movie. 好 我们知道有膊 电影。
The first word is snow. 第一个字是“snoow”。
Fifth word, seven. 第五个字是“sevven”。
I got it! 我知道了。
I got it! 我知道了。
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs〔白雪公主和七矮人〕
I got it. 我猜对了。
I got it. 我猜对了。
Frank, you got it. Frank 你猜对了了
Betty, you had it, but you didn't say it. Betty 知道答答案 但是 没有说出来
I knew it. 我也知道了 。
Carl, now you know charades. Carl 现在你知档 什麽是哑谜了。
Why don't you join us? 你何不参加入我妹堑 戏呢
Why don't you join us? 你何不参加入我妹堑 戏呢
I don't like charades. 我不喜欢哑谜。
It's for babies. 这是给婴儿玩的
Oh, I like it. 噢 我喜欢哑谜
Well, they're babies. 嗯 他们都是婴 儿。
You're a sore loser. 你是个输不起的热恕
Yeah. 对。
No arguing. 别争了。
Save your voices. 留著点嗓子。
Between now and tomorrow 从现在起到明天
you're all going to have your tonsils out. 你们都要切除扁 桃腺。
And you won't be able to speak for a while. 有一段时间 你妹敲 有办法讲话。
So save your voices till then. 所以 留著点嗓 子。
Hi, gang. Hi, everybody. 嗨 各位。
Well, what's going on? 噢 怎麽啦
I sure I am glad to see you, Dr. Stewart. 真高兴见到你来 Stewart大夫。
This is a rough group. 这是一群粗野的汉 子。
I didn't want to play charades, 我不想玩哑谜
so they're angry at me. 所以他们生我的破
Why don't you want to play? 你为什麽不玩
Because I don't want to be here. 因为我不想待在照 。
I don't want my tonsils out. 我不想切除 馓蚁腺。
Why not? 为什麽不想
Why not? 为什麽不想
Because my birthday is tomorrow. 因为明天是我的缮 日。
My mother promised me a birthday party with a clown. 我妈妈答应给我鞍 一个有小丑的生日派对。
But you can have one when you go home, Carl. 但你回去以後还靠梢 办一个呀 Carl。
But my birthday is tomorrow. 但是我的生日就栽 明天。
I'm sorry, Carl. 很抱歉 Carl。
Carl, you'll have your party when you go home, Carl 你回去以後 就可以开个生日派对了。
But it won't be on my birthday! 但那就不是在我缮 日那天了
And you promised me a surprise. 而且 答应给我乙 个惊喜。

Pronunciation man,
Pronunciation man,
Pronunciation man.
Sounds like ...
Sounds like what?
Sounds like no!
The first word sounds like no.
Why is this ball in my bowl?
I'm hot in this hat.
My feet don't fit.
His feet don't fit.
He's hot in his hat.
And a ball is in his bowl.


It hurts, doesn't it? 会痛 是不是
You'll feel better tomorrow, Betty, believe me. 明天 就会好些 Betty 相信我。
Only one day, and it won't hurt as much. 只要再一天 就膊换 像现在这样痛了。
Do you feel like eating? 想吃东西吗
Having some dinner? 吃点晚餐
Oh, don't look so sad. 噢 别显得那麽挝 精打采。
Let me tell you about your dinner. 我告诉 晚餐是适 麽。
It's ice cream. 是冰淇淋喔。
Ice cream. 冰淇淋。
All kinds of flavors. 各种口味的都有
Chocolate. 巧克力的。
Strawberry? 草莓的
Vanilla? 香草的
Vanilla, too? 香草的也要
I see you're feeling better already, Betty. 我看得出来 乙 经感觉好些了 Betty。
So you will have dinner? 那麽 要吃晚饭
OK, honey, we'll see to it 好 亲爱的 我妹且欢 设法
that you have strawberry and vanilla ice cream. 让 吃到草莓和舷 草的冰淇淋。
Just rest now. 现在好好休息。
You need some rest to help you get better quickly. 需要多休息
Hi, Frank. 嗨 Frank。
How you doing? 你怎麽样了
Oh, come on now. 噢 别这样了。
You're a big boy. 你是个大孩子了
It doesn't hurt that much, does it? 这 没有那麽痛 是吗
Oh, I'm sorry it hurts so much, 啊 我很抱歉
and you won't be able to have dinner. 你没有办法吃晚贩 了。
You're just going to have to have ice cream. 你只好得吃 淇 淋了。
Yes, ice cream. 对 冰淇淋。
Lots of flavors. 有很多种口味的
Want to hear them? 你想听听吗
Chocolate? 巧克力
Then chocolate it is. 那就吃巧克力的
One scoop or two? 一杓还是两杓
Three scoops? 三杓
Then three it will be. 好 就三杓
You want three scoops also? 你也要三杓
Chocolate, too? 也是巧克力的
Well, I see you're feeling better. 嗯 我看得出你父芯 好些了。
Well, at least you're acting like you feel better. 不过 至少你表舷值 好像你感觉好多了。
Three scoops of chocolate ice cream for Tim coming up. 给Tim的三勺巧克克力冰淇淋马上送来
Hi, Carl. 嗨 Carl。
Hi, Carl. 嗨 Carl。
How you doing? 你怎麽样
I know it hurts. 我知道那 痛。
But it'll be better tomorrow. 但是明天就会好抖 了。
In the meantime, what would you like? 对了 你想要点适谗
Surprise. 惊喜。
A surprise? 惊喜
I promised you a surprise, didn't I? 我答应过要给你乙 件惊喜 不是吗
And it wasn't just ice cream, was it? 这惊喜还不仅是北 淇淋 对吗?
Your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it? 你明天生日 是
Well, maybe, just maybe, 嗯 或许 只是是或
there will be a surprise. 会有一项让你惊舷 的事。
But first you have to smile. 但首先你得笑一行Α
I just want to see one smile from you. 我就想看你笑一父觥
No smile, no surprise. 不笑 就不给你揪病
That's the deal. 这是交换条件。
No smile, no surprise. 不笑 就没有惊舷病
If you want a surprise, 如果你想要一项揪 喜的事
then you've got to smile first. 你就得先笑一笑
How you all doing ? 你们大家怎麽样
Well, I'm glad you're feeling better 我很高兴各位感揪 好些
because we have a little surprise for you today. 因为今天我们要父 各位一项惊喜。
It's Carl's birthday, 今天是Carl的生
It's Carl's birthday, 今天是Carl的生
and we have Popo the Clown to entertain you. 我们请了小丑Poppo来给大家表演助兴。
And here he is--Popo the Clown. 这位就是小丑Poppo。
Happy birthday, Carl. 生日快乐 Carl
Happy birthday. 生日快乐。
All right, everybody. 各位 你们好。
OK, Carl. 好的 Carl。
It's your birthday. 今天是你的生日
What 's your wish? 你有什麽愿望
What would you like? 你想要什麽
Hmm? 嗯
You want to play charades? 你想玩哑谜

Your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?
Your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?
I promised you a surprise, didn't I?
And it wasn't just ice cream, was it?
It wasn't just ice cream, was it?
It doesn't hurt that much, does it?
It doesn't hurt that much, does it?
Your birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?
And it wasn't just ice cream, was it?
It doesn't hurt that much, does it?
And you promised me a surprise.
He was upset, wasn't he?
He wasn't happy, was he?
Happy birthday, Carl!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Carl isn't sad now, is he?
He is happier now, isn't he?
作者: 萧潇    时间: 2009-11-17 08:14
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-18 08:07
第九课 It's Up to You


Who is it? 是谁?
Dad. 爸爸。
Come on in, Dad. 请进来 爸爸。
I thought you might be hungry. 我想你大概饿了。
I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. 我替你带来一份 热 三明治和一杯牛奶。
I am hungry. 我真是饿了
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢 爸爸。
What time is it, anyway? 几点了 顺便问一舷隆
Ten o'clock. 十点钟。
What are you working on? 你在 什麽
I'm writing a story for the high-school paper. 我正在为高中校刊行匆 篇东西。
Can't you finish it tomorrow? 你明天完成它不行
No, I have to turn it in in the morning. 不行 明天上午我档媒怀 去。
What's it about? 是关於什麽的
I'm writing an article on the feelings about graduation. 我在写一篇关於毕乙 感想的文章。
And ... how do you feel? 那……你的感觉是适谗
Me? 我吗
A little scared. 有点害怕。
And excited, too. 也很兴奋。
I felt the same way. 我当时也有这种感适堋
The scary part's leaving home and moving to college. 害怕的是要离开家鞍 到学校去。
Oh, leaving home is part of growing up. 呵 离开家是成熟 过程的一部分。
Well, don't work all night. 好啦 别通宵工作
I don't mind. 我不在乎。
I enjoy writing. 我喜欢写作。
Well, 那麽
maybe you should think about becoming a writer. 也许你应考虑成为乙 名作家。
Maybe I should. 也许我该这样。
You have lots of time to decide. 你有很多时间做决抖ā
That's the worst part--making decisions. 最伤脑筋的是 鬃 决定。
You'll be OK. 你不会有问题的。
Good night, Son. 晚安 孩子。
Good night, Dad. 晚安 爸爸。
"Hail to the victors valiant, “向勇敢的胜利者种戮
Hail to the conquering heroes, 向进取的英雄们致
Hail, Hail to Michigan, 致敬 向Michigan种戮
Hail, Hail to Michigan, 致敬 向Michigan种戮
The champions of the West!" 西部的优胜者 ”
Ah, good morning, Robbie. 啊 早安 Robbie
Good morning, Dad. 早安 爸爸。
How's my grandson? 我的孙子怎样啦
Fine, Grandpa. Fine! 很好 爷爷 很好
What's all the cheering about? 这麽高兴是为什麽
Did the University of Michigan win another football game? 是不是Michigan大蜒в 赢得了一场足球赛
Better than that. 比那种事更值得高行恕
Tell him, Philip. 告诉他 Philip。
I just spoke with Charley Rafer. 我刚和Charley Raffer通了电话。
Who's Charley Rafer? 谁是Charley Rafer
He's the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan. 他是Michigan大学档男律 册主任。
And it turns out he's a classmate of Philip's. 有意思的是 他和PPhilip是同班同学。
We were both on the tennis team. 我们都是网球队的抖 员。
Great! 真棒
It is great. 的确是太好了。
He's going to be in New York tomorrow 明天 他要在纽约
to interview applicants for admission. 与申请入学者面谈
And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule. 他同意明天把你安排 进他的面 名单 。
But I may not want to go to Michigan. 但是 我可能不去MMichigan。
It's one of the best schools in the country, Robbie. 这是全国最好的大蜒 之一 Robbie。
I studied medicine there. 我在那 学医学。
I studied medicine there. 我在那 学医学。
Your grandfather went to the Engineering School there. 你爷爷进那 的工蜒 院。
I know that, but ... 这我知道 但是…
You said you wanted to be a doctor like your father. 你说过你希望像爸鞍 一样成为一名医生。
Not exactly. 还不一定。
You couldn't pick a finer medical school than Michigan. 你再也找不到一所北萂ichigan大学更好的医学院了?
Yes, I know that. 是的 我知道。
Let's meet with Charley at the university club. 我们就去大学俱乐膊考鸆harley吧。
Ten o'clock tomorrow morning. 明早十点钟。
It doesn't mean you're going to Michigan. 这 不是说你就要热ichigan大学。
It doesn't mean you have to be a doctor. 这 不意味著你一抖 要当医生。
But the interview will be good experience for you. 但这次面谈对你来怂凳 一次很好的经验。
In that case, it's OK. 这麽说 我就去。
Dad, growing up means 爸爸 长大了意味
making my own decisions, doesn't it? 我自己能做决定 抖月
You're right, Robbie. 你说得对 Robbie
But, like your Grandpa suggested, 但是 照你爷爷所浇 议的
have the interview. 去参加这次面谈。
And then make your own decision. 然後你自己做决定
That sounds fine. 这样听起来蛮好的
I know it's sudden, Robbie, 我知道这件事很突热 Robbie。
but this is an important opportunity. 但这是一次很重要档 机会。
We'll head down there first thing tomorrow morning. 明早第一件事就是热ツ
We'll head down there first thing tomorrow morning. 明早第一件事就是热ツ
OK? 好吗
Sure, Dad. 一定 爸爸。
I want you to know something, Son. 我希望你知道一件适 孩子。
I'm ... very proud of you. 我很……以你为荣
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢你 爸爸。
Well, I've got an appointment at the hospital. 好啦 我在医院有适隆
I'll see you all at dinnertime. 吃晚饭时见面了。
Bye, Dad. 再见 爸爸。
Is something still wrong, Robbie? 还有什麽不对的地贩铰 Robbie
I'll be OK. 没什麽。
Going away to college for the first time 第一次离家上大学
always makes one a little nervous. 总是让人有些紧张
I guess so. 我猜是这样。
I'll be OK. I just need time to think. 我会适应的 我只适切 要时间思考。

I'm writing an article on my feelings about graduation.
And, uh, how do you feel?
Me? A little scared. And excited too.
" I feel scared. I feel excited.
It's a whole new situation.
I've got my future to think about
after high school graduation.
I feel scared. I feel excited.
I've got a lot on my mind.
Going away to school.
Going away from home and the friends
I'll leave behind."
Growing up means making my own decisions, doesn't it?
"Decisions. Decisions.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
I've got my whole life ahead of me
when I graduate from school.
Decisions. Decisions.
And college applications.
Where do I go to school
and what will I do for my future occupation?"
The scary part is leaving home and moving to college.
"I'm leaving home for the first time.
Moving to a brand new place,
a new situation,
a new location and no one will know my face.
I'm leaving home for the first time
and nothing will be the same.
A new destination,
a new location and no one will know my name.
I'm scared. I'm excited.
I'm scared. I'm excited.


Sorry, Robbie. Sorry to be late this morning, 对不起 Robbie 抖圆黄 今天早上迟了点
but, well, we've still got some time for a cup of coffee. 不过 我们还有喝北 咖啡的时间。
I can't wait to see my old pal Charley Rafer. 我真想早点见到老排笥袰harley Rafer。
Neither can I. 我也一样。
So you thought about it, huh? 你考虑过了吗
Yes, I have, Dad. 是的 我考虑了 鞍职帧
Well, I'm glad. 好 我很高兴。
I knew you'd realize 我知道你会体会到
that this interview could be an important experience for you. 这次面谈是一次很汉玫 经验。
I came to that conclusion. 我的结论也是这样
That's very wise, Robbie. 这是很明智的 Robbbie。
Very wise. 非常明智。
Now let's head off for the city and the university club. 现在 我们进城去 到大学俱乐部。
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢 爸爸。
Thanks ... for what? 谢什麽
Thanks for hearing me out. And ... 谢谢你听我的意见 而且……
And ...? 而且……
And thanks for being such an understanding father. 而且谢谢你是这样乙 位善於了解我的父亲。
Well, thank you, Robbie. Thank you. 嗯 谢谢你 Robbiie 谢谢你。
Philip Stewart! Philip Stewart
It's great to see you! 真高兴见到你
Charley Rafer--you look as young as ever. Charley Rafer
You must be Robbie. 你就是Robbie吧。
Hi. 你好。
Yes, this is my youngest son Robbie. 是的 这是我的小抖覴obbie。
Robbie, I want you to meet Robbie 我要你见
one of the best tennis players on the Michigan team-- 当年Michigan球队鬃 好的网球选手
Charley Rafer. Charley Rafer。
Nice to meet you, Dean Rafer. 很高兴见到你 Raffer主任。
Well, are you as good a tennis player as your dad? 嗯 你是否像爸爸哪 样是一名优秀的网球选手呢
No, I'm not very good at it. 不 我网球不行。
Frankly, neither was I. 坦白的说 我当年乙膊 好。
Charley was the star of the team. Charley是当时队 的明星。
Yeah. Thanks. 凑数的 谢谢你。
Well, how're you been, Philip? 嗯 这些年来怎麽蜒 Philip
Oh, working too hard. 噢 工作太累人了
Doesn't show. 看不出来。
Doesn't show. 看不出来。
How's Ellen? Ellen怎麽样
Fine, thank you. 很好 谢谢。
And how's Marge? Marge怎麽样
She's still giving the toughest English history exams 她仍用最艰深的英构 史试题考学生
in the school and loving every minute of it. 在学校 且乐此膊黄 时时如此。
And speaking of minutes, 谈到时间
I have interviews until noon, 我从现在到中午 佑 一系列的面谈
so why don't we get right to work? 我们现在就开始工鬃 好吗
Can you have lunch with us later? 你能与我们一起共浇 午餐吗
I'd love to, Philip, but I'm afraid I can't. 我很想 Philip 档 恐怕不行。
I'm only here two days, 我只有两天时间
and I have interviews with twenty-six applicants. 而要面谈的申请人佑 二十六位。
I understand. 我能了解。
Well, thanks. 噢 谢了。
I'll wait outside. 我到外面等。
Good luck, Son. 祝你好运 孩子。
Did you bring your transcript from high school? 你把高中的成绩单创 来了吗
Yes, sir. 带来了 先生。
Right here. 在这 。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Please sit down. 请坐下。
I see under "activities" that 我注意到在 活动 项目中提到
I see under "activities" that 我注意到在 活动 项目中提到
you've been writing for the school paper. 你为校刊写文章。
Yes, sir. 是的 先生。
What kinds of articles have you written? 你写过一些什麽样档 文章
All kinds--sports, editorials, theater reviews. 各种各样的 体育 社论 剧评。
You name it, I've written it. 你说得出的 我都行 过。
Hmmm. 嗯
Well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist? 好 你是否想过成挝 一名新闻从业人员
A professional writer? 职业写作人员
Not until recently. 最近才考虑到。
Michigan has a fine School of Journalism. Michigan大学有一父 很好的新闻学院。
Yes, I know that. 是的 我知道。
You seem to have some reservations. 看起来你还有些犹 豫。
I'm a little uncertain. 我有点犹豫不决。
It's been very nice talking to you. 很高兴与你交谈。
Nice talking to you, sir. 我也很高兴与您交烫 先生。
One piece of advice. 给你一句忠告。
The most important thing is for you to decide your own future. 最重要的是你要自技 决定自己的未来。
Yes, sir. 是的 先生。
Good-bye, Dean Rafer. 再见 Rafer主任。
Good-bye, Robbie. Good luck. 再见 Robbie 祝 你好运。

The most important thing is for you to decide your own future.
I have to decide. It's my future.
It's up to me.
Where do I want to go to school?
What do I want to study?
Dad and Grandpa went to the University of Michigan.
It's one of the best schools in the country.
I mean I studied medicine there.
Your grandfather went to the engineering school there.
But I may not want to go to the University of Michigan.
Maybe I don't want to study medicine or engineering.
Maybe I want to study journalism.
I like to write.
I've written a lot of articles.
What kind of articles have you written?
All kinds--sports, um, editorials, theater reviews.
You name it, I've written it.
Maybe I do want to study journalism.
I'll become a journalist.
I could write for the New York Times.
Robert Stewart--writer.
Ya, I could study journalism.
I'd take a course in writing,
German and history and literature and, well,
skip mathematics.
I hate math ...
But I might take music.
Wait a second,
I don't just like journalism.
I like lots of subjects.
And if I study liberal arts,
I can take courses in a variety of subjects.
Ya, I don't have to decide on my major in the first year.
I think I want to become a writer.
But I have time to decide.
Maybe you should think about becoming a writer.
Maybe I should.
You have lots of time to decide.
I do have time to decide.
And it's up to me.


I had an interview today, too. 我今天也参加了一创 面谈。
I had a great interview 我参加了一次很精膊实拿嫣
with Admissions at Columbia University. 与Columbia大学的照 生人员。
Really? 真的
What did they say? 他们说什麽
Will you get into the school? 你会被录取吗
Well, they didn't say anything for sure. 嗯 他们没有任何热非 的答覆。
But I figure that with my grades and with my personality, 但我想 凭我的成技 和我的品行
I'll have no problem. 我不会有问题。
Columbia's a terrific school. Columbia是一所很鞍舻难!
What are you going to do? 你打算读什麽
Do? I don't know. 读什麽 我不知道
I also applied to NYU. 我还申请了纽约大蜒А
You sound excited about Columbia. 听起来你对Columbiia大学跃跃欲试
What's your problem, Mike? 你现在问题在哪
Indecision. Indecision. 下不了决心 下不亮司 心。
It's not easy, 实在不容易
and this is an important decision we have to make. 这又是我们必须做档 一个重大决定。
What about you? 你呢
How was your interview with Michigan? 你跟Michigan大学档 人面谈得如何
The interview was fine. 面谈得很好。
It's a great college. 那是一所好大学。
It is. 是的。
My father would like me to go there. 我爸爸希望我去那抖
He and my Grandpa both went there. 他和我爷爷都曾在哪 读书。
Great medical school, too. 而且有很好的医学栽骸
I know. 我知道。
You can follow in your father's footsteps. 你可以跟随你父亲档淖 。
Ah! I'd like to follow in my own footsteps, Mike. 噢 我想走自己的侣 Mike。
What do you want to study? 你想学什麽
I've been thinking. 我一直在考虑。
I think I want to study journalism 我想学新闻学
to be a reporter--a newspaperman. 将来当一名记者 乙 个新闻从业 员。
You do a pretty good job on the Riverdale High School paper. 你在Riverdale高中中校刊做得有声有色
And I've been thinking about it a lot lately. 最近我一直就此事舷 了很多。
Have you discussed it with your parents? 你和父母商量过了
No. But I have to. 没有 但有此必要
OK. Let's talk. 好 我们谈谈吧。
Hi, Son. Is everything all right? 嗨 孩子 一切都怂 利吗
Hi, Dad. Everything's fine. 嗨 爸爸。一切都汉谩
I was just waiting for you to get home 我正等你回来
so we could talk. 好跟你谈谈。
Anything special you want to talk about? 有什麽特殊的事要烫嘎
There is, Dad. 有 爸爸。
There is, Dad. 有 爸爸。
I'm listening. 那就说吧。
Well, I know you and Mom have given up a lot 嗯 我知道你和妈侣 省吃俭用
to save money for my college tuition. 存钱准备我的大学蜒Х选
We want you to go to college, Robbie. 我们希望你上大学 Robbie。
I know. I do. 我知道。我会的。
But? 那还有什麽事
Well, I've thought a lot about which college, 嗯 我为了上哪一怂 大学想了很多
and one of them is Columbia. 其中一所是Columbiia大学。
Columbia? Why Columbia? Columbia 为什麽乙olumbia
First, they have an excellent School of Journalism. 首先 那 有个很佑 秀的新闻研究所。
They do. 是的。
And your friends are planning to go to Columbia? 而且你的朋友们也鬃急干螩olumbia大学 对吗
That's only part of it. 这只是一部分原因
It's complicated. 原因很 杂。
I'll try to explain. 我会尽量给你解释
Mike and I had a hamburger this afternoon, and we talked. 今天下午 Mike和挝乙黄鸪 汉堡 一起讨论。
Yes? 是吗
Well, we talked about a lot of things. 嗯 我们谈了很多
He applied to Columbia, 他申请了Columbia创笱
and his interview was very successful. 他的面谈很成功。
He thinks he'll be accepted, 他觉得他会被录取
and he really wants to go there. 他确实很想去那
and he really wants to go there. 他确实很想去那
Dean Rafer called me today. Rafer主任今天打电电话给我
He told me he was very impressed with you. 他告诉我他对你印 象很好。
He's a nice man. 他是个好人
He was very kind. 对人和蔼。
He told me 他告诉我
you had some doubts about wanting to go to Michigan. 你对上Michigan大蜒в 些疑虑。
Yes. I do. 是的 我有疑虑。
I'm just not sure about what I want to do. 我不知道该读什麽
That's OK. 不去不要紧。
You understand? 你能谅解
Let me tell you something, Robbie. 让我告诉你一件事 Robbie。
Something that might be surprising to you. 一件也许会让你吃揪 的事。
What? Tell me. 什麽事 说给我听烫
Well, Grandpa wanted me to study engineering, like him. 嗯 爷爷希望我像怂 一样学工程
Well, I wasn't clear about my future, 我对自己的未来当适 也不清楚
but I knew engineering was not for me. 但我知道工程对我膊缓鲜省
What did you tell Grandpa? 那你是如何对爷爷怂档哪
The truth. 实话实说。
Then you're not upset 那麽 你没有感到膊豢
about my not wanting to go into medicine? 对我不学医。
I'm not upset at all. 一点也不。
I'm just happy that we're able to talk about it. 我很高兴我们能够乙黄 商讨这件事。
I'm just happy that we're able to talk about it. 我很高兴我们能够乙黄 商讨这件事。
I am too, Dad. 我也一样 爸爸。
I suppose you want to apply to Columbia. 我猜想你会申请Collumbia大学。
Yes, but I also want to apply to several other colleges. 是的 但我还想申 请几所其他的大学。
I thought you wanted to go to Columbia. 我还以为你只想上CColumbia大学。
Well, I might want to go to Columbia. 嗯 我也许去Colummbia大学。
But I might not. 但也许不去。
I just want to be able to make my own decision. 我只想能够自己决抖ā
You're a real Stewart! 你真是我们Stewartt家的人
And if I think about it long enough, you never know ... 如果我一直考虑下热 的话 说不定……
Never know what? 说不定什麽
If I make my own decision, 如果我自己作决定档幕
I might choose Michigan. 我说不定选择Michiigan大学。
Robbie, you're something! Robbie 你真是有构瞧
You know, when I was your age, 要知道 当我像你照 麽大的时候
I said exactly the same thing to Grandpa. 我跟你爷爷说了同蜒 的话。

Do I want to go to the University of Michigan?
Dad and Grandpa went there.
Or to an lvy League school,
like Columbia University?
Or maybe NYU, the New York University.
Mike applied there.
I've also been thinking about going to a state school.
SUNY, the State University of New York at New Paltz.
How can I compare them?
I think I'd like to go to a small school.
But Michigan in Ann Arbor,
Michigan is not small.
Columbia is smaller than Michigan.
SUNY in New Paltz is smaller than either Michigan or NYU.
And Columbia is smaller than SUNY.
It's a smaller school for undergraduates.
I want to go to a school that is close to Riverdale.
But Michigan is far away.
SUNY is closer to Riverdale.
NYU is closer than SUNY.
And Columbia is the closest.
Wow, that's a lot to think about.
Which one is the smallest?
Which school is the closest to Riverdale?
Which school is the cheapest?
SUNY at New Paltz.
Which school would you choose?
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-19 07:45
第十课 Smell the Flowers

Good morning, Susan. 早安 Susan。
Good morning, Sam. 早安 Sam。
What's the schedule today? 今天的工作是怎麽安排排
Ten o'clock, 十点钟
telephone FAO Schwarz about the new twin baby dolls. 打电话给FAO Schwarz烫 关於双胞娃娃玩具的事。
OK. 好的。
Telephone Mrs. Zaskey at the advertising agency. 打电话给广告代理Zaskkey夫人。
I did that. Go on. 我已经打了。 继续说
Eleven o'clock, approve the sketches for the toy spaceship. 十一点钟 批示玩具烫 空船的草图。
Where are they? 草图在哪儿
Right here. 就在这 。
Did you look at them? 你看过了吗
Yes, I did. 是的 我看过了。
What do you think of the spaceship? 你觉得那个太空船怎麽麽
I think the kids'll love it. 我觉得孩子们会喜欢。
Would you show me the drawings, please? 请把草图给我看看好吗
Huh. 嗯
Now, what else is on the schedule today? 那麽 今天的工作表缮 还有些什麽?
Well, at one o'clock 嗯 一点钟
you have a lunch appointment with Mr. Levine, 跟Levine先生约好吃吃午
the client from the Toytown Stores. 这个客户来自Toytown Stores。
Where? 在什麽地方
At Rossano's. 在Rossano餐厅。
Hmm. Anything else? 嗯 还有其他事吗
At four o'clock, 四点钟
you have a meeting with the production staff 要与生产部门人员开开
in the conference room. 在会议室。
Make sure everybody is at that meeting. 要确定每一位都出席这这次会议
Will do. 没问题。
At six you're meeting, Mr. Ozawa. 六点钟 要会见Ozawa舷 生。
Oh, yes. Are his models here? 噢 对啦。 他的模型型在这
They're in my office. 在我办公室。
I'd like to see them. 我想看看。
Right. 好的。
What else? 还有什麽
Come on, Sam ... 好啦 Sam……
You work too hard, Susan. 太拼命工作了 Susaan。
When was your last day off? 上次休假是在什麽时时
Hmm. I can't remember. 嗯 我记不起来了。
You really ought to take some time off. 的确应该休一休假。
What for? 为什麽
To enjoy the simple things in life ... 享受人生乐趣……
I know, Sam. 我知道 Sam。
Maybe soon. 也许很快就会。
To smell the flowers. 去轻 一下。
Oh, wait a minute. What's today's date? 噢 等一等 今天几几
Today is the twelfth. Why? 今天是十二号。怎麽
It seems to me I scheduled something else. 好像我还安排了什麽别别的事情
There's nothing else in the appointment book. 在工作日 没有别的的事了
I'm sure I did. 我确信我安排了什麽事事
Oh, well, I'll probably remember it later. 噢 也许过一会我会技 起来。
I hope it isn't important. 希望不是什麽重要事。
Hmm. It's probably nothing. 嗯 也许没什麽事。
OK, let's get started. 好吧 我们开始工作
Would you call Priscilla Smith at FAO Schwarz, please? 请拨电话给FAO Schwarrz的Priscilla Smith 好吗
Right. 好的。
These are the models from the Japanese film maker. 这些是那位日本电影 片家那 的模型。
These are the models from the Japanese film maker. 这些是那位日本电影 片家那 的模型。
Thank you. Just put them on my desk. 谢谢。 把它们放在我鬃 上。
And the new drawings for the toy spaceship. 还有玩具太空船的新草草图
Wonderful. 真精采。
That was fast. 而且又快。
We have a new artist. 我们找来了一位新的美美工人员
She's very talented. 她很有才华。
What time is it, anyway? 几点钟了 顺便说一缮
My watch stopped. 我的 停了。
It's eleven thirty. 十一 点半。
What time is my lunch date with Bill Levine? 我与Bill Levine 约好好的中饭时间是几
One o'clock. 一点钟。
Remind me to leave at twelve forty-five. 提醒我十二点四十五分分走
Did you remember your other appointment for today? 还记得今天的另一个个约会
No, 记不起来了。
but I have a feeling 但我觉得
it's going to be too late when I do remember. 等我想起来时已经太晚晚了
Yes, Sam? 什麽事 Sam
I just solved the mystery. 我刚刚把那个谜底解开开了
What did I forget? 我忘记什麽
You have some guests in the reception room. 有几位客人在接待室室等
What? Who? 什麽 是谁
Mr. Harry Bennett and his daughter. Harry Bennett 先生和和他女儿
I remember! 我记起来了
Oh ... Harry! 噢……Harry
I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago. 几星期前我约好和他以以及他女儿共进午餐
Is he a client? 他是顾客吗
He's a friend. 他是位朋友。
Well, he's here with his daughter to have lunch. 嗯 他和他女儿已到这这 等吃午餐了
I met her at Thanksgiving, 我在感恩节与她见面
and I promised to have lunch with both of them today. 我答应今天和他们共进进午餐
Yes, indeed. 是的 原来如此。
What are you going to do about your appointment 那 怎麽办
with Mr. Levine? 与Levine先生的邀约
Any suggestions? 有什麽建议吗
Oh! 噢

What's the schedule today?
10:00. Telephone F.A.O. Schwartz
about the new twin baby dolls.
That's a quarter after ten.
That's half past ten.
That's a quarter to eleven.
11:00. Approve the sketches for the toy spaceship.
That's a quarter after eleven.
What time is it, anyway?
My watch ... stopped?
It's, uh, 11:30.
11:30. That's half past eleven.
11:45. That's a quarter to twelve.
12:00. That's noon.
12:15. That's ...
12:30. That's ...
Remind me to leave at 12:45.
12:45. That's ...
What time is my lunch date with Bill Levine?
1:15. That's ...
1:30. That's ...
1:45. That's ...
What else is on the schedule today?


Hi, Michelle. 嗨 Michelle。
Hello, Harry. 你好 Harry。
It's nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你们。
Hello. 好。
Hi, Susan. 嗨 Susan。
We have both been excited about seeing you 我们两个很高兴见到
and having lunch with you today. 与 一起吃中餐
Michelle picked these flowers out for you. Michelle选这些花送 。
Daddy, can we go soon? 爸爸 我们能快点走吗
We're going to go to lunch in a few minutes, honey. 我们一下子就去吃中餐餐 亲爱的
But I'm thirsty. 可是我渴了。
OK. You go out and get a drink of water at the fountain. 好。 出去在饮水机那那儿喝点水吧
The fountain is over there, Michelle. 饮水机在那 Michellle。
Near the Exit sign. 就在出口标 附近。
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Michelle is a little shy. Michelle有点不好意思思
I used to be that way when I was her age. 我像她这般年纪也是这这样
Harry, if Michelle doesn't want to go, Harry 如果Michelle膊 想去
we don't have to. 我们不必勉强。
She'll be fine. 她没有问题。
Remember, 别忘了
I haven't dated any one else since her mother died. 自从她母亲去世之後 我从没有和别人约会过。
This is a little difficult for her. 这对她来说有点不习惯惯
Are you ready to go? 准备好动身吗
Yes. But could you wait one minute? 是的。不过 你能等一一下
I have a call to make. 我需要打个电话
Would you excuse me? 失陪一下。
Sam, get Mr. Levine at Toytown Stores Sam 给Toytown Storees的Levine先生
on the telephone for me, please. 请替我拨电话。
Right. 好的。
Hello. Susan Stewart calling Mr. Levine, please. 喂 Susan Stewart想父鶯evine先生通话。
He's on the phone. 他在电话上。
Mr. Levine, Susan Stewart. Levine先生 我是Susaan Stewart。
I find myself in an embarrassing situation. 我现在有一件很糗的事事
I made another lunch date for today 我和别人约好共进午餐
and forgot to enter it in my appointment book. 但忘了写到工作日
Can you and I meet for drinks tomorrow? 你和我能否在明天见面面喝点什麽
I'd really appreciate it.... Yes.... Thank you.... 我非常感激……好的………谢谢你…
Tomorrow at five o'clock at the Biltmore. 明天五点钟 在Biltmoore饭店。
Tomorrow at five o'clock at the Biltmore. 明天五点钟 在Biltmoore饭店。
I'll see you then. 到时候见啦。
Thank you, Mr. Levine. 谢谢你 Levine先生。
Welcome to the South Street restaurant, folks. 欢迎光临南街餐馆 各各位
What'll it be? 想来点什麽
What do you recommend? 你推 什麽
Well, the crab salad's always a big hit. 嗯 蟹肉沙拉一向是构 受欢迎的。
Susan, would you like the crab salad? Susan 要不要蟹肉缮忱
I'd love the crab salad. 我要蟹肉沙拉。
Michelle, would you like to try the crab salad, too? Michelle 要不要也也试试蟹肉沙
OK, Daddy. 好的 爸爸。
We'll have three crab salads 我们来三份蟹肉沙拉
and a pitcher of lemonade. 和一壶柠檬汁。
Help yourself to celery and carrots and other vegetables. 请你们自己盛芹菜 胡胡萝 和其他蔬菜
We used to catch crabs. 我们以前常捉螃蟹。
Where was that? 在什麽地方
We had a summer house on Fire Island. 我们在火岛有一所避暑暑别
Do you remember, Michelle? 你还记得吗 Michelle
Sure. 当然记得。
You and Mommy used to take me on the ferryboat. 你和妈妈常带我坐渡船船
Sometimes, at night, 有时候 在夜
we would go down to the beach and catch crabs, 我们走到海边抓螃蟹
remember? 记得吗
With a piece of meat on a string! 用一根绳子拴著一点肉
Right. 对。
Well, I think I'm going to go get us all some vegetables. 好啦 我想我去给大家家盛点蔬菜来
There you go. 东西来了。
Thank you. 谢谢。
And some ice-cold lemonade. 还有冰凉的柠檬汁。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Enjoy it. 请享用。
Michelle, can I help you with the lemonade? Michelle 我帮 倒点点柠檬汁好
No, thank you. 不 谢谢 。
I'll wait for my father. 我要等我爸爸。
Michelle, can we have a talk? Michelle 我们能谈一一谈
Sure. 当然。
I know you miss your mother. 我知道 想念 妈妈。
You do? 真的知道
Yes. And I'm not trying to take her place. 是的 我 不想取代她她
Then why are you and Daddy 那为什麽 和爸爸
spending so much time together? 老是在一起呢
Because we like each other. 因为我们彼此喜欢。
And right now, he needs a friend. 而且现在 他需要一个个朋
I'm his friend. 我是他的朋友
I know you are. 我知道 是。
Sometimes he's very sad. 他有时很忧悒。
And so are you, I think. 我想 也如此。
Sometimes. 有时候。
I'd like to be your friend, too. 我也想成为 的朋友。
Will you let me be your friend, Michelle? 愿意让我成为 的朋朋友吗 Michell
So, what were you two talking about? 们俩刚才谈什麽了
Just girl talk, Daddy. 只是女孩子之间的谈话话 爸爸
It's too hard to explain. 这很难解释清楚。
You're probably right. 也许 说得对。
Well, let's get started. 好吧 我们开始吃吧。

Michelle is a little shy.
I used to be that way when I was her age.
I used to be that way when I was her age.
We had a summer house on Fire Island.
Do you remember, Michelle?
Sure, you and mommy used to take me on a ferry boat.
Sure, you and mommy used to take me on a ferry boat.
We used to catch crabs.
We used to catch crabs.
Sometimes at night
we would go down to the beach and catch crabs.
You know, Michelle, when I was your age,
I used to do a lot of fun-things.
I did too.
I used to play the piano.
Mom would give me lessons on Tuesdays after school.
And I used to play the violin.
I would take lessons every Thursday afternoon.
I used to have long hair like you, Michelle.
But I don't now.
I used to go fishing.
Every summer I would get out my fishing pole
and try to catch a big one.
Oh Harry, you used to be so handsome.
I used to be so handsome?
You still are, of course.
Um, thank you.


Oh, it's a quarter to four, 噢 差十五分就四点了
and I have a production meeting at four. 我四点钟有个生产会议议
I planned to take you for a ride in Central Park 我原打算带 去中央公公
in a horse and carriage. 坐马车。
Harry, I'd love to, Harry 我确实想去
but I have work to do. 但我有工作要做。
OK. We'll walk back to your office with you. 好吧 我们陪 走回 的办公室去。
It's so nice out. 外面天气真好。
I decided to forget about my accounting problems 我已决定不再去想那些些会计上的问
and just enjoy this beautiful spring day. 尽情享受这美好的春天天
Take the time, Susan. 别那麽忙 Susan。
I know I should, 我知道应该这样
but ... well, there are too many things to do. 但是……我要做的事情情太多了
I understand. 我了解。
I'll go for a ride with Michelle. 我和Michelle一起去坐坐马车
Right. 好的。
Well, I had a really nice time. 嗯 我玩得很开心。
So did I. 我也一样。
So did I. 我也一样。
I'm sorry you can't come with us, Susan. 很遗憾 不能同我们一一起去 Susan
So am I. 我也很遗憾。
Bye-bye. 再见。
Harry! Michelle! Can you wait till I make a phone call? Harry Michelle 哪 们等一下让我打个电话好吗
Sure. 当然。
Susan Stewart's office. Susan Stewart办公室
Sam, this is Susan. Sam 我是Susan。
Hi. How was lunch? 嗨 午餐怎麽样
Fine. 很好。
You're late. 已经迟了。
The production department's waiting in the conference room. 生产部门的人正在会议议室等
I know. 我知道。
Ask Paul Smith to fill in for me. 叫Paul Smith代替我出出席
He knows everything about the production schedule, 他知道生产进度的一切切
and he can answer any questions. 他也可以回答任何问题题
Right. 好的。
Don't tell any one, 别告诉别人
but I'm taking a little time to smell the flowers. 我正利用一点时间轻 一下。
Good for you. 我真为 高兴。
It'll be our secret. 这只是 我之间的秘密密
But schedule another production meeting for tomorrow. 务必安排在明天举行另另一次生产会议
I'll be back 我会回来
for my six o'clock appointment with Mr. Ozawa. 参加六点钟与Ozawa先缮脑技
OK, Susan. 好的 Susan
And have a nice afternoon. 祝 下午玩得愉快。
Thanks. 谢谢。
She likes you. 她喜欢 。
I know. I like her. 我知道。我喜欢她。
How'd you do it? 是如何办到的
We had a talk. 我们谈了一下。
About what? 谈什麽
Life. 生活。
And what did you decide? 那 们有什麽结论呢
That's a secret ... between us women. 这是个秘密……我们女女人的秘密

"You're working too hard,
trying to do your best.
You need a vacation.
You've got to take time to rest.
Forget your work.
Enjoy yourself.
Get out and feel the sun.
"Take a little time for the simple things.
Relax and have some fun."
"You've got to stop and smell the flowers.
Do the things you like.
Read a book, or see some friends,
or take a ride on your bike.
Have a picnic, take a picture,
go out and count the stars.
Just go fishing,
take a walk or play your guitar."
"Take a break for lunch,
uh huh, uh huh.
Go and see the sights,
uh huh, uh huh.
Take a ride in the park,
uh huh, uh huh.
Do whatever you like."
"You've got to stop
and smell the flowers.
Do the things you like.
Read a book, or see some friends,
or take a ride on your bike.
Have a picnic, take a picture,
go out and count the stars.
Just go fishing,
take a walk or play your guitar."
"You've got to stop and smell the flowers.
Do the things you like.
Read a book, or see some friends,
or take a ride on your bike.
Have a picnic, take a picture,
go out and count the stars.
Just go fishing,
take a walk or play your guitar."
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-20 08:20
第十一课 A Place of Our Own

Ellen, I'd like your opinion. Ellen 我想听听 的意见。
About what? 关於什麽
Well, Richard and I feel that with a baby coming 嗯 Richard和我揪 得孩子快要出生了
we need to have our own place to live. 我们应该有自己的的房子
Oh. 噢。
Well, what do you think about Richard and me 那麽 觉得我和和Richar
looking for a small house or an apartment 找一个小住宅或公公
at this point in our lives? 在这个时候怎麽样
We love having you here, 我们喜欢你们住这
and there is room, 这 有地方
and ... and when the baby comes, 而且……而且婴儿儿出生以
the baby can stay in your room for a while. 可以住在你们房间间一段时间
Richard feels we need to find a small house. Richard觉得我们行 要一个小住宅。
I remember when I was pregnant with Richard. 我记得当我怀著Riichard时
Philip and I were living with Grandma and Grandpa. Philip与我和爷爷爷 奶奶住在一起
Philip was a young doctor, Philip当时是个年年轻的大
and he kept talking about having a house of our own. 他老说要有自己的的家
It's natural. 这是很自然的。
What did you do? 那你们怎麽办呢
We looked at a lot of houses. 我们看了好多房子子
Did you find one? 找到合适的吗
Oh, not at first. 噢 没有马上找到到
We couldn't afford it. 我们当时不够钱。
Grandpa wanted to lend us the money to buy one, 爷爷要借给我们钱钱去买房
but Philip is too independent. 但是Philip的独*立立性太强了
He didn't want to borrow any money. 他不想借钱。
Sounds like Richard. 听起来跟Richard乙 样。
They're all alike. 他们都是一个样子子
Richard is a real Stewart. Richard是个典型档腟tewart家後代。
He's independent, 他的独*立性强
and sometimes just stubborn. 有时候甚至近乎顽顽固
When did you buy a house? 那你们在什麽时候候买房子
After Richard was born. 等生下Richard之後帷
I was teaching music, 我当时教音乐
and Philip was opening his first medical office. 而Philip则第一次次开诊所
Where was the house? 房子在什麽地方
Where was the house? 房子在什麽地方
Right here in Riverdale. 就在这 Riverddale。
Of course, it was a small house, 当然 那是一栋小小房
but just right for us. 但正好够我们住。
It's funny. History repeats itself. 真有意思。历史在在重演
Now Richard and I are having a baby, 现在 Richard和挝 有了孩子
and we probably won't be able to 而我们也许也一样样不
afford a house right away, either. 马上负担得起一栋栋房子
Why don't you look at some houses, Marilyn? 何不去看一看房房子呢 Marily
Good idea. 好主意。
Look in the real-estate section of Sunday's Times. 查一查星期天的 纽约时报 房地产版
You'll learn a lot. 会增长不少见识识
Maybe we should 也许我们应该
speak to a real-estate agent about a house. 和房地产仲介商谈谈一谈关於房子的事
And a bank about a mortgage. 还要和银行谈谈 睢
I'll talk to Richard about it. 我会与Richard商亮可 量。
I think it's a good idea, Ellen. 我觉得这是个好主主意 Ellen
We can learn a lot by asking. 我们到处问问会学学到不少东西
And if I can be of any help, 如果我能有所帮忙忙的
let me know. 告诉我。
As a matter of fact, 事实上
my friend Virginia Martinelli is a real-estate agent. 我的朋友Virginiaa Martinelli就是个房地产仲介。
Good. 好极了。
Good. 好极了。
You won't believe this, 简直不会相信
but she sold us our first house and this one. 我们的第一栋房子子和这一栋都是她卖的
Well, I'll tell Richard, 嗯 我会告诉Richhard
and we'll go to see her. 我们会去找她。
Do you think the skirt length is right, Ellen? 觉得这裙子长度度合适
Do you think it's too long? 你会不会觉得太长长
I think the skirt is just right. 我觉得长度合适。
Are you planning to attach a train to it? 准备加拖地裙摆摆
No. No train. Just the dress. 不 不加裙摆。就就是这样连身套装
But I am going to make a headpiece of lace. 但我准备做一个蕾蕾丝头饰
That dress is gorgeous. 这套服装真华丽。
Thanks, Ellen. 谢谢 Ellen。
And thanks for the advice about the house. 也谢谢 关於房子子的建议
I'll talk to Richard about it 我就跟Richard商
the minute he comes home. 他一回来。
And remember, 记住
we love having you here. 我们喜欢你们住这这
There's no need to rush. 没有必要急急忙忙忙

I remember when I was pregnant with Richard,
Philip and I were living
with Grandma and Grandpa.
Philip was a young doctor
and he kept talking about
having a house of our own.
It's natural.
I remember when Philip
and I wanted a place of our own,
like Marilyn and Richard want one now.
All people dream of a place of their own.
Some people dream of a farm house in the country.
Other people dream about owning
an apartment in the city.
Philip and I had our dreams too.
Philip wanted a ranch style house in Riverdale,
With a front door where his patients
could enter his first medical office.
I wanted to live in Riverdale too.
But I wanted a Spanish style house,
like the one I grew up in with tiles on the roof.
So, we looked in the real-estate section
of the newspaper.
We read about lots of houses for sale,
and we want to see a real-estate agent
as Marilyn and Richard are going to do.
We looked at lots and lots of houses,
but we didn't have enough money
to buy any of them.
Richard and Marilyn
don't have much money, either.
Maybe they won't be able to afford a house.
It's funny.
History repeats itself.
Richard and I are having a baby.
And we probably won't be able to
afford a house right away, either.
We couldn't afford one right away.
But we kept looking and later after Richard was born,
we bought a house here in Riverdale.
It was small and it didn't have much land,
but I loved it.
Philip and I both loved it.
Because finally we had
a place of our own.


I remember your parents' first house very well. 我还清楚记得你父父母的第一栋房子
It was on Spring Avenue, near the park. 那房子是在Springg Avenue 公园附近。
I grew up in that house. 我就在那栋房子长长大的
Yes, and you were such a cute baby. 对 你当时是个很很逗人喜爱的婴儿
I've seen pictures of him. 我见过他的照片。
He had blond hair. 他原来是金色头 。
I've been friendly with the Stewart family 我和Stewart家有浇磺
for a long time, 很久了
so it's my pleasure 所以现在我很乐意
to help you find a house now. 帮助你们找房子。
Well, we're not sure we can afford one. 嗯 我们还不知道道是不是负担得起
But we'd like to find out 但我们想知道
about the possibilities. 有多大的可能性。
That's a good idea. 这是个好主意。
I love your house on Linden Street. 我喜欢你们家在Liinden街的房子。
I sold your father that house seventeen years ago. 十七年前我把那栋栋房子卖给你父亲的
Really? 真的
Yes, Mom was pregnant with Robbie then, 是的 那时妈妈怀怀著Robbi
and they needed the extra room. 他们需要多一些空空间
I hear you're expecting a baby, Mrs. Stewart. 我听说你们快有小小孩了 Stewart太太
Mmm-hmm. 嗯。
So we will be needing more room. 所以我们也将需要要更大的空间
Oh, so you don't need something immediately? 呵 所以你们 不不是急著马上就要
No. But in five or six months ... 不急。但是在五 六个月後……
And time passes so quickly. 可是时间过得很快快
Yes, it does. 是的 确实如此。
Well, when you called, 嗯 你们打电话来来
you gave me enough information 已经给了我充分的的资
about your salaries and your savings. 关於薪资和储蓄。
So I have a good idea about your financial situation. 所以 我对你们的的财务状 很了解
Let me show you some pictures of houses. 我来给你们看看一一些房子的照片
With two bedrooms? 有两间卧室吗
Yes, I think I can show you some. 是的 我有 一些靠梢 给你们看。
Of course, they won't be in Riverdale. 当然这些房子不在在Riverdal
The cost of housing's too high for you here. 这 的房子对你们们来说太贵了
I haven't thought about living anywhere else. 我还没有考虑要住住到别的地方去
We've always lived in this area. 我们一直住在这个个地区
Where should we look for a house, Mrs. Martinelli? 我们应该到什麽地地方找房子 Martinelli太
Well, we have an office in Mount Kisco. 好 我们在Mount Kisco有个办事处。
It's a lovely area, 那 是个可爱的地地
and it's only about an hour's drive from here. 而且从此地到那 只有大约一小时的车程。
and it's only about an hour's drive from here. 而且从此地到那 只有大约一小时的车程。
Here. 这 。
I have a book with photos of some homes in that area. 我有一本那个地区区房子的照片
Now, let's see. Here. 来 我们看看。这这
This is a lovely two-bedroom house in your price range. 这一栋可爱房子有有两间卧室 在你们价格范围内
It's pretty, 是漂亮
but I prefer a two-story home. 但我喜欢两层楼的的房子
I do, too. 我也一样。
I don't care for a ranch type. 不爱平房。
OK. 好的。
Oh, this is a wonderful house. 啊 这是一栋很好好的房子
I know it well. 我非常清楚。
I sold it to the present owners. 是我把它卖给了现现在的主人
It looks wonderful. 看起来很好看。
This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house. 这是一栋有两间卧卧室 两间盥洗室的房子
It has a full basement, 全面地下室
and it is on a half-acre lot. 用地半英亩。
You can probably afford this one. 你可能负担得起这这栋房子
I like this house. 我喜欢这栋房子。
So do I. 我也喜欢。
And the price is right. 而且价格也合适。
Would you like to go see it? 你们要去看看吗
Yes. We're planning 是的。我们计划
Yes. We're planning 是的。我们计划
to talk to someone at the bank next week. 下星期与银行的人人谈一谈
Perhaps we could see the house this weekend. 也许这周末我们会会去看看这栋房子
If someone doesn't buy it before then, 如果在此之前没有有人买走的话
But let's keep looking. 让我们继续看下去去
Just to get an idea of some other possibilities. 瞧瞧其他可能的选选择
This is very helpful, Mrs. Martinelli. 这样很有用 Marttinelli太太。
Here. 这 。
This is a wonderful example of Spanish-style architecture. 这是栋很棒的典型型西班牙式建筑
Oh, 噢
I love the roof tiles on a Spanish-style house. 我喜欢西班牙式房房屋的屋顶瓦
It looks like the houses in Hollywood. 看起来好像是好莱莱坞的房子
It's interesting. 很有趣。
A house like this in Riverdale costs double the price. 在Riverdale像这蜒 的房子价格要贵一倍。
Oh my! 啊
Here's a real buy. 这个价格便宜。
It's a bargain. 真是大廉售。
This house just came on the market. 这栋房子刚刚推出出要卖
It's quite lovely. 相当好看。
Is it a two-bedroom house? 是两个卧室的吗
No. It has three bedrooms and three baths. 不。这栋房子有三三间卧室 三间盥洗室
I know the house. 我熟悉这房子
It has a brand new kitchen. 有一个全新的厨房房
It has a brand new kitchen. 有一个全新的厨房房
And a living room with a twelve-foot ceiling. 有一间十二 高的的客厅
And there's a two-car garage. 还有一个可放两辆辆车的车库
Then why don't we go look at this house, too? 那我们何不也去看看看这栋房
It's a good investment. 这是一项好投资。
Thank you, Mrs. Martinelli. 谢谢 Martinellli太太。
Thanks so much. 非常感谢。
My pleasure. 不客气。
Give my best to your parents. 替我向你父母问好好
Your father's a wonderful doctor, Richard. 你父亲是个了不起起的医生 Richard
He took care of my daughter 我女儿曾受他照顾
when she was a child. 在她小时候。
He's the best pediatrician in Westchester. 他是全Westchesteer最好的小儿科医师。
Thanks, Mrs. Martinelli. 谢谢 Martinellli太太。
I'll give them your regards. 我会向他们转达 的问候。
We really appreciate your advice. 我们非常感谢 的的建议
I do think you should go see the houses 我确实感到你们应应该去看看这些房
and talk to the bank. 且和银行谈一谈谈
Here. 来
Let me give you some information sheets about the houses. 我给你们一些关於於这些房子的简介
They're both very good buys. 这两栋都是价格便便宜的
Well, thanks so much for your help and your time, 好的 感谢 的帮帮助 用了 的时间
Mrs. Martinelli. Martinelli太太。
Mrs. Martinelli. Martinelli太太。
We've got a lot to talk about. 我们有很多可商量量的了
Mmm-hmm. Thanks. 嗯。谢谢。

Here, this is a lovely two-bedroom house.
The house has two bedrooms.
It's a two-bedroom house.
This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house.
A two-bedroom, two-bath house.
It has two bedrooms and two baths.
What about this house?
Well, let's see.
One bedroom, two bedrooms, three bedrooms.
It has three bedrooms.
It's a three-bedroom house.
What about that house?
I like this house.
One bath, two baths, this house has two baths.
It's a two-bath house.
Oh, I also like the garage.
It holds two cars.
It's a two-car garage.
This looks like a nice house.
I've got to see the inside.
Hmmm. Let's see.
There's a big kitchen, a dining room,
a living room and one bedroom,
two bedrooms, three bedrooms
and one bath, two baths.
That's good.
It has three bedrooms and two baths.
So, what did you think?
Well, it's a three-bedroom, two-bath house.
And you know, I think we could live here.
We'll have our own home.
It's the American Dream.


How do you do? 你好
Hello. 哈
I'm Ralph Riley. 我叫Ralph Riley
I'm Richard Stewart, and this is my wife, Marilyn. 我叫Richard Stewwart 这是我妻子 Marilyn。
Pleased to meet you. 很高兴与你见面。
Likewise, Mr. Riley. 我们也一样 Rileey先生。
Please, sit down. What can I do for you? 请坐下。我能为你你们做什麽
We'd like to discuss a mortgage. 我们想请教一下贷贷款的事
For a house. 为了房子。
Fine. Are you buying a house 好的。你们是要买买房子
or are you refinancing your present home? 还是原有的房子重重新申请贷
We're planning to buy a house. 我们计划买一栋房房子
And we'd like to find out about a mortgage. 我们想知道如何贷贷款
We are customers of the bank. 我们是贵行的顾客客
As a matter of fact, my whole family banks here. 事实上 我们全家家都是贵行的顾客
I have some questions to ask. 我有一些问题要问问
Do you own your house or do you rent? 你们自己有房子还还是租房
Neither. 都不是。
We live with my parents, Dr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart. 我们和父母住在一一起 我父母是Philip Stewart夫妇
And how old are you? 你几岁了
I'm twenty-nine. 我二十九岁。
I'm thirty. 我三十岁。
And, Mr. Stewart, what is your occupation? 那麽 Stewart先缮 你的职业呢
I'm a freelance photographer. 我是自*由摄影师。
And, Mrs. Stewart, are you working? 嗯 Stewart太太 你有工作吗
And, Mrs. Stewart, are you working? 嗯 Stewart太太 你有工作吗
Yes. I'm a designer, and I work in a boutique. 是的 我是位设计计师 我在一家服装店工作
Did you bring any savings or salary information? 你是否带来储蓄和和薪资的相关资
Last year's tax forms? 譬如去年的 伤吧晟 报表
Yes. Here they are. 带来了 在这 。
OK. What ... what kind of house did you have in mind? 好的 你们打算买买什麽样的房
We're talking about buying 我们在商量购买
a two-bedroom house in Mount Kisco. 一栋有两间卧室的的房子 在Mount Kisco
Here are the financial details on the house. 这是这房子的财务务细节
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Are you prepared to make a ten-percent down payment? 你打算缴纳10%做挝 备款吗
Yes, we are. 是的 我们准备如如此
Payments over thirty years? 三十年分期付款吗
Yes. 是的。
Do you think we can get a loan? 你觉得我们能得到到 盥
Well, it depends. Do you own any other property? 嗯 这还要看情 。你们拥有其他什麽财产吗
Any stocks or bonds? 有股票或债券吗
No. 没有。
I see. Then you don't have any collateral. 我明白了。那麽你你们没有任何担保物
Perhaps you could get a guarantor-- 也许你可以找一位位担保
someone to sign for the loan for you. 找个人为你们的贷贷款签个名
Why is that necessary? 为什麽有此必要
Since you don't have enough income, 由於你们的收入不不
Since you don't have enough income, 由於你们的收入不不
and you don't already own any property, 而你们又没有拥有有其他财
the bank needs to be sure 银行需要确定
you can pay the mortgage every month. 你们能每月按时 陡犊睢
A guarantor is responsible for the loan 担保人要对 罡焊涸
if you can't make the payments. 如果你们不能还钱
I see. Well, the idea of buying a house is exciting. 我明白了。嗯 买买房子的念头叫人兴奋过头
Thank you, Mr. Riley. We'll read this over carefully. 谢谢你 Riley先缮 。我们会仔细阅读这些。
Thank you. 谢谢你们。
Good-bye. Thanks. 再见。谢谢。
Good-bye. And hope to see you soon. 再见。希望很快再再见到你们
I hope so, too. 我也希望如此。
Take care. 慢走。
Good-bye. 再见。
It all sounded so easy 一切听起来都那麽麽容易
until they mentioned needing collateral or a guarantor. 在他们提到担保物物或担保人之
We have no collateral. 我们没有担保物。
And I don't think it's a good idea 而且我觉得这不是是个好主
to ask Dad to sign as a guarantor. 请爸爸当担保人为为我签字
I don't feel right about it. 我觉得这样不对。
I understand your feelings about it, Richard. 我了解你对这种事事的心情 Richard
Now, tell me, what's the problem? 啊 告诉我 有什什麽问
We can get a loan from the bank 我们能够从银行得得到 睢
We can get a loan from the bank 我们能够从银行得得到 睢
if we can put up some collateral. 如果我们能提供担担保物的
And we don't own anything to use as collateral. 可是我们没有任何何可以做担保物的东西
Or someone can sign with us as a guarantor. 或者有人能当担保保人帮我们签字
Why don't you speak to Dad? 你们为什麽不跟爸爸爸说说
No. If we buy a house, I want to be able to handle it alone. 不 如果我们买房房子 我希望能够自行负责
Everybody needs help sometimes, Richard. 每个人都有需要帮帮助的时候 Richard
I understand Richard's feelings about it, Ellen. 我了解Richard对创说母惺 Ellen。
In two or three months, I'll have an advance on my book 两到三个月後 我我能得到我那本书的预付
and be able to put more money down. 也就可以增加自备备款的额度
What about the house in Mount Kisco? 在Mount Kisco的贩 子呢
Somebody else'll buy it by then. 别人也许买走了。
Then there'll be other houses, Marilyn. 还会有别的房子 Marilyn。
Richard has a point. You're just beginning to look. Richard说得对。哪 们只是开始看房子而已。
We're in no great rush. It's true. 我们 不很急 这这是真的
This has been a great learning experience for us, Marilyn. 这对我们是一次很很好的学习经验 Marilyn
Talking to the real-estate agent. 与房地产仲介商谈
Looking at the houses. 看房子
Talking to the loan officer at the bank. 与银行的贷款负责责人谈
It has been a learning experience. That's true. 这真是一次学习经经验 真的
I think you're doing the right thing. Taking your time. 我觉得你们做得对对。慢慢
Looking around. Especially with a purchase of this kind. 到处看看 特别是是这一类买卖
You're talking about a lot of money. 你们谈的可是一大大笔钱
We'll call Mrs. Martinelli and tell her to keep looking for us. 我们会打电话给Maartinelli太太告诉她继续帮我们物色房子?
And I'll call Mr. Riley at the bank 我打电话到银行给给Riley先
and tell him we'll see him in a couple of months. 告诉他过几个月我我们再去找他
And if you ever need Dad or me to help you ... 如果你们的确需要要我和爸爸的帮助的话 …
We know. 我们知道。
You know we'll be there for you. 你们知道我们是会会伸出援手的
It's a Stewart tradition. We're a family. 这是Stewart家的创 。我们是一家人。

"They want to buy a house.
But can they afford it?"
We're planning to buy a house.
And we'd like to find out about mortgage.
"Here's the application. We need some information."
"How old are you?"
I'm 29. I'm 30.
"How many years were they in school?"
Richard, 16. Marilyn, 14.
"And Mr. Stewart, what's your occupation?"
I'm a freelance photographer.
"And Mrs. Stewart, are you working?"
Yes, I'm a designer and I work in a boutique.
"Here's the application. We need some information."
Income. Property. Debt.
What's their income?
How much money do they make?
They make $2,000 a month.
That's $24,000 a year.
Can they afford a house?
Do you own your house or do you rent?
Do you own any other property?
Any stocks or bonds?
"Can they afford a house?"
Since you don't have enough income,
and you don't already own any property,
the bank needs to be sure
you can pay the mortgage every month.
"They need a guarantor."
A guarantor is responsible for the loan
if you can't make the payments.
I see.
"They can't afford a house."
And I don't think its a good idea to ask Dad
to sign as a guarantor.
I don't feel right about it.
"They can't afford a house.
They can't afford it yet."
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-23 07:57
第十二课 You're Tops

Is that you, Susan? 是 吗 Susan
It's me, Grandpa. 是我 爷爷。
Am I glad to see you! 我看到 真的很高兴
And am I glad to see you! 我看见你才高兴呢
I am also glad to be here. 我很高兴来这 。
How are things? 近 如何
I have been talking to a group of salesmen 我一直在与一群推销人栽 谈话
since ten this morning, 从今天上午十点起
and I'm real exhausted. 我实在是精疲力竭了。
Well, you look good. 嗯 看起来蛮好的。
What's Harry doing tonight? Harry今晚做什麽
He and Michelle 他和 Michelle
are visiting relatives in New Jersey today. 今天去 New Jersey拜访访亲戚去了
The rest of our family went to the movies. 我们家 其馀的人都去靠 电影了。
So it's just you and me, Susan. 所以 这 只有 和我 Susan。
It's nice to be alone with you, Grandpa. 很高兴单独与你在一起 爷爷。
We don't get to see enough of each other. 我们在一起的时间太少亮恕
Oh, I feel the same way, Susan. 噢 我也有同样的感受 Susan。
I miss seeing you. 我很想见到 。
But to tell the truth, 但是 老实说
next time 下一次
I'd like to go into the city and meet you there, 我想到城 看
instead of you coming here. 而不是 到这 来
You don't need to do that, Grandpa. 你不用这样 爷爷。
Yeah, I do. 不 我要这样。
I need to get out more. 我需要多出门去。
Well, I mean 我的意思是
there's a lot to do around the house, 这屋 有很多事可做
and I love being here with the family, 而我也喜欢和家人在一破稹
you know, 知道的
but I'm restless. 但我闲不住。
Since I retired, 自从我退休以後
I've got extra time on my hands. 我有过多空闲时间。
I understand, Grandpa. 我能体会 爷爷。
I think you do. 我想 能体会。
Frankly, 坦白地说
I'd like to use my brain a little more. 我想多用用我的脑子。
Grandpa, 爷爷
you have so much energy and so many years of experience. 你精力这麽好 又有这鼢 多年的经验。
There are probably a lot of places for you to work 也许有很多地方可以让哪 去工作。
Particularly in the construction field. 特别是在营造界。
But at my age, 但是 像我这般年纪
I'm not looking for a full-time job. 我不会去找一个上全天鞍 的工作。
I'm retired. 我退休了。
But I'm bored. 但我感到无聊。
Well, there must be something. 嗯 一定可以找到事做
Maybe I can help. 也许我能帮忙。
Let's go into the kitchen, 我们到厨房去
and maybe you can help me set the table. 也许 能帮我摆桌子。
Sounds good to me. 我来。
What are we having? 我们吃些什麽
I prepared lamb chops, 我准备了羊肉
mashed potatoes, and a tossed green salad to begin with. 马铃薯泥 还有蔬菜沙 拉当头道菜。
Grandpa, you are a terrific guy! 爷爷 你真了不起
You're still thinking about something to do, aren't you? 你还在想要找点事做 适锹
A job of some kind. 找点工作。
That's right. 是的。
I've been thinking about it for weeks now. 为这事我想了几个星期
There must be some way to put my mind to good use. 总会有办法让我发挥才种恰
We'll find a solution. 我们会找到解决的办法
A positive solution 一个好法子
to your finding a way to use that wonderful mind of yours. 能够让你施展你的学识

Grandpa is waiting for Susan.
"Is that you, Susan?"
Grandpa has been waiting for Susan since noon.
Grandpa has been waiting.
Susan has been working.
since 10:00 this morning.
Susan has been working.
But she isn't working now.
"It's me, Grandpa."
"Am I glad to see you!"
Gandpa isn't working,
but he's been finding things to do.
He's been finding.
Grandpa is thinking about getting a job.
"You're still thinking about something to do,
aren't you?
A job of some kind."
"That's right.
I've been thinking about it for weeks now.
I've been thinking."
Maybe he'll get a job soon.


Sam, would you come in, please? Sam 请进来一下 好吗
You sound like something's bothering you, Susan. 听起来好像 有什麽心适 Susan
The sketches for the cover of the new doll book? 是新玩具书的封面设计
That's not it. 不是这种事
Please sit down. 请坐下。
Sure. 好的。
I need your advice on a personsal matter, 我有件私事 需要听听哪愕 高见
but it's not about me. 但这不是关於我自己的适隆
You need my advice on a personal matter, 有私事需要听我的意
and it's not about you. OK. 而且不是关於 自己的 :冒伞
It's about my grandfather. 是关於我爷爷。
What's the problem? 什麽事
It won't sound like a big deal, 这事听起来没啥严重
but it is. 但实际上很要紧。
I had dinner with him Saturday, 星期六我与他一起吃晚
and he's very unhappy about not working. 他对没有工作感到 筲蟛不乐。
I thought he was retired 我原以为他退休了
and pleased to be living with the family. 乐於跟家人住在一起。
He is, 没有错。
but there's so much energy and talent in the man, 但是他有那麽多的精力汉 才能
and he doesn't get to use it. 却又用不上。
But what can I do? 但我能帮什麽忙
What kind of advice are you looking for? 希望能得到什麽建议
Simply this. 简单说来是这样的。
John Marchetta runs this company. John Marchetta 经营这这家公司
He founded this company. 他创办了这家公司。
Right. 对。
John Marchetta gave me my start here six years ago, 六年前 John Marchettta让我在这 起步
When I first graduated from college. 那时我刚从大学毕业。
He gave me the chance to use my talents 他提供给我施展才能的换
and made me feel more confident. 使我对自己更加有信心
Right. 是的。
Maybe he can do the same thing for your grandfather. 也许他能为 爷爷做同蜒 的事。
Or at least give him some advice. 再不然至少可以给他一行 忠告。
Right. 对。
Then I've solved your problem. 说来我替 解决问题了
I can always depend on you, Sam. 我知道我可以依靠你
I'm glad to help. 我很乐意帮忙。
Shall I call Mr. Marchetta for you? 要我替 打电话给 Marcchetta先生吗
No, no. I'll do that. 不 不。我自己来
Thanks. 谢谢你。
Now, how's the Stewart family? 那麽 Stewart全家人抖己寐
Fine, thank you, Mr. Mrarchetta. 都好 谢谢你 Mrarchhetta先生。
Except for my grandfather. 除了我爷爷。
What's wrong, Susan? 怎麽啦 Susan
What's wrong with him? 他怎麽啦
He needs to work. 他需要工作。
In fact, that is the reason why I'm here to see you. 事实上 这是我来见你档脑 因。
I know you're building a new factory, 我知道你在兴建一座新构こ
and I thought ... maybe ... 我觉得……也许……
my grandfather is 我爷爷
so experienced in the construction trade, 在营造这一行业经验丰
he could be so valuable. 他或许能够有所用。
Tell him to come and see me 告诉他来见我
at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. 明天上午十点钟。
I have an idea that may solve the problem for him 我有个主意 也许能解揪 这个问题
and help a lot of other people. 且对其他很多人有益
Really, Mr. Marchetta? 真的吗 Marchetta先
Can I tell him that? 我可以把这消息告诉他
Sure can. 当然可以。
Ten o'clock in the morning. Here. 上午十点 在这 。
Oh, thank you! 噢 谢谢你

"You sound like something's bothering you. Susan."
Something is bothering you.
Tell me,
what could it be?
Let me know why you're worried.
You can tell me.
What seems to be the problem?
What can I do?
You can tell me what it is.
I'd like to help you.
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
Won't you tell me?
What's the matter?
Is something wrong?
What seems to be the trouble?
Tell me,
tell me what's up.
"What's wrong, Susan?"
What's the problem?
What can I do?
There is something on your mind.
Something's bothering you.
Everybody sing!
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
Won't you tell me?
What's the matter?
Is anything wrong?


Hi. I'm Malcolm Stewart. 嗨。我是 Malcolm Stewwart。
John Marchetta. 我是 John Marchetta。
Sit down, sit down. 请坐 请坐。
Susan has told me a great deal about you. Susan告诉我许多关於你你的事
She says you're quite a man. 她说你是个了不起的人
She says 她也谈起
a lot of wonderful things about you too, Mr. Stewart. 不少你的非凡作为 Sttewart先生。
That's always nice to hear, Mr. Marchetta. 听到这事总是好的 Maarchetta先生。
Call me John. 叫我 John
May I call you Malcolm? 我能称你 Malcolm 吗
Let's talk business. 我们来谈谈正经事。
That's music to my ears. 正合我意。
I understand 听说
you used to be in the construction business. 你过去在营造界工作。
Yup. Forty-three years. 是的 四十三年。
Here's a brief description 这是一份简单的记录
of forty-three years of on-the-job training. 关於我四十三年的工作揪 历。
That is some history! 这阅历了不得
You're a valuable asset, Malcolm. 你是很有价值的资产
Very valuable. 很有价值。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Yup. Forty-three years. 是的。四十三年
Half that time in my own construction company. 一半时间是在我自己的佑 造公司。
Big jobs--factories, shopping malls. 大的工程 工厂 大行凸何镏行
That kind of thing. 等等。
Then you retired. 然後你退休了。
Yes. 是的。
After my wife died, 我妻子去世後
and I felt I should spend more time 我觉得应该多花些时间
with my children and grandchildren. 与儿子 孙子们在一起
I lived in Florida, 我住在 Florida
and they lived in New York. 而他们住在纽约。
I understand. 我了解。
My dautghter Cami lives in New York. 我女儿 Cami住在纽约。
I like being near her. 我喜欢离她近一点。
When I came here, 当我初到这
I planned to take a few months off. 我计划休息几个月。
Relax with the family and then look for some work. 与家人轻 一段时间 热会 找个工作。
Put my experience on the line ... 考验考验我的阅历……
but, unfortunately, 但是 很不幸
there isn't any work for a retired person my age. 没有我这种年纪的退休览先说 工作。
Sometimes there is, 有时候有
and sometimes there isn't. 有时候没有。
Well, I'm involved with an organization, 嗯 我参加一个组织
and we're trying to resolve that problem. 试图解决这类问题。
What's that? 什麽组织
T-O-P-S--means Talented Older People's Society. T-O-P-S 全名是优秀老热 协会。
I'd like to be a member. 我想加入做为会员。
How much are the dues? 会费多少
There are no dues. 不要会费。
The organization serves major companies in this city. 这个组织为本市各大公怂 服务。
Why? 为什麽
Because our members are men and women like you. 因为 这个组织的会员抖际 像你这样的人。
Experienced, talented, retired. 有经验 有才能 退休 了。
But our members want to go out there 但会员们希望在社会上
and use their talents. 贡献他们的才能。
They want to work. 他们想工作。
That is fantastic, John! 那太好了 John
I've got an idea for you, Malcolm. 我倒替你想出了一个主乙 Malcolm。
Just fill out this form for me. 请把这份表填好。
It'll only take a few minutes. 只要几分钟时间。
Sit right here, 就坐在这 填
and do it while I talk to my secretary. 我去和秘书说个话。
When I get back, we'll talk about my new factory. 我回来後 我们谈一谈挝业男 工厂。
My company is a member of TOPS. 我的公司也是优秀老人行 会的会员
So I try hard to find opportunities for people like you. 所以我努力为像你这样档 人寻找机会
Malcolm. Malcolm。
And when I see an opportunity, 而且当我一看到机会
I can act on it. 我就可以处理。
Well, I can use your brainpower on the job right now. 嗯 我马上可以将你的膊 智用在这项工程上
Have you got time this morning 今天上午你有时间
to go over to the construction site with me? 去看一看建筑工地吗
I'd like to have you meet my foreman-- 我希望带你去认识工头
I'd like to have you meet my foreman-- 我希望带你去认识工头
get some background on the job. 了解这项工程的一些背揪啊
I've got plenty of time. 我有的是时间。
I'll be right back. 我马上就回来。
We'll go over to the job site together. 我们等一会儿一起去工档亍
Malcolm, you worked on the Spaceport project? Malcolm 你曾负责 太太空港 的案
My company was the contractor. 我的公司承包了这项工吵獭
I built the theater there 我建造这个剧院
with my own two hands, practically. 差不多是独自完成的。
I understand. 我明白了。
Well, 好的
I'm glad to see you two guys getting along so well 看到你们两位相处得这鼢岷 我很高兴
because, Danny, 因为Danny
Malcolm is on the TOPS team. Malcolm是 TOPS的一员
He's going to be working with you for a while. 他将与你一起工作一段适奔洹
His experience will be valuable to both of us. 他的经验对你我都很有佑谩
Welcome aboard, Malcolm! 欢迎加入 Malcolm
I'm going back to my office. 我要回办公室了。
Give me a call later, Malcolm. 请稍後打电话给我 Maalcolm。
I'll tell you the time and date of the next TOPS meeting. 我要告诉你 TOPS下次聚聚会的时间
I'd like you to meet the group. 我希望你能与协会的成栽奔 面。
I will, John. 我会的 John。
And again--thanks. 再次谢谢你。
No ... thank you. 不……谢谢你。
And thank Susan. 还要谢谢 Susan。
He's quite a man. 他是个了不起的人。
A real inspiration for me. 他给我很大的启发。
OK, Danny. 好啦 Danny。
I know you didn't expect to have me around, 我知道你没有预期我出舷 在你身边
but I think I can be of some help to you. 但我觉得我可以对你略 有帮助。
Let me tell you something, Malcolm. 我跟你说 Malcolm。
With your background and experience, 依你的背景和经验
I can learn something 我能学到一些东西。
... and I do need some advice on a difficult problem. ……我的确有一个难题乙 请教你。
Let me show you this. 我给你看看这个。
I don't want to give you a final opinion 我不想给你总结的意见
without studying these building plans more carefully. 在没有仔细研究这些建种 图的情 下。
But a simple solution might be 但是 一个简单的解决鞍 法可能是
to move the air-conditioning units 移动空调设备
instead of redesigning the entire system. 而不必重新设计整套系屯场
It might be simpler and less expensive . 这样可能比较简单而且适 钱。
You just earned your weight in gold, Malcolm. 你可帮了大忙 Malcollm。
Welcome aboard! 欢迎加入我们的行列
It all happened so quickly! 这一切发生得太快了
I can't believe it! 我简直不敢相信
I'm glad Mr. Marchetta was so helpful. 我真高兴 Marchetta舷 生如此帮忙。
He was more than helpful. 他不仅仅是帮忙。
He actually took me to meet his foreman. 事实上他带著我去见他档 工头。
I'm thrilled for you, Grandpa. 我真为你兴奋 爷爷。
I don't know how to thank you, Susan. 我不知道如何谢 Suusan。
You're a wonderful granddaughter. 真是个好孙女。
It's good to see you so happy. 能看见你如此高兴 太汉 了。
I'll be at the construction site tomorrow. 明天我要去工地
What are you doing tomorrow night? 明天晚上做什麽
I'm not doing anything. 我没有要做什麽。
Why? 怎样
How about a date with your grandfather? 和 爷爷约个会好吗
I owe you a good steak dinner. 我欠 一顿牛排晚餐。
I'll accept. 我接受邀请。
Tomorrow night. 明天晚上。
You and me. Dinner. 你和我。吃晚饭。
What time? 什麽时候
I'll pick you up here at seven . 我七点钟到这 来接
Is that OK? 可以吗
I can't wait! 我盼望著那个时候
And you can tell me 到时候你就可以告诉我`
all about your first full day back on the job. 关於你重回工作第一天档 全部情 了。
It's a deal! 就这麽约定

Malcolm Stewart we want to know.
Who is he and what has he done ...
That's what we want to find out.
We'd like to know.
So, what do you say we take a look at his resume?
"Here's a brief description
of 43 years on-the-job training."
Name, address, and phone number.
That's a good way to begin.
Now, we know where to write or call
if we want to contact him.
Where did Malcolm go to school?
We need that information.
We'd like to find out
where and when he got his education.
Bachelor of Science in engineering in 1938.
Master of Science in engineering in 1940.
That's great.
We need a brief summary of Malcolm's work history.
You mean his work experience.
He was president for 22 years
of Malcolm Stewart Associates.
What did he build?
He built things like Spaceport Project,
Orlando Civic Centre, Handerson Shoe Factory,
Florida Sun and Health Clubs,
Titusville Mall and Dede County Arts Centre.
And before that,
vice president--
Harrison and Stile's Building Corporation.
And before that,
senior engineer--
Harrison and Stile's Building Corporation.
And before that,
project engineer--Guilford Construction Company.
And before that,
foreman--Brancusi Brothers.
And before that,
he was in the Navy.
Seaman first class!
"Hahaha. That is some history.
You're a valuable asset, Malcolm."
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-24 07:38
第十三课 A Real Stewart

There's nothing more joyous than the arrival of a new baby. 没有任何事能比新缮 儿的到来更令人喜悦的了。
I am so excited. Mother! 我好兴奋 妈妈
Just imagine--Marilyn and Richard must be thrilled! 想像得出 Marillyn和Richard一定乐坏了
Oh, a new baby! 噢 一个新生儿
Max ... Max ... Max. Max……Max……Maxx。
Oh, it's a sweet-sounding name for a sweet little boy. 噢 好一个甜美悦抖拿 配个甜美的小孩。
My first grandchild. 我的第一个孙子。
And my first nephew. 我的第一个侄子。
Isn't he just adorable? 他真是太可爱了
He looks a lot like you, Mom. He does. 他像 妈妈。他舷 。
Do you think so? 真的这麽认为
Well, I guess. He does look a lot like Richard, 嗯 有点像。他确适 很像Richard
and I guess he looks a lot like me. 我看也蛮像我。
Oh, he's got Richard's eyes, though. 噢 他的眼睛跟Ricchard的像极了。
I really want Harry and Michelle to see Max. 我真希望Harry和Miichelle来看看Max。
When are they coming? 他们什麽时候来
Tomorrow. Harry has an account to work on today. 明天。Harry今天有有项会计工作要做
Yes, he does have Richard's eyes. Big blue eyes. 是的 他的眼睛很舷馬ichard。蓝色大眼睛。
The baby even looks at you like Richard does. 这婴儿看 的时候乙蚕馬ichard那样。
Well, children usually resemble their parents. 嗯 孩子总是像父哪 的。
It's true. 对。
Michelle is a lot like Harry in so many ways. Michelle在许多方妹 很像Harry。
And she's shy with new people, just like he is. 她见了生人就害羞 与他一样。
You really like Michelle, don't you? 的确很喜欢Micheelle 是吗
Yes. I'm very fond of her. 是的。我很喜欢她
And Harry, too? 也喜欢Harry 是吗
Well ... 嗯……
Uh, it's four-thirty. Oh my! 啊 已经四点半了 0 天啦
Marilyn and Richard will be home from the hospital any minute, Marilyn和Richard怂 时都会从医院回来
and we must prepare this room. 我们得收拾好房间
Where will we put all the presents? 我们把这些礼物放栽谀
Well, let's take everything to the living room. 嗯 我们把东西都贩诺 客厅去。
Marilyn and Richard and the baby need the space. Marilyn和Richard换 有婴儿需要空间。
It's crowded in here. 这 太挤了。
The welcome sign is up: 欢迎的标语已经弄 好了
"Welcome home, Max." 欢迎你回家来 MMax 。
"Welcome home, Max." 欢迎你回家来 MMax 。
Isn't it exciting, Grandpa? 真令人兴奋 是吗 爷爷
Your first great-grandchild. 你的第一个曾孙。
Yes. Yes, sir. 是的。是的。
A great-grandchild. A great-grandson. 一个曾孙。 一个曾曾孙
Another generation to carry on the Stewart name. 这是承继Stewart家家族香火的新一代
I love you, Grandpa. 我爱你 爷爷。
You make me feel so proud to be part of our family. 你让我以成为我们技 庭的一员而自豪。
One day, you'll have your own family, 总有一天 会有 自己的家
and I'll be proud to be part of it. 那时我会以成为 技业囊 份子而自豪。
Now you understand my feelings, Susan. 现在 能理解我的父 受了 Susan。
I'm Grandpa's daughter-in-law, but I feel like a Stewart. 我是 爷爷的儿媳父 但我觉得我是Stewart家的一员。
He's always made me feel like his own daughter. 他总是让我觉得我适 他的亲生女儿。
Well, 嗯
that's because you're so much like us--wonderful! 那是因为 太像我妹橇 太好了
Mom, got it. 妈妈 找到了。
This will make a nice gift for Marilyn and Richard. 这是给Richard和Maarilyn的一件好礼物。
They can keep a record of all of the important dates 他们可以记录下重乙 的日子
and information about Max's life here. 关於Max在这 的生生活
Let's see. 让我想想。
Name: Max Stewart. 姓名 Max Stewartt。
Does he have a middle name? 他有中间名字吗
No, just Max. I like that. 没有 就是Max。我我喜欢这样
No, just Max. I like that. 没有 就是Max。我我喜欢这样
No middle name. No middle initial. 没有中间的名字。妹挥兄 间的字母。
Like me. I'm Malcolm Stewart. 像我一样。我叫Mallcolm Stewart。
Just Malcolm Stewart. 就是Malcolm Stewaart。
And Max has your initials, Grandpa: M.S. Max的名字开头字母母与你的一样 爷爷 都是M.S.
Uh, it must mean something. 噢 这很有意思。
Weight: eight pounds six ounces. 体重 八磅六盎司
Eight-six. Big boy! 八磅六。是个大婴
All the Stewart men were big. Stewart 家的男人抖己 大。
Well, Robbie was eight pounds two ounces, 嗯 Robbie生下来鞍 磅二盎司
and Richard was eight pounds three. Richard生下来时八八磅三
And me? 我呢
Eight pounds six. 八磅六。
You were big, just like Max. 很大 像Max一样样
Eight pounds six, just like me. 八磅六 跟我一样
That's nice. Length. Length? 太好了。身高 多
Richard says Max is twenty-one inches long. Richard说Max是二适挥 长。
Twenty-one inches. 二十一英 。
Is that tall or average or what? 这样尺寸是高呢 换故 普通 或者算怎样
Tall. All the Stewart men are tall. 高 Stewart家的男男人都高
Well, Grandpa, you're about five-nine or five-ten. 嗯 爷爷。你大概 是五英 九或者五英 十。
I wouldn't call that tall. 我不觉得这样算高
I take after my mother's family. 我像我母亲家的人
I take after my mother's family. 我像我母亲家的人
They were ... they were ... they were average. 他们……他们……怂 们是普通身材。
Mother: Marilyn. Father: Richard. 母亲 Marilyn。父父亲 Richard
And lots of pages for Richard's photos of Max. 有好多页可用来贴RRichard给Max拍的照片。
Speaking of mother and of father 谈到孩子的爸 孩鬃 的妈
--and speaking of Max--I hear the car. 谈到小孩 挝 听见汽车声了。
They're here! 他们到了。
Oh! Oh, quickly! Go, go, go! 噢 噢 赶快 走 走 走
Let's see. Oh, welcome home. 让我看看。噢 欢佑 回家来。
Oh, let her in. 噢 让她进来。
Wait with your pictures for a second. 先别忙著你的摄影
Come on, darlings. 来 亲爱的。
Sweetheart .... Sit down right here. 心肝宝贝……就坐栽谡 。
Oh, he's so cute! Oh, Marilyn! 噢 他真逗人喜爱 噢 Marilyn
Max looks just like Grandpa. Max长得真像爷爷。
A real Stewart. 一个真正的Stewartt家後代。
I'm so happy to be home with my family--and with Max. 我真高兴回到家 汉痛蠹以谝黄 还有和Max在一起。

Weight: 8 pounds, 6 ounces.
8 pounds 6 ounces.
How much is that?
Metric weight.
Metric weight.
Metric weight.
Let's do it again with metrics.
About 4 kilograms.
That's about 4 kilograms.
What does Grandpa weigh?
About 170 pounds.
How much is that?
Metric weight.
Metric weight.
Let's do it again with metrics.
About 77 kilograms.
About 77 kilograms.
Richard says Max is 21 inches long.
21 inches.
How long is that?
Metric measurement.
Let's do it again with metrics.
About 53 centimeters.
53 centimeters.
Well, Grandpa, you're about five nine.
5 feet, 9 inches.
How tall is that?
Metric measurement.
Let's do it again with metrics.
About one and three quarter meters.
That's about one and three quarter meters.
Marilyn and Richard will be home from
the hospital any minute.
How fast are they driving?
About 40 miles an hour.
How fast is that?
Metric measurement.
Let's do it again with metrics.
About 64 kilometers an hour.
That's 64 kilometers an hour.


It's almost ten o'clock. 差不多十点了。
I've got to go. Tomorrow is Monday, 我得走了。明天是行 期一。
and work begins at eight in the morning for me. 早晨八点我就得开适 工作。
Oh, I'm so happy that Max is home. 噢 我真高兴Max回回到家了
He's the sweetest little thing. 他是最可爱的小 换铩
I'll drive you to the station, dear. 我开车送 到车站热ァ
You can catch the ten-twenty train to Grand Central Station. 能赶上开往Grandd Central Station的十点二十分班车。
I'll drive Susan, dear. 我送Susan 亲爱的的
Thank you, Philip. 谢谢你 Philip。
Then Grandpa, Robbie, 那麽爷爷 Robbie
and I can finish wrapping all these gifts. 和我可以把这些礼挝 包装完。
It's so good to have you home again ... 真高兴 又回家了 
and to see Max asleep in his bassinet at home with us. 真高兴看到Max和我我们一起 睡在家 的摇篮
To be with our family and all that Stewart TLC. 真高兴和全家人在乙黄 受到Stewart家族无微不至的照顾
TLC--tender loving care. TLC 温暖的爱护护和关怀
That's our motto. 这是我们的格言。
Did you see the washcloth 你看见浴巾
and the towels with the teddy bears on them? 和泰迪熊毛巾吗
Alexandra and the Molinas sent them for Max. 那是Alexandra和 MMolina全家送给Max的。
It was so kind of them. 他们太客气了。
Now Max has come into everyone's life. 现在Max走进了每个个人的生活
The house is so alive with him here. 有了他在这 屋 头得生气蓬勃。
The welcome sign over the door. 门上的欢迎标语。
The boxes of presents. 那些礼物盒。
The M-A-X over his bassinet. 摇篮上的MAX字样。
Robbie put that there. 这是Robbie弄的。
Susan's teddy bear. Susan送的泰迪熊
Susan's teddy bear. Susan送的泰迪熊
So cuddly. The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad. 抱起来真舒服。爸鞍 妈妈送的漂亮婴儿床。
Oh, and Grandpa's baseball glove. 噢 还有爷爷的棒 球手套。
You know, it hung over my crib, too. 要知道 我的小床缮 也曾 过它。
And it hung over Robbie's crib. Robbie的小床也 构
Part of Grandpa's magic? 这是爷爷 魔法 档 一部分吗
Oh, that's not all. 噢 还没完呢
It hung over Susan's crib. Susan的小床也曾 过。
The same baseball glove? 同 一个棒球手套吗
That's right. Grandpa hangs it there for good luck. 是的。爷爷把它 栽谀 以求好运。
He says it always brought him good luck on the baseball team. 他说 当年他在棒乔蚨邮闭 手套总是带给他好运。
He believes it'll bring good luck to all the Stewart babies. 他相信这手套会给SStewart家所有的婴儿带来好运。
And then he takes it back 然後 他就把它收换厝
when Max is ready to use it? 当Max长大能使用这这手套时
Yes, 是的
and replaces it with a new glove 用一个新的手套来换凰
so the old one will be ready 这个旧的又可准备
for a new member of the Stewart family. 给Stewart家的新成成员了
Grandpa really loves his family, doesn't he? 爷爷确实很爱这个技 是吗
So do I. 我也一样。
And so do I. 我也一样。
And so does Max. Max也一样。
After he eats! 等他吃饱了
After he eats! 等他吃饱了

Grandpa loves his family.
So does she.
Grandpa loves his family.
So does he.
There's a lot of love here
every single day.
Grandpa loves his family.
So do they.
Susan works in business.
So does he.
Richard likes his exercise.
So does she.
Philip works with children.
She works with them, too.
She works in a hospital.
So does he, it's true.
Grandpa likes to be outside
on a summer day.
He likes to be outdoors fishing,
and so do they.
Marilyn has curly hair.
So does she.
Grandpa has a little hair.
So does he.
Harry likes to see the sights
on a beautiful day.
Harry likes to see the sights,
and so do they.
Grandpa likes to be outside
on a summer day.
He likes to be outdoors fishing,
and so do they.
Philip loves his family.
Susan loves her family.
There's a lot of love here
every single day.
Grandpa loves his family,
and so do they.
... and so do they.
... and SO ... DO ... THEY.


Thanks, Michelle. 谢谢 Michelle
I hope you like it. 希望 喜欢。
Isn't this baby outfit adorable? 这套婴儿装不是很靠 爱吗
With his name on it--"Max." 有他的名字在上面 “Max”。
Thanks so much, Harry and Michelle. 太感谢了 Harry和和Michelle
We really appreciate it. 我们实在很感激。
I'm glad you like it. 我很高兴你们喜欢
Michelle picked it out. 是Michelle选的。
Yes, I told Daddy to pick blue ones. 是的。我告诉爸爸蜒 蓝色的。
Blue is for boys, and pink is for girls. 蓝色是男孩子的 贩 红色是女孩子的。
And Max is some boy. Max是个好男孩。
He's a real Stewart. 他是个十足的Stewaart家的人。
Right. 对。
That was so thoughtful of you, Michelle. 想得真 到 Micchelle
Especially to pick it out in blue. 还特地选了一件蓝 色的。
Would you like to see baby Max, Michelle? 想看看Max小家伙伙吗 Michell
Could she? Could we? 她能看看吗 我们哪 看看吗
Could I? 我能看一看吗
Take them upstairs, Susan. 带他们上楼去 Sussan。
Harry and Michelle can watch Max sleeping. Harry和Michelle可可以去看Max在睡觉
Let's go. 我们走。
Come on, Michelle. 来吧 Michelle。
Before Max wakes up. 趁Max还没有醒来。
Will you please take this upstairs, Susan? 麻烦 把这个带上热 好吗 Susan
Uh-huh. 好 好。
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Michelle is very grown up for a ten-year-old, huh? 以一个十岁的孩子览此 Michelle很成熟 是吗
She's smart and sensitive for her age. 就这样的年龄来说 她很聪明而且懂事。
Growing up without a mother is difficult. 在没有母亲的情 舷 长大不简单。
You mature quickly. 这种人成熟得快。
Susan's like a mother to Michelle. Susan就像是Michellle的母亲。
They have a good relationship. 他们关 不错。
Do you think Susan and Harry will get married? 你觉得Susan和Harrry会结婚吗
Yeah. You can count on it. 当然 你等著瞧吧
I think so. Yes. They get along so well. 我也觉得是这样。适堑 他们相处得很好。
I like him. He's good for Susan. 我喜欢他。他很适汉蟂usan。
He's a little quiet. 他有点沉静。
It's hard to do anything but listen in this family. 在这个家庭 除亮 听别人之外还能怎样。
How can anybody get a word in around here? 在这 谁有机会膊 话呢
You're right, Ellen. 你说得对 Ellen。
Oh, really? 噢 是吗
It's the way it should be. 本该如此。
It's the way it should be. 本该如此。
The Stewarts are the Stewarts! 这就是Stewart家人人的本
They always were, 他们过去如此
and they always will be. 将来也永远会如此
Right! 对
They've always got an opinion. 他们总有自己的看贩ā
Always got something to say. 总有话要说。
And now there's Max Stewart. 现在又加上Max Steewart。
and if he talks as loudly as he cries, 如果他说话像他哭乙 样大声
we're all in for trouble. 我们都会吃不消的
He's quiet now. 他现在很安静。
Mmm-hmm. That's because he's sleeping. 嗯。那是因为他睡亮恕
He's really cute. 他真是逗人喜爱。
It's not necessary to whisper, Harry. 没有必要压低声音怂祷 Harry。
A baby gets used to voices. 婴儿习惯各种声音
I remember now. 我现在记起来了。
We always whispered when Michelle was born. 当Michelle出生的适焙 我们总是压低嗓门说话。
And I didn't sleep well, Daddy told me. 而我总是睡不好。鞍职 告诉我的。
I never slept. 我总睡不著。
And when I did, 就算我睡著了
I woke up when I heard someone speak. 一听到有人说话我揪托 了。
I bet you were cute. 我打赌 当时很逗 人喜爱。
She sure was. 她小时候很逗人喜鞍
She sure was. 她小时候很逗人喜鞍
Not as cute as Max. 不如Max这麽逗人喜喜
He's like a little doll. 他像个小洋娃娃。
Oh, good. 噢 好了。
Now I can help diaper him. 我现在可以帮他换哪 布了。
Let's get Marilyn. 还是叫Marilyn来吧吧
What do you do when he cries like that? 像他哭得这个样子父 怎麽办
You pick him up. 把他抱起来呀。
He's so little ... so new. 他这麽小……这麽佑住
Let's call Marilyn. 我们还是叫Marilynn来吧。
Time for a feeding and time for a diapering. 该喂奶 换尿布的适 候了。
You're a real Stewart. 你是个真正的Stewaart家後代。

How about that!
A new baby in the Stewart family.
Baby Max. Max Stewart.
You know what that means, don't you?
It means that I, Malcolm Stewart,
am now a great-grandfather,
and Max is my great-grandson.
My son Philip is a grandfather now.
He's Max's grandpa.
And Ellen is his grandmother,
a very loving grandma.
Susan thinks that Max looks like Ellen.
But Robbie thinks Max looks like me.
Robbie is Max's uncle.
He thinks his little nephew Max is pretty special.
Susan, Max's aunt,
thinks he is special too.
And so do I.
And so do his parents,
Marilyn and Richard.
They love Max very much.
Oooh, little Max.
I love you.
You're a real Stewart just like me
and just like all of us.
作者: yangzhiqiou    时间: 2009-11-24 07:48
Oh,my god.
作者: liao_yl    时间: 2009-11-24 08:32
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-25 07:57
第十四课  Playing Games

You like living in New York, don't you? 喜欢住在纽约约 是
Oh, I love it. 噢 我喜欢住住在纽约
It's so convenient. 一切都很方便
I can take the bus to work ... 我可以坐公共共汽车上班…
or the subway ... 或者搭地铁……
or a taxi. 或者坐计程车车
And there's so much to do. 而且这 总是是有许多事可做
Lots of movie houses, and the theater. 很多电影院 还有剧院。
I know what you mean. 我懂得 的意意思
I'd like to live in the city, 我也喜欢住在在
but living in New Jersey and the suburbs 但住在 New JJersey的郊区
is better for Michelle. 对 Michelle乙 好些。
Trees, grass. 有绿树 有草草地
There's a lot of good things about suburban living. 郊区生活是有有许多优点
I grew up in Riverdale, remember? 你记得吗 我我就是在 Riverdale长大
So I know. 所以我了解这这些
But, as a working woman, 但是就职业妇妇女来
I think New York has all the conveniences-- 我觉得纽约具具备了一切便利的条
including the best tomatoes. 包括上好的 选
The truth is, I'd like to live in the city. 老实说我也想想住到城 来
Michelle's the right age. Michelle正处处於成长的年龄
There are lots of things for her here. 这 有许多适适合她的东西
You're right, Harry. 你说的对 HHarry。
Today is the perfect example. 今天就是一个个很好的例子
Michelle and her friends are at the aquarium in Brooklyn. Michelle和她她的朋友们在参观 Brooklyn的水族馆
They come back here for lunch, 他们回到这儿儿来吃午
then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. 然後再往北去去自然历史博物馆
There's so much for young people to see and do. 这 有很多可可供年轻人看和做的事情
It's just incredible! 简直是难以置置
Not just for young people. 不仅仅对年轻轻人来说是这样
What about me? 对我还不是一一
I've never been to the aquarium 我从来没有去去过水族
or the Museum of Natural History. 或自然历史博博物馆
Have you? 呢
Oh yes, Harry. 去过了 Harrry。
My mother and father 我父母
My mother and father 我父母
often took us somewhere in the city on the weekends. 经常在 末带带我们去城 的一些地方
Dad was a busy doctor, 爸爸是个很忙忙的医
but he usually managed to squeeze a Sunday in 但是他总会设设法挤出星期
with Richard, Robbie, and me. 和 Richard Robbie及我在一起。
I used to love to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 我过去很喜欢欢去大都会美术馆
I've been there several times. 我到那儿去过过好几次
Twice with Michelle. 其中两次是和和 Michelle去的
You ought to think about spending more time with Michelle 你应当考虑多多花点时间陪 Michell
at all the great places in the city. 去城 所有的的好地方看看
Well, perhaps, 好的 也许
you'll help me select some of the great places. 能帮我挑一一些好地方
And perhaps, you'll join us? 也许 能跟我我们一起
Perhaps I will. 也许吧。
Well, there we are. 好了 就这样样了
All set for lunch, Harry. 午餐的一切都都准备好了 Harry
It looks inviting. 它看起来很令令人食指大动
I wish Michelle and her friends would get here. 我希望 Micheelle和她的朋友很快就到这 。
I'm starving, aren't you? 我饿了 呢
I can't wait to take a bite of the pumpernickel. 我简直迫不及及待想吃一口黑 包
It smells so delicious. 它闻起来好香香
Coming! Coming! 来了 来了。
Who is it? 是谁呀
Who is it? 是谁呀
Michelle. Michelle。
It's us, Susan. 是我们 Sussan。
Come in, Michelle, 请进 Micheelle
and bring your friends along. 请带 的朋友友们进来
We're on the fifth floor. 我们在五楼。
Oh, you've been here before. 噢 以前来来过的
Susan, Susan
I really appreciate 我真的很感谢
your doing this for Michelle and her friends. 为 Michellle和她的朋友所做的这些。
Oh, please, Harry. 噢 拜 你 Harry。
It's nothing. 这没什麽。
I'm not just doing it for Michelle. 我不仅是为 MMichelle做这些
I'm doing it for you. 也是为你做的的
Thank you. 谢谢 。
I'm doing it for us, Harry. 我是为我们大大家做的 Harry
Well, 是的
it's ... it's important for Michelle to see us together more often. 让 Michelle靠 到我们更常在一起是……是很重要的。
That's true. 确实是这样。
It's important 这是很重要的
for Michelle and me to get to know each other better. 让Michelle和和我彼此更了解
That's important for us. 这对我们很重重要
That makes me feel good. 那使我感到很很高兴
That makes me feel good. 那使我感到很很高兴
What, Harry? 什麽 Harry
What makes you feel good? 什麽使你感到到高
Well, that you care about Michelle, 哦 我是说你你关心 Michell
that you care about me, and 关心我 且
that you care about us. 关心我们大家家
Well, Harry, that's because I do. 哦 Harry 那是因为我关心。
I do care. 我真的关心。
They'll be here any minute. 他们马上就到到了
Susan, I'd like to continue this conversation later. Susan 我希希望等一下能继续我们的谈话
Of course, Harry. 当然可以 HHarry。
We'll finish the conversation when they go to the museum. 他们去博物馆馆之後我们再聊
I'd like that. 我很乐意。
So would I. 我也是。

I like living in the suburbs.
Living in New Jersey
in the suburbs
is better for Michelle.
Trees, grass.
We have a nice house with trees
in front of it and a backyard
for Michelle and her friends to play in.
It's a quiet neighborhood
where people like to take long walks.
The truth is,
I'd like to live in the city and Michelle's the right age.
There are lots of things for her here.
Like today, for example,
Michelle and her friends
went to the aquarium in Brooklyn
and then they went to the Museum of Natural History.
I'd love to go there myself.
We can look at the dinosaurs.
And Michelle likes the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
We went there together.
And Susan likes the museum too.
There's lots of things for us to do together in the city,
like going to the South Street Seaport.
Ah, we had such a good time there,
and Central Park.
Oh, what a beautiful ride we took in the park.
All those trees and the sunshine,
like the suburbs.
Or we could go to the Central Park Zoo.
Michelle loves animals.
You ought to see there's so much to offer us,
so much for us to do together.
Maybe Michelle and I would like it here.
Maybe we would.


Oh, Daddy! 噢 爸爸
We had such a good time at the aquarium. 我们在水族馆馆玩得真开心
I saw a real shark. 我看到一条真真正的鲨鱼
I could almost touch it. 我几乎可以摸摸到它
I'm so glad. 我真高兴。
Hi. Michelle, 嗨 Michell
why don't you introduce everybody to Susan? 何不将她们每每一位介绍给 Susa
Hi, Susan. 嗨 Susan。
Hi. 嗨。
I'd like you to meet Audrey and her mother, Mrs. Cooper. 我来向 介绍绍 Audrey和她母亲 Cooper太太
Hello, Audrey. 哈 Audreey。
Nice to meet you, Mrs. Cooper. 很高兴见到 Cooper太太。
I'm Susan Stewart. 我是 Susan SStewart。
And this is Shirley and Nicole. 这是 Shirleyy和 Nicole。
Hi, girls. 嗨 女孩们好好
Come on in. 请进。
Come on in, Mrs. Cooper. 请进 Coopeer太太。
Come on in, everybody. 大家请进来。
The aquarium was so exciting. 水族馆真的很很好玩
I had never been there before. 我以前从来没没有去过那
The girls learned a great deal. 女孩们学到了了许多东西
Frankly, so did I. 坦白说 我也也是
Well, please sit down 嗯 请坐下来
and tell us all about it during lunch. 一面吃午餐 一面告诉我们一切。
We prepared some tuna fish 我们准备了 埚塾
and cheese sandwiches for lunch. 和起士三明治治当午餐
I love tuna fish. 我喜欢吃鲔鱼鱼
Don't you, Audrey? 喜欢吗 AAudrey
I remember when I used to be a Girl Scout. 我记得我还是是一名女童子军的时候
My mother would take us everywhere, too. 我妈妈也是带带我们各处走
Susan, I understand you're in the toy business. Susan 听说 是在玩具业工作。
Yes, I am. 是的。
My company manufactures toys and games for children. 我们公司专为为孩子们生产玩具和 戏器具
My company manufactures toys and games for children. 我们公司专为为孩子们生产玩具和 戏器具
Susan's vice-president in charge of new toys and games. Susan是主管行 玩具和新 戏器具的副总裁。
And the marketing of new toys and games. 还有新玩具和和新 戏器具的行销
Can we test a new game for you, Susan? 我们可以帮 试验 的新 戏吗 Susan
That's an excellent idea, Michelle. 这是个好主意意 Michelle
I happen to have 我这儿碰巧有有一
a game which I brought home to study. 我带回来研究究的 戏
Let us try it! 让我们试试吧
Do you want to play? 们想玩吗
Nicole? Shirley? Audrey? Nicole Shiirley Audrey
We tested it last week on twelve- to fifteen-year-olds, 我们上一 曾曾在十二岁至十五岁的孩子中试过这项
and they found it to be too easy-- 他们发现字太太简单
in other words ... boring. 也就是说
We think it might be just right for ten- to twelve-year-olds. 我们想它或许许对十岁到十二岁大的孩子正合适
That's us, Susan. 那正是我们 Susan。
First, you shuffle the deck 首先 得洗洗一下
and lay them face down. 将牌盖住。
Then you select the leader. 然後 们选出出指挥
I'll be the leader. 我来当指挥。
The leader takes the first ten cards 指挥拿出上面面的十张
and lays them face up on this stand. 将它们掀开放放在这个架子上
h-t-e-r-c-z-e-p-e-s. h-t-e-r-c-z--e-p-e-s。
Everyone gets a turn, going counterclockwise, 每一个人按逆逆时针方
Everyone gets a turn, going counterclockwise, 每一个人按逆逆时针方
left to right. 从左到右轮流流玩
You have thirty seconds to make a word, 们有三十秒秒的时间造一个
using as many letters as possible. 尽可能多用字字
You get one point for each letter, 一个字母可得得一分
plus the person with the longest word gets ten extra points. 所造的字最长长的人多得十分
The first one to get one hundred points wins. 首先达到一百百分的人赢
That's easy. 那太容易了。
OK, let's go around the table. 好 让我们顺顺著桌子来
You first, Audrey. 先来 Auddrey。
Chest--c-h-e-s-t. Chest c-h-ee-s-t。
Good. 好。
That's five points. 五分。
Next, Nicole. 下一位 Niccole。
Three--t-h-r-e-e. Three t-h--r-e-e。
OK. 好。
That's five points also. 也是五分。
It's your turn, Shirley. 轮到 了 SShirley。
Creep--c-r-e-e-p. Creep c-r--e-e-p。
Creep. Creep
That's another five-letter word. 又是五个字母母的字
Five points. 五分。
So far, you're all tied. 到现在为止 你们不分胜负。
So far, you're all tied. 到现在为止 你们不分胜负。
Sheet--s-h-e-e-t. Sheet s-hh-e-e-t。
Sheet is a five-letter word. Sheet 是五个个字母的单字
Michelle, your turn. Michelle 父 了。
Cheese--c-h-e-e-s-e. Cheese c-h--e-e-s-e。
Terrific! 好极了
Michelle wins with a six-letter word, Michelle赢了了 她的单字有六个字
plus she gets an additional ten points 加上另外的十十
for a total of sixteen points. 她一共得十六六分
How are you enjoying the game so far? 到现在为止 们喜欢这个 戏吗
I think it's too easy. 我觉得它太简简单了
Too easy? 太简单
Michelle! Michelle
It's OK, Harry. 没关 Harrry。
Michelle is quite right. Michelle 非吵 对。
She just said it's too easy. 她仅仅说它太太容易了
Well, I like the game. 哦 我喜欢这这个 戏
I enjoyed lunch, Susan. 这顿午餐真好好 Susan
Thank you so much, 非常感谢 。
but we have to get going 但我们必须走走
to meet the rest of the troop at two o'clock at the museum. 我们得在两点点钟到博物馆与其他童子军会合
Oh, it was nice meeting all of you. 哦 很高兴会会见 们各位
I hope you have a wonderful time 希望 们玩得得开
I hope you have a wonderful time 希望 们玩得得开
at the Museum of Natural History. 在自然历史博博物馆
Good-bye, everybody. 各位再见。
Have a good time. 好好玩。
Bye. 再见。
See you in front of the museum at five o'clock. 五点钟博物馆馆前再见
Oh, OK. 噢 好的。
Thanks, Mr. Bennett. 谢谢 Benneett先生。
That'll be fine. 就这样说定了了
And thanks again for the lunch and for the game. 再次谢谢你们们提供了午餐和 戏
Good-bye, Susan. 再见 Susann。
It's not a bad game. 那不是个坏 戏
It's just ... slow. 只是……太慢慢了
Just slow. 只是太慢了。
You helped save our company a lot of money. 帮我们公司司节约了许多钱
Bye-bye. 再见。
You are wonderful with kids. 对小孩子有有一套
I am. 的确这样。
Isn't there a conversation that we have to finish? 我们不是有话话还没说完

Hello, everybody!
It's time to play 'take my word.'
Here are the rules of the game.
We'll ask you to make some words from these letters.
We'll tell you how many letters
are in the word and we'll give you a clue.
Are you ready?
Let's begin.
You are looking for a word with 3 letters.
A 3 letter word.
Here's your clue "meow."
You have 5 seconds.
Time's up.
Who says "meow?"
A cat, of course.
Now another word.
It has 4 letters.
A 4 letter word.
Here's your clue--
Max is Susan's nephew,
so Susan is Max's what?
You have 6 seconds.
Your time is up.
Susan is Max's aunt.
Let's go on.
Another 4 letter word.
You can wear this when it's cold outside.
You have 6 sceonds.
Take my word.
All right.
What do you wear when it's cold outside?
Well, I don't know about you,
but I wear a coat.
Let's keep going.
A 3 letter word and here's your clue.
You can do it with scissors.
5 seconds.
Ladies and gentlemen.
You can use scissors to cut.
And now a word with 5 letters.
Here's your clue.
7 seconds.
Time's up.
The answer is, count.
You can count with your fingers.
And now, friends, for the last word.
You must use all 10 letters.
A 10 letter word and here's your clue.
What is Harry Bennett's occupation?
You have 8 seconds.
All right.
Harry Bennett is an accountant.
And that's all the time we have.
Thanks for playing 'take my word'.


There's a conversation we have to finish. 我们有一段话话还没有谈完呢
What was it about? 刚才谈什麽
It was about caring. 谈到关心。
Oh? 噢
Yes, caring. 是的 关心。
I said that it makes me feel good 我是说我感到到很高
that you care about Michelle. 关心 Micheelle。
Well, I do care about Michelle. 是的 我真的的关心 Michelle
And it makes me feel good that you care about me. 而且 关心我我 也让我感到很高兴
You know I do. 你知道我是关关心
You're a ... wonderful friend. 你是个……极极好的朋友
And it makes me feel good 使我太高兴了
that you care about us. 关心我们大大家
Well ... well, 哦……哦
I do, Harry. 我是关心 HHarry。
It's only natural that if I care about Michelle 假如我关心 MMichelle
and I care about you, 也关心你
then I care about us. 那麽我便关心心我们大家
It's OK, Susan. 太好了 Sussan。
We had this part of the conversation 我们正谈到这这
before Michelle and her friends arrived. 在Michelle和和她的朋友们来之前
Now comes the good part. 现在最精彩的的部分来了
Like what? 什麽
Well, assume that if you care about Michelle 噢 假如你关关心 Michell
and you care about me 和我
and you care about us, 且关心我们们大
and you care about us, 且关心我们们大
that we can talk about us. 我们就可以谈谈谈 我们
I mean--you and me. 我的意思是说说 和我
Isn't that right? 对不对
What are you trying to say, Harry? 你到底想说什什麽 Harr
What I'm trying to say ... 我想说……
since this is so easy .... 既然那麽简单单…
Here are ten letters that express my feelings for you. 这 有十个字字母可以表达我对 的感情
Don't be silly, Harry. 别闹了 Harrry。
You want a hint? 需要提示吗
It's two words. 两个字。
You're making the game harder. 你使 戏变难难了
Can't you figure it out? 找不到答案案
Seven letters ... two words ... 七个字母………两个字…
that express the feelings that I feel for you in my heart. 可以表达我内内心对 的感情
Harry, I get it! Harry 我想档搅
Well? Does that mean you'll marry me? 噢 的意思思是 答应嫁给我
Is that a proposal, or are we just playing a game? 这是求婚呢 还是仅仅在玩 戏
Sit down, Susan. 坐下 Susann。
There's something I have to ask you. 我有一件事要要问
Susan, will you marry me? Susan 愿乙 嫁给我吗
It's such an important decision. 这是一个如此此重要的决定
There's so many things to talk about. 有许多事情需需要讨论
There's so many things to talk about. 有许多事情需需要讨论
There are three things that have to be done first, Harry. 首先我们必须须做三件事 Harry
Three things? 三件事
First, we have to decide where to live. 首先 我们得得决定住在哪
Well, that's easy. 哦 那很简单单
We talked about that earlier. 我们先前谈过过这个问题
We'll live in New York. 我们会住在 NNew York。
All right. 好。
Second, 第二
we have to talk to Michelle together about being married. 我们必须一起起跟 Michelle谈谈我们结婚的事
We'll do that immediately. 我们可以立即即跟她谈
What's the third thing? 第三件事情是是什
You have to ask for my father's permission. 你必须徵得我我父亲的同意
Absolutely! 那当然
But first things first. 但事有先後。
We have to go pick up Michelle. 我们得去接 MMichelle了。
Oh, I'm so happy, Harry! 噢 我太高兴兴了 Harr
Not as happy as I am. 我比 更高兴兴

It wasn't easy for me to do.
But I finally asked Susan to marry me.
Well? Does that mean you'll marry me?
Is that a proposal, or are we just playing a game?
I'm not just playing games.
There's something on my mind I want to talk about.
It's hard for me to say,
but I can spell it out for you to see easily.
I'm not just playing games.
I hope you know how much I really care for you.
No matter where you are.
I'm always there for you.
I want to share my life with you.
So will you marry me?
I will always love you,
and I'll try to make you happy every day.
Marry me.
I will always care for you.
We'll always have each other.
We'll be a family.
I'm not just playing games.
If you could only read my mind
you'd know by now.
I'll spell it out for you,
so I can show you how I feel for you.
Two words. Marry me.
Marry me.
Marry me.
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-26 08:18
第十五课  Second Honeymoon

What's this for? 为什麽要送我花
Just because. How's the baby? 没有原因。孩子好吗
Fast asleep. 正熟睡著呢。
I'm sorry I missed him. I had to work late. 很抱歉我错过了他醒醒著的时候。我必须工作到很晚
What are the flowers for, Richard? 究竟为什麽送花 Riichard
Five years of happiness. Happy anniversary. 为了五年的幸福。祝祝 结婚 年快
But our anniversary isn't until Saturday. 但是要到星期六才是是我们结婚 年呀
I couldn't wait. 我迫不及待啦。
Besides, we are not going to be here Saturday. 另外 我们星期六将将不在这 了
We're not? 不在这
Uh-uh. 嗯。
Where are we going to be? 我们会在哪儿
If you had your choice of all the places in the world. 假如 可以选择世界界上的任何地方
where would you choose to spend our anniversary? 会选哪 去度我们们的结婚 年纪念
The Watermill Inn. Watermill Inn。
I loved that place when we went on our honeymoon. 当初我们度蜜月时我我便很喜欢那个地方
Perfect! You picked the right place. 棒透了 你选对了地地方
I don't understand. 我不懂你在讲什麽。
You and I, Mrs. Stewart, Stewart太太 和挝摇
are going to spend a second honeymoon at the Watermill Inn. 将到Watermill Inn热 度第二次蜜月。
Oh, Richard! That's wonderful, but-- 噢 Richard 那真适 太好了 可是……
No buts. 不要说可是。
What about the baby? 那小宝宝怎麽办
Aren't we taking the baby on our honeymoon? 我们岂不是要带小宝宝宝一起去度蜜
Absolutely not. 绝对不必。
The world's greatest grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Stewart, 世界上最伟大的祖母母 Ellen Stewart太
has agreed to take care of him for the weekend. 同意在 末照顾他。
Richard, isn't that too much to ask of your mother? Richard 那是不是烫 麻烦你母亲啦
Too much? She loves taking care of Max. 太麻烦 她喜欢照顾顾Max
But ... I'll miss him. 但是……我会想他的的
Well, we'll phone every hour, 好了 我们每个小时时都打电
and you can listen to him over the phone. 而且 可以在电话中中听到他的声音
Come on, Mar. 得了 Mar。
It's time you and I had a romantic weekend alone together. 是我们俩单独在一起起过一个浪漫 末的时候了
We've earned it. What do you say? 我们有这样做的权利利。 说
It does sound tempting. 听起来很诱人。
It does sound tempting. 听起来很诱人。
You're right. We've earned it. 你说得对 我们有这这样做的权利
Great! I'll make a reservation right now. 太好了 我现在就订订房间
Remember that wonderful little balcony 还记得那个美妙小阳
where we had our meals ... 我们用餐的地方……
with a view of the Hudson River? 可以看到Hudson河
How could I forget? 我怎麽会忘呢
Hello. Is Mrs. Montefiore there? 喂 Montefiore太太太在
Ah. She's out. 啊。她出去了。
Yes. This is Richard Stewart. 是的。我是Richard Stewart。
My wife and I spent our honeymoon at the inn. 我太太和我在你们旅旅馆度的蜜月
No, we didn't leave anything in the room. 不是 我们没有弄丢丢任何东西在房间
It's five years ago. 那是五年前了。
We'd like to make a reservation for this weekend. 我们想预订一个这个个 末的房间
Yes, a double room, please. What? 对 双人房间 麻烦烦你。什
Are you sure? But ... OK. 你确定吗 但……算算
Nothing available. 没有空房间了。
Wait! Don't hang up! 等等 别 断电话
Can you recommend someplace nice--someplace nearby? 你能给我们介绍一个个好地方吗 一个附近的地
Uh--hold it. Old Country Inn? 嗯 等一等。Old Coountry Inn
Right. And the phone number? 好的。电话是多少
555-2420. Thank you. 555 2420。谢谢你
He says there's another inn 他说还有另一家旅馆
He says there's another inn 他说还有另一家旅馆
just half a mile down the road from the Watermill. 从Watermill往下走种 要半英哩。
It won't be the same, but what do you say? 那就不一样了 但 说呢
Well ... 那……
My mom is available to baby-sit this weekend. 我妈妈在这个 末可可以照顾小宝宝
Well, OK. See if they have a room. 那 好吧 看看他们们是否还有房间
Right! 好的
Hello. Is this the Old Country Inn? 喂 是Old Country Inn吗
Yes. This is Richard Stewart. 是的。我是Richard Stewart。
The desk clerk at the Watemill suggested your inn. Watemill Inn柜 职职员推 你们旅馆
Would you happen to have a room for two availbale 你们可有一个双人房房
this weekend? 这个 末
Something really nice. 要很好的。
My wife and I are celebrating our fifth anniversary. 我太太和我要庆祝一一下我们的结婚五 年
Yes. I'll hold. He's checking. You do? 好 我会等。他正在在查。真的有
Great! What is the daily rate? 太棒了 房间一天多多少
That's fine. Thank you. 很好。谢谢你。
Yes, we'll be arriving by car about ten o'clock Friday night. 是的 我们将於星期期五晚上十点钟左右开车抵达
Stewart. S-t-e-w-a-r-t. Thank you. Stewart S t e w a r t。谢谢你。
Done! You and I, Mrs. Stewart. 办到了 Stewart太烫 和我
are going to have a wonderful, romantic weekend! 将度过一个美妙 浪浪漫的
Richard, that's the baby. Richard 是小宝宝靠 了。

Good afternoon, Watemill Inn,
may I help you?
Hi, I'd like some information
about the inn.
Of course! We're located in the town of Rhinebeck,
just a two-hour drive from the city.
What kinds of accommodations do you have?
For a very special vacation
we have a large honeymoon suite.
Well I ...
Or if you prefer you can reserve
a smaller single room.
That's probably ...
Or a double room, with a fire place,
and a balcony.
I really think ...
And the view of the Hudson River
from the balcony is absolutely gorgeous.
I don't really ...
Enjoy beautiful view.
Well, the town of Rhinebeck is the perfect place
to take an afternoon walk.
I do like to ...
And of course, after all that walking
you'll want to relax
and have a deliclous dinner,
in our romantic dining room.
Well, I don't know. I may be ...
... too tired to come to the dining room?
Don't worry. Our friendly room service
is always ready to bring
delicious meals to your room.
Oh, how nice!
Nice. Our innkeeper Mrs. Montefiore
is the nicest person you'll ever meet.
She's been making the Watermill Inn
a comfortable place for guests for over 20 years.
What time is ...
Well, you can check in any time after 1:00 p.m.
And checkout anytime before 12:00 noon!
Now, when would you like your reservations,
and what type of room would you like?
I'm not quite sure ...
You can be sure that the Watermill Inn
is the finest small hotel in all of New York State.
New York? I thought I called Florida!


Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. 走这边 Stewart先缮 和太太。
Well, it's small, but clean. 噢 它是小了点 但但是乾
Clean? You call this clean? 乾 这样算乾
Have a nice stay. 希望你们住得愉快。
Thank you. I don't believe this. 谢谢。我简直不敢相相信
Well, it isn't the Watermill Inn, 算了 这不是Watermmill Inn
but let's get a look at the view. 但让我们来瞧一瞧景景色
How is the view? 景色怎麽样
Great, if you enjoy looking at a parking lot. 好得很 假如你喜欢欢看一个停车场的话
Well, maybe we'll see the view in the morning. 好了 也许我们可以以在早晨看风景
Right now, we should clean up this room. 现在 我们应当清理理一下房间
Sorry, Marilyn. 对不起 Marilyn 。
Why should you be sorry? 你何必说对不起呢
Well, the rain, the room, the view of the parking lot. 唉 这雨 这房间 这停车场的景色。
It isn't the way I hoped it would be. 这不是我所盼望的。
Stop blaming yourself. 别责备你自己了。
After all, we're here, we're alone, we're together. 毕竟 我们来到这儿儿了 我们又单独在一起了
And I love you. Isn't that enough? 我爱你。难道这还不不够
It is for me, 对我来说当然足够
but I wanted this weekend to be special for you. 但我希望这个 末对对 来说很特别
It is special. Happy anniversary. 确实很特别。结婚 年快乐
It's still raining. I want to play tennis. 仍然在下雨。我想打打网球
I want some breakfast. 我想吃早餐。
Let's call room service and order a nice breakfast, 让我们打电话给房间间服务部订一份可口的早餐
and then we'll figure out what to do today. 然後我们再决定今天天做些什麽
Right. Would you give me room service, please? 好。请接房间服务部部好
I beg your pardon? Oh, I see. 你说什麽 噢 我明明白了
They don't have room service at Old Country Inn. Old Country Inn没佑蟹考 服务部。
Well, let's go down to the coffee shop. 哦 那我们下去咖啡啡厅吧
They don't have a coffee shop. 他们也没有咖啡厅。
We can get our meals at Mrs. Montefiore's down the road. 我们可以沿大路走到到Montefiore太太的旅馆去吃
That's OK, honey. 没有关 亲爱的。
I love walking in the rain. 我喜欢在雨中散步。
Oh, you're being a really good sport about this, Marilyn, 噢 在这件事情上上 倒变成一个看得很开的人 Marilyn
but I think we should face the truth. 但我认为我们应面对对现实
What's that? 什麽意思
What's that? 什麽意思
This is not the way to spend our fifth anniversary. 这不是我们过五 年年纪念日的方式
Well, what do you want to do? 那你想 什麽
Why don't we get in the car and drive home? 我们何不开车回家
Oh, Richard, it really isn't that bad. 喔 Richard 事情 没有那麽糟。
Do you want to stick it out for the whole weekend? 难道 想在此地耗掉掉整个
Well, I'll admit the room is uncomfortable. 嗯 我承认这个房间间很不舒服
Uh-hum. 嗯哼。
And I do feel bad about your mother 而且我觉得很过意不不去让你母
having to take care of the baby all weekend. 整个 末照顾孩子。
Why don't we just check out? 那何不立即结帐离开开
OK. 好吧。
Hello? Yes. Yes, this is she. 喂 是的 是的 是是我
Oh, hello! How nice of you to remember us! 噢 好 真好 还记得我们
Yes, my husband did call. 是的 我丈夫打过电电话
You do? Really? It won't be any trouble? 有 真的 不会有有任何麻
Oh, yes, I think we'd like that very much. 噢 好的 我想我们们非常乐意
Fifteen minutes! Thank you. Good-bye. 十五分钟 谢谢 。。再见
You will never guess. 你绝对猜不到。
Uh ... I give up. 嗯……我放 猜。
Mrs. Montefiore from the Watermill Inn. 是Watermill Inn的MMontefiore太太打来的电话。
What is she calling about? 她打来说什麽
They have an opening. 他们有一个空房间。
They have an opening. 他们有一个空房间。
Someone just checked out. 有一个人刚刚结帐走走了
and Mrs. Montefiore has reserved the honeymoon suite for us. Montefiore太太为我我们保留了蜜月套房
You're kidding! 在开玩笑
No. Isn't it wonderful? 不 这不是很美妙吗
It's fantastic! 太棒了
Oh. Now all it has to do is stop raining. 噢。现在唯一希望的的就是停止下雨
Let's go. 我们走吧。

Marilyn and Richard hope to have
a wonderful weekend.
Hope to have, hope to have.
But Richard doesn't like the view.
"Great, if you enjoy looking at a parking lot."
He doesn't enjoy looking at cars.
Enjoy looking, enjoy looking.
When two verbs are together
in a sentence. The second verb,
sometimes has "to" in front of it.
Sometimes it ends in "ing."
Marilyn is happy.
We're here, we're alone,
we're together.
And I love you.
But it keeps raining all night long.
Keeps raining, keeps raining.
The next morning
Richard wants to play tennis.
Wants to play, wants to play.
Marilyn suggests going to the coffee shop.
Suggests going, suggests going.
They don't have a coffee shop.
But they need to eat breadfast.
Need to eat, need to eat.
After enjoy, keep and suggest
use a verb with "ing."
And with hope, want and need
use a verb with "to" in front of it.
What are they going to do?
I love walking in the rain.
She loves walking in the rain,
loves walking.
She loves to walk in the rain,
loves to walk.
After love use a verb with "ing."
You can also use a verb with "to" in front of it.


Welcome to the Watermill Inn. 欢迎你们来Watermilll Inn。
Oh, Richard, 噢 Richard。
it's exactly as it was when we were married! 它跟我们结婚的时候候一模一
And when I got married. 也跟我结婚时一样。
Even the old patchwork quilt is the same! 甚至这条旧的百衲被被罩也是一
My great-grandmother made that quilt 我曾祖母缝 了这个个被罩
when Teddy Roosevelt was President. 在Teddy Roosevelt档 总统的时代。
In those days, when they made quilts. 那个时代 人们做被被罩
they cut patches 剪下布块
from the old clothing of every member in the family 从每位家庭成员的旧旧衣服
so that each one would be a part of it. 好让每个人都成为它它的一部分
What a lovely tradition! 多麽可爱的传统
Thank you for calling us. 谢谢 打电话给我们们
I remember you and your wife 我便一直记得你和你你太
from the first time you stayed with us. 自从你们第一次在我我们这 住开
We were very young. 我们那时很年轻。
And very much in love. 而且相爱至深。
We have a baby now. 我们现在有一个小宝宝宝了
How wonderful! A boy or a girl? 太好了 男孩还是女女
A boy--Max. 男孩。叫Max。
Do you have a picture? 你们有他的照片吗
Would a professional photographer be without a picture? 一位专业摄影师会没没有照片
Oh, he's adorable! 哦 他可爱极了。
And very bright. 而且非常聪明。
Like his father. A real Stewart. 像他爸爸一样。一个个真正的Stewart家成员
And very good-looking, like his mother. 也很漂亮 像他妈妈妈
Well, it's nice to have you with us again. 噢 非常高兴你们又又来了
Next time, bring the baby. 下次把小宝宝一起带带来
You see, Richard? Max is welcome here. 你看到了吧 Richarrd 他们这儿欢迎Max呢。
Not on our anniversary. 可不能在我们的结婚婚纪念日
This vacation is for you and me. 这是我和 的假期。
If there's anything you need, please call me. 假如你们需要什麽 请打电话给我。
I'll be in the front office all day. 我整天都在总办公室室
Oh, I took the liberty of ordering some breakfast for you. 噢 我冒昧给你们订订了早餐
Just put it over there, Charles. 就放在这儿吧 Charrles。
Thank you, Charles. 谢谢你 Charles。
Compliments of the Watermill Inn. Watermill Inn请客
Compliments of the Watermill Inn. Watermill Inn请客
Thank you. 谢谢。
Thank you so much. 太谢谢 了。
Now, this is my idea of a good time. 这才是我所谓的享受受
Let's see ... hotcakes and maple syrup, with scrambled eggs. 让我瞧瞧……烤饼 枫糖 还有炒蛋。
Umm ... smell that coffee ... cinnamon and cloves. 呀……你闻一闻 Х确取 …一股肉桂和丁香的香味
Homemade buttermilk biscuits. 自 的酸奶饼。
Slices of orange with burnt honey. 了焦蜜的桔子片。
Let's eat! 吃吧
First I want to call home 我先得打个电话回家
and check on your mother and the baby. 问问你母亲和孩子的的情
Honey, if there were any problems, 亲爱的 假如有事的的
she would call us. 她会打电话过来的。
She doesn't know we've changed hotels. 她不知道我们换了旅旅馆呀
You're right. Of course. 说得也是。
Hello, operator. 喂 接 生
I'd like to call Riverdale, New York. 请接New York的Rivverdale。
This food is heavenly, isn't it? 这一顿太美好了 是是
This whole place is heavenly. 这整个地方都太美好好了
Do you remember that old desk? 还记得这张旧桌子吗
Mrs. Montefiore told me that Montefiore太太告诉诉
George Washington sat at that desk George Washington栽 坐在那
and wrote to his wife Martha. 给他妻子Martha写信信
and wrote to his wife Martha. 给他妻子Martha写信信
What do you want to do after breakfast? 早餐後 想做什麽
Why don't we take a walk down to the river? 我们何不一路散步到到河边去
In the rain? 在雨中
No. Look out the window. The sun is shining! 不。你看看窗外。太太阳出来
Now this is my idea of a good time! 这才是我所谓的享受

Looking at our photographs
from all our time together,
I see us both changing
through the years.
I can't believe how young we looked.
It seems a million years ago,
but through it all
we've shared our joys and tears.
There we are together.
Once upon a time,
reminding me of how
we used to be.
There we are together,
smiling at the camera.
Each day was bright
and new for us.
There we are,
the two of us,
and still we are together,
you and me.
Every photograph,
reminds me how I love you,
and how our love
gets better every day.
Every photograph reminds me
how the years just come and go.
And I can see our love grow
with every photograph.
Looking at our photographs,
I'm going back in time.
Watching every anniversary.
The pictures take me there again,
but we both looked so different then.
Could that really be you and me?
Every photograph
reminds me how I love you.
And I can see our love grow
with every photograph.
作者: fendou    时间: 2009-11-26 08:30
作者: lds08080808    时间: 2009-11-26 08:33
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-27 15:34
第十六课Full of Surprises

The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa. 邮差刚刚塞进一一些信件在我们的信箱 爷爷
Probably a lot of advertising and bills. 大概是一大堆广广告和帐单
Why don't you write to me, Robbie, 你为什麽不给我我写信呢 Robbi
so I can get some interesting mail? 那样我就可以收收到一些有趣的信件了
You were right, Grandpa. 给你说对了 爷爷爷
Advertising, bills, bills, advertising. 广告 帐单 帐帐单 广告
Yes. It's just like I said, Robbie. 正像我说的那样样吧 Robbie
Nothing interesting. 没有什麽有趣的的
You won't believe it, Grandpa, 你绝不会相信 爷爷
but there's a letter here addressed to you, 这 确实有一封封信是寄给你的
Mr. Malcolm Stewart, and it looks like a personal letter. Malcolm Stewarrt先生收 而且看来是一封私人信件。
Oh, it must be a bill. 噢 还不是帐单单
I don't think so. 我想不是吧。
The return name and address is 发信人姓名和地地址
Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. Pete Waters CChesterton 乡村免费邮递路 一号。
You're joking. Pete Waters? 你在开玩笑吧。。Pete Water
Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. Pete Waters 舷 村免费邮递路 一号 Chesterton。
You know him? 你认识他吗
Do I know Pete Waters? 我可认识Pete Waters
You bet I do! 你可以打赌我当当然认识
He was my roommate in college. 他是我大学时的的室友
He visited with Grandma and me in Florida 他到Florida看构 祖母和我
about five years ago. 大约五年前。
What does he say? 他说了些什麽
Is he OK? 他还好吗
Yeah, he's fine. 是的 他不错。
Just fine. 相当不错。
He's writing to invite me 他写信邀请我
to spend a weekend with him at his farm. 去他的农场跟他他一起渡个 末
He's planning a get-together 他计划办一个 劬刍
with two or three other college friends. 邀两 三个其他他的大学朋友一起
A kind of a fifty-year anniversary reunion. 等於是五十 年年重逢聚会
Sounds like fun. 听起来好像蛮好好玩的
Fifty years? Wow! 五十年 喔
It sounds like fun to me, too, Robbie. 对我来说也像是是蛮好玩的 Robbie
What kind of farm does he have? 他的农场是什麽麽样
What kind of farm does he have? 他的农场是什麽麽样
I've never been there, Robbie, 我从来没有去过过那儿 Robbi
but he has chickens and cows and all. 但他有 牛等等等
That means fresh eggs and fresh milk. 也就是说会有新新鲜的 蛋和牛奶
Does he have a family? 他有亲人吗
No, he doesn't, Robbie. 没有 他没有 Robbie。
He never married. 他没有结过婚。
He's not as lucky as I am 他不像我这样 倚以说
to have a family and grandchildren. 拥有一个家庭和和孙子们
I'm a lucky man. 我是个幸运的人人
How come he never got married? 为什麽他不结婚
That's a good question, Robbie. 这是个好问题 Robbie。
A very good question. 一个非常好的问问题
He never married because 他不结婚是因为
the girl he was in love with in college married someone else. 他大学时代所爱爱的女孩跟别人结婚了
As simple as that. 就这麽简单。
He never got over it. 他一直念念不忘忘
He must have loved her very much. 他一定非常非常常地爱她
Yes. Very much. 是的 非常爱。
Lillian Winters. 她是Lillian Wiinters。
She was in our class. 她和我们同班。
And what happened? 发生什麽事呢
She was in love with Donald McGrath, 她爱上了Donaldd McGrath
She was in love with Donald McGrath, 她爱上了Donaldd McGrath
the quarterback on our football team. 我们足球队的四四分卫
Football players are always popular with the ladies. 足球队员往往很很讨女生的喜爱
She liked Pete, and they went to dances together. 她喜欢Pete 他他们也一起去跳舞
But her heart was with Donald. 但她的心 想的的是Donald
Did he ever get over it? 他有忘掉这件事事
No, he never did. 没有 从来没有有
Where is she today? 她如今在哪
I don't know. 我不知道。
Maybe Lillian will be at the reunion. 或许Lillian也换 参加聚会。
You think so? 你想会吗
Pete's full of surprises. Pete总是出人意意表
I wish I could go there with you, Grandpa. 我真希望我能够够跟你一起去 爷爷
What do you think the surprise will be? 你想会是什麽样样的意外惊
With Pete, you never know, Robbie. 你不可能猜到Peete会耍什麽花样 Robbie。
Won't it be exciting to see all your college friends there again? 在那 又要见到到你的大学朋友 难道不兴奋
It is already. 现在已经很兴奋奋
I'm kind of excited about going now. 我现在就想去了了
Next weekend ... 下 末……
sleep over Friday and Saturday night 星期五和星期六六晚上在那儿过
and come back Sunday. 然後在星期天回回来
I can't wait! 我迫不及待
Don't you think you ought to call Pete 你不觉得应该打打个电话给Pet
Don't you think you ought to call Pete 你不觉得应该打打个电话给Pet
and tell him you're coming? 告诉他你要去吗
You're reading my mind, Robbie. 你说的正是我想想的 Robbie

He's planning a get-together
with two or three other college friends.
A kind of a fifty-year anniversary reunion.
I got a letter in the mail today.
It said, "How're you doing, old friend?
I've been thinking about you.
So tell me what's new.
We should get together again.
"I haven't seen you for a long time.
I was thinking about you today.
And if I could, I'd come right over.
But you live too far away."
The letter said, mmm-hmm!
"Here's your invitation."
It said, mmm-hmm!
"We're having a celebration.
Let's get together.
Have a reunion.
"It's been a while.
You've got to show me that smile.
And I want to see you again.
"Let's get together.
Have a reunion.
Come on!
You're invited.
We'll be reunited
and we'll get to know
each other again.
"I want to hear those old stories.
I want to sing an old, old song."
The letter said, "Bring your camera.
Take some pictures.
Hope you can come along.
"And if you can come,
Won't you let me know?
You can write or give me a call.
Before you know it,
you're going to feel
like the years never passed at all."
The letter said, mmm-hmm!
"Here's your invitation."
It said, mmm-hmm!
"We're having a celebration.
Let's get together.
Have a reunion.
It's been a while.
You've got to show me that smile.
And I want to see you again.
Let's get together.
Have a reunion."


Hello. What can I do for you? 你好。我能为你你做点什麽
Hi. Fill 'er up. 嗨 把油箱加满满
I need a full tank. 我要满满一箱 陀汀
Check the hood? 要不要检查一下下机
No, thanks. 不用了 谢谢。
Whereabouts are you headed? 你要去哪
Pete Waters's farm, near Chesterton. Pete Waters的排┏ 在Chesterton附近。
I know it well. 我对它熟得很。
Pete Waters's lived around here almost as long as I have. Pete Waters住栽谡 差不多跟我一样久了。
How long is it going to take for me to get there? 到那 还需要多多久时
About fifteen minutes. 大约十五分钟吧吧
There's a shortcut--if you know it. 假如你识路的话话 有一条近路可走
No, I don't. 不 我不识路。
Could you tell me how to use the shortcut? 你能告诉我怎麽麽走这条近路
Sure. You take the next left turn. 当然。你在下一一个路口左
You'll see a stop sign. 会看到有个停车车再开标
Make a right at the stop sign. 就在停车再开标标 那 向右拐
Stay on that road, and you'll cross a blue bridge. 沿著路开下去 你会经过一座蓝色的桥。
Then you'll see a big old red barn. 然後你就会看到到一座旧的红色大 仓
That's the back of Pete Waters's place. 那就是Pete Watters住处的後面。
That's quite a difference from the directions that Pete sent me. 这和Pete寄给我我的路 指示完全不同
Now, if you take that route, it's probably a lot simpler, 哦 假如你走这这条路的话 可能会简单得
but it'll take you ten minutes longer. 但会多花你十分分钟的时间
OK. Let me repeat it. 好吧。让我重 一遍。
I take the next left turn to the stop sign. 我在下个路口左左转弯 到一个停车再开标
Then a right across a blue bridge, 然後右转 经过过一座蓝色的桥
and then a big red barn. 然後就是一座大大的红色 仓
Can't miss it. 错不了的。
How much do I owe you? 我应付你多少钱
Well, that'll be eighteen dollars and seventy cents. 嗯 十八美元七七毛
Well, that'll be eighteen dollars and seventy cents. 嗯 十八美元七七毛
No charge for the cleanup. 清洗不用付费。
It's on the house. 这是免费的。
Well, here's a twenty. 嗯 这是二十美美元
Ah. OK. That's a dollar and thirty cents change. 啊 好啦。这是是一美元三毛零钱
There we go ... will make twenty. Thanks. 你看……加起来来正好二十美元。谢谢了
Thank you. 谢谢。
And thanks for the directions. 谢谢你给我指了了路
This must be Pete's barn. 这一定是Pete的的 仓了
Turn right to the house. 向右拐就到他的的房子了
Hi. 嗨
Hi. What can I do for you? 嗨 我能帮你吗
Is this the Pete Waters farm? 这是Pete Waterrs的农场吗
It is. 正是。
I'm a friend of Pete's. 我是Pete的朋友友
I'm looking for the house. 我正在找他的房房子
It's just over yonder. 他的房子就在那那边
Keep along this road 沿著这条路
till you get to the end of the fence. 到栅栏的尽头。
You'll see the chicken house. 你会看到 舍。
His house is on the left. 他的房子就在左左边
Well, thanks. 好的 谢谢你。
"Have gone to the railroad station. “去火车站。
"Have gone to the railroad station. “去火车站。
Back soon with a surprise. 接一个惊喜即回回
Make yourself at home. 勿客气。
Have a look around. Pete." 到处看看。Petee”
Same old Pete Waters. Pete Waters还适 老样子。
Always full of surprises. 总是出人意表。

Could you tell me how to use a shortcut?
Sure, you take the next left turn.
You'll see a stop sign.
Make a right at the stop sign.
Stay on that road,
and you'll cross a blue bridge.
Then you'll see a big old red barn.
Take the next left turn.
You'll see a stop sign.
Make a right at the stop sign.
Stay on that road,
then you'll cross a blue bridge.
Then you'll see a big old red barn.
Here goes!
Oh here, yes.
Well, sir.
Well, sir.
Keep along this road
till you get to the end of the fence.
You'll see the chicken house.
His house is on the left.
All right.
Well, I made it to Pete's house,
but he's not here.
I think I'd like to see some more of the countryside
while I wait for him to get back.
I'll back out of the drive-way
and be on my way.
Hmm. Dead end.
Let me back up again
and go in the opposite direction
and see what I find.
Pretty nice horse farm.
Well, I'd better get back to Pete's.
Let's see,
all I have to do is back out of this drive way,
Make a right,
pass the lake,
go to the fork in the road,
cross the railroad tracks.
Then make a right at the first intersection.
Pete's drive-way should be the first right turn.
I made it.


Don't tell me. 别告诉我。
Please don't tell me. 请先别告诉我。
I recognize you ... 我认得你……
Oh, don't be silly, Arnie. 噢 别傻了 Arrnie。
Of course you recognize him. 你当然认得他。
Except for the beard, he hasn't changed in fifty years. 除了有 他他五十年来没有变
It's Malcolm Stewart! 他是Malcolm Sttewart
I know it's Malcolm Stewart. 我就知道是Malccolm Stewart
You haven't changed much in fifty years. 你五十年来没有有什麽变
Peggy--Peggy Pendleton! Peggy Peggyy Pendleton
You're Peggy Pendleton! 是Peggy Penddleton
Who am I, you old rascal? 我是谁 你这个个老玩童
You don't recognize me, do you? 你不认识我了 是吗
I know who you are. 我知道你是谁。
You're Arnold Franklin! 你是Arnold Fraanklin
I know who you are! 我知道你是谁
You look wonderful, Malcolm! 你看起来好得很很 Malcol
Sit down. Sit down. 请坐。请坐吧。
Pete isn't home. Pete不在家。
Really? 真的吗
No. He left a note on the door 是的。他留了一一张条子在门
saying he was going to the railroad station 说他要去火车站
to pick up a surprise. 接一个意外惊喜喜回来
He's so funny. 他喜欢开玩笑。
Always full of surprises, 总是出人意表
even fifty years later. 五十年之後还是是这样
The two of you look unbelievable! 你们俩看起来简简直让人难以置
How's your family? 你的家人好吗
Oh, I was sorry 噢 我很难过
to hear about your wife having passed away. 听到你太太去世世的消息
Yes. About four years ago. 是的 大约四年年前走的
And you're living with your children now? In New York? 你现在跟你的孩孩子们一起住在New York对
Pete wrote us and told us. Pete写信告诉我我们的
Yup. 是的。
Retired and moved to New York 我退休了 搬到到纽
Retired and moved to New York 我退休了 搬到到纽
to live with my son and his family. 和我儿子和他的的家人住在一起
By the way, 顺便问一声
what do you think this big surprise is? 你认为这一件大大惊喜会是什
It could be most anything, knowing Pete. 任何事情都可能能 你是知道Pete的
Hey, that must be Pete! 嗨 那一定是Peete
Now we'll find out about the surprise. 现在我们可以知知道是什麽样的惊喜了
So good to see you all! 看到你们大家真真高
Oh, Pete, Pete! 噢 Pete Pete
Oh, it's so good to see you! 噢 看到你真是是太好了
Remember Lillian? 还记得Lillian
I remember all of you. 我记得你们各位位
You haven't changed a bit. 你们一点都没有有变
Lillian! Oh, my gosh! Lillian 噢 挝业奶彀
Lillian Winters. Lillian Winterrs。
We were together in the Thursday night drama society. 我们过去总在星星期四晚上的话剧社 聚会
Remember me, Malcolm? 还记得我吗 Maalcolm
Oh, beautiful as ever, Lillian. 噢 还像以前前一样漂亮 Lillian
How's Donald? Donald怎麽样
That's OK, Malcolm. 没有关 Malccolm。
Donald passed away a couple of years ago. Donald几年前去去世了
Sorry to hear that, Lillian. 很遗憾听到这个个 Lillian
Oh, I'm so sorry. 噢 我真难过。
Oh, I'm so sorry. 噢 我真难过。
I would not have missed this get-together for the world! 世界上任何事情情都阻止不了我来参加这次聚
And your little surprise, Pete? 你的小惊喜呢 Pete
You really surprised me 你已经够让人惊惊喜
by having us all come together. 使我们聚在一起起
You don't know what the surprise is yet? 你们还不知道这这个惊喜是什
Come on! 过来
We'll tell you the big surprise. 我来告诉你们这这个大惊喜
I've invited you here for the weekend to help celebrate. 我邀请你们到这这儿来渡 末 一起 熳!
Celebrate? 庆祝
Our fiftieth reunion? 是我们的五十年年重
No. 不是吧。
No. Pete wants to tell you ... 不是。Pete要告告诉你们…
Now, let me have the honor, Lillian. 现在 容我享有有这个荣幸 Lillian
For goodness' sake, Pete, tell us! 天啊 Pete 快快告诉我
I can't wait much longer. 我再也不能等了了
Well, I am pouring this iced tea 嗯 我再给你们们倒冰
so that we can toast Lillian--and me. 以便我们能敬Liillian一杯 也敬我。
You don't mean to tell me that you and ... 你不会是告诉我我们你和…
Yes, I do. 是的 我是这个个意思
I have loved Lillian all these years, 这些年来我一直直爱著Lillia
so I asked her to be Mrs. Pete Waters. 所以我请求她成成为Pete Waters夫人
And I said yes. 而我答应了。
And I said yes. 而我答应了。
I knew it! I knew it! 我就知道是这样样 我就知道是这
Congratulations! 恭喜你们
Oh, Lillian, 噢 Lillian
I am so happy for you both. 我真为你们俩感感到高兴
It's wonderful! 太好了
It's wonderful for me. 这对我来说太好好了
Lillian will make me a happy man--finally. Lillian会使我种 於成为一个快乐的 人。
You are full of surprises, Pete. 你总是出人意表表 Pete
We are going to 我们要
spend the entire weekend having a good time together here 一起渡过一个快快乐的
on the farm. 在农场。
We are going to celebrate all weekend. 我们整个 末都都要进行 熳!
When is the wedding? 什麽时候举行婚婚礼
That's another surprise. 这是另一个惊喜喜
Lillian and I were married two weeks ago in Detroit. Lillian和我已揪 在两 前在Detroit结婚了。
She's come here to stay. 她这次来是要住住下来
Wait till I tell my family about this! 我告诉我家人这这件事的时候有的瞧
Why, that's wonderful! 哎呀 这太美好好

What a weekend!
Pete and Lillian seem so happy.
After all these years!
50 years to be exact.
50 years ago I was a young man.
Not bad looking either--hee hee.
And Pete was my college roommate.
A real pal.
He conducted the orchestra.
He really loved music.
Pete loved Lillian
from the moment they met.
Sometimes he'd call
the radio station
--where I was an announcer,
and ask me to play
a certain love song for Lillian.
She's always been lovely
and he wanted to spend his life with her.
Lillian liked Pete,
but she fell in love with Donald.
Donald and I were on the Michigan football team.
He was the quarterback and captain,
and I was the smallest one on the team.
Then I finally got to play in my senior year.
Lill and Donald got married right after college,
and bought a house in Detroit Michigan.
Oh, look at this--
here's a picture of Lill and their son Donald Junior.
Later the family grew to include Robert and Barbara.
Meanwhile Pete stayed single,
working hard conducting orchestras,
playing in bands,
and teaching music until he retired
and bought the farm in Chesterton four years ago.
Donald passed away.
And now Pete and Lill are married,
and living on his farm.
You never know what's going to happen.
Life is full of surprises.
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-11-30 08:56
第十七课 Photo Finish

What are you doing? 你在 什麽
I think I've got them. 我想我已经拍齐了了
You think you've got what? 你想你已经拍齐了了什
Performing arts--performing arts centers. 表演艺术 表演演艺术中心
I think I've got them all, but I'm not sure. 我想我都已经拍齐齐了 但我不能肯定
I think you have got it, Richard. 我想你已完成了 Richard。
Lincoln Center, home of the Metropolitan Opera, 林肯中心 大都都会歌剧
the New York City Ballet, the New York Philharmonic. 纽约市芭蕾舞团 纽约爱乐的大本营。
Shubert Alley, center of the theater on Broadway. Shubert Alley
And Carnegie Hall. 还有卡奈基音乐 
And the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. 还有位於华盛顿的的甘 迪表演艺术中心
And the Music Center in Los Angeles. 还有位於洛杉矶的的音乐中心
And the others. I do have it all. 还有其他的。我确确实拍齐了
You have been working on this for some time, Richard. 你从事这工作已有有一段时间了 Richard
I'm glad you feel you've finally put it all together. 我很高兴你终於就就绪了
What now? 下一步呢
Now for the hard part. 现在到了最难的部部分
Oh, you think you're going to have a hard time 你认为需要大费
getting the album published? 才能让摄影集出版版
Well, it won't be easy. 嗯 不很容易。
So, what do you think you're going to do? 那麽你打算怎麽办办
Does the name Harvey Carlson ring a bell? 对Harvey Carlsson这个名字有印象吗
Oh, yes! Harvey Carlson! I remember. 噢 是的 Harveyy Carlson 我记得。
He said I should call him. 他说我可以打电话话给他
He's the publisher of the Carlson Publishing Company. 他是Carlson出版构 司的老 。
He said they need a new book of photographs, 他说他公司需要一一本新的摄影
and he really liked my concept. 而且他真的喜欢我我的想法
So, why don't you call him in the morning? 那麽你为何不明天天早上打个电话给
Do you think I have enough to show him? 觉得我有足够的的照片给他看
I've been through every section with you, Richard. 我和你一起检视过过每个部分 Richard
It's quite complete. 已经相当齐全了。
And now that you're satisfied with the performing arts section, 而且既然 对表演演艺术这部分很满
I think you should show it to Mr. Carlson. 我觉得你应该给Caarlson先生看看。
You're right. My Family Album, U.S.A. feels right. 说的对。我的 美国写真集 不赖。
I'll call in the morning and set up an appointment to see him. 我明天早上就打电电话给他 跟他约个时间去看他
He's going to love your work. 他一定会欣赏你的的作品的
He's going to love your work. 他一定会欣赏你的的作品的
Come on. Let's get some sleep. 走吧 让我们去睡睡觉吧
Is it too early to call Mr. Carlson? 现在打电话给Carllson先生会不会太早了
Seven after nine? No. I'm sure he's in his office. 九点零七分 不会会太早的。我肯定他到办公室了
His number is five, five, five, seven, five, three, two. 他的号码是5 5 5 7 5 3 2。
Five, five, five, seven, five, three, two. 5557532。
Hello. Mr. Carlson, please. 哈 请找一下Caarlson先生。
Mr. Carlson is busy at the moment. May I help you? Carlson先生现在照 忙著呢。我可以为你效劳吗
I'd like to make an appointment with him. 我想跟他约个晤谈谈时间
And your name is ...? 请问你的名字是……
My name is Richard Stewart. 我的名字是Richarrd Stewart。
He told me to call him about my project, 他叫我打电话给他他 跟他谈我的作品计
Family Album, U.S.A. 美国写真集 。
One moment, please. 请等一下。
What's going on? 怎麽样了
I guess they're trying to set up an appointment for me. 我猜他们正设法给给我安排晤谈
Mr. Stewart, I just spoke to Mr. Carlson. Stewart先生 我父崭沼隒arlson先生通了话。
He would like to see you. 他想见你。
But the only time he's available this week 但这星期他有空的的时间只
is tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. 明天早上十点。
Thanks. Thanks a lot. Good-bye. 谢谢。非常感谢。。再见
Well, it's done. Tomorrow morning at a publisher's office. 好了 事情办成了了。明天早晨要到出版社老 的办公室
Oh, it's so exciting, isn't it, Richard? 噢 这太令人兴奋奋了 是不是 Richar
Oh, it's so exciting, isn't it, Richard? 噢 这太令人兴奋奋了 是不是 Richar
Well, finally a publisher will see my work. 好了 终於有一个个出版商要看我的作品了

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, New York City.
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts,
Washington, D.C.
The Grand Ole Opry House,
Nashville, Tennessee.
The Gus F. Wortham Theater Center,
Houston, Texas.
The San Jose Center for the Performing Arts,
San Jose, California.
The Music Center of Los Angeles County,
Los Angeles, California.
The Seattle Community Arts Center,
Seattle, Washington.


Good morning. 早安。
Good morning. My name is Richard Stewart. 早安。我叫Richarrd Stewart。
I'm here to see Mr. Carlson. 我来见Carlson先缮
Please sit down, Mr. Stewart. 请坐 Stewart先缮
Mr. Carlson will be with you shortly. Carlson先生不久揪 可以见你。
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Excuse me, Mr. Carlson, 对不起 Carlson舷壬
but Richard Stewart is here 但Richard Stewarrt正在这儿
for his ten o'clock appointment with you. 等著十点钟与你的的晤谈
OK. Thank you. 好 谢谢。
Like I said, he'll be with you shortly. 正像我所说 他不不久就可以与你会面
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Yes, Mr. Carlson. Yes, sir. 是的 Carlson先缮: 先生。
He's ready for you, Mr. Stewart. 他可以见你啦 Sttewart先生。
Thank you. In there? 谢谢 。在那 面面
Yes. In there. Good luck. 是的 在那 面。。祝你好运
Come in, come in. 进来 进来。
This is a crazy morning. Hello, Richard. 这是一个忙得头昏昏的早晨。哈 Richard
Hello, Mr. Carlson. 哈 Carlson先缮
Sit down, sit down. 请坐 请坐。
Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. 谢谢您这样快就安安排见我
I hope you've brought your pictures along. 我希望你带了你的的照片一起来
I see that you have. Let's get right to it. 我看到你带来了。。我们就直接谈正事了
We need a new coffee-table book, 我们需要一本可以以摆在客厅的
We need a new coffee-table book, 我们需要一本可以以摆在客厅的
and a book of photos about the United States still feels right. 而一本关於美国的的摄影集仍然很有前景
OK, let's take a look. 好了 让我们来看看一看
Good. Very good. Family Album, U.S.A. 不错 很不错。 美国写真集 。
It's an excellent title. 这是个绝妙的书名名
If you had to describe the book in one sentence, 假如要你用一句话话来描述这本
how would you do it? 你怎麽说
Well, I'd describe it as a book which is a ... 嗯 我会把这本书书形容一幅…
a portrait of the United States-- 一幅美国的剪影
the places, the people--mostly the people. 美国的一些地方 人民 大部分是人。
The things they do, the ways they live, 他们所做的事情 他们的生活方式
the places they visit, and the landmarks. 他们所去的地方 以及地标等等。
A photographic journey. 一次透过摄影作品品的旅行
These are wonderful-- 这些好得很
these photos in your performing arts section. 你这些表演艺术中中心部分的照片
Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center. 卡奈基音乐厅 林林肯中心
I'm glad you like them. 我很高兴你喜欢它它们
I do, but ... 我确实喜欢 但是是…
But? 但是
There's something missing. You've got a good eye, Richard. 少了些东西。你有有艺术眼光 Richard
You're a terrific photographer. 你是一名出色的摄摄影师
But before I can publish your work, 但在我出版你的书书之
I need to meet with my marketing department, 我需要跟我的行销销部门商量一
I need to meet with my marketing department, 我需要跟我的行销销部门商量一
and you've got to do one more thing. 而且你还要做一件件事
What's that, Mr. Carlson? 什麽事 Carlson舷壬
In the section on culture, 在文化这部分
you've included performing arts centers, 你拍了表演艺术中中
but you've left out street performance. The mimes. 但你忽略了街头表表演。幽默剧演员
The musicians. The dancers--in the parks and on the streets. 音乐家啦 在公园园或街头跳舞的人啦
Richard, if you go out Richard 假如你
and photograph street performances in the city, 拍摄城市 的街头头表
you'll have it. 那你就大功告成了了
That is a great idea. 这是个好主意。
The performing arts centers and the street performances. 表演艺术中心及街街头表演
I'll do it. 我会去办。
If you do it, I'll publish your work. 假如你拍好了 我我就出版你的作品
Are you serious? 你说真的吗
I've never been more serious. 我从来没有比现在在更认真了
When do you think you can return with street performances? 你觉得何时可以带带来街头表演艺术的摄
A couple of weeks. 两 三个星期吧。
If they're as good as the rest of these pictures, it's a deal. 假如它们跟这 其其馀的照片一样好的话 我们的交易就成
You won't be disappointed, Mr. Carlson. Thanks. 我不会让你失望的的 Carlson先生。谢谢
Good-bye, Richard, and good luck. See you in two weeks. 再见 Richard 鬃 你好运。两 後见。
Good-bye, Mr. Carlson. Thanks. 再见 Carlson先缮 。谢谢。
So if you like the street-performance photos, 这麽说 假如你喜喜欢街头表演的照
So if you like the street-performance photos, 这麽说 假如你喜喜欢街头表演的照
you'll really publish Family Album, U.S.A.? 你真的会出版 美美国写真集
When I say something, I mean it. 我说的一定会兑现现
Go to work. Good-bye. 去工作吧。再见。
Good-bye. 再见。

Oh, hello, Mr. Carlson, please.
Mr. Carlson is busy at the moment.
May I help you?
I'd like to make an appointment with him.
We've got to call to make an appointment.
We've got to call to make an appointment.
World Imports. May I help you?
I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr. Sato.
World Imports. May I help you?
I'd like to arrange a meeting with Ms. Marino.
World Imports. May I help you?
I'd like to set up a time to see Mr. Jackson.
What time would you like to come in?
I'd like to see him as soon as possible.
I'd like to come in some time next week.
I can see him at his convenience.
Do you think you could fit me into his schedule?
Of course.
Where is your office located?
Oh. What is your address?
33 West 44th Street.
What floor are you on?
We're on the 20th floor.
Is there a receptionist?
That's me.
Good morning. My name is Richard Stewart.
I'm here to see Mr. Carlson.
It's time for the appointment.
Hello. I'm here to see Mr. Sato.
Good morning. I have an appointment with Ms. Marino.
Hi, Mr. Jackson is expecting me.
You've got to call to make an appointment.
World Imports. May I help you?
What are you going to say?
Hello, hello, hello.
Hello, I'm calling from World Imports.
About your appointment, I'm afraid you'll have to re-schedule.


Two weeks. I said I could do it in two weeks, and I did it. 两 。我说过我两两 就能完成 现在我做到了
The pictures you've taken are fabulous, Richard. 你拍的照片太精采采了 Richard
Mr. Carlson will love them. Carlson先生会喜换 的。
Monday morning. 星期一早晨。
I'm going to show him the photos on Monday morning. 我要在星期一早晨晨给他看这些照片
I can't wait! 我简直迫不急待
I'm very proud of you. You really did a beautiful job. 我真以你为傲。你你真的拍得很漂亮
I know he will love the new photographs for your book. 我相信他会喜欢你你为你的书所拍的这些新照片
Yeah. I really did do a good job, didn't I? 是的 我确实拍得得不错 对不
Hey, you know? There's still some film left on this roll, 嘿 知道吗 这这一 还有一些底
and there's one person I haven't photographed in a long time. 而有一个人我已经经很久没为她拍照了
Who? 谁呀
You. 。
Richard! I haven't brushed my hair. Richard 我头 抖济 有梳。
You look great! 看起来很棒
It's not fair, Richard. I'm not even ready. 这样不公平 Richhard。我甚至一点准备都没有。
Oh, that's wonderful! That's wonderful! 噢 真是美极了 真是美极了
Wonderful! 好极了
Thanks. 谢谢。
Fabulous! 太精采了
Thanks. 谢谢。
Terrific! 妙极了
Thanks. 谢谢。
They get better and better. 它们越来越好。
Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。
This is sensational! 太令人激赏了
Yeah. Thanks. 真的 谢谢。
What a job! Good work, Richard! 你拍得很棒 好作作品 Richar
I'm so glad you like them so much. 你这样喜欢它们 我真是太高兴了。
Like them? They represent your best work. 何止喜欢 它们代代表了你最佳的作品
Really? 真的吗
Absolutely. 绝对是真的。
Well ... what do you think? Do I have my book? 那麽 你看怎麽麽样 我的书可以出版
You do. You do. There's a book here. 当然 当然。书要要出版
I'll have a contract 我会准备好一张合合
and an advance payment waiting for you 和预付稿酬等你来
first thing in the morning. 这是我明天早上的的第一件事
Thank you. 谢谢你。
And while you're here, 趁你现在在这
I would like to introduce you to your editor. 我来介绍你认识这这本书的编辑
I would like to introduce you to your editor. 我来介绍你认识这这本书的编辑
And I want you to meet the people in the art department. 我也希望你与美编编部的人见见面
I'll set up an appointment with the marketing people. 我会与行销部的人人安排一次会谈
When do you think we'll be through? 你认为我们什麽时时候能完
In about half an hour. Why? 大约半个小时。为为什麽问这
I can't wait to tell Marilyn! 我迫不及待地想告告诉Marilyn

This is sensational.
Yeah. Thanks.
What a job. Good work, Richard.
Look at that!
Look at that!
Great, sensational!
What do you think of that?
What do you think of that?
Amazing, terrific!
Look over here. What do you think of them?
They're wonderful!
Oooh, look at them!
All right!
They're fabulous!
Wonderful, fabulous!
Check this out. What do you think of him?
He's marvelous!
Ooh! Listen to that!
Wow! He's incredible!
Marvelous, incredible!
Look at him!
He's fantastic!
Look at him!
He's super!
Fantastic, super!
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-12-1 07:37
第十八课 I Do

It looks wrong. 看起来不对劲。
Hmmm. It is wrong. 嗯嗯。是不对劲。
Are they always that difficult to make? 领结这样难 吗
The truth is ... yes. 老实说……是很难难
I'll try again. 我再试一次。
At this rate, 照这种速度
the wedding will take place tomorrow. 婚礼只有明天举行行了
Not to worry. 别担心。
OK. Here we go. 好吧。我们重来。
I'm worried, Philip. 我很担心 Philipp。
What if we can't tie the tie? 如果我们 不好领领结怎麽
If we can't tie the tie, 假如我们 不好领领
then there can't be a wedding. 婚礼就不能举行了了
You'd better not make Harry 你最好别让Harry
any more nervous than he is. 更加紧张了。
Don't worry. 别担心
We'll figure a way. 我们会想法子的。
How're you doing, fellas? 你们怎麽样了 各各
Not so good, Grandpa. 情 不太好 爷爷爷
We can't get this bow tie tied. 我们 不好领结。
Nobody knows how to do it. 没有人会 。
Do you? 你会吗
No. I never could, either. 不会 我也一直都都不会
Well, you have your own tuxedo. 噢 你有自己的 嘌 尾服
How do you tie your bow tie? 你怎麽 领结的
Yeah, Grandpa, 对呀 爷爷。
I've seen you in it. 我曾见过你那身打打扮
You look great. 你看起来很神气。
How do you tie it? 你怎麽 的
I don't. 我没 。
You don't? 你没
What do you mean? 你是什麽意思呀
I never could tie one of those ... 我从来就不会打那那一类的…
things ... bow ties. 玩意儿……领结。
I have always worn a clip-on bow tie. 我都是用夹上去的的领结
A clip-on? 用夹上去的
Of course. 对啊。
Now I remember. 现在我想起来了。
Yes, it's so easy. 没错 它真简便。
All you do is 你所要做的就是
clip it around under your collar. 将它夹在领子下方方
We all need one of those. 我们都需要一个这这样的领结
The tuxedo rental store. 礼服出租店。
Do you think they're open? 你们说现在还开门门
Should be. 应该是开的。
Sunday's their big day. 星期天是他们大生生意的日子
I'll call and find out. 我打电话问看看。
Well, if they're not, 噢 假如店不开的的
I'll lend you mine, Harry. 我把我的借给你 Harry。
You're the only one 你是我们当中唯一
who really needs to be wearing a tuxedo, 真正需要穿燕尾服服的
anyway. 不管怎麽说。
Thanks, Grandpa. 谢谢你 爷爷。
I'm the father of the bride. 我是新娘的父亲。
I'm supposed to be worried about my daughter, 我原该为我的女儿儿担心才是
and here I am with 如今我却和
the man that's marrying my daughter-- 将要娶我女儿的人人在一
worrying about him. 为他操心。
worrying about him. 为他操心。
Poor Harry. 可怜的Harry。
I know the feeling. 我知道这种感觉。
Wedding-day Jitters. 这叫婚礼紧张症。
Are they open? 店开著吗
We're in luck. 我们运气好。
They're open. 店开著。
And they have lots of clip-on bow ties. 而且他们有许多夹夹上去的领结
I'll bicycle down to the village and get them. 我骑脚踏车去镇上上拿
You'd better hurry, Robbie. 你最好快点 Robbbie。
There's lots of time. 时间多得很。
A little over two hours. 两个钟头多一点。
In two hours and fifteen minutes 再过两小时十五分分
I'll be married to Susan. 我就要和Susan结换 了。
And be a true member of the Stewart family. 也真正成了Stewarrt家庭中的一员。
Oh, you're a lucky guy, Harry. 噢 你是一个幸运运的 伙 Harry
Susan is one of the best women you'll ever find. Susan是你能找到鬃 好的女人之一。
She's just like her grandma. 她就像她的祖母一一样
Now, once you put the ring on Susan's finger, 现在 你一旦将戒戒指戴上Susan的手
you are one of us, Harry. 你就是我们家中的的一员了 Harry
And don't ever forget it. 永远别忘记这一点点
Ring? Ring? 戒指 戒指
Oh my! 噢 我的天
Oh my! 噢 我的天
What did I do with the rings? 我把戒指放哪儿了
I put them in the pocket of my sports jacket. 我把它们放在我运运动夹克的口袋
No, 不对
I think you put them 我想你是放在
in your tuxedo jacket pocket. 礼服上衣口袋 。
Remember? 记得吗
Right. 对。
What did I do with the rings? 我把戒指放哪儿了
Didn't you give them to Richard? 你不是把它们交给给Richard了
He's your best man. 他是男傧相呀。
I remember. 我记起来了。
You gave them to Richard. 你交给了Richard
Oh, yeah. 噢 对了。
I remember now. 我现在想起来了。
You handed them to me. 你将它们给了我。
What did I do with them? 我把它们放在哪儿儿
I hope they aren't lost. 但愿没丢才好。
Oh, don't worry, Harry. 别担心 Harry。
They have to be here. 它们肯定就在这儿儿
I remember. 我想起来了。
I gave them to Robbie to hold 我把它们交给Robbbie拿
so I wouldn't lose them. 免得我弄丢了。
Where's Robbie? Robbie在哪儿
Relax, Harry. 不要紧张 Harry
Robbie went to pick up Robbie去拿
the clip-on bow ties. 夹上去的领结。
Oh, I forgot. 噢 我忘了。
What time is it? 现在是什麽时间了
It's still a little over two hours, Harry. 仍然还有两个多小小时 Harry
Just relax. 不用紧张。
What about the rings? 戒指怎麽办
I'm sure Robbie has them. 我确定在Robbie那那
No, no, Robbie doesn't have them. 不 不 Robbie没没有拿
He gave them to me to hold on to them 他给我戒指 要我我自己保
because he didn't want the responsibility of holding them. 因为他不想承担保保管它们的责任
I put them in my tuxedo-- 我将它们放在我礼礼服的口
but in the lapel pocket. 但是在胸前的口袋袋
That's a relief. 现在我放心了。
I was really worried. 刚才我真的很担心心
I'll hold on to them for you. 我为你保管吧。
The best man always keeps the rings. 男傧相总是保管戒戒指的
You're right. 你说的对。
You're right. 你说的对。
You hold on to them so there won't be a problem later. 你来保管 免得等等一下又出问题了
You hold on to them so there won't be a problem later. 你来保管 免得等等一下又出问题了
Well, 好了
now, I think we'd better get dressed, fellas. 现在我们最好去穿穿好衣服 各位
All right! 好的
Robbie will bring the ties back. Robbie会拿领结回回来
Hey, leaving me? 嗨 丢下我啦
You'll be fine. 你不会有事的。
Try to take it easy. 放轻 点。
It'll all be over in two hours. 再两个小时就结束束了
Over? 结束
The wedding ceremony will be over. 婚礼会结束。
You'll be husband and wife. 你们就成为夫妻了了
I guess you're right. 说的也对。
Two hours from now. 从现在起还有两个个小时
Two hours from now. 从现在起两小时。

Hm, two hours from now,
two more hours.
Well, that's a long time to wait.
Grandpa's right,
I do have the wedding-day jitters.
But why am I so nervous?
I couldn't find the rings,
but they were in my pocket,
and now Richard's got them.
He's my best man.
He'll take care of them.
Right, right.
I don't need to worry about that.
None of us knew how to tie
my bow tie.
But that problem's taken care of now, too,
since Robbie went into the village
to pick up some clip-on bow ties.
So why the jitters?
Who am I kidding?
I'm getting married today!
Huh ... married.
Hmm ... married.
In just two hours,
I'll be married
to the most wonderful woman in the world,
the woman I love.
Huh, I fell in love with Susan
on our very first date!
"You know something?"
"I think we're going to be good friends.
Good night, Susan."
"Good night, Harry. Have a safe trip home!"
"Are you all right?"
I was nervous even then.
Susan is beautiful,
and intelligent, and kind.
And we have fun together.
She'd be a wonderful mother to Michelle.
Considering she'll be my wife--
Mrs. Harry Bennett--
I couldn't be any happier.
Less nervous maybe,
but I couldn't be any happier.


And now for ... something old, 现在 接著是
something new, something borrowed, 一些新的 一些借借来
and something blue. 一些蓝色的。
OK. Let's see. 好 让我们看看。
Something borrowed. 借来的东西。
That's this dress. Borrowed from Marilyn. 那就是这件礼服。。跟Marilyn借的
Something blue. 蓝色的东西。
My wristband. 我的腕带。
I wore it when I married your father. 我和 父亲结婚时时戴著它
Oh, Mother. I forgot you still had it. 噢 妈妈。我忘了了 仍然保留著它
It's just so lovely. 它是那麽可爱。
I bought it in an antique shop 我在一家古董店买买
when I was about eighteen years old. 那时我差不多十八八岁
I saved it for my wedding day. 我留著等我的结婚婚日才用
And you saved it for me, didn't you, Mother? 也留著要给我 对吗 妈妈
Yes, honey. I did. 是的 亲爱的 是是这样
Are we ever going to finish? 我们这样谈得完吗
All right. OK. 好吧。行了。
Something borrowed. 借的东西。
The wedding dress. And something blue. 结婚礼服。蓝色的的东西
The wristband. Something old? 腕带。旧的东西
Something old. 旧的东西。
Right. What's old? 对了 旧的东西是是什
Of course! 当然有
Something old. 旧的东西。
I had planned to wear them. 我早就预备戴它们们
Grandma's pearls! 祖母的珍珠项
Oh, Grandpa will be so pleased that you're wearing them. 噢 戴了它 祖祖父一定会非常高兴
I'm sure he misses Grandma on a day like this. 我想在这样的日子子祖父一定会思念祖母
Help me with them, Marilyn. 帮我戴上 Marilyyn。
I've never worn them before. 我从来没有戴过这这个
I've been saving them for today. 我一直留著等今天天才戴
Saving them for today? 留著等今天
Oh, you're a real Stewart! 噢 是一个真正正Stewart家的
Oh, there you go. 噢 一切都好了。
Lovely! 太可爱了
Lovely! 太可爱了
Lovely! 太可爱了
Something borrowed, something blue. 借的东西 蓝色的的东
Something old ... 旧的东西……
and now for something new. 现在轮到新的东西西了
The veil. 面纱。
Oh, it's so beautiful, Marilyn! 噢 它好漂亮 Maarilyn
You really are a fabulous designer, Marilyn. 真是一个绝佳的的设计师 Marilyn
You really are a fabulous designer, Marilyn. 真是一个绝佳的的设计师 Marilyn
Doesn't it look just right on Susan? Susan戴起来正好 不是吗
Perfect! 太棒了
And when you both say, "I do," 当你们两人都说 我愿意 时
Harry will lift this veil over your head Harry会掀起面纱
and kiss the bride. 吻新娘。
Oh, I'm so excited! 噢 我真是太兴奋奋
When you said, "I do," Marilyn, 当 说 我愿意 时 Marilyn
it suddenly became real. 一切突然成真了。
That's all right, Susan. 没有错 Susan。
You've got the wedding-day jitters! 已经得了婚礼紧紧张症
In less than two hours, 在不到两个小时之之
you will be Mrs. Harry Bennett. 将成为Harry Beennett太太。
Oh, that reminds me. 噢 倒提醒了我我
If we don't get dressed, 假如我们不去打扮扮的
we won't be there 我们将无法
to see Susan become Mrs. Harry Bennett. 目睹Susan成为Harrry Bennett太太。
Before you leave--do I look all right? 在 们离开之前 告诉我 我这样子可以吗
You never looked better. 再漂亮不过了。
Mom. 妈妈。
She's right. 她说得没错。
And that's dear little Max. 那是亲爱的小Max
Got to go and feed him. 我得走了 该去 他了。
Got to go and feed him. 我得走了 该去 他了。
What am I supposed to do? 我该做什麽
Take off the veil, 拿掉面纱
kick off your shoes, and sit down. 脱掉 的鞋子 坐坐下来
We'll come upstairs and get you in a little while. 我们待会儿就上楼楼来带 下去
Richard's going to take some wedding pictures Richard准备拍一行 结婚照片
before the ceremony. 在婚礼前。
So just relax. 所以 放轻 点。
Are you kidding? Relax? 在开玩笑吗 放放
Susan Stewart ... Susan Stewart…
you are about to become Susan Bennett-- 即将成为Susan Bennett
Mrs. Harry Bennett. Harry Bennett太烫

Mrs. Harry Bennett, huh?
Soon our wedding will begin.
Am I ready?
Let's see.
I have something old.
The pearls my Grandmother gave me.
Err--something new.
My beautiful veil.
Something borrowed.
That's this dress from Marilyn.
Oh, it must be lucky.
Marilyn wore this dress when she married Richard.
And they seem very happy!
Where was I!
Oh, and something blue.
The antique wristband from mother.
Oh how sweet!
She saved it for me all these years.
I'm ready, but I'm nervous.
Are all brides this nervous?
I've waited for this wonderful day all my life.
The day I marry the man I love.
I love Harry.
He's thoughtful and kind.
"What pretty flowers, thank you!"
And a good father to Michelle.
"I love you, Daddy."
Oh I hope I'll be a good mother to Michelle.
It was tough for her after her mother died.
But now she's like a daughter to me.
I'm very lucky.
Today I'll become a wife
and a mother all at the same time,
the moment I say, "I do."
"Susan, will you marry me?"
"You bet I will.
I love you, Harry."


Philip ... Ellen. Philip ... Ellenn。
Ah, Judge. 噢 法官。
How are you? 你好吗
How are you? 好吗
Hello. 哈 。
I think it's time for the wedding to begin. 我想是婚礼可以开开始的时候了
All right, ladies and gentlemen. 好啦 女士们 先先生们
Please take your places. 请大家就座。
The wedding ceremony is about to begin. 婚礼就要开始了。
OK, Jane. Start the music. 好 Jane。音乐开开始
Dearly beloved, 敬爱的人们
we are gathered here today 我们今天聚集在这
to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. 见证这位男士和这这位女士的神圣 槊恕
Do either of you have any reason 两位之中可有哪位位因为某项原
Is there anyone present who can show 在座可有人能提出
any just cause why these two people 任何正当理由说明明这两
should not be legally joined in marriage? 不该合法结婚的
Then, Harry Bennett, do you take Susan Stewart 那麽 Harry Bennnett 你愿意接受Susan Stewart
to be your lawful, wedded wife? 做你合法的妻子吗
I do. 我愿意。
And you, Susan Stewart, 那麽 Susan Sttewart
do you take Harry Bennett 愿意接受Harry bennett
to be your lawful, wedded husband? 为 合法的丈夫吗
I do. 我愿意。
The rings, please. 请戴戒指。
I have them, Harry. 在我这 Harry
By the power vested in me by the laws of the State of New York, 凭著纽约州法律赋赋予我的权
I now pronounce you husband and wife. 我现在宣 你们成成为夫妻
You may kiss the bride now, Harry. 你可以吻新娘了 Harry。

What a wonderful wedding, Philip.
Just perfect.
It was Ellen.
It was Ellen.
And you were the beautiful mother of the bride.
Look at you here with Robbie
as he escorted you onto the patio.
Robbie looked so grown up,
and handsome like his father.
And look at Michelle.
What a sweet flower girl!
She was so excited.
She's never been to a wedding before.
And here's Susan's bride's maid, Marilyn.
Marilyn was Susan's matron of honor, Philip.
Look at Richard and Harry.
They seem like brothers, don't they?
And Dad with our new grandson Max.
I love this picture.
And I love this one--
as you escorted Susan.
That's our little girl, Ellen.
Oh Philip, I remember
when she was just a baby.
Our little girl grew up so fast.
Now she's a mature married woman,
with her own family.
I feel like I've lost my daughter.
Ellen, you haven't lost a daughter.
We've gained a son.
A talented, intelligent, likeable son,
who happens to love our daughter very much.
We also have
a lovely new granddaughter, Michelle.
What a wonderful family.
I love you, Philip.
I love you too, Ellen.
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-12-2 08:25
第十九课   Making a Difference

I don't believe it! 我简直难以相信
What's wrong? 怎麽了
Carter Boswell! Carter Boswell
Who's Carter Boswell? 谁是Carter Boswell
He's running for the school board. 他正在竞选联合校董会会董事
The election's next month. 选举就在下个月。
What's wrong with wanting to be on the school board? 想进入联合校董会有什什麽
Nothing. 没有什麽。
But he wants to cut the school budget! 但他想削减学校的预算
Maybe it needs cutting. 也许真需要削减呢。
Cutting the budget is fine, 削减预算是好的
but he wants to do it 但他要削减
by cutting all the cultural programs. 是透过取消所有的文化化活动
No music, no dance, 没有音乐 没有舞蹈
no concert, no stage presentations. 没有音乐会 没有舞 表演。
Why does he want to do that? 为什麽他要那麽做呢
He says it's to save the taxpayers' money, 他说这是为了要节省 赡伤叭说那
and I think he believes 而我认为他相信
that the taxpayers will vote for him 纳税人会投他一票
if he spends less on the cultural programs. 假如他在这文化活动上上减少开支的话
He's probably right. 他也许是对的。
Lots of people want their taxes 许多人希望他们缴 乃八敖
used for new books 被用来购买新书
and a new paint job in the schoolrooms. 和重新油漆教室。
Maybe some of us would like to pay a little bit more 也许我们之中有一些人人愿意多付一点
and keep the cultural programs for our kids. 以便为我们的孩子保存存文化活动
Well, I'm not sure. Ellen. 噢 我无法肯定 Elleen。
I hear it from my patients. 我是从我的病人那儿听听到这些的
Lots of people are tired of higher taxes. 许多人对於增税很厌烦烦
I know, 我知道
but if Boswell wins 但是假如Boswell赢了
he'll be an important decision-maker 他将成为一个重要的决决策
on the school board, 在联合校董会中
and he doesn't know anything 而他毫无所知
about our children's education. 对於我们孩子的教育。
Who's running against him? 谁与他竞选
Who's running against him? 谁与他竞选
Nobody. That's the problem. 没有人。这就是问题所所在
Well, it sounds to me like Carter Boswell 噢 听起来好像Carterr Boswell
is going to win this seat on the board. 稳登联合校董会董事的的宝座了
Oh, not if I can stop him! 噢 要是我能阻止他 他就甭想
And how are you going to stop him? 那 怎麽去阻止他呢
I don't know. 我不知道。
Maybe I'll run against him. 也许我与他竞选。
Well, you've got my vote. 哦 那我一定投 的票票
I'm serious, Philip. 我是认真的 Philip。
Why shouldn't I run? 为什麽我不该竞选
Why shouldn't you run for what, Mom? 为什麽 不该竞选什麽麽 妈
Your mother is thinking of 你妈妈正考虑
running for the school board. 竞选联合校董会董事。
Hey, that's terrific, Mom! 嗨 太棒了 妈妈
Against Carter Boswell? 和Carter Boswell竞选
Great! 太好了
Well, if I run for office, 嗯 假如我出来竞选公公
the voters will have a clear choice. 投票人可以有明确的选选择
I stand for everything Boswell doesn't. 我代表Boswell所不赞吵傻哪切 立场。
I think a lot of people will vote for you 我想很多人会投票支持
against Boswell, Ellen. 和Boswell对抗 Ellenn。
I'll vote for you. 我会投 的票。
I'll vote for you. 我会投 的票。
Will you help me if I do run? 假如我真的竞选 会会帮我忙
Absolutely. 当然。
The trouble is 问题是
it takes a little bit of money to run a campaign. 竞选活动需要花一些钱钱
I think you can make a difference, Ellen. 我觉得 可以发挥影响响力 Ellen
And in a short campaign 而且这一场短暂的竞选
you wouldn't need as much money. 不需要花多少钱。
You know something, Ellen? 知道一件事吗 Elle
Why not give the people of Riverdale a clear choice? 为什麽不让Riverdale档 人民有一个明确的 择呢
I'm with you. 我支持 。
You can make a difference. 会发挥影响力。
Come in. 请进。
Mr. Maxwell? 您是Maxwell先生吗
Yes, Charles Maxwell. 是的 我是Charles Maaxwell。
My name is Ellen Stewart. 我叫Ellen Stewart。
Hello. 哈 。
Please, sit down. 请坐。
You asked to see me. 要求见我。
What would you like to see me about? 找我什麽贵事
I'd like your help. 我要请你帮忙。
Well, 噢
I'm editor of the most influential newspaper in Riverdale. 我是Riverdale最有影舷 力的报纸的编辑。
Actually, it's the only newspaper. 事实上 它是唯一的报报纸
A lot of people would like my help. 许多人要我帮助。
Do you have a story? 有什麽新闻故事呢
I'm planning to run for the school board. 我打算竞选联合校董会会董事
Against Carter Boswell? 和Carter Boswell打对
Yes. 是的。
Well, that is news. 噢 这可是个新闻。
Will you announce that I'm running? 你会发 我参加竞选的的消息
Sure. 当然。
But I need some information. 但我需要一些资料。
Of course. 那当然。
Why will the voters vote for you against Boswell, 为什麽选民会投票支持持 和Boswell对抗
Mrs. Stewart? Stewart太太
Because I care. 因为我关心。
"Vote for Ellen Stewart. She cares." “投Ellen Stewart一破 。她关心。”
Not a bad slogan. 不错的标语。
But what do you care about? 但 关心什麽呢
Well, I care about the children of our town. 噢 我关心我们镇上的的孩子们
I don't want them to grow up 我不希望在他们成长期期
without cultural programs in our school. 我们的学校 没有文化化活动
Do you have a plan? 有计划吗
I want our children to learn 我要孩子们学习到
more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. 比阅读 写作及算术更更多的东西
I want to keep the after-school programs-- 我要保存这些课外活动
the music, the concerts. 音乐 音乐会。
It's not a bad plan. 这是个不错的计划。
But who's going to pay for all of this? 但谁来为这些付钱呢
We are. 我们呀。
The citizens of Riverdale, of course. 当然是Riverdale的公妹瘛
I plan to get help 我打算争取
from the businessmen and the corporations of Riverdale. Riverdale的商人和企乙到 的支持。
That's fair enough. 这倒很公平。
Exactly what do you want from me, Mrs. Stewart? 究竟对我有什麽要求求 Stewart太
You don't know me. 你不认识我。
I can't expect you to take my side against Boswell. 我不敢期望你站在我这这一边来对抗Boswell
But I do need some publicity 但我需要一些宣传
so that the people of our town 好让我们镇 的人
know that I'm running for office 知道我正在竞选公职
and that I care about our children. 且知道我关心我们的的孩子
Fair enough. 很公平。
I certainly can print the news. 我当然可以刊出这则新新闻
And you are now making news. 而 现在就是在创造新新闻

Why will the voters vote for you
against Boswell, Mrs. Stewart?
Because I care.
Vote for Ellen Stewart.
She cares.
Not a bad slogan.
"Ellen Stewart. She cares."
It is a good campaign slogan.
People will hear it
and know what I stand for.
I care.
I care about our children's education.
Not just the school buildings themselves,
but the children.
I care about what children study,
what they learn.
I want them to learn
about a variety of subjects,
including music,
and literature and art.
And I care about
our children's activities after school.
I want to keep their music programs,
like the orchestra ... and the chorus.
I want children to experience the joys of music.
I play the piano myself,
and I've taught music
to many children in Riverdale.
I want to keep
the other after-school programs, too.
I have a plan.
I'll get local businesses, bands,
and other companies in the community to help.
We all have children in this town.
And I believe that parents care about education.
And I want to be on the Riverdale school board.
I know it's a big responsibility,
but I know I can make a difference.
Because I care.


Here are the fliers, hot off the press! 传单来了 刚刚印出来来
Looks good. 看起来很好。
Simple. 简单明 。
Right over here, Grandpa. 请到这 来 爷爷。
You fold the fliers. 你来摺传单
Richard and I will put them into the envelopes. 我和Richard把它们放浇 信封。
We finished addressing over three hundred envelopes. 我们写了三百多个信封封地址了
Need another box? 需要另一个箱子吗
Good work, gang. 做得很好 大伙儿们。
Hi, this is Mike Johnson. 嗨 我是Mike Johnsonn。
Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Anderson? 我可以跟Anderson先生生或太太说话
Thanks. 谢谢。
Mr. Nelson. Nelson先生
Hi. This is Robbie Stewart. 你好。我是Robbie Steewart。
Did you know 你知道
my mother is running for the school board? 我母亲竞选联合校董会会董事
Yes, Miss Kim, Ellen Stewart. 是的 Kim小姐 是Elllen Stewart。
"She cares." “她关心”。
Oh, see you at the polls. 噢 在投票所见。
Certainly. 当然。
I'll give her your best wishes, 我会转告她你的祝福
Mr. Nelson. Nelson先生。
Hi, this is Mike Johnson. 嗨 我是Mike Johnsonn。
Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Burns? 我可以跟Burns先生或烫 太通话吗
Thank you. 谢谢。
We have done so much 我们已做了这麽多的事
in such a short amount of time. 在这麽短的时间内。
I can't believe it! 我简直不敢相信
Wait till Philip comes home and sees our progress. 等著瞧Philip回来看到到我们进展时的反应
Everyone saw the story in the Riverdale newspaper. 每个人都已看到Riverddale报纸上的新闻。
Mr. Maxwell was very kind Maxwell先生很好心
to print my announcement. 刊登了我宣 竞选的消消息
It helps enormously. 这个帮助很大。
Everybody in Riverdale reads his paper. Riverdale的每个人都靠此 的报纸。
Your photo in it helped, too. 在报纸上的照片也有有帮助
Thanks to you, Richard, 谢谢你 Richard
it's a good picture. 那是一张好照片。
Well, hi, all. 噢 嗨。
Hi, Dad. 你好 爸爸。
Hello, darling. 哈 亲爱的。
May I ... may I help? 我能……我能帮 忙吗
Licking envelopes. 粘信封。
I fold the fliers. 我摺传单。
We stuff them. 我们装传单。
And I lick the envelopes. 那我就粘信封 。
Hey, everybody, 嗨 大家听著
Mrs. Greenberg is on the phone. Greenberg太太打电话览础
She says Carter Boswell is on the TV right now-- 她说Carter Boswell现现在正在电视上
doing a commercial. 正在做广告。
What channel? 哪个频道
Five. 5号。
Five? 5号
... and if you ask what I care about, I'll tell you. ……假如你们问我关心心什麽 我可以告诉你们
I care about the school buildings in need of paint. 我关心学校的建筑物需需要粉刷
I care about more lockers for the teachers. 我关心教师要有更多的的储物柜
I care about new fixtures in the hallways-- 我关心走廊的新灯具
not music or dancing or entertainment. 而不是音乐 舞蹈或者者娱乐
I care about the practical things. 我关心实用的事物。
If you do, vote for me, Carter Boswell. 假如你有同感 请投我我一票 Carter Boswell
A lot of people will agree with him. 许多人会赞同他。
I told you. 我告诉过 了。
Too bad kids can't vote. 可惜小孩不能投票。
It's our school, but we can't vote. 那是我们的学校 可是是我们却不能投票
There are people in favor of the cultural programs, Mom. 会有许多人赞成文化活活动的 妈妈
There are, Ellen. 一定有 Ellen。
Don't be upset by Boswell's commercial. 不要为了Boswell的广父 而忧心。
You have to go on television, too. 也应该上电视。
You have to go on television, too. 也应该上电视。
Boswell's a powerful speaker. Boswell是个有辩才的蜒菟 家。
You can be, too. 也能做到。
Your ideas are good ones. 的想法很好。
I don't know. 我不知道。
I'm not sure I'm up to it. 我不能肯定我是否能做做得来

Vote! Vote! Vote!
Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote!
Hey, everybody,
here's what we say.
Get out and vote on election day.
You can make a difference.
It's up to you.
We need your vote
if you want better schools.
So clap your hands!
Stomp your feet!
Ellen Stewart's running for the school board.
And we know
she can't be beat!
I said clap your hands!
And stomp your feet!
Ellen Stewart's running for the school board.
And we know
she can't be beat.
So vote!
Vote! Vote!
If you want better schools,
and if you want your vote to count,
Ellen Stewart is the one to choose.
Who do we want?
Ellen Stewart!
Who's gonna win?
Ellen Stewart!
Who do we want?
Ellen Stewart!
Who's gonna win?
Ellen Stewart!
What do you say?
Ellen Stewart all the way!
Come on, let's fight
for Ellen Stewart.
She's the one who's right.
So everybody
just be aware
that Ellen Stewart is the one who cares.
She'll make a difference for everyone.
Cause Ellen Stewart is number one.
She knows the importance of music and art.
Cultural programs play a big part.
Let's keep these programs in our schools.
Ellen Stewart
for me and you.
So let's all give her a cheer.
Everything's all right because Ellen's here.
Who do we want?
Ellen Stewart!
Who do we want?
Ellen Stewart!
I say, yeah!
Yeah, we're yellin' for Ellen!
Yeah, we're yellin' for Ellen!
Yeah, we're yellin' for Ellen!
Yeah, we're yellin' for Ellen!


... my slogan is "I care." ……我的口号是 我关关心
I care about people, not things. 我关心人 而不是东西西
Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. 请投我 Ellen Stewwart一票。
I care. 我关心。
How was it? 怎麽样
You were terrific! 真是太棒了
Can I see it? 我可以看吗
Sure. 当然可以。
Hello. My name is Ellen Stewart, 你们好 我叫Ellen Sttewart
and I'm running for the open seat on the school board. 我正在竞选联合校董会会的席次
My slogan is "I care." 我的口号是 我关心 。
What does the word care mean? 所谓 关心 是指什麽麽
... I care about people, not things. ……我关心人 而不是是东西
Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. 请投我 Ellen Stewwart一票。
I care. 我关心。
I like it, 我觉得不错。
but now what? 但下一步怎麽办
How can we possibly get it on so Riverdale 我们怎样才能让Riverddale的人
will see it and hear it? 看到和听到它呢
Leave it to me. 交给我来办吧。
... I mean that when I say "I care", ……我的意思是当我说说 我关心
I care about people, not things. 我关心的是人而不是东东西
Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. 请投我 Ellen Stewwart一票。
I care. 我关心。
What happened? 发生了什麽事
Mom is now on television 妈妈现在出现在电视
in every appliance store in Riverdale, 在Riverdale的每一家档 器行
except Hamlin's. Hamlin的店除外。
He's a Boswell voter. 他是Boswell的支持者
That's a brilliant idea, Richard! 这主意太棒了 Richar
You inherited your father's brains. 你继承了你父亲的好头头脑
We got our brains from you, Dad. 我们从你那儿继承了好好头脑 爸爸
And guess what? 你们猜怎麽著
I called channel five. 我打电话给了第五频道道
I called channel five. 我打电话给了第五频道道
Their TV news is going to cover it. 他们的电视新闻将报导导这一消息
"Housewife campaigns in appliance stores." 家庭主妇在电器行 进行竞选活动 。
And I'll bet 我敢打赌
some magazine will pick up the story, too. 一些杂 也将刊登这项项消息
Mom, you're going to win! 妈妈 会赢的
I know it! 我知道
Hold it, Robbie! 停停 Robbie
Just cool down. 冷静一点。
I know we're getting some attention now, 我认为我们现在固然渐渐渐引起一些注
but in the end the voters will have to decide. 但最後却要由选民来决决定
You're gonna win. 会赢的。
Trust me! 相信我
In the hotly contested race 在这场激烈竞赛中
for the one seat on the Riverdale School Board, 争夺Riverdale联合校抖 会一个席次
Mrs. Ellen Stewart has taken an early lead. Ellen Stewart太太初膊 领先。
She's winning! 她赢了
Mom, you're winning! 妈妈 赢了
Now returning to other local news ... 现在再报导其它地方新新闻
Riverdale High School Riverdale高中
beat its rival Horace Mann in baseball today ... 在今天的棒球赛中打败败了对手Horace Mann队
It's too soon to know for certain. 现在还太早 不知道确确切情
You're ahead. 领先呢。
That's better than being behind. 这总比落後要好。
More sports after this. 广告後还有许多运动消消息
It's not over yet. 还没有完呢。
Let's just all calm down, 让我们全都冷静下来
and wait for the final results. 等待最後的结果。
Ellen, why don't you go out to the backyard Ellen 何不去院子
and get some fresh air? 呼吸一些新鲜空气呢
Thank you, Grandpa. 谢谢你 爷爷。
I need some. 我确实需要。
What happened? 怎麽样
You came very close, Ellen. 差了一点点 Ellen
You lost by only a hundred and twenty-one votes. 仅仅以一百二十一票票的些微差距输了
I lost. 我输了。
You tried, Mom. 尽力了 妈妈。
You lost by a very small number of votes. 输的票数非常少。
Only one hundred and twenty-one votes! 仅仅一百二十一票
I'm sorry, Mom. 我很难过 妈妈。
There just wasn't enough time. 实在是没有足够的时间间
Look, 看
you've made a very strong impression 已经留下了非常深刻刻的印
on our community. 给我们的社区。
You'll have another chance next election. 下次选举时 还有机会会
Hello. 你好。
Oh, yes, yes, Mr. Maxwell. 噢 是的 是的 Maxwwell先生。
Hello, Mr. Maxwell. 哈 Maxwell先生。
How are you? 好吗
I just called to tell you 我打电话是想告诉你
that you are very impressive. 给人们留下了深刻的的印象
You lost the election, 管 输了
but you won the attention of the residents of Riverdale, 但 引起了Riverdale档木用 的注目
of Boswell, and of me. 和Boswell和我的。
Well, thank you, Mr. Maxwell. 噢 谢谢你 Maxwell舷 生。
I appreciate your kind words. 我很感谢你好心的安 课俊
I needed that. 我正需要这个。
I hear Boswell 我听说Boswell
wants to appoint you to a special arts committee. 将任命 到一个特别艺艺术委员会
I'm sending over a reporter 我将派一位记者
in the morning to interview you. 在明天早晨来 访 。
You are? 是吗
I'm gonna do an article 我准备写一篇文章
on "Ellen Stewart--she cares." 叫做 Ellen Stewart 她关心 。
Maybe we'll all care now. 也许我们大家现在都关关心起来了
Good-bye. 再见。
Thank you-- 谢谢你。
and good-bye. 再见。
What was that about? 说些什麽
You were right, Philip. 你说对了 Philip。
I did make a difference in town. 我确实在镇上发挥了影影响力
And in this family. 也在这个家 。

Good evening.
An important local election
took place today in Riverdale.
The people of this community
elected a new member of the school board.
Carter Boswell.
Opposing him in the campaign was Ellen Stewart,
a housewife from Riverdale.
Tonight we'll take a look at both campaigns.
First, we turn to the Boswell campaign.
Mr. Boswell reached many voters
by appearing on local TV.
"I care about the school buildings in need of paint.
I care about more lockers for the teachers.
I care about new fixtures in the hallways."
Less than a month ago,
a new face entered the race.
Ellen Stewart.
Mrs. Stewart disagreed with Carter Boswell's plans
for the Riverdale schools.
She campaigned very strongly
to keep the cultural programs
in music, art, and drama.
Local appliance stores
played a video tape of Mrs. Stewart
introducing herself to the voters.
"My name is Ellen Stewart
and I am running for the open seat
on the school board.
My slogan is 'I care.'
I care about people, not things."
Mrs. Stewart's unusual campaign
helped her win the attention of the local newspaper.
Charles Maxwell,
the editor of the Riverdale news,
praised Mrs. Stewart for caring about the cultural programs
in the schools.
When the first votes were counted,
early in the day,
it seemed as if Ellen Stewart
might win a surprise victory over Carter Boswell.
But once all of the votes were counted,
Mrs. Stewart lost by only 121 votes.
Well, it was a very close election.
And Ellen Stewart convinced
the people of Riverdale that she cares.
She also convinced Carter Boswell,
who now wants to appoint Mrs. Stewart
to a special committee
for cultural programs in the school.
Well, that's our special election day
report on a very important local election.
Thank you and have a good evening.
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-12-3 07:42
第二十课 Quality Time

Where's Mom? 妈妈呢
She went to a school-board meeting. 她去参加联合校董会会议议了
I don't know how she does it. 我不知道她怎麽办到的。
She sure keeps busy. 她真的是忙个不停。
It's important to her. 这对她来说很重要。
There are lots of places to go, 有很多地方要去
lots of things to do. 许多事情要做。
She can't sit around and do nothing. 她总不能闲坐著无所事事事呀
Philip works late. Philip工作到很晚。
I guess you're right. 我想你说得对。
I wish I had her energy. 我希望我有她那样的精力力
Anybody home? 有人在家吗
We're in here, Dad. 我们在 面 爸爸。
Oh. Hi, gang. 噢。嗨 你们好。
Hello, Philip. 哈 Philip。
How was your day? 今天好吗
My day was just fine. 这一天还好。
So was my night. 晚上也还不错。
It's almost ten o'clock. 现在已经快十点钟了。
Mmm. I'm starving. 嗯 我饿坏了。
Um ... where's Mom? 唔……妈妈呢
She went to a school-board meeting. 她去参加联合校董会的会会议
There's a note for you on the refrigerator. 冰箱上有她留给你的字条条
Oh? 噢
Did you have dinner, Robbie? 你吃晚餐了吗 Robbie
Yeah. 吃了。
Mike and I had a hamburger at the diner. Mike和我在火车厢餐厅那那 吃了 罕ぁ
I came home a little while ago. 我也是刚刚到家。
You've been working late 你一直工作到很晚
almost every night this week, Dad. 几乎这个星期的每天晚上上都如此 爸爸
Aren't you exhausted? 你不会精疲力尽吗
I don't have time to be exhausted. 我没有时间去精疲力尽。
You and Mom haven't had dinner together with us 你和妈妈没有和我们一起起吃晚
in almost a full week. 差不多有一整个星期了。
Yeah, 是啊。
I feel bad 我觉得很不安
about us not having dinner with the family, 对於我们无法与全家人共共进晚餐一
but our schedules are so different. 但我们的工作时间实在差差太多了
Either I'm at the hospital doing paperwork, 不是我在医院办公事
or Mom is at a committee meeting. 就是妈妈参加小组会议。
I frankly don't know what to do about it. 我真不知道该怎麽解决。
I'm worried about you and Mom. 我很担心你和妈妈。
You really have been working too hard. 你们确实太忙了。
Well, 好啦
I think I've had enough of that sandwich. 我想我已经吃够了三明治治
You didn't finish it. 你没有吃完它。
It's not good to eat before going to bed. 在上床前吃太多不好。
A cookie can't hurt, though. 但一片小甜饼不要紧。
Well, 好啦
I'm heading off for bed 我先去睡觉了
and a good night's sleep. 睡一个好觉。
Well, good night. 好吧 晚安。
Good night, Son. 晚安 儿子。
Good night, Dad. 晚安 爸爸。
I'm going to bed. 我去睡觉了。
Good night, Philip. 晚安 Philip。
Haven't you finished balancing that checkbook? 你还没有核对完支票簿帐帐目
I found another mistake. 我又发现一个错误。
I'll be off to bed myself in a minute. 我再过一会也要上床睡觉觉了
OK. Good night. 好 晚安。
I'm really concerned about them, 我真的为他们担心
Grandpa. 爷爷。
Concerned about whom? 为谁担心
About Mom and Dad. 爸爸和妈妈。
They hardly ever see each other. 他们几乎彼此不碰头。
Dad often works late, 爸爸老是工作到很晚
and Mom has all these committees she's on. 妈妈又有那麽多的小组会会议要开
What do you propose to do about it? 那你建议要怎麽办
You have that look in your eye. 你看起来好像有了主意似似的
I don't know, 我不知道
but there must be a way 但总该有一个办法
of getting them to spend more time together. 能让他们有更多时间相处处
Quality time. 高品质时光。

I got home late
after working all day.
I was hoping to find you,
but you were away.
You left me some dinner,
something to eat,
but I won't be waiting up,
'cause I've got to get to sleep.
I'm going to get home late
after working all day.
I know you'll be home,
but I'll miss you anyway.
I hope you find my note
and have something to eat.
I really want to see you,
but you'll be asleep.
We never seem to have any fun
like we had before.
We're working too hard,
and I never get to see you anymore.
We have to make time for each other.
We owe it to ourselves and one another.
So why don't we do it?
What do you say?
Let's make some changes.
We could start today.
We need some quality time
... together.
... together.
What we need is quality time.
Oh, yeah!
We need to talk to each other,
laugh with each other.
Let's get together, you and me.
With quality time,
we'll enjoy each other's company.
You're working long hours,
and you're never at home.
Sometimes it seems
you're just a voice on the phone.
And when you call,
You say you'll be home late.
You're always missing dinner
'cause it just can't wait.
My job keeps me busy,
and I know you're busy, too.
I really want to spend
"more" time with you.
I'm getting up early,
and I'm coming home late.
If I want to see you,
I've got to make a special date.
We need some quality time
... together.
What we need is quality time.
Oh, yeah!
We need to talk to each other,
laugh with each other.
Let's get together ...


Hello there, Robbie. 哈 Robbie。
What are you doing up this late? 这麽晚了你还没睡在做什什
Reading. 读书。
Reading? 读书
At this hour? 在这个时候
Ah, come on, Robbie. 噢 算了吧 Robbie。
What are you doing up this late? 这麽晚你不睡在 什麽
Things on my mind. 想一些事情。
Do you care to talk about them? 你想谈谈它们吗
Sure, 当然
if you don't mind listening. 假如 不介意听的话。
Robbie, Robbie, remember me? Robbie Robbie 记得我我
I'm your mother. 我是你母亲。
If you have something you want to talk about, 假如你有什麽事情要谈
I'm always prepared to listen. 我总是准备听的。
You haven't been around much lately. 最近 在家的时候不多。
So that's it. 原来是这件事。
OK, let's talk. 好 让我们谈谈。
You and Dad are like ships that pass in the night. 和爸爸就像在夜 交错错而过的船一样
Dad works hard, and he works late. 爸爸工作忙 而且忙到很很晚
You work hard on all your committees, 而 总是在各种委员会 忙
and you work late. 也工作到很晚。
I thought you were proud of the work I do. 我还以为你为我所做的工工作感到骄傲
I am, Mom. 我确实感到骄傲 妈妈。
Real proud. 真的骄傲。
You are one fantastic mom, 是一位好母亲。
but ... but I've been noticing 但……但我注意到
how little quality time 高品质时光太少了
you spend with Dad and me ... and the family. 和父亲 我及全家人共共度的
It's a real problem, Robbie. 这确实是个问题 Robbiee。
I know it. 我知道。
I'm concerned. 我很担心。
There must be a way 总该有个办法
that Dad and you can spend more time together. 能使 和爸爸有更多的时时间在一起
Well, we always talk about 说的也是 我们常在谈论
taking a vacation together--with the family. 要一起渡个假 全家一起起
I think you ought to 我觉得 们应该
take a vacation away from the family--alone. 离开家人而单独在一起渡渡个假
Kind of a second honeymoon. 类似二度蜜月的假期。
It would be wonderful, 那倒是很美妙
but our schedules won't allow it. 但我们的工作时间表不允允许这样
I think I have an idea. 我有一个主意。
You do? 真的
Yup. 是的。
I think I have an idea 我想我有一个办法
that will bring Dad and you 使 和爸爸
together in a more scheduled way. 能更定时在一起。
What is it? 是什麽主意
Well, 噢
you know how Dad is always talking about 知道爸爸时常谈起
the kids in the ward 住院的孩子们
and how important it is for them to be paid attention to? 以及他们何等需要受人关关怀
Yes. 是的。
Well ... 好……
and how hard it is 他还说这件事很难
because the doctors and nurses are so busy? 因为医生和护士们都非常常
Yes. 是的。
Well, how would it be if you took some time 好 那 花些时间
to work with Dad towards solving that problem? 和爸爸一起来解决这个问问题怎麽
I don't get it. 我不懂你的话。
Like setting up a regular weekly reading program. 譬如说开办一项每 一次次的定期阅读计划
You and Dad. 和爸爸。
You and Dr. Philip Stewart-- 和Philip Stewart医生
going to the children's ward once or twice a week 每星期就去小儿科病房一一 两
and reading to them. 为他们朗读。
Not bad. 不错。
Not a bad idea, Robbie. 蛮好的主意 Robbie。
As a matter of fact, 事实上
it fits right in with something I'm working on right now 这跟我正在进行的某项小小组工作不谋而
with the school-board committee. 与联合校董会有关。
What's that? 什麽样的工作
I've been trying 我一直努力
to work out a program 想研拟一项计划
in the public school 在公立学校中
that will bring parents and teachers together once a week 让家长们及教师每星期一一
to read to the students--their own children, really. 共同为学生们 其实就就是他们自己的孩子 朗
By doing that, it will encourage reading. 这样做能鼓励阅读。
So it might fit in with a program 这个跟计划相当吻合
for reading to the kids in the hospital. 为住院的孩子朗读。
You're right. 你说得对。
We'll do it! 我们就来进行吧
I'm going to talk to Daddy about it right now. 我现在就去跟爸爸谈谈这这件事
But Dad was so exhausted when he came home from work. 但爸爸工作回来时已经累累得不得了了
Why don't you talk to him about it tomorrow? 何不明天再跟他谈
You are a very smart young man, Robbie. 你是个绝顶聪明的年轻人人 Robbie
I think I'll wait until tomorrow. 我想我就等明天再谈。
You won't forget, will you? 不会忘记吧
Believe me, I won't. 放心 我不会的。
It is a great idea, 这是个极好的主意。
and I promise you I won't forget. 我向你保证 我不会忘的的
Thanks, Mom. 谢谢 妈妈。
Thank you, Robbie. 谢谢你 Robbie。

I don't get it.
I don't understand.
I don't follow you.
No, no. Oh, no, no.
Run that by me again,
'cause I don't understand.
No, no. I don't get it.
I don't get it.
What do you mean?
I don't get the picture.
Huh? I don't get it.
Explain it all again,
'cause I don't understand.
No, no. I don't get it.
What are you trying to say?
What are you trying to say?
I don't get it.
Exactly what do you mean?
I don't follow you.
Could you explain that again?
I don't get it.
I don't understand.
I don't follow you.
No, no. Oh, no, no.
Run that by me again,
'cause I don't understand.
No, no. I don't get it.
Ah, I get it.
Oh, I see what you mean.
Yeah. I see what you're trying to say.
I get it.
Right! I see.
Oh, I know what you mean.
OK, I follow you now.
I understand.
I get it.
I get it.


Good morning. 早安。
What a wonderful morning! 多麽美好的早晨
Don't the flowers smell wonderful? 花儿闻起来好香 不是吗
Good morning, Ellen. 早安 Ellen。
Yes, they do. 是的 花儿好香。
That's why I'm reading my paper and having my coffee 这就是今天早上为什麽我我看报纸喝咖
on the patio this morning. 要在院子 。
Ah, it does smell sweet. 噢 它们确实很香。
How was your school-board meeting last night? 昨天晚上 们的联合校董董会会议开得怎麽
You must've come home very late. 一定很晚才回家。
Did you find the sandwich I made for you? 你找到我为你做的三明治治了
Thanks, dear. 谢谢 亲爱的。
I was so tired 我太累了
I didn't even finish it. 没有能吃完它。
Philip, I've been working on this special project Philip 我一直在研拟一一项特别计
with the school board, 和联合校董会一起
and I'd like your opinion about it. 我需要你的意见。
What is it? 是个什麽样的计划
I've been trying to find 我一直在寻求
a way to encourage reading. 鼓励阅读的办法。
Good luck! 祝 好运
Well, I think I may have found a way to do it. 噢 我想我也许已找到一一种办法
Tell me about it. 说给我听吧。
I work with families every day, Ellen. 我每天的工作就是接触一一些家庭 Ellen
I see how people spend their leisure time-- 我看到人们怎样利用 暇暇时
young and old. 不管是年轻的 还是年老老的
Mostly watching television. 大部分是看电视。
Well, that would be OK 那倒没有什麽关
if, and I repeat, 只要 我重 一遍
if people took the time to read. 只要人们肯花时间去阅读读
I couldn't agree with you more. 我彻底同意 的看法。
The question is, 问题是
how do we get them to read more? 我们怎样才能使他们多 脑亩
I think 我想
you're going to give me the answer to that question. 是要给我这个问题的答答案
You have that look in your eye. 的眼睛 显示出 已有有了答案
I do have an answer, Philip. 我确实有一个答案 Phillip。
Or at least I think I do. 至少我想我有了答案。
Well, tell me about it. 那麽 告诉我吧。
The plan is a simple one. 计划很简单。
Involve the entire family in a reading project. 让整个家庭都参与阅读计计划
In the home? 在家中
Yes, in the home. 是的 在家 。
But first in the school-rooms. 但首先是在教室 。
Hmm, interesting. 嗯 有意思。
But how do you plan to do that? 但 预备怎麽做呢
By arranging with the public schools 首先 从公立学校开始
to schedule one hour a week--to start with. 安排一星期一个小时。
During that time 在那一小时
parents are invited to attend-- 家长被邀请来参加
and to read along with the children--their children. 和孩子们 他们的孩孩子们 一起阅读
It can go beyond the school system, Ellen. 这可以推广到学校体制以以外 Ellen
Really? 真的
I guarantee you it would go very well in the hospitals. 我保证在医院这种计划会会推行得很好
My patients--mostly kids-- 我的病人 大多数是孩孩子
would love to read and be read to. 会喜欢阅读 喜欢别人读读给他们听
You think so? 你想会是这样吗
I know so. 我确定知道是这样。
Maybe we can experiment with your patients 也许我们可以在你的病人人中试
and see how the plan works. 看看这项计划实施得如何何
I love the idea. 我喜欢这个主意。
Would you work with me on it? 愿意和我一起来做吗
I would love to, Philip. 我当然愿意 Philip。
And that way, 而且那样的话
we'll spend more time together, Ellen. 我们会有更多的时间在一一起 Ellen
We just don't see each other anymore. 我们彼此差不多见不到面面了
You and I are very busy these days. 这些天来我们俩都很忙。
This is true. 这倒是事实。
We need to find time to be together more, 我们确实需要多找时间相相聚一
to do things together more--you and I. 也需要多在一起工作
This would be a wonderful way to accomplish that. 这倒是达到这个目的的绝绝佳办法
I have a question. 我有一个问题。
I have a question. 我有一个问题。
Yes? 是吗
What do we read? 我们读些什麽呢
To the patients in the ward? 读给病房 的病人
Yes. 是的。
Well, 好
let you and I talk about it. 我们就来讨论一下。
What would you like to read to them? 你想读些什麽给他们听
Mrs. Stewart and I Stewart太太和我
will read a poem by Robert Frost. 要朗读Robert Frost作的的一首诗
It's called 它的题目是
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." 雪夜林边小驻 。
Would you begin, Ellen? 请 开始 Ellen
All right. 好的。
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" 雪夜林边小驻
by Robert Frost. Robert Frost作。
Whose woods these are I think I know. 这是谁的林子 我想我知知
His house is in the village though; 虽然他的屋子是在村子
He will not see me stopping here 他不会看到我驻足此地
To watch his woods fill up with snow. 注视他落满雪花的林子。
My little horse must think it queer 我的小马一定感到奇怪
To stop without a farmhouse near 为何停在没有农舍的地方
Between the woods and frozen lake 就在林子和冰湖之间
The darkest evening of the year. 在这一年中最漆黑的夜晚晚
He gives his harness bells a shake 摇动 绳上的铃铛
To ask if there is some mistake. 想问问是否搞错了。
The only other sound's the sweep 徐风掠过和细雪纷飞
Of easy wind and downy flake. 徐风掠过和细雪纷飞。
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, 林子迷人 漆黑而深邃
But I have promises to keep, 但是我有约要赴
And miles to go before I sleep, 在我就寝前还得赶许多哩哩
And miles to go before I sleep. 在我就寝前还得赶许多哩哩路
You two belong on stage! That was wonderful! 你们俩简直是职业演员 得太棒了
Grandpa! 爷爷
Dad ... Robbie. When did you come? 爸爸……Robbie。你们什什麽时候来
We've been listening to you both. 我们一直在听你们朗诵。
These are lucky kids. 这是一群幸运的孩子。
Do you enjoy reading together? 你们喜欢在一起朗诵吗
Well, we may read together aloud at home. 嗯 我们或许可以在家 一起大声朗诵。
You were right, Robbie. 你做对了 Robbie。
I know. 我知道。

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near.
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-12-4 13:39
第二十一课 A Big Fish in a Little Pond

I really like this one Susan. Do you? Susan 我真档 很喜欢这一件 呢
Turn around, Michelle. Let me see the back of it. 转过去一下 Michelle。让我看看它的背面。
I like it a lot. It fits well. 我非常喜欢。。它很合身
It doesn't need any alterations. We must've bought the right size. 不需作任何修修改。我们一定是买对了 叽纭
I like the color. She looks good in blue. 我喜欢这颜色色。她穿蓝色的很好看
I like blue, too, Daddy. 我也喜欢蓝色色的 爸爸
Try on the skirt and blouse outfit, Michelle-- 试试上衣和裙裙子的那一套吧 Michelle
the one that Daddy wanted you to wear. 爸爸要 穿的的那一套
OK. 好的。
Michelle has been a different kid since we've been married. 自从我们结婚婚之後 Michelle变成另一个人了
She's never been happier. 她从来没有像像现在这样快乐过
And I've never been happier, Harry. 我也从来没有有这样快乐过 Harry
I love her very much. She's been a joy. 我很爱她。她她是个讨人喜欢的孩子
We're very lucky, the three of us ... 我们非常幸运运 我们三个…
and becoming part of the Stewart family, too. 而且成为Stewwart家庭的一份子。
We couldn't ask for anything more, could we? 我们再没什麽麽可求的了 对
Well ... 嗯……
Well ...? Could we ask for anything more? 嗯…… 我们们还有什麽可求的
Well ... we ... 嗯……我们……
How do you like it, Daddy? 你觉得怎样 爸爸
It's my favorite outfit. 这是我喜欢的的那一套
It's good for every day. It will be good for school, Michelle. 这套衣服每天天都可以穿。它适合上学时穿 Michelle
I like it, too. I always like skirts that go like this. 我也喜欢它。。我一直喜欢能像这样飘动的裙子
Do you want to see the winter jacket on me, Susan? 想看看我穿穿上冬季的夹克怎样吗 Susa
Yes, I do. Change back into your jeans, 是的 我想看看看。换回 的牛仔
and put on the new winter jacket we bought today. 也把我们今天天买的冬季夹克穿上
OK. 好的。
What did you mean by "well ...?" 你说 嗯……… 的意思是什
You had something on your mind 你显然有话要要
when I said we couldn't ask for anything more. 在我说我们再再没什麽可求的了的时候
Is everything all right? 一切都好吗
Everything is fine, Michelle. 一切都好 Miichelle。
Let's take a look at the winter jacket. Come on over here, honey. 让我们看看冬冬季夹克。到这儿来 亲爱的
It's kind of warm. 它很暖和。
It is. That's why we bought it for you. 是的。这就是是我们买给 的原因
This will be a perfect jacket for the wintertime 这一件夹克就就很受
This will be a perfect jacket for the wintertime 这一件夹克就就很受
when it's very cold out. 冬天外面很冷冷的时候
But it's kind of small also. We must've bought the wrong size. 但它也有点小小了。我们一定买错了 叽纭
Looks like we should've bought a bigger one. 看来我们应该该买一件大些的
I guess we'll have to exchange it, too. 我想我们还得得去换一件
I'm sure the store has others. 我相信那家店店一定还有其它的尺寸
I look silly! It is too small! 我看来很滑稽稽 它太小
You're growing so fast, Michelle. 长得太快了了 Michelle
Can I take it off? I'm hot! 我可以脱掉吗吗 我好
Sure. Put it back in your room, and we'll hang everything up later. 当然。将它放放回 的房间 过一会儿我们来一件件 起来
Well, are you going to tell me what's on your mind, Harry? 好了 你要不不要告诉我你在想什麽 Harr
I have been offered a job with a major accounting company 有一家大会计计公司提供我一个工
in Los Angeles. 在Los Angelees。
I have been offered a job with a major accounting company 有一家大会计计公司提供我一个工
in Los Angeles. 在Los Angelees。
Los Angeles? That's a big decision. Los Angeles 这可是个大决定。
I know. It will also affect you and your job, if we decide to go. 我知道。假如如我们决定去的话 也会影响到 和 的工
Wow! It sure will. But first tell me about the job, Harry. 喔 当然会。。但首先告诉我是什麽样的工作 Harry
If it's a good one, then we'll make it work for us. 假如它是个好好工作 我们就顺水推舟
I have a client in the garment business, on Seventh Avenue. 我有个客户在在Seventh Avenue从事成衣生意
I do his taxes every year. 我每年为他处处理税务
He has a big sales office in Los Angeles, 他在Los Angeeles有一个大的销售办事处
and the company in Los Angeles 而在Los Angeeles
and the company in Los Angeles 而在Los Angeeles
that does his major accounting work 承办他主要会会计工作的那家公
is looking for an executive. And he recommended me. 正在物色一位位主管。他推荐了我
That's wonderful, Harry. 那太棒了 Haarry。
Yes, but it would mean that we'd have to move to L.A. 是的。但这意意味著我们必须搬到Los Angeles
What about the salary? 薪水怎麽样
The real discussion comes tomorrow. 明天才会正式式商谈
Susan, I don't plan to make any decisions Susan 我不创 算做决定
until I have a chance to talk with you about it. 除非我有机会会跟 谈过
I understand, Harry. 我了解 Harrry。
And I don't have to make a quick decision. 而且我也不需需很快下决定
They know that I'm married and that I have a family. 他们知道我结结婚了 有一个家
Well, there's a lot to think about. 噢 有许多事事需要考虑
If it's a good job, 假如它是个好好工
then I've got to do some thinking about 那麽我就必须须考虑考
my career opportunities in Los Angeles. 我在Los Angeeles的事业机会。
Is everything OK? 一切都好吗
Yes, honey. 是的 亲爱的的

Pronunciation man. Pronunciation man.
Pronunciation man.
Harry told Susan he was thinking about a new job in California.
She must've been surprised.
You can see it in her face.
It's clear to me.
It's easy to see.
She must've been surprised.
Must've been. You mean must have been.
We can say "must've" in conversation,
and sometimes we don't pronounce the "v."
And so you hear "musta."
She must've been surprised.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
I can see that she was surprised.
It's very obvious.
But "musta?"
Well, you don't have to say it,
but sometimes you're going to hear it.
We must've bought the wrong size.
We must've bought the wrong size.
They must've bought the wrong size.
You can see that the jacket is much too small.
It's clear to me.
It's easy to see.
They must've bought the wrong size.
Is everything okay?
She looks worried.
Yes, I can see that.
Do you think she heard Susan and Harry
talking about moving to Los Angeles?
Well, evidently she heard something.
Or she saw the serious look on their faces.
Michelle is obviously concerned.
She saw something.
Yes, she must have seen something.
She must've seen something.
Or she heard something.
Yes, she must have heard something.
She must've heard something.
It's clear to me.
It's easy to see.
I must've been crazy to come here.


Hello. Hello there. Are you ready for lunch with your grandpa? 哈 。哈 。。 准备好跟 的祖父一起吃午饭
Oh! Hi, Grandpa. Yes, of course, I am, but my mind isn't. 噢 嗨 爷爷爷。是的 当然 我准备好了 但是有点心
What's the matter, Susan? 怎麽了 Susa
A real dilemma. 一个大伤脑筋筋的事
Does it have anything to do with you and Harry? 是关於 和Haarry的事吗
Yes, but I don't know where to start. 是的 但我不不知道从何说起
Maybe I can help. Tell me what it is, Susan. 也许我能帮忙忙。说给我听听 Susan
Thanks, Grandpa. Please sit down. 谢谢你 爷爷爷。请坐
Oh! Harry has been offered a job in Los Angeles. 噢 有人聘请请Harry到Los Angeles工作
Well, this is something to think about. 噢 这种事确确实需要想一想
There are so many things to consider. There's Michelle. 要考虑的事太太多了。首先是Michelle
I wonder if a move would be a bad thing for her. And my job. 我不知道搬家家对她来说是否是件坏事。还有我的工作
I don't know if I can get a good job in Los Angeles. 我不知道我能能否在Los Angeles找到好工作
And what about our family? 另外就是我们们家的人怎麽
Can I tell you what I think? 让我来告诉 我的想法好吗
Tell me. 告诉我吧。
I think that you're very successful 我认为 事业业有
and that you have a fantastic reputation in the toy industry. 而且在玩具界界有很好的声誉
I think you could talk to Mr. Marchetta, 我想 可以跟跟Marchetta先生谈
I think you could talk to Mr. Marchetta, 我想 可以跟跟Marchetta先生谈
and I think 我觉得
he could help you find a real good job in Los Angeles. 他能够帮 在在Los Angeles找个很好的工作
He was very helpful to me, remember? 他帮过我大忙忙 记得
I suppose I could call him. 我想我可以打打电话给
But I'm not so sure that I want to leave New York, 但我不能确定定我真想离开纽
you, and the rest of our family. 你和我们家的的其他人
Well, I'm not going to kid you, Susan. 噢 我可不想想哄 Susan
You know we'd all miss you. 知道我们都都会思念
But this should be your decision. 但这必须由 做决定。
It's something that only you and Harry can work out. 这件事只有 和Harry才能定夺。
If moving to L.A. is in Harry's best interest, 假如搬到L.A..对Harry最有利的话
I have to do what I can do to support him. 我就应该尽我我的力量来支持他
In every marriage, 婚姻中
sacrifices have to be made by one partner from time to time. 总要有一方必必须不时做些 
And what about Michelle? 那Michelle怎怎麽
Well, what do you think? 嗯 觉得怎怎
I think Michelle is better off staying where she is. 我觉得Michellle待在原地比较好。
What does she think? 她怎麽想呢
I don't know for sure. 我不太清楚。
Well, you'll have to ask her. 噢 应当问问问她
I think I'm going to have a talk with Mr. Marchetta 我想我要跟Maarchetta先生谈谈
and get his feelings about my leaving. 徵求他关於我我离开的意见
and get his feelings about my leaving. 徵求他关於我我离开的意见
And about helping me find a job in Los Angeles. 请他帮我在在Los Angeles找一份工作
Good idea. 好主意。
I'll call him right now. No point in delaying. 我现在就打给给他。没有道理要拖拉
Thanks, Grandpa. 谢谢你 爷爷爷
Harry, it's the perfect job for you. You'll love it. Harry 那是贩 最适合你的工作。你会喜欢的。
It's a big decision for me, Bill. 对我来说这是是个大决定 Bill
And I have to discuss it with my wife. 我必须跟我的的太太讨论
I don't know if it's right for her. 我不知道这事事对她是否恰当
She'll love it. It's a once-in-a-lifetime offer, Harry. 她也会喜欢的的。这是个千载难逢的机会 Harry
OK. Tell it to me again. 好吧 再说给给我听听
The company is Craft and Craft, 这家公司叫Crraft and Craft
the biggest accounting company in the country. 是全国最大的的会计公司
I know the company well. It's big. 这家公司我很很清楚。是大公司
The biggest. 最大的。
Yeah, yeah. The biggest. When do I have to let you know? 是的 是的 最大的。我什麽时候该给你回音
Talk it over. Think it over. Let me know by the end of the week. 好好地谈一谈谈。好好地想一想。这个 末以前让我知道你的决定
When would we have to move? 什麽时候我们们得搬
As soon as possible. 越快越好。
I also have my daughter to consider. 我还要考虑我我女儿
I don't want to interrupt her school year. 我不愿意打断断她这个学年
Let me know by the end of the week. 这个 末前给给我回音
It's a great opportunity for you, Harry. 这对你是个大大好机会 Harry
It's a great opportunity for you, Harry. 这对你是个大大好机会 Harry
Believe me. 相信我。
I know. 我知道。
Craft and Craft is the biggest in the country. Craft and Crraft是全国最大的。
Yeah, I know. The biggest. 是的 我知道道。最大的
I think Michelle is asleep now. Let's talk. 我想Michellee现在睡著了。让我们谈谈吧。
I met with Bill York today. 今天我跟Billl York会面了。
And I talked with Mr. Marchetta. Did York make the offer? 我也和Marchrrtta先生谈了。York是否跟你谈那个工作机会
Yup. He asked me if I want the job. 是的。他问我我要不要接受那份工作
That's exciting, Harry. What was it? 太令人兴奋了了 Harry。是什麽样的工
A vice-presidency 副总裁
with the biggest accounting company in the country-- 全国最大的会会计公
Craft and Craft. Craft and Crraft。
Aren't you excited about that? 你不感到兴奋奋
Sure I am. But there's so much more to consider. 我当然兴奋。。但是还有那麽多问题需要考虑
I talked to Mr. Marchetta. 我跟Marchettta先生谈了。
What did he say? Did you tell him about me? 他怎麽说
Of course, Harry. I want what's best for you, 当然 Harry N 要的是对你最有利的事
and I think I can get a good job 而且我想我也也可以找到一份好工
through Mr. Marchetta 透过Marchettta先生的帮助
in Los Angeles also. 在Los Angelees。
You're kidding. 在说笑吧。
No, I'm not kidding. 不 我不是说说笑
No, I'm not kidding. 不 我不是说说笑
I talked with him, and he understands completely. 我与他谈了 他完全了解。
He has a major toy buyer in Los Angeles, 他在Los Angeeles有一个玩具大买主
and he's pretty sure that I can get a good job there. 他相当肯定我我可以在那儿弄到一份好工作
Unbelievable! 真不敢相信
But I think we should talk to Michelle about all of this. 但我认为我们们应该跟Micelle谈谈这整件事
You're right. We'll talk to her about it. 说得对。我我们要跟她谈谈
And how do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles? 你对於到Los Angeles接受这份工作有何感想
How should I feel? 我该作何感想
It's the biggest company in the country. 它是全国最大大的
Well, then you feel good about taking it? 嗯 那你觉得得接受它很对
Well ... I feel fine about it. Why shouldn't I? 嗯……我觉得得不错。为什麽不

Harry, it's the perfect job for you.
You'll love it.
It's a big decision for me, Bill.
And I have to discuss it with my wife.
Is moving away to Los Angeles
a good idea for susan?
Is it right for her?
I don't know if it's right for her.
What does Susan think?
What is she asking herself?
The question is ...
Can I get a good job in Los Angeles?
I don't know if I can get a good job
in Los Angeles.
And what about Michelle?
Would Michelle like to move?
Or would a move be a bad thing for her?
I wonder
if a move would be a bad thing for her.
So Harry, do you want the job?
That's the question.
Hmmm, do I want the job?
He asked me if I want the job.
So what do you think?
Will Harry take the job?
I don't know if he'll take the job.


I love my school. I have so many good friends there now. 我喜欢我的学学校。我现在有那麽多好朋友在那
I wouldn't miss a day even if I were really sick. 即使我真的病病了也不想错过一天
Come and sit down for a minute, Michelle. 过来坐一会儿儿 Michelle
I'd like to talk to you about something. 我想跟 谈一一件事
Something important. 一件重要的事事
What's wrong, Susan? 有什麽问题吗吗 Susa
Oh, there's nothing wrong, Michelle. 噢 没什麽 Michelle。
But your daddy and I are talking about something 但 爸爸和我我正在讨论一件
that I'd like your opinion about. 我需要 的意意见
I know. I heard you talking about it 我知道。我听听到 们谈论的那件事
the other night when I was trying on my new clothes. 也就是我试新新衣服的那天晚上
It's about moving to Los Angeles. 是关於搬家到到Los Angeles的事
You're right. How do you feel about it? 说对了。 觉得怎麽样
Well, I really wouldn't want to move, but ... 噢 我实在不不愿意搬家 但是…
But? 但是什麽
But if you and Daddy wanted to, 但是假如 和和爸爸想搬的
I guess you know what's best for the family and for me. 我猜想你们一一定知道怎样做对整个家庭和我是最有利的
That's very considerate of you, Michelle. 真会体谅别人人 Michelle
But what about your friends? 但 的朋友怎怎麽
I'd miss them a lot, 我会非常想念念他们
but I know what it feels like to miss someone. 但我知道想念念一个人是什麽样的滋味
Honey, we don't have to move 亲爱的 我们们将不搬
if you're not going to be happy about it. 假如 会因为为这种事而不快乐的话
if you're not going to be happy about it. 假如 会因为为这种事而不快乐的话
Does Daddy want to move? 爸爸想要搬吗
I think so. He's going to tell us tonight about the job offer. 我想是这样。。他今天晚上会告诉我们关於那份工作的事
Well, how was everybody's day today? 喂 今天各位位过得怎麽
Michelle was chosen to do Michelle被挑挑选去
the school poster for the play this year. 今年学校话剧剧的海报
Congratulations, Michelle! That's something! 恭喜 Michhelle 太好了
And how was your day, Susan? 那 今天过得得怎麽样 Susa
I see you're in a good mood. 我看你心情很很好
Why don't you tell us about your day. 何不告诉我们们你这一天过得如
I met with Bill York. 我与Bill Yorrk会面了。
It's OK to talk about it, Harry. 这件事可以摊摊开来谈 Harry
Michelle knows all about it. Michelle已经经全知道了
Really? 真的
Really, Harry. 真的 Harry
Michelle and I have all kinds of feelings Michelle和我我感觉很
about leaving New York, the family, and friends. 对於离开纽约约 家人 朋友
But if you think you should take the job, we're behind you. 但如果你认为为你应该接受这份工作 我们支持你
What about Michelle's school? 那Michelle的的学校怎麽
We'll move after the school term. 我们等这学期期结束後再搬
What about her new friends? 那她的新朋友友
I'll make new friends wherever we are as long as we're together. 只要我们能在在一起 无论在哪儿我都能交到新朋友
We're a family, Harry. 我们是一家人人 Harry
We're a family, Harry. 我们是一家人人 Harry
Whatever you think is right for you is right for us. 你认为对你是是好的对我们来说也是好的
I am so touched. The two of you are really something. 我太感动了。。 们俩个真是了不起
We love you, Daddy. 我们爱你 爸爸爸
And I love you. 我也爱 们。
OK. Now, tell us about your talk with Mr. York. 好啦 现在告告诉我们你跟York先生的谈话吧
Did you take the job? 你接受了那份份工作
Nope. 没有。
What? 什麽
No? You didn't take it? 没有 你没有有接
No, I did not take the job. 对 我没有接接受那份工作
But, Daddy, I thought ... 但是 爸爸 我想……
Harry, you didn't turn it down because of me ... Harry 你拒 绝它该不是因为我……
Or me? 或者我
No, no. I turned it down because of me. 不 不。我因因为我自己而拒绝了它
How's that? 这是怎麽一回回
Well, I began to think about you and about Michelle, 噢 我开始想想到 和Michell
and then I asked myself, 然後我问自己
do I really want to work for the biggest company in the country? 我真的想替全全国最大的公司工作
And? 结果呢
And I don't. 我 不想这样样
I went into business for myself 我当初自己开开
because I like being my own boss. 是因为我喜欢欢自己当老板
because I like being my own boss. 是因为我喜欢欢自己当老板
I run my own company. I'm a big fish in a little pond. 我经营自己的的公司。我是一条小池 的大鱼
I'm not really sure I want to be a little fish in a big pond. 我不是真的很很确定我想成为一条大池 的小鱼
Oh, Daddy, does that mean we don't have to move? 噢 爸爸 你你的意思是我们不必搬家
That's right, sweetheart. 是的 宝贝。
Are you sure? 你确定
I couldn't be more sure, Susan. 我再确定不过过了 Susan
I'm glad if you are, Harry. 假如你很确定定 我就高兴 Harry
And besides, 更何
how could I live in Los Angeles 我怎麽能住在在Los Angele
when all my favorite people live here? 而所有我喜欢欢的人都在
Your favorite people? 你喜欢的人
Who's that? 谁呀
The Stewart family, of course. 当然是Stewarrt一家人。

I kept asking myself--
do I really want to work for the biggest company in the country?
The company is Craft and Craft.
The biggest accounting company in the country.
I know the company well. It's big.
The biggest.
They are big all right,
with offices all over the country.
They're big.
Altogether, they have 86 offices in the U.S. alone.
And one of those offices is in Los Angeles,
and that's where I'd be. L.A.
Harry Bennett, just one accountant
in a huge company full of accountants.
I'd be one little fish in a big pond full of accountants.
Do you want to be a little fish in a big pond?
I'm not really sure I'd want to be
a little fish in a big pond.
I like being my own boss.
His own boss.
I work hard but I make my own schedule.
I can take time off when I want to.
And I choose my own clients.
I have a client in the garment business,
on 7th Avenue.
I do his taxes every year.
He and my other clients know me personally and
I know them.
He knows them all.
They tell me I make a big difference
in their businesses and I do it my way,
as president of my own company.
I guess you could say I like being
a big fish in my own little pond.
He wants to be a big fish in a little pond.
A little pond.
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-12-7 09:05
第二十二课 Career Choices

"Rock-a-bye, baby, on the tree top, 摇呀摇 小宝宝 在在树
When the wind blows, 风儿轻轻吹
The cradle will rock. 摇篮跟著晃。
When the bough breaks, 树枝若折断
The cradle will fall, 摇篮会掉落
And down will come baby, 宝宝跌下来
Cradle and all." 摇篮一道摔。”
Hi, Marilyn, 嗨 Marilyn。
What are you doing? 在做什麽
Just sketching. 只是画些草图。
I've been thinking a lot about our responsibilities 我对於我们的职责想想了很
in the past few weeks. 在最近几个星期。
I never stop thinking about them. 我一直在思考这些问问题 从未间断
I've been wrestling 我一直左思右想
with the question of whether I go back to work or not. 为我是否回去工作这这个问题
I see. 这一下我明白了。
And I'm torn. 但我不知如何取 。
I really want to go back to work, 我真的想回去工作
use my talents, 发挥我的才智
and pursue my career in fashion design 追求我在时装设计方方面的事
like we always thought I would. 就像我们一向认定的的那样
But now ... 但是现在……
I want to be with Max as a full-time mother, 我又想和Max在一起 做个全职的母亲
especially when he's a baby. 特别是 他还是个婴婴儿的时候
I really understand, Marilyn. 我真的能理解 Mariilyn。
But you never have to worry about Max. 但 根本不用担心Maax。
There's Mother and Grandpa ... 有妈妈和祖父呢……
and I can always arrange my photo schedule 而且我也能随时安排排我的摄影工
around your schedule, 配合 的时间表
if that will help. 假如那样有所帮助的的话
It's not the same, Richard. 那是不一样的 Richhard。
Have you discussed going back to work with your boss? 已跟 的老板讨论论过回去工作的事
Rita Mae called yesterday. Rita Mae昨天打电话话来了
Ah! That's what's got you thinking, isn't it? 噢 就是那通电话使使 开始思量起来的 是
She wants to know 她想知道
when I think I'll be returning to the boutique. 我打算什麽时候回去去时装店工作
when I think I'll be returning to the boutique. 我打算什麽时候回去去时装店工作
And you said ... ? 那 怎麽说的
I said I'd give her an answer in a few days ... 我说这几天给她回答答…
that I wasn't sure. 我说我不能确定。
I'm sure Rita Mae will understand 我相信Rita Mae会理理解
and wait until you're ready to go back to work. 而且会等 准备好了了才回去工作
Well, maybe she will, and maybe she won't. 嗯 也许她会 也许许她不会
Who knows? 谁知道
If I don't accept her offer, 假如我不接受她这个个工作机
maybe she'll find someone else in the meantime, 她也许会在这段时间间找别的人
and when I'm ready to go back, 而当我准备好要回去去
there won't be a job for me. 已经没有空缺了。
That's something to consider. 这是需要考虑的一点点
You've got yourself to think about, too. 也得为自己著想。
But I am thinking about myself. 但我就是在为自己著著想呀
Don't you see? 你不知道吗
What do you mean? 是什麽意思
It's not just the job. 不只是那项工作而已已
It's also my career as Max's mother. 当Max的母亲也是我档氖 业。
That's the way I look at it. 我就是这麽看这件事事的
I have two career opportunities at the same time. 我同时有两个事业机机会
My career as a fashion designer 时装设计事业
and my career as a mother. 和担任Max母亲的事乙怠
and my career as a mother. 和担任Max母亲的事乙怠
I never really thought about being a mother as a career. 我真的从来没有想到到做母亲还是一种事业
I guess you do have two career opportunities 我想 的确是有两个个事业机
and a decision to make. 而且必须做一个抉择择
I hear Max. 我听到Max哭了。
I'll go to him. 我去。
No, that's OK. 不 没关 。
I'll do it. 我去。

I've been wrestling with the question of
whether I go back to work or not.
I'm wrestling with the question.
I can't make up my mind.
I'm in a fog. I'm up in the air.
I'm really in a bind.
I can't make my mind up.
I feel I'm split in two.
I'm pulled in two directions.
I don't know what to do.
I've got to get my act together.
I've got to get it all figured out.
I've got to get on the right track,
get rid of all the doubt.
I've got to straighten everything out.
I want to try something new.
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know what to do.
And I'm torn.
I really want to go back to work.
I'm really torn.
I'm all mixed up.
My future is unclear.
I'm pulled in two directions.
I'm practically in tears.
I'm of two minds about it.
I've got to think it all through.
I've got to find an answer,
'cause I don't know what to do.
I've got to get my act together.
I've got to get it all figured out.
I've got to get on the right track,
get rid of all the doubt.
I've got to straighten everything out.
And you know it's true,
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know what to do.
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know ...


There's your teddy bear, Max. 这是你的玩具熊 Maax。
He just loves that teddy bear 他就喜欢这个玩具熊
that Grandpa Philip bought for him. 祖父Philip给他买的的
I took him to Philip's office yesterday for a checkup. 我昨天带他到Philipp的办公室去做检查。
You should have seen the look on his face 真该看看他脸上的的表
when Molly gave him the injection. Molly给他打针时。
Oh, did he cry? 噢 他哭了吗
No. 没有。
My dear little boy just looked up at me as if to say, 我亲爱的小男孩只是是仰头看著我 好像在
"Mama, what are they doing to me? Help!" “妈妈 他们在对我我做什麽 救命呀
How did you feel? 感觉怎麽样
Tell the truth. 告诉我实话。
Didn't you feel terrible? 没有感到可怕吗
I sure did. 我的确有。
I held him closely. 我紧紧地抱著他。
I kissed the top of his dear little head. 我吻著他可爱的小头头顶
He looked up at me. 他仰头看我。
He tried to smile. 他设法要微笑。
Being with him helped. 和他在一起有帮助。
Helped him? 帮助他
Or helped you? 还是帮助
Being a mother is not easy, 当一个母亲真不容易
if that's what you mean. 是这个意思吧。
Speaking of being a mother, 谈到当母亲
I've been meaning to ask you 我一直想问
what you were thinking about regarding going back to work. 是否打算回去工作。
I know Rita Mae called. 我知道Rita Mae打电电话给 了
I can imagine what is going through your head. 我能想像 的头脑 正在考虑什麽事。
I'm sure you can, Ellen. 说的没错 Ellen
There are so many things to consider. 是有许多事情要考虑虑
One thing that makes it easier for you 有一件事可以使 作作起决定来比较容易
is that you have us. 就是有我们帮 。
Max will always have a family member to watch over him 家 总会有一个人照照顾Ma
while you're at work. 在 工作的时候。
I didn't have that when Richard and Susan were born. 在Richard和Susan出出生时我可没有人帮忙
I didn't have that when Richard and Susan were born. 在Richard和Susan出出生时我可没有人帮忙
What did you do? 那 怎麽办呢
I chose to continue with my career as a music teacher. 我选择继续我的音乐乐教师的事业
We hired a woman to watch Richard and then Susan, 我们雇用一名女士来来照顾Richard 後来又照顾Susa
and I continued with my career. 而我则继续我的事业业
Do you think you made the right decision? 认为 的决定正确确
I think I did. 我想是的。
But when Robbie was born, 但当Robbie出生後
I decided to give full-time attention to raising Robbie. 我决定全力抚育他。
I felt differently at that time. 那时我的感觉又不一一样了
And you gave up your career as a music teacher? 那麽 就放 了音乐乐教师的事
Not exactly. 不完全。
I continued to teach piano lessons at home. 我继续在家教钢琴。
How did you feel about being away 对出外工作作何感感
when Susan and Richard were babies? 当Richard和Susan还还很小
I think I did the right thing 我觉得我做了一件对对的
for them and for myself and for Philip. 为他们 为我自己和和Philip
We needed the money. 我们当时需要钱。
Remember? 记得吗
Well, we do too, Ellen. 嗯 我们也需要 Elllen。
Everything I earn helps us towards getting that house 我的每一笔进帐都可可帮助我们得到那幢房
we want and need. 我们盼望而且也需要要的
I can't wait till he's just a little older. 我迫不及待地希望他他长大些
I can't wait till he's just a little older. 我迫不及待地希望他他长大些
Our toy company makes the most wonderful toys for kids. 我们玩具公司为小孩孩子们 造最棒的玩具
Max thanks you. Max谢谢 。
I thank you. 我也感谢 。
And Richard thanks you. Richard也会感谢
Now may I please say hello? 现在我可以说声哈 了吗
Hello. 哈 。
Hello. 哈 。
I miss Max and think about him all week long. 我想念Max 一整个行 期都在想他。
We talk about him at dinnertime. 我们吃晚餐时总谈起起他
Will you please try to relax? 能不能放轻 些
I've never seen you so wound up. 我从来没有看过
You seem to be enjoying the pressure. 看起来好像很乐於於承受压力
The truth is, I am. 事实上 我的确如此此
My job is not an easy one, 我的工作 不轻
but I really enjoy it. 但我确实乐在工作。
That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Susan. 这正是我想要跟 谈谈的 Susan
What's the problem? 什麽问题啦
Marilyn's career. Marilyn的事业。
Well, my choice of careers. 是的 我的事业抉择择问题
Choice? 抉择
My career as a fashion designer 我以时装设计为事业
versus my career as a mother. 或是以当个母亲为事事业
versus my career as a mother. 或是以当个母亲为事事业
Why does it have to be one or the other? 为什麽非得 有这个个就没有那
That's what I said. 我也是这麽说。
How's that? 那怎麽成呢
Why can't you do both? 为什麽不能两样一一起
She's right. 她说得对。
Both? 一起
Well, that's what I do. 是啊 我正是这麽做做的
I have a job, and I have Michelle. 我有工作 我也有Miichelle。
I take care of both to the best of my ability. 我尽我所能把两方面面都照顾好
It's not easy, but what is? 这不容易 但什麽事事又容易
And that's what I did. 我也这样做的。
I did both with Richard and Susan, 有Richard和Susan时时我这样
and I did both with Robbie. 有Robbie时我也这样样做的
I thought you stayed home with Robbie? 我还以为 是跟Robbbie待在家 的
I did. 是的。
But I was lucky enough to have a career as a music teacher 但我很幸运 有一个个音乐教师的事
which I could continue at home. 可以在家中继续从事事
Why can't you work at home, Marilyn? 为什麽不能在家中中工作呢 Marily
You're very talented. 非常有才华。
Designing dresses is a career 设计时装是一种职业
you could establish out of your home, 可以在家中开创
couldn't you? 不是吗
couldn't you? 不是吗
I don't know why I didn't think of it. 我不知道为什麽我没没有想到这一点
It seems so simple now. 现在事情显得很简单单了
For a year or two 在一两年内
I could stay at home with Max and do my dress designs. 我可以和Max待在家 从事我的服装设计。
And you could make your dresses at home. 可以在家做衣服。
Sounds like a great way to solve the problem. 听起来好像是个解决决问题的好办法
That could solve your problem, Marilyn. 这样可以解决 的问问题 Marilyn
I'm going to call Rita Mae at home 我会打电话到Rita MMae家
and ask her to come by and talk about it. 请她过来谈谈这件事事
She wants to see Max, anyway. 毕竟 她也想看Max
I think that really answers your questions, Marilyn. 我觉得这确实解决了了 的问题 Marilyn
You can do it. 可以这样做。
Do your designs at home--here. 在家 这 设计计服装
And let Rita Mae do the selling at the boutique. 而让Rita Mae在时装装店 负责销售
And you can both benefit financially. 们俩都获得金钱上上的利益
I'm going to call Rita Mae right now. 我现在就打电话给Riita Mae。
Oh, Susan, thank you so much 噢 Susan 谢谢
for coming all this way from the city to talk to me about it. 从城 大老远赶来和和我谈这件事
I hope you don't mind 希望 不介意
having taken so much time away from your busy schedule. 我在 忙碌的生活中中 用了这麽多时间
Are you kidding? 在开玩笑吗
I don't mind at all. 我一点也不介意。
I don't mind at all. 我一点也不介意。
As a matter of fact, 事实上
I came to spend some time with my favorite nephew. 我来是为了和我心爱爱的侄儿相聚一些时间
I think you should call Rita Mae right now. 我想 现在就打电话话给Rita Mae
I think your idea of working at home is perfect. 我觉得 在家 工作作的主意太好了
I don't know what I would do without you. 我真不知道没有 们们我怎麽办
I'm lucky to have you all. 我真的觉得拥有 们们很幸运
We are lucky to have you, Marilyn. 拥有 是我们的幸运运 Marilyn
And so is Max. 也是Max的幸运。

Being a mother is not easy.
Being a mother is not easy.
It's not easy to be a mother.
Caring for a child takes a lot of time.
It takes a lot of time to care for a child.
But playing with a baby is so much fun.
It's so much fun.
It's so much fun to play with a baby.
And working at home would be wonderful.
It would be wonderful.
It would be wonderful to work at home.
I don't know what I would do without you.
I'm lucky to have you all.
It's great to be in this family.
It's great.
Being in this family is great.
It's always so easy for me to find someone who will listen.
It's always so easy for me.
Finding someone who will listen is always so easy for me.


Hi, big guy. 嗨 好小子。
That must be Rita Mae. 一定是Rita Mae。
She sure got here quickly. 她来得真快。
That's a good sign. 这是个好兆头。
She must like you and your work, Marilyn. 她一定是喜欢 和 的工作 Marilyn。
I think she's just anxious to see Max. 我觉得她只是急著想想看Max
She loves children. 她喜欢孩子。
Hi, Marilyn. 嗨 Marilyn。
Welcome. 欢迎 。
It's so nice of you to come. 能来真好。
Oh, I just wanted to see your baby, Max. 噢 我只是想看看 的宝贝 Max。
Hello, Rita Mae. 哈 Rita Mae。
I haven't seen you since the hospital. 自从医院相遇之後再再也没有见到
I'm Ellen Stewart, Marilyn's mother-in-law. 我叫Ellen Stewart Marilyn的婆婆。
We met at the hospital. 我们在医院 见过。
Hello. 哈 。
How are you? 好吗
I remember. 我记起来啦。
How are you? 好吗
Oh, and there is Max! 噢 Max在那
Oh! My, how he's grown! 噢 天啊 他长这麽麽大
A little present for Max. 给Max的一件小礼物
Oh, it's beautiful, Rita Mae! 噢 太漂亮了 Ritaa Mae
You shouldn't have. 不该这样破费的。
It's nothing. 没什麽。
It's just a little present for Max. 这仅仅是给Max的一技 小礼物。
Can I get you some coffee or tea or a cold drink, Rita Mae? 要咖啡 茶或者冷冷饮吗 Rita Ma
Oh, nothing, thank you. 噢 什麽也不要 谢谢谢
Well, I will leave you two to talk. 嗯 我走开 们谈谈吧
Well, I will leave you two to talk. 嗯 我走开 们谈谈吧
Come on, you big guy. 过来 你这个好小子子
Yes, come on. 是的 过来。
That's it. 就这样。
It's nice seeing you. 非常高兴见到 。
Let me know if you need anything. 假如 需要什麽就通通知我
Thanks, Ellen. 谢谢 Ellen。
Thanks, Ellen. 谢谢 Ellen。
OK, Marilyn. 好了 Marilyn
You sounded like you've made a decision 好像已经作了决定
when you called me. 当 打电话给我的时时候
I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭听。
I have made a decision, Rita Mae. 我已经做了决定 Riita Mae。
I've decided to stay at home and be a full-time mother. 我决定留在家 做一一个专职母亲
I'm disappointed, but I respect your decision. 我很失望 但我尊重重 的决定
If I had a child as cute as Max, 假如我有一个像Max照 样可爱的孩子
I might do the same thing. 我也可能会做同样的的决定
But I haven't finished telling you 但我还没有对 说完
the other half of my decision. 我这个决定的另一半半
The other half? 另一半
Yes. 是的。
I think I can stay at home 我觉得我可以待在家
and take care of Max and continue my career. 一面照顾孩子 同时时继续我的事业
and take care of Max and continue my career. 一面照顾孩子 同时时继续我的事业
Sounds interesting. 听起来很有趣。
Let me hear it. 说给我听听。
Do you remember 记得
our talks about custom-designed dresses for the boutique? 我们曾经谈过为时装装店设计订 的服装
I sure do. 我当然记得。
Why can't I design dresses for you here at home? 为什麽我不能在家 为 设计服装呢
And make them here. 在这儿缝 。
Have the fittings here, too. 也在这 试穿。
And I could do the selling and the pricing at the boutique. 而我在时装店 负责责销售和标价
Exactly. 就是这样。
Oh! 噢
What kind of dresses would you design? 打算设计哪种服装
I've thought about that for some time. 我已经想过一阵子了了
Yes? 真的
Wedding dresses. 结婚礼服。
Wedding dresses? 结婚礼服
Brilliant idea! 这个主意真棒
There's a big market today in wedding dresses. 结婚礼服在目前有很很大的市场
That's what I thought. 我也是这样想的。
I like the idea very much. 我很喜欢这个主意。
And if it's successful, 假如成功的话
we can expand to all kinds of dresses. 我们可以扩展到所有有种类的服装
That's what I thought. 我也正这样想。
As a matter of fact, 事实上
I have a customer for your first wedding dress. 我已经有了 的第一一套结婚礼服的顾客
My niece is getting married, 我侄女即将结婚
and I've been trying to find just the right thing for her. 而我一直在为她找件件合适的东西
Marilyn, you're going to design my niece's dress. Marilyn 现在就靠 始设计我侄女的结婚礼服。
That'll be our first one, 这将成为我们的第一一
and then we'll use it to sell others. 然後我们再利用它来来销售其他的
Do you really mean it? 说的可是当真
I really mean it. 当然是真的。
It's a simple idea, and it will work. 这主意很简单 而且且一定可行
You can certainly design dresses. 确实很能设计服装
I know that. 我知道。
And there's no reason why you can't do it from your home. 而且也没有理由 不不可以在家 做
I'm so excited! 我好兴奋
I can't wait to tell Richard! 我简直迫不及待想告告诉Richar
If I had a baby like Max, 假如我有一个像Max照 样的宝贝
I'd want to stay home and be near him all the time, too. 我也要整天都在他身身边
You're making the right decision 做了一个正确的决决
for Max and for yourself too, Marilyn. 为Max 也为 自己 Marilyn。
It all sounds so easy. 一切听起来竟是如此此简单
Now the hard work begins. 艰苦的工作现在开始始了
Now the hard work begins. 艰苦的工作现在开始始了
Would you like 想不想
to see some of my designs that I've been working on? 看我正在设计的一些些服装
I'd love to. 我想看。
Ooh! Oh, that's wonderful! 噢 噢 太好了
Ooh ... 噢……

You can certainly design dresses,
I know that.
And there's no reason why you can't do it from your home.
It's true.
I can design wedding dresses and continue my career.
And I can take care of Max right here at home.
She can do it right here at home.
I want to stay at home while Max is still a baby.
If I went back to work at the boutique now,
Max would be on my mind all of the time.
She would only think about Max.
But the truth is, I need to work.
Richard and I want to buy a house but we can't afford it.
Like most families we need two incomes
in order to afford a house someday.
With the yard and trees and a swing for Max.
More an more families have working mothers.
In the U.S., more than half of all mothers
with preschool children are working at a career.
Mothers like me.
They have to work and be a mother too.
And about three fourths of all mothers
with school age children are working.
In lots of families,
relatives like grandparents offer to take care of children
while the parents are working.
And some families bring their children to day-care centers
where other people take care of them.
They stay in day-care centers while their mothers work.
But for now Max will stay here and I will take care of him.
Marilyn and Max will both be at home.
Marilyn will work and Max won't be alone.
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-12-8 07:53
第二十三课 The Community Center

Morning, Grandpa. 早安 爷爷。
Is something the matter, Grandpa? 怎麽了 爷爷
The editorial in this paper has my friend Nat Baker real upset. 这张报纸上的缮 论著实令我 朋友Nat Baker不高兴。
Ah! I'll read it to you. 啊 我来读给哪 听听。
"The old library building on Chestnut Street, “Chestnut街览贤 书馆
which has been vacant for over a year now, 已空了一年多
was supposed to be made into a community center 原计划改成一父 社区交谊中心
to serve the senior citizens 为Riverdale的的老年
as well as the younger people of Riverdale. 和年轻人服务
Due to lack of funds 由於缺乏经费
for the repainting of the interior of the building 用来重新粉刷哪诓
and for the furniture needed, 和购买必需家
the plans for the community center 这项修建社区种行牡 计划
have been postponed indefinitely." 被迫无限期延换骸!
He's coming over to talk about it. 他就是要来谈照 个问题。
Is it that serious a problem, Grandpa? 这个问题有那鼢 重要吗 爷爷
It is. 是的。
Nat's not as lucky as I am, Robbie. Nat不像我这样样幸运 Robbie
He doesn't have any family with him. 他没有家人和怂 在一起。
He lives alone 他一个人生活
and depends on places like a community center 主要靠社区中行 这样的地方
to be with people--people his own age. 和别人交往
But there's the old community center on Elm Street. 但是在Elm街有有一个旧的社区中心
It's small, 它小小的
and the problem is that it's set up primarily for kids to play. 而问题是它主乙 是让孩子们去玩的。
Ping-Pong tables, soda machines, and lots of music. 乒乓球 汽 水贩卖机 热闹的音乐。
It's too noisy for some older people like Nat. 它对於像Nat这这样的老人来说太吵了
I never realized that. 我从来没有意适 到这点。
It's hard for some older people to take all that noise. 一些老年人没鞍 法忍受那些噪音。
That's why the new community center is a good idea. 这就是为什麽怂 新的社区中心是个好主意。
Part of the building for older people, 建筑物中的一膊糠指 年人用
part of the building for younger people. 另一部分给年乔 人用。
I see what you mean. 我明白你的意怂肌
That must be Nat. 一定是Nat。
It could be Alexandra. 可能是 Alexanndra 。
She's coming over this morning to help me with my math. 她今天早晨要构窗镂 补习数学。
She's coming over this morning to help me with my math. 她今天早晨要构窗镂 补习数学。
Hi, Robbie. 嗨 Robbie。
Hi, Alexandra. Come on in. 嗨 Alexandraa 。请进。
Do you want something cold to drink? 想喝点什麽北 凉的东西吗
I'd love some cola, please. 请给我可乐。
Cola coming up. 可乐马上就来亮恕
I really appreciate you coming over to help me with my math. 我真的很感谢 过来帮我补习数学。
My final exam is next Tuesday. 期终考就在下 二。
You're so good in all your other subjects. 你别的功课都哪 样好。
I just can't understand 我就不懂
why you have so many problems with math. 为什麽你在数蜒 方面有那麽多问题。
Hi, Alexandra. 嗨 Alexandraa。
Hi, Mr. Stewart. 嗨 Stewart 舷 生。
I thought that was Nat Baker who rang the front doorbell. 我还以为是Natt Baker 按大门门铃呢。
Don't let me interrupt you. 别让我打搅你妹恰
No problem, Grandpa. 没有关 爷乙
We're just having some cola 我们只是先喝档 可乐
before getting to the tough stuff--math. 在对付难缠的抖 数学 之前。
He'll do anything to avoid getting down to math lessons, 他老是设法想烫 避数学
Mr. Stewart. Stewart 先生
I was the same way. 我当年也是这蜒
Really, Grandpa? 真的 爷爷
Really. I didn't like math. 真的。我不喜换 数学。
Really. I didn't like math. 真的。我不喜换 数学。
I wasn't good at it, and I didn't like studying it. 我不精於此道 也不爱去学它。
But you had to be good at math. 但是你数学一抖 很好。
You graduated from engineering school. 你是从工学院北 业的。
I was. But not in high school. 说的对。但高种 时不好。
For some reason, I couldn't get a handle on it. 因为某些原因 我就是开不了窍。
Then, in college, I became good at it. 然後 在大学 我变得很精於数学。
Then there's hope for Robbie. 看来Robbie 还还有希望
I can't wait. 我迫不及待。
You think I can just skip it now and get to it at college? 你想我现在略 过数学 等到上了大学再学 可以吗
You'll never get to college to find out, Robbie, 你根本就进不亮 大学去探究这个问题的答案 Robbie
if you skip it now. 假如你现在略 过它的话。
That must be Nat. 这一定是Nat。
Sit down, Robbie. Let's get to work. 坐下来 Robbiie 让我们开始做功课吧。
I'd like you to meet my friend Nat Baker. 我来向你们介缮芪 的朋友Nat Baker。
This is Alexandra Pappas, and this is my grandson Robbie, 这是Alexandraa Pappas 这是我孙子Robbie
whom I think you've met once or twice before. 我想你以前见构 他一两次面。
Nice to meet you, Mr. Baker. 很高兴见到你 Baker先生。
Hi, Mr. Baker. We met before. 嗨 Baker先生生 我们以前见过面
Where? 在哪
In town. At the hardware store. 在镇上。在五浇鹦 。
I remember now. Right. Hi. 我现在想起来亮 。对了。嗨。
Hello, Alexandra. 哈 Alexanddra。
Hello, Alexandra. 哈 Alexanddra。
Don't let us keep you from your math tutoring, Robbie. 别让我们 涟你的数学家教 Robbie。
I know you want to get to it. 我知道你想要靠 始啦。
Stay ... stay. 再待一会儿…  再一会儿。
I told you. He'll use any excuse to avoid math. 我说嘛 他就适且 找各种藉口来逃避数学。
Did you read the story in the paper, Malcolm? 你看到报纸上档男 闻了吗 Malcolm
I did. 看到了。
It's a serious matter for a lot of us. 对我们许多人览此 这可是个严重的问题。
A serious matter. 一个严重的问烫狻
It is. Come on out to the patio. 的确如此。请档 院子 来吧
We'll talk about it out there. 我们到外头谈
Thanks. Nice to meet you ... again. 谢谢。很高兴佑帧 …见到你。
What's the problem? 是什麽问题
Come on! You'll hear about it. 来吧 来听烫

You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
Sometimes you can find good news.
Sometimes the news is bad.
Sometimes the news makes you happy.
Sometmes it only makes you mad.
But if you want to be informed,
take my recommendation.
Go to a newsstand
and pick up a paper,
if you want information.
If you want to read the news ...
look in the paper.
If you want an opinion ...
look in the paper.
If you want to buy a house ...
look in the paper.
If you're looking for a job ...
look in the paper.
If you want to buy a car ...
look in the paper.
If you want to see a show ...
look in the paper.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
If you want to know the score ...
look in the paper.
If you want the weather forecast ...
look in the paper.
If you want to see the comics ...
look in the paper.
If you have money to invest ...
look in the paper.
If you want a recipe ...
look in the paper.
If you need a vacation ...
look in the paper.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.


There is a way, Malcolm. 有一个办法 MMalcolm。
We get our friends to roll their sleeves up and get to work. 我们召集我们档呐笥压餐 起袖子来做。
It's certainly a good idea. 这的确是个好种 意。
If I could take a look at the place, 假如我能看看哪 个地方的话
I could probably tell what it requires to fix it up. 我大致能说出行薷 它需要些什麽。
How much paint, how many hours of work ... 多少油漆 多缮 小时的工作量……
That's what I came to ask you to do, Malcolm. 这正是我来请哪 做的 Malcolm。
If you would supervise the refurbishing, 假如你能监督照薰
I'll find the people to help do it. 我可以找人来鞍 忙。
I'll help too, Mr. Baker. 我也要帮忙 BBaker先生。
I can get some of my friends to go around the neighborhood 我可以叫我的排 友们在这社区
and collect the furniture we need. 募集我们需要档 家具 。
I'll help. 我也来帮忙。
Tomorrow. Yes. We'll meet tomorrow morning, right here. 明天。对 我妹 明天早晨会面 就在这儿。
Can we help? 我们可以帮忙
I'd really like to. 我真的希望帮妹Α
Sure. 当然。
We might need you to come through with your friends, Robbie. 我们也许需要哪 们多邀朋友来帮忙 Robbie。
Not just to go around the neighborhood asking for furniture, 不仅在这社区哪技揖
but to help with the paint job. 还要帮忙粉刷
That's backbreaking work and may be too much for us. 这可是累人的构ぷ 我们可能负荷不了。
I'll do it. I'll talk to them. 我来做 我去父 他们谈一谈。
And tomorrow morning we'll all meet here to discuss the plan? 是不是明天早吵课 们都聚到这 来讨论整修计划
Tomorrow morning it is. 确定是明天早吵俊
Come in, come in. Please, come in. 请进 请进。乔 进来。
I'd like you to meet my friend Malcolm Stewart. 我来为 介绍挝业 朋友Malcolm Stewart。
Malcolm, this is Joanne Thompson. Malcolm 这是是Joanne Thompson
Hello, Joanne. Nice to meet you. 好 Joanne : 高兴见到 。
My pleasure, Malcolm. 我也很荣幸 MMalcolm。
And this is Abe Lucas. You must remember Abe. 这是Abe Lucass。你一定记得Abe。
He ran the drugstore 他经营药房
and used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends. 末还经常在揪 士乐队中 鼓。
Oh, sure I do. Hi, Abe. 噢 我当然记档 。嗨 Abe。
Hello, Mr. Stewart. 哈 Stewartt先生。
Malcolm, please. 请叫我Malcolmm吧。
Hello, Malcolm. 哈 Malcolmm。
Sit down, sit down. Have some coffee. 请坐 请坐。汉 点咖啡。
And I've got some delicious Danish pastry for you. 我为你们准备亮 一些可口的丹麦点心。
Where's your grandson Robbie and his friend Alexandra? 你的孙子Robbiie和他的朋友Alexandra呢
Weren't they going to be here this morning? 他们不是今天栽 上要来这儿吗
I thought so, too. 我也这样想。
I'm surprised they're not here. 我奇怪他们怎鼢 没来。
I'm surprised they're not here. 我奇怪他们怎鼢 没来。
Robbie left early this morning to meet Alexandra. Robbie早上很栽 出去接Alexandra。
Frankly, I thought they'd be here, but ... 老实说 我原乙 为他们会在这儿 但……
It's OK. I'm sure they meant well, 没有关 。我父 说他们有心帮忙
but they probably had other things on their minds. 但他们也许还佑 其他的事想要做。
I understand you used to be in the construction business, 听说你过去从适 营造业
Malcolm. Malcolm。
I was, indeed. 的确如此。
I wonder if you would take a look at the old library 我不知道你是贩 可以看一看旧图书馆
and make sure that it is in good condition 确定它状 良
so that we don't have to worry about any structural problems. 我们就可以不佑 担心任何结构上的问题。
When can I do that? I'd be happy to. 我什麽时候可乙 去看 我很乐意做这项工作。
We've got permission to go inside the old building 我们已获 进热 那栋老建筑物
during the week-- 在本 内
Tuesday or Wednesday. 星期二或者星破 三。
That's fine with me. I can do it either day. 对我来说时间汉 适合。两天 哪一天我都可以。
That would be very helpful. 你这样做帮忙靠 大噢。
I think the building just needs a good cleaning. 我想那座建筑 只需要好好地打扫一下。
And a good paint job. 还需要好好的贩 刷。
Then we have to furnish it. 然後我们还得鬃 潢摆设。
I wish Robbie and Alexandra had come to this meeting. 我真希望Robbiie和Alexandra已经来参加开会。
They had some ideas about getting the place fixed up. 他们对於怎麽蜒 修复这个地方有 构想。
Perhaps they'll show up. In the meantime, 也许他们会露妹 。在这等待期间
Perhaps they'll show up. In the meantime, 也许他们会露妹 。在这等待期间
let me give you some additional thoughts and ideas I have. 让我提出一些亮 外的想法。
OK. 好。
Go ahead, Joanne. 请讲吧 Joannne。
As I said, mostly the building just needs a good cleaning. 就像我先前所怂档 这栋建筑物大部份仅需要好好打扫一下
This place can be developed 我们可以拓展照 个地方
with one real intergenerational program. 用一套真正跨 辈份的活动。
That's an idea I like. 我喜欢这样的种 意。
A community center 一个社区中心
with the kinds of programs that fit everyone. 拥有适合任何热说母魇 活动。
And programs that don't leave anyone out. 而且是些不排揪 任何人的活动。
It's asking a lot. 那需要做许多构 作。
But we can't do it without talking to the young people. 但我们不能在妹挥 跟年轻人谈谈的情 下就去做。
Finding out what they want. 得看看他们想乙 什麽。
If only Robbie and Alexandra were here. 要是Robbie和AAlexandra在这儿多好。
Don't be upset, Malcolm. 别懊恼了 Mallcolm。
We'll have a chance to talk to them later. 我们以後还有换 会跟他们谈。
It's not like Robbie. 这不像是Robbiie的作为。
If he says he's going to be here, he's here. 假如他说他要览 这儿 他就一定会来。
I wonder what the problem is. 我不知道发生亮 什麽问题。

I wonder what the problem is.
What's the problem?
What's the problem?
I wonder!
I wonder what the problem is.
Robbie and Alexandra aren't here!
Why not?
Where are they?
I don't know.
I don't know where they are.
Why didn't they come?
I don't understand.
I don't understand why they didn't come.
We need a new community center.
But we can't do it without talking to
the young people.
Finding out what they want.
What do the young people want?
We'd like to know.
We'd like to know what the young people want
in the new community center.
What does Robbie think about it?
We'd like to hear.
We'd like to hear what Robbie thinks about it.
But where did he go?
We don't know.
We don't know where he went.


Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late. 嗨 各位好。汉 抱歉我迟到了。
But Alexandra and I 但Alexandra和和
have been busy at work this morning 一早上都在忙
on the community-center project. 为社区中心的适隆
And we brought someone along who can help. 而且我们带来亮四 帮助我们的人。
You remember Charles Maxwell, Grandpa? 你记得Charless Maxwell吗 爷爷
He's the editor of the Riverdale paper. 他是Riverdalee报的编辑。
He wrote some nice articles on Mom 他写了一些介缮 妈妈的好文章
when she was running for the school board. 在妈妈竞选联汉闲 董会席次时。
Yes, I remember. You were a great help. 是的 我记得  你帮了个大忙。
Hi, Mr. Stewart. 嗨 Stewart先先生
Hope to be a bigger help on the new community-center project. 希望能在新社乔 心这件事上提供更大的帮助。
From what Robbie and Alexandra have told me, 从Robbie和Aleexandra告诉我的情 看来
you people are making one big story. 你们正在 造乙 件大新闻。
Let me introduce you, Mr. Maxwell. 让我给你介绍 一下 Maxwell先生。
This is Nat Baker, 这是Nat Bake
who's responsible for this meeting, 他是这个会议档母 责人
and this is Joanne Thompson--and Abe Lucas, 这是Joanne Thhompson 还有Abe Lucas
who used to run the drugstore in town. 他过去在镇上揪 营药房。
Robbie and Alexandra told me Robbie和Alexaandra告诉我
what you need to fix up the old library. 你们修复旧图适 馆所需要的东西。
I am planning to write an editorial that I think will help you. 我计划写一篇缮缏 我认为应该能帮助你们。
Let's go. What are your questions? 我就进行吧。哪 想问哪些问题
OK. Now, I have ... first ... a couple of questions here. 好 现在 我佑小 …第一……几个问题。
Have you talked to the community council? 你们跟社区的乙 会谈过了吗
And have you had an engineer come in to do an inspection? 你们可有一个构 程师来做过检查吗
OK, what do you need most of all? 好 你们最需乙 的是什麽
People power. 人力。
Men and women, young and old, to give us their time. 不管男女老幼 请他们贡献时间。
To do what? 做什麽呢
To help scrub the building interior clean. 帮忙把建筑的哪 部擦洗乾 。
So that we can repaint it. 好让我们可以种匦 粉刷。
And you also need bodies to do repainting? 你们也需要人适 来重新粉刷吗
That's right. 是的。
And we'll also need some ladders 而且我们还需乙 一些梯子
and some brushes and some paint. 刷子和油漆。
When do you need the volunteers, 你们什麽时候行 要义工
When do you need the volunteers, 你们什麽时候行 要义工
and where do they report? 他们去哪儿报
I've got the council to agree 我已说服议会屯
to open the building for us on the next four weekends. 在往後四个 哪 开放那座建筑。
How about furnishings? 家具 摆设怎鼢岚
Are there any special requirements that I should list in the paper?有什麽特别的行 求要我列在报纸上的
Yes. 是的。
Here is a copy of all the things we need to start with. 这是我们一开适季 需要的所有东西的清单。
Let's see. Four desks. 我来看看。四照 桌子。
Eight straight-back chairs. Thirty folding chairs. 八张直背椅。热 十张摺 椅。
Six table lamps. Three end tables. One piano. 六个 灯。三照挪 。一 钢琴。
This is a good start. 这是一个好的靠 始。
These items shouldn't be difficult to come by 这些东西应该适 不难弄到的
once I print the article in the paper. 等我将这篇文照 刊登在报纸上。
This community has always been very generous. 这个社区一向适 非常慷慨的。
I agree, Mr. Maxwell. 我有同感 Maxxwell先生。
What you're saying is, in order for this center to succeed, 你刚才所说的乙馑际 为了使中心能成功
we need to put together volunteers 我们需要募集乙骞
from the various generations of future users. 从不同辈份的挝蠢 使用者中。
That's right. 是的。
And without their energy and stamina, 没有他们的体亮 和耐力
there's no way we can complete this project. 我们无法完成照 项计划。
I've got it. Now give me some information about 我知道了。现栽 告诉我
I've got it. Now give me some information about 我知道了。现栽 告诉我
how you see the building being used. 你们计划如何适 用这栋建筑。
Oh, here. On the ground floor we have the reception area ... 噢 看这个。栽诼ハ 我们会有一个接待区……
It's here, Robbie. 就在这 Robbbie。
Charles Maxwell lived up to his word. Charles Maxweell 兑现了他的诺言。
"At the Stewart family home on Linden Street yesterday, “昨天在Lindeen街Stewart 的家中
a group of caring Riverdale citizens gathered 一群热心公益档腞iverdale居民聚集在一起
to plan the refurbishing of the old library 计划重新整修览贤 书馆
to transform it into a new community center. 将它转变成一父 新的社区中心。
The original plan by the council 议会原有的计
was tabled because of lack of funds. 因为缺乏经费北 无限期地搁置。
The new plan needs you. 这项新计划需乙 你的协助。
You could call it a community unity plan. 你可以称它为缮 区团结计划。
It needs your time, and it needs your energy. 它需要你的时技 需要你的力气。
And it needs your contributions of furniture, 而且也需要你揪柘 家具
paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, et cetera. 油漆 刷子 烫葑 灯等等。
A list of these items and a volunteer form 这些物品的清档 和义工申请表格
can be picked up at the Riverdale Press offices. 可以到Riverdaale Press各办事处索取。
By working together, 透过共同工作
this community can do anything to benefit its citizens, 这个社区可做热 何造福居民的事情。
and we know you will all work together 我们相信各位换 共同出力
towards refurbishing the old library 去重新整修老屯际楣
and making it a new community center. 使它成为一个行 的社区中心。
and making it a new community center. 使它成为一个行 的社区中心。
Charles Maxwell, Editor." 编辑 Charless Maxwell。”

OK, what do you need most of all?
People power.
Men and women, young and old,
to give us their time.
Pitch in, help out, volunteer!
Give your time, join in, lend a hand!
Pitch in, take part, we need you here!
We can do it with your help, yes we can!
We'll solve our problems one by one.
If we all work together, we'll get the job done.
Pitch in, help out, volunteer!
Roll up your sleeves, take part,
we need you here!
What you're saying is,
in order for this center to succeed,
we need to put together volunteers
from various generations of future users.
Pithc in, help out, volunteer!
Give your time, join in, lend a hand!
Pitch in, take part, we need you here!
We can do it with your help, yes we can!
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-12-9 07:49
第二十四课 Parting Friends

Hi, Mom. 嗨 妈。
Hi, Robbie. 嗨 Robbie。
You're home from school early. 你今天从学校回来得栽纭
Yeah, they're getting the assembly hall 是啊 他们在 置大览裉
ready for the graduation ceremony, 为毕业典礼做准备
so we all got to go home early. 所以我们都非早回家膊 可。
Too noisy to study. 太吵了 书看不下去
Well, now that you're here, 嗯 既然你回来了
you can help me with dinner. 你就来帮我准备晚餐
I need those potatoes peeled and sliced. 那些马铃薯需要剥皮汉 切片。
Mom, give me a break. 妈 让我喘口气。
Alexandra's coming over to help me Alexandra就要来帮我
study for my math final. 温习数学 准备期末靠际浴
Well, in that case, 嗯 既然这样
you can wash the dishes and clean up after dinner. 你就在晚餐後洗盘子 收拾桌子。
Can I invite Alexandra to stay for dinner? 我可以请Alexandra留留下来吃晚餐
Of course. 当然可以。
Thanks, Mom. 谢谢 妈。
You and Alexandra 你和Alexandra
have become good friends, haven't you? 成了好朋友 不是吗
Yes. I like her. 是的 我喜欢她。
She's a terrific person. 她人很好。
I'm going to miss her 我会想念她
when she goes back to Greece. 她回去希腊时
Would you like to give her a little farewell party? 你要不要为她举行一父鲂⌒突端 派对
Mom, that would be terrific! 那太棒了 妈
Maybe we could make it a surprise. 也许我们可以让它变吵梢怀【病
Oh, I don't know. 噢 这个我就不知道览病
Surprise parties don't always work out. 惊喜派对 不是每次抖 成功的。
Well, we could tell her 嗯 我们可以告诉她
it's a graduation party for me. 这是为我毕业所办的排 对。
When Alexandra arrives, 等Alexandra到达时
we'll surprise her. 我们再让她惊喜一下
Well, I suppose that might work. 嗯 我想这样或许可乙 奏效。
I'd like to give her a nice going-away present. 我很想送给她一件好档 离别礼物。
I'd like to give her a nice going-away present. 我很想送给她一件好档 离别礼物。
Fine. 好啊。
There's only one problem. 只有一个问题。
What's that? 什麽问题
I'm broke. 我身无分文。
I should have saved some money. 我早该存些钱。
I'm sure Alexandra 我相信Alexandra
would be happy with something simple, Robbie. 会欣然接受简单的东挝 Robbie。
I know. 我知道。
But, well, 但是 嗯
I'd like to give her something nice 我想给她一件精 的抖
to remember me by. 让她看到东西就想到挝摇
Maybe I could borrow some money from you and Dad. 也许 和爸爸可以借挝乙 点钱。
It's all right with me 我没有问题
if it's all right with your dad. 假如你爸爸答应的话
Thanks, Mom. 谢谢 妈。
I'll talk to him. 我会去跟他谈谈。
Is he still in his office? 他还在办公室吗
I think so. 我想是的。
Thanks, Mom. 谢谢 妈。
Robbie! Good luck! Robbie 祝你好运
Here are the X-rays you wanted, Dr. Stewart. 这是你要的X光片 Sttewart医师。
Oh. Thank you, Molly. 噢 谢谢 Molly。
Now, let me check them. 现在 让我来看一看
What do you think? 你看怎麽样
I don't see any breaks or fractures. 我看不出有任何破裂 或骨折。
Well, well. Thank you, Molly. 还好 还好。谢谢
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Come in! 进来
Hi, Son. 嗨 儿子。
Hi, Dad. Am I interrupting you? 嗨 爸爸。我打搅了哪懵
No, no, no, no. 不 不 不 不。
What's up? 什麽事
Can we talk? 我们能谈谈吗
Sure. 当然可以。
I need some help. 我需要帮助。
Well, that's what fathers are for. 嗯 父亲们的功用正栽 於此。
Well, before I go to college, 嗯 在我进大学之前
I have the whole summer ... 我有一整个暑假可以览 用……
Yes ... 对呀……
And I'm planning to get a job for the summer. 我想在暑假 打工。
And what sort of job? 哪一类的工作
I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool. 我申请了社区游泳池档木 生员工作。
Sounds pretty good. 听起来不错。
Yes. I'll be earning pretty good money if I get it. 是的。假如我得到这贩 工作的话 我可以赚不少钱。
But right now, I'm kind of short of cash. 但现在 我手头很紧
Who isn't? 有谁不紧
And my friend Alexandra is going back to Greece ... 我的朋友Alexandra就就要回希腊去了…
Nice girl. 好女孩。
We'll all miss her. 我们都会想念她的。
Mom says we can give her a going-away surprise party. 妈妈说我们可以给她揪 行一个让她惊喜的欢送派对。
Good idea. 好主意。
And I'd like to get her a nice gift ... 我还想给她一份精 览 物……
What'd you have in mind? 你心 有什麽腹案
Well, a wristwatch, 嗯 一个手
so she'll think of me when she looks at the time. 这样当她看 的时候揪突 想起我。
Nothing flashy or expensive. 不是什麽俗丽或贵的
Something simple--but a good one. 要简单的 但要精 。
Sounds fine, Robbie. 听起来不错 Robbie
Well, I saw a nice watch. 嗯 我已看中了一个汉 。
But I'll need a loan. 但我需要借钱。
If you could lend me the money, 假如你能借钱给我的
I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary. 我可以从我当救生员档男剿 拿出来还你。
Well, I guess your mother and I can manage it. 嗯 我想你妈和我可乙 设法帮这个忙。
When do you need the money? 你什麽时候需要钱
Would tomorrow be OK? 明天可以吗
You've got it. 没问题。
You've got it. 没问题。
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢 爸爸。
My pleasure, Son. 不客气 儿子。
Oh, and, Robbie ... 噢 还有 Robbie…
Yes? 什麽
You'll probably want the family car 你也许需要用家 的
so you can drive her home after the party. 在派对结束後送她回技摇
Could I? 我可以用吗
If you drive carefully. 只要你小心驾驶。
I will. Thanks, Dad. 我会小心的。谢谢你 爸爸。
My pleasure. 不客气。
You're OK, Dad. 你很好 爸爸。
You're not so bad yourself, Son. 你自己也不错 儿子

I'd like to give her a nice going-away present.
Robbie wants to buy a gift for Alexandra.
But he doesn't have enough money.
I should have saved some money.
He should have saved some money.
He should have saved some money.
But he didn't do it.
He should have put some money in the bank.
He should have put some money in the bank.
But he didn't do it.
Too bad.
He didn't do it.
Alexandra's coming over to help me,
study for my math final.
Robbie's gonna take a test in math,
but it's hard for him.
He's gonna study today.
But he didn't study yesterday.
He should have studied yesterday.
He should have studied yesterday.
But he didn't do it.
He should have looked in the book.
He should have looked in the book.
But he didn't do it.
Too bad.
He didn't do it.
You and Alexandra
have become good friends, haven't you?
Yes, I like her. She's a terrific person.
I'm going to miss her
when she goes back to Greece.
Robbie never told her that he would miss her
when she goes back home.
Do you think she knows how he feels?
He never told her before.
He should have told her.
He should have told her.
But he didn't do it.
He should have said, "I'll miss you."
He should have said, "I'll miss you."
But he didn't do it.
Too bad.
He didn't do it.
Wait, Robbie, you forgot
to put the milk back in the refrigerator.
He shouldn't have left the milk out.
He shouldn't have left the milk out.
But he did it.
He did it.
He should have saved some money.
He should have studied yesterday.
He should have told her.
But he didn't do it.
And he shouldn't have left the milk out.


You ready for the next problem? 你准备好做下一道题亮寺
You know what? 知道吗
I can't look at another number. 我简直一个数字也看膊 进去了。
How about a lemonade break? 休息一下喝点柠檬水汉寐
Sure. 当然可以。
Oh, by the way, 噢 顺便问一下
when is your plane reservation for your flight to Athens? 飞Athens订的是什鼢 时候的班机
Sunday. Why? 星期天。为什麽问这
Would you be able to come over Saturday night? 星期六晚上能过来
Yes. 能。
I should be finished packing by then. 到那时候我应该已经照 理好行李了。
My folks are giving me a little graduation party. 我的亲人要为我办一父 小小的毕业派对。
Terrific! 太棒了
I'll pick you up. 我去接 。
That isn't necessary. 这倒不必。
My dad's letting me borrow the car. 我爸爸借我用汽车。
Oh, well, that would be very nice. 噢 好吧 那倒很好
About eight o'clock? 差不多八点钟好吗
Eight o'clock is fine. 八点钟可以。
Great! It's a date. 太好了 就说定了。
Who's going to be there? 有谁要参加
Just my friend Mike and a few kids from school. 只有我的朋友Mike和蜒 的几个 伙。
I'm going to miss all of you. 我会想念你们大家的
You've been like a second family to me. 你们就像我的第二个技乙 样。
We're going to miss you. 我们也会想念 的。
Maybe you could come to visit me in Greece? 也许你可以到希腊来靠次
I'm counting on it. 我有这种打算。
Wonderful! 太棒了
Are you excited about graduating from high school? 你从高中毕业会不会父 到很兴奋呢
Sure ... and a little scared. 当然……还有一点紧照拧
Scared? Why? 紧张 为什麽
Aren't you a little scared? 不会感到有点紧张
I was when I first came to the United States. 当我刚到美国来的时汉 是感到有点紧张。
I'd never been away from home, 我从来没有离开过家
and I didn't know what it would be like. 而且我也不知道会是栽 麽一个样子。
But then I found out that people are the same everywhere 但是後来我发现 哪 的人都是一样的
once you get to know them. 一旦认识了周围的人乙 後。
I'm glad I got to know you. 我很高兴能够认识
I'm glad I got to know you. 我很高兴能够认识
Thank you. 谢谢你。
I'm glad I got to know you--and your family. 我也很高兴能够认识哪 和你的一家人。
Wouldn't it be nice if we could skip the examinations 要是我们可以略过考适 那岂不是很好
and get right to the graduation party? 直接就是毕业派对。
It would be very nice. 那当然是很好。
But that isn't the way it works. 但是现实不是如此。
So ... back to work. 因此……用功吧。
Good night, Robbie. 晚安 Robbie。
Good night, Mrs. Stewart. 晚安 Stewart太太。
Thank you for dinner. 谢谢 的晚餐。
Good night, Alexandra. 晚安 Alexandra。
Will you be all right? 不会有问题吧
Yes. The Molinas are waiting for me. 不会。Molina一家人照 等著我呢。
Good night, Alexandra. 晚安 Alexandra。
I'll pick you up on Saturday night, OK? 我星期六晚上去接
Yes. 好的。
Eight o'clock. 八点钟。
I have to run. 我得赶紧走了。
Good night, Robbie. 晚安 Robbie。
She's really a good friend, isn't she? 她真是个好朋友 不适锹
Yeah. 是的。
You are going to miss her. 你会想念她的。
Am I going to miss her? 我会想念她吗
That's what I said! 我正是这麽说的
You are going to miss her! 你会想念她的
I'm going to miss her, 我会想念她
and my math teacher's going to miss her. 而我的数学老师也会舷 念她。
Well, you can write to her. 嗯 你可以写信给她
It's not the same. 那可不一样。
How does that look, Rob? 看起来怎麽样 Rob
Great! Pass me the hammer. 很好 把钉 给我。
You got it! 给你啦
You're sure Alexandra's going to be surprised? 你确定Alexandra会很很惊讶
Absolutely. 绝对。
She has no idea that the party is in her honor. 她不知道这个派对是挝 她办的。
Millie, did you bring the tapes for dancing? Millie 带来了跳挝 的录音带吗
They're in my bag. 在我袋子 。
What did you bring? 带的什麽带子
Some rock 'n' roll. 一些摇滚乐。
Perfect! Alexandra will love it! 太好了 Alexandra会会喜欢
I can't wait to see her face when she walks in here tonight. 我迫不及待想看到她浇裢碜呓 时脸上的表情。
What about the cake? 蛋糕怎麽样
My mom's decorating it right now. 我妈妈正在淋奶油。
Robbie, there's a phone call for you. Robbie 有你的电话
It's Alexandra. 是Alexandra。
She sounds upset. 她听起来有点不对劲
OK. 好。
Thanks, Mom. 妈 谢谢 。
I'll take it in there. 我在那 接。
Hi, Alexandra. 嗨 Alexandra。
What? You what? 什麽 怎样
Oh no! 噢 糟糕

Wouldn't it be nice
if we could skip the examinations
and get right to the graduation party?
Attention please,
there will be no exams this year.
If they really canceled the exams,
Robbie would give his big graduation party today.
And if the big party was today,
I mean if the big party were today,
he would tell all his friends about it.
And if all his friends came to the big party,
Robbie would shop for lots of food.
He would buy all the food
for the big party
if he went shopping in the supermarket.
Ice cream, soda, candy and cake.
Everyone would have a great time
at Robbie's big party
if he bought all that food.
Hey Robbie,
you sure know how to throw a party.
This is great food.
But wait. What happened to the music?
If Robbie played some more music,
everyone could be dancing
and having fun at the big party.
Oh no, no music.
It's boring.
What do we do?
And if the big party wasn't much fun.
Well, if the big party
weren't much fun anymore,
everyone might go home.
See you, Robbie.
Let me try.
But no music?
Let's leave.
And if everyone left the big party,
Robbie would be alone.
Attention please. Exams will be given tomorrow.
Well, Robbie, the party's over.
It would be great
if the exams were really canceled.
But they're not.
So study, Robbie, study.
Ohhh, look at the book.
Study, Robbie, study.
Yaaa, Robbie.
Study, Robbie, study.


How about some music? 来点音乐怎麽样
No, let's wait till Robbie gets back from the airport. 不要。我们等Robbie创 机场回 吧。
Did she say why she had to leave today? 她说了她为什麽今天贩亲 不可吗
She told Robbie that her flight tomorrow was canceled, 她告诉Robbie说 她妹 天的班机取消了
so she had to take an earlier flight today. 所以她不得不在今天创 早一班的班机。
This is terrible. 真是太糟了。
Well, that must be him. 噢 一定是他。
Why is he blowing his horn like that? 为什麽他这样子按喇
I don't know. 我不知道。
Maybe he's angry. 也许他在生气。
Do you think we should take down the decorations? 你觉得我们应当取掉照 些装饰品吗
They'll just make him sad. 那些只会让他悲伤。
Too late now. 现在太迟了。
We should have done it sooner. 我们早就该取下来的
Oh, here he comes. 噢 他来了。
Hi. 嗨
How'd it go? 怎麽样啦
OK, I guess. 我想还好吧。
Especially when Alexandra gave me a surprise ... 特别是Alexandra给了了我一个惊喜…
Yeah? What was it? 是吗 是什麽惊喜
This! 这个
Alexandra! Alexandra
Hi! What happened? 嗨 怎麽回事
I called my parents from the airport. 我从机场打电话给我父改浮
When I told them 当我告诉他们
my friends were giving me a party, 我的朋友们为我举办亮 一个派对时
they insisted that I stay. 他们坚持要我留下来
So now I'm taking a flight on Monday instead. 所以我现在要改搭星破 一的班机走。
That's great! Terrific! 那太好了 太棒了
But how did you know the party was for you? 但是 怎麽知道派对适俏 举办的呢
Well, Robbie told me when he gave me this. 嗯 当Robbie送给我照 个的时候 他告诉了我。
Oh, it's so pretty! 噢 它好漂亮
It's lovely, Robbie. 它非常可爱 Robbie
All right! 好啦
Now we can really start the party! 现在我们可以真正开适 舞会了
No. Would you mind? 不。你们不介意吧
I'd like to say something first. 我想先说几句话。
Hear, hear! 我们洗耳恭听
I would just like to thank all of you, 我只是想谢谢你们大
my friends, 我的朋友们。
who have made my stay in the United States so wonderful. 是你们使得我在美国档 生活如此多采多姿。
And to Robbie and the Stewart family 且感谢Robbie和Steewart全家
for opening their home to me. 为我敞开大门。
We should thank you. 我们应当感谢 。
You're a real friend! 是个真正的朋友
You're a real friend! 是个真正的朋友
And I also have a little surprise for you, Robbie. 我也有一个小小的惊舷 给你 Robbie。
A little going-away present. 一个小小的临别礼物
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Open it, please. 请打开看看。
I think you might be amused. 我想你可能会觉得有热ぁ
OK. I can't believe it! 好的。我简直无法相
I guess we were thinking the same thought. 我想我们的心意相同
You had it engraved! 在上面刻了字
Read it, Robbie. 读出来 Robbie。
"In friendship, always. Alexandra." “友情永不渝 Alexaandra。”
I knew we thought alike, 我知道我们心意相同
but this is too much! 但是这太令人难以置行帕
Thank you. 谢谢 。
All right! 好了
Let's have some music! 我们来点音乐吧
Miss Pappas? Pappas小姐
Mr. Stewart ... Stewart先生……
Mrs. Stewart, may I have this dance? Stewart太太 我可以以请 跳这支舞
My pleasure, Doctor. 非常荣幸 医生。

You've become my friend,
though I haven't known you very long.
You've always made me feel so right at home.
You've become my friend.
I can always be myself with you,
and when I think of you, I'm not alone.
You've become my friend.
You were always there when I needed you.
Never had to ask for anything.
You were there to help me through.
I'll remember all the times,
that we spent together having fun.
I won't forget a moment that we shared.
I won't forget your smile,
won't forget the way you made me laugh,
the things you did to show me that you care.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'm gonna miss you.
It's hard to say good-bye 'cause you're my friend.
I'm gonna miss you.
Yes, I'm gonna miss you.
But sometime in the future--
we don't know where or when--
we'll be saying "hello" again.
作者: stephen_2009    时间: 2009-12-9 08:13
引用第19楼jianbliu于2009-11-13 09:01发表的  :
那也是我发的 ,满足不同需求的,换一种方式,这是给热爱学习英文口语,却总是放在电脑里不看的。

作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-12-10 08:52
第二十五课 Country Music

Hot dogs. I love hot dogs. 热狗。我舷不度 狗。
There is nothing better than a hot dog in the country. 在美国没佑斜热裙 更好的东西了。
Hot dogs and mustard. 热狗和芥哪
Cooked outdoors over an open fire. 在户外的换 堆上烤。
I wish I had one now. 我真希望舷 在就来一个。
Do you remember when Daddy and I used to take you 你还记得鞍 爸和我常带你
and Susan and Robbie to Jones Beach? Susan Roobbie去Jones海滨的事吗
Oh, I sure do. 哦 我当热 记得。
We'd wait until dark and make a fire, 我们等到烫 黑就升火
and we'd cook the hot dogs. 然後烤热构贰
Oh, don't forget the mustard. 噢 不要屯 了芥末。
And, oh, does anybody want ketchup? 噢 有人乙  酱吗
I might as well take it along. 我还是一档来 著。
And now to make sure we've got the hamburger patties. 再来 务北 要带汉堡碎肉饼。
I have to remember to put them in the bag 我必须记档媒 它们放进袋
tomorrow morning before we leave. 在明天早缮 临走之前。
I'll remind you, Richard. 我会提醒 你的 Richard。
Mom, 妈
we really appreciate your taking care of Max for the weekend 我们真心父行 在 末照顾Max
and giving up your free time. 放 的 暇时间。
I love doing it. 我爱这样鬃觥
Susan and Harry have a sitter for Michelle in the city, Susan和Haarry在城 给Michelle找到一位临时保姆
and I'm taking care of Max. 我就来照构薓ax。
It's no big deal. 这没有什鼢帷
I am happy to do it for you. 我很高兴挝 你们做这件事。
I guess Max is asleep by now. 我想Max现现在已经睡觉了
He's not crying anymore. 他不再哭亮恕
Oh, poor baby. 噢 可怜档男” 贝。
He's teething. 他正在长蜒 齿。
Well, he's asleep--finally. 好了 他种侦 睡著了。
I feel so bad for him. 我为他难构
It hurts so much when a baby gets his first teeth. 小孩子长档 一颗牙齿时好痛哟。
He'll be fine, Marilyn. 他不会有适碌 Marilyn。
Well, he wakes up several times during the night, 噢 他一乙 醒了好几次
and the pain is so bad. 疼得很厉 害。
I'm really concerned about going away for the weekend, Ellen, 我这个 哪┏雒攀翟诜判牟幌 Ellen
I'm really concerned about going away for the weekend, Ellen, 我这个 哪┏雒攀翟诜判牟幌 Ellen
and leaving you with the full responsibility of taking care of Max. 还要把照构薓ax的全部责任留给 。
Especially with his teething. 特别是他舷 在开始长牙。
I wish he felt better. 我真希望怂 现在好一点。
Please don't worry, Marilyn. 请别担心 Marilyn。
Remember your father-in-law's a pediatrician. 记住 公构切《 科医师。
We have a live-in doctor if there's a problem I can't handle. 假如我遇档讲 能解决的问题 我们还有位驻家医生。
I agree, Marilyn. 我同意 MMarilyn。
We really don't have to be overly concerned. 我们真的膊 需要过分担心。
I'll go upstairs and stay with him until he falls asleep again. 我上楼去排闼 直到他又睡著。
Thanks, Richard. 谢谢 Ricchard。
Try putting him across your lap on his stomach. 试试让他排 著睡在你大腿上。
He likes that. 他喜欢那蜒
I'll try it. 我试试吧
When are Susan and Harry picking you up, Marilyn? Susan和Haarry什麽时候来接你们 Marilyn
They're coming by at six tomorrow morning, 他们明天栽 晨六点钟过来
so we can get an early start. 这样我们靠 以早点出发。
That's nice. 很好。
And you'll have a full day in the country. 你们就可乙 在乡下待一整天啦。
And a full night. 还有一整乙埂
Tomorrow night we'll be camping out in tents. 明天晚上挝 们将露宿在帐蓬 。
And coming home on Sunday? 星期日回览词锹
We'll be heading back late in the afternoon. 我们会在换 昏时打道回府。
We'll be heading back late in the afternoon. 我们会在换 昏时打道回府。
You're going to have the time of your lives. 你们将会屯 得非常痛快。
Camping out is such great fun. 露营是件贩浅 好玩的事。
We'll have a great time camping out, I'm sure. 我确定我妹 会在露营时玩得很开心。
But I'm still a little worried about you, Ellen. 但我还是佑 点牵 著 Ellen。
It will be my great pleasure, Marilyn. 我也会很佑 快的 Marilyn。
Remember, it's only one night. 记住 只膊还 一个晚上。
He's asleep. 他睡著了
I think he'll sleep through the night now. 我想他现栽 会睡到天亮。
Thanks, honey. 谢谢 亲鞍 的。
I hope he's good when we're away. 我希望我妹 不在时 他很乖。
Well, so do I. 嗯 我也舷 望如此。
Now, to check the list of things we need for the camping trip. 现在 让挝 们检查一下露营旅行所需物品的 单吧。
We need to bring a flashlight. 我们需要创 一个手电筒。
It's in the right-hand drawer, next to the bottle openers. 在右边的吵樘 就在开瓶器旁边。
Do we have a bottle opener on the list, Marilyn? 清单上有靠 器吗 Marilyn
No. No bottle opener. 没有 没佑 开瓶器。
Is that one of the things Susan and Harry are bringing? 那是不是适綮禨usan和Harry要带的
No. 不是。
And we're bringing the ketchup, mustard, relish--all that stuff. 我们还要创呀 芥末 调味酱 诸如此类的东西
And cooking utensils. 还有厨具
Well, here's the bottle opener, and here's the flashlight. 哦 这是靠科 这是手电筒。
Matches. 火柴。
Matches. 火柴。
Matches? 火柴
Yes, of course. 是的 当热弧
For when we build our campfire. 用来生营 火的。
I can't build a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. 我总不能靠 著磨擦两片木柴来取火吧。
And don't forget your camera and film, Richard. 别忘了你档 照相机和底片 Richard。
All packed and ready. 都打包好亮恕
And let's not forget our cassette player and some tapes. 还别忘了创 上我们的卡式录音机和一些录音带。
Some music tapes and some blank tapes 带一些音览执 和一些空白带
so that we can record our thoughts about the trip. 以便我们哪 录下旅行中 感想。
Oh, that's a nice idea. 噢 这是父 好主意。
An audio diary. 来一段录乙羧 记。
That's what I thought. 我就是这鼢 想的。
Got it! 找到了
The cassette player and the tapes. 卡式录音换 和录音带。

Marilyn and Richard will be away for the weekend.
But Marilyn is worried about Max.
I hope he's good when we're away.
Use the present tense when you talk about the future--
after "WHEN."
They will leave tomorrow morning.
And they want to take some hamburgers along.
We'll have to remember to put them in the bag
tomorrow morning before we leave.
Use the present tense when you talk about the future--
after "BEFORE."
Max keeps crying.
He doesn't want to sleep.
Maybe he'll fall asleep again.
I'll go upstairs and stay with him until he falls asleep again.
Use the present tense
when you talk about the future--
after "UNTIL."
Will Max miss his parents this weekend?
Maybe there'll be a problem with him.
We have a live-in doctor if there's a problem I can't handle.
Use the present tense
when you talk about the future--after "IF."
I hope Max goes to sleep AFTER Richard and Marilyn leave.
I hope Max goes to sleep AS SOON AS everyone says goodbye.
I hope Max gets a lot of sleep
WHILE Richard and Marilyn are on their trip.
Use the present tense
when you talk about the future--after "AFTER."
after "AS SOON AS."
after "WHILE."


Oh, I love it! 哦 我太舷不读
I love it! 我太喜欢
To be away from the city on such a beautiful day 在这样美汉 的一天远离都市
is my idea of heaven! 正是我所挝降 天堂
The grass. The trees. The fresh air. 草地 树哪 新鲜空气。
I told you you'd like it. I've been doing this for years. 我告诉过 会喜欢的。我多年来一直从事这项活动。
You have the spirit of a teenager, Susan. 有一股 青少年的朝气 Susan。
Wait till you see yourself jumping around. 等著看 哪 到处乱蹦的样 吧。
That's what I love about Susan. 这就是我鞍甋usan的一点。
She works hard. 工作起来破疵
She plays hard. 玩起来也破 命。
She's a real Stewart. 她是一个照 正的Stewart家人。
Come on, Richard. 过来 Ricchard。
Help me get this stuff out of the car. 帮我将这行 东西拿下车子。
Where does it go? 放在哪儿
Well, we'll put everything over there. 嗯 我们浇 所有的东西都放在那边。
We'll set up our tents over there by the edge of the woods. 我们在林北 搭帐蓬。
Then we'll be able to make our fire there where it's safe. 然後我们揪 可以在那儿找一个安全的地方生火了。
Oh, there's our table and benches. 哦 那是挝 们的桌子和长板凳。
All set for eating. 吃饭用的乙磺卸甲急 好了。
That's what makes this spot so good. 那就是为适 麽这个地点这样好的道理。
Is anybody hungry? 有人饿了
I am. 我饿了。
We just got here. 我们才刚父 到这儿。
When you're out in the fresh air like this, it makes you hungry. 当你来外妹 呼吸这麽新鲜的空气时 就很容易饿。
Aren't you hungry, Marilyn? 不饿吗 Marilyn
I sure am. 我确实饿 了。
How about you, Richard? 你呢 Ricchard
Starving. 很饿。
You guys are like three kids. 你们就像热 个孩子。
Aren't you hungry, Harry? 你不饿吗 Harry
Well, yeah. 嗯 饿啊
Now that you mention it, I guess I am. 你们一提破鹄 我想我也饿了。
I mean, 我的意思
how could a guy not be hungry with all this talk about eating? 当大家都栽 谈吃的 谁能不饿呢
Where's the bag with the chicken salad sandwiches? 放 肉沙 拉三明治的袋子在哪
Right here, next to the ice packs. Here. 就在这   在冰袋旁边。这儿。
Right here, next to the ice packs. Here. 就在这   在冰袋旁边。这儿。
Put the tablecloth on the picnic table, 将桌巾 栽谝 餐桌上
and I will bring the cola and the plastic cups. 我拿可乐汉退 胶杯来。
Well, how do you like it so far? 好了 到舷 在为止 你们感觉怎麽样
I've never been more relaxed. 我从来没舷 这样轻 过。
Me, neither. 我也没有构
I wish we had brought Michelle, Harry. 我真希望挝 们带了Michelle来 Harry。
She would have loved it. 她会喜欢照 的。
Oh, you're right. 哦 说档 对。
I wish we had brought Max. 我也希望创薓ax来。
Marilyn, Susan, let's not begin to worry about Michelle and Max. Marilyn Susan 不要开始担心Michelle和Max。
We're having a good time, and they're in good hands. 我们玩得屯纯 他们也得到很好的照顾。
Richard is right. Richard是是对的
Are you having a good time, Susan? 玩得高行寺 Susan
You haven't answered my question. 没有回创鹞 的问题呢。
I am having a good time, Harry. 我玩得很父咝 Harry
I promise not to think about the city. 我保证不栽 去想城 的事。
We're in the country. 我们在乡创濉
Let's all just enjoy this wonderful place 让我们大技 就来享受这个美妙的地方
and this wonderful weather. 和这种美汉玫 天气吧。
Good. 好。
This is heaven, Harry! 这简直是烫焯 Harry
It was such a great idea to spend the weekend this way. 这样过 哪 的主意简直太棒了。
It was such a great idea to spend the weekend this way. 这样过 哪 的主意简直太棒了。
Thanks, Susan. 谢谢 SSusan。
I thought you'd all like it. 我料想你妹 都会喜欢的。
Like it? 喜欢
I love it! 我爱上它
Listen to the sounds of the summer that surround us. 仔细倾听换 绕我们的夏夜声息。
It's so calming. 好宁谧 。
I've always liked camping out. 我一直喜换堵 营。
Away from the telephones and account books. 远离电话汉驼什尽
It's refreshing for me. 这是我提照 精神的方法。
I always go back to the city in a wonderful state of mind. 我再回到吵 时 精神总是十分饱满。
We've only been here for a day, 我们到这 仅仅一天
and I've completely forgotten about all my business problems. 但我已经吵沟 抛开了我所有的业务上的问题。
The office seems so far away. 办公室好舷 变得那麽遥远。
I'm glad you like it, Susan. 我很高兴 喜欢它 Susan。
We'll spend many more weekends like this. 我们以後靠梢 多度几次这样的 末。
And next time we'll bring Michelle. 下次我们乙鳰ichelle来。
I wish she were here with us to enjoy the country. 我真希望舷 在她就和我们在一起享受这乡村美景。
And next time we'll bring Michelle. 下次我们创鳰ichelle来。
Just listen to the sound. 听听这些缮 音。
It's so soothing. 是这样的鞍 详。
I can hardly keep my eyes open. 我简直睁 不开眼睛了。
If only we could bottle the fresh air. 要是我们哪 用瓶子将新鲜空 装回去多好。
If only we could bottle the fresh air. 要是我们哪 用瓶子将新鲜空 装回去多好。
Wouldn't it be wonderful? 那样岂不适 太美妙了吗
We could call it "Deep Sleep Country Air." 我们可以吵 它为 沉睡的乡村空气 。
It puts you to sleep. 它让你很靠 入睡。
So does the sound. 这些声音乙 是。
I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open 我一直挣 扎著要让双眼睁开
just listening to it. 听著这些缮 音时。
It's like a special music. 它就像是乙 种特别的音乐。
Too bad we can't bottle the sound. 不能将声乙 装瓶真是太可惜了。
But we can! 但我们能
Can what? 能做什麽
Bottle the sound. 将声音装破 来呀。
What are you talking about? 在说什
Oh, yeah? 噢 做什
Great idea! 好主意
Let's do it! 我们来录

Put away your worries.
Put away your cares.
Let's leave our work behind us.
Let's get away somewhere.
Let's pack up what we need, enough for a weekend stay.
Let's go on a camping trip,
'cause we all need to get away.
We'll bring some hot dogs with us, burgers and ketchup, too.
Don't forget the mustard,
because we're going to have a barbecue.
We'll pitch our tents right by the woods, and we'll enjoy the view.
The sights and sounds of the country
are waiting for me and you.
We'll set up our tents over there by the edge of the woods.
Then we'll be able to make our fire there where it's safe.
We'll cook our dinner every night over an open fire.
We'll go fishing on the lake, if we can get a boat for hire.
And if there's any problem--
something we don't know about--
park rangers are always there,
they'll always help us out.
We can walk a hiking trail.
There's a lot to see out there.
We can pick some flowers.
You can wear them in your hair.
So pack up your hiking boots,
'cause you have to dress up right.
And don't forget a lantern,
'cause it gets real dark at night.
There's always something going on.
There's plenty for us to do.
The sights and sounds of the country are waiting for me and you.


I'm so glad everyone is asleep. 很高兴大技 都睡了。
I thought Max would be crying, and everybody would be awake. 我还以为MMax会哭个不停 让大家都睡不著。
What did I tell you? 我不是告怂吖 吗
Nothing to worry about. 没有什麽汉 担心的。
I'm sure everything is fine. 我确信一乔卸 很好。
My mother knows all there is to know 我母亲完热 懂得
about taking care of babies, I assure you. 如何照顾行『 我向 保证。
Let's put some of this stuff away and then take off. 让我们把膊 份东西拿出来 然後就走啦。
We've got a forty-minute drive into the city. 我们还要靠 四十分钟 车到城 去。
Welcome home-- 欢迎归来
and I do mean welcome home. 我真心欢佑 你们回来。
Something wrong? 有什麽不抖 劲吗
Oh, nothing's wrong, Richard. 噢 没有适 麽事 Richard。
Believe me, Max is fine. 相信我 MMax很好。
But his teeth hurt, and he just can't get to sleep, poor dear. 但他的牙烫 他不能入睡 可怜的小宝贝。
Neither can you. 也不能热 睡。
Oh, I feel so bad. 噢 我真北浮
Oh, I'm fine. 噢 我很汉谩
How was your weekend? 你们的 哪┕迷貅嵫
We had a great time, Mom. 我们玩得贩浅 开心 妈。
It was wonderful. 太好了。
The weather couldn't have been better. 天气再好膊还 了。
It was nice here, too. 这儿也很汉谩
Did you get a chance to get outside at all? 有时间吵雒怕
Oh, yes. 噢 是的
Grandpa helped me yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午 祖父帮我的忙。
I went to the supermarket to get a few things, 我去一趟吵妒谐 买了几样东西
and I stayed out an extra half hour. 我还特别抖 待了半个小时。
The village was filled with people--the weather was so nice. 镇上挤满亮巳 天气好的缘故。
Harry's a professional camper, Mom. Harry是露露营专家 妈
He knows all there is to know, 他无所不
and he made the weekend very easy for us to enjoy. 使得我们档 末过得非常轻 愉快。
Come on. You all helped. 别这样说  你们都帮了忙。
You were wonderful, Harry! 你真是了膊黄 Harry
Why don't you go to your room, Mom, and get some sleep. 为什麽不档 的房间去 妈妈 去睡一会儿。
Why don't you go to your room, Mom, and get some sleep. 为什麽不档 的房间去 妈妈 去睡一会儿。
Oh, I'm fine. 噢 我不乙 紧。
Tell me more about your weekend. 多告诉我乙 点你们的 末。
Did you do anything special? 你们做了适 麽特别的事情吗
Lots of special country things. 有许多特北鸬 乡村趣事。
We picked flowers. 我们 了换ā
And we brought some home for you. 而且带了乙 些回来给 。
It was so nice to be out in the country. 出去置身舷 下真是太好了。
They smell wonderful. 闻起来很舷恪
Everything smelled so special. 所有的东挝鞫加幸还商 别的味道。
It would have been great if we had been able to bottle the smells. 假如我们哪 将气味装瓶该有多好
It would be a great business if you could do that. 假如 能鞍 到那样的话 可是一笔大生意。
Oh! 噢
Uh, we're home now, Ellen. 噢 我们舷 在到家了 Ellen。
We'll take care of it. 我们去照构恕
I'll take care of it. 我来照顾
Let's see if it works. 让我们看靠词 不是有效果。
What's that? 那是什麽
A little special country music. 一点特殊档南 村音乐。
I think we'd better head home. 我想我们鬃 好上路回家啦。
It's getting late, and we have a bit of a drive. 已经晚了 而我们还要开好一段路呢。
Well, all your things are inside. 嗯 所有哪 们的东西都拿 来了。
There's your sleeping bag. 这是你们档 睡袋。
There's your sleeping bag. 这是你们档 睡袋。
Oh, thanks, Harry. 噢 谢谢哪 Harry。
Say good-bye to Richard. 替我向Ricchard说声再见。
We'll call you all tomorrow night. 我们明天屯砩 打电话给你们。
Good-bye. 再见。
Bye, Mom. 再见 妈侣琛
Bye-bye. 再见。
Bye. 再见。
I'm so tired I think I'm overtired. 我好累 挝 想我是累过头了。
I don't know if I can get to sleep. 我不知道挝 能否睡得著。
Max has stopped crying. Max不哭了了
Yes. It works! 不错。有
It works! 有效
What works? 什麽有效
This. 这个。
Oh. Oh, where did you get that? 噢。噢 哪 们从哪儿弄来的
It sounds so nice. 很好听。
I think I'm falling asleep. 我想我要怂 著了。
Like Max did. 就像Max一一样
Good night. 晚安。
Good night. 晚安。
Sounds of the country. 乡村音响
The soothing sounds of the country. 安详的乡 村音响。
The soothing sounds of the country. 安详的乡 村音响。

Max is fine.
But his teeth hurt, and he just can't get to sleep.
I think Ellen wishes that Max had felt better.
If he had felt better, Ellen would have slept more.
Oh, I feel so bad.
Uh-oh. I think Marilyn wishes she had taken Max camping.
If Marilyn ... Max, Ellen ... an easier weekend.
That's right. If Marilyn had taken Max,
Ellen would have had an easier weekend.
I stayed out an extra half hour.
The village was filled with people--
the weather was so nice.
I bet Ellen wishes that she had stayed in the village a little longer.
If she ... in the village a little longer, she ... so tired.
You're right. If Ellen had stayed in the village a little longer,
she wouldn't have been so tired.
Harry's a professional camper, Mom.
He knows all there is to know.
I'm sure Richard wishes he'd gone camping before this weekend.
If Richard ... before, he ... what to do.
That's right.
If Richard had gone camping before,
he would have known what to do.
作者: jianbliu    时间: 2009-12-11 10:40
第二十六课 Opening Night

A little further to the right, Tom. 再往右一点 Toom。
Is this OK? 这样可以吗
Good. What do you think, Richard? 好。 你看呢
I like it there. 摆在那 很好。
It's the first thing people will see when they come in. 这是人们走进来来所看到的第一 件东西
It sets the tone for the whole show. 它决定了整个展展览的气氛
The next thing they'll see is 他们接著看到的的
this enlargement with the words Family Album, U.S.A. Family Album, U.S.A. 这几个放大的字。
I can't believe this is really happening! 我不敢相信这一一切真的发生
You've earned it. 这是你应得的报报偿
Years of work went into these pictures. 多年心血换来这这些照片
I know, but it's still a dream come true. 我知道 但这终终究是一个梦想实现了
Well, remember, 嗯 记住
we're not sure 我们还不能肯定
what the critics are going to write about your show yet. 评论家们会对你你的展览写些什麽
And you never know 而你永远也猜不不
what the man from the New York Times is going to say about it. 纽约时报的那个个人会说些什麽
Are you worried? 你担心吗
I always worry. 我一向担心。
The reviews of this show 与这次展览有关关的评
are important for the sales of your book. 对於你这本书的的销售很重要
When do we see the reviews? 什麽时候我们可可以看到评
Soon. 很快。
One of the critics is coming over this morning for a preview. 一位评论家今天天早上要来看预展
I hope he's in a good mood. 我希望他心情不不错
So do I. 我也是。
Marilyn and I hope to use money from the sales of this book Marilyn和我希屯 用这本书销售的钱
to buy a new house. 来买一栋新房子子
The book will be a success. 这本书会成功的的
And the show will help promote it. 而这次展览会有有利於促销它
Speaking of promoting the book, 说起促销书的事
do I really have to 我是不是真的有有必
autograph copies for the guests at the opening? 在展览开幕时为为客人在书上亲 是┟
It's common practice. 这是惯例。
I feel uncomfortable about it. 我对此感到满 扭的。
A lot of people come to openings 许多人参加开 荒灰鞘
A lot of people come to openings 许多人参加开 荒灰鞘
just so they can get 就是为了得到
the autograph of somebody who may be famous someday. 将来有可能成名名的人的亲 是┟
Couldn't we wait until I'm famous? 难道不能等到我我成名了再说
That might be sooner than you think. 那也许比你想像像的要快
This one over here, Mr. Carlson? 这张就摆这儿吗吗 Carlson先
A little further back, Tom. 再往後一点 Toom。
It's too close to the refreshments. 它离茶点太近了了
No, I think this one belongs in the "people-at-work" section. 不 我认为它属属於 工作中的人们 那一区
You may be right. 也许你说的对。
Try it there, Tom. 放在那儿试试 Tom。
Right. 好。
Nervous about the opening tonight? 对今晚开幕感到到紧张
Nervous? 紧张
Me? 我
No. I'm scared to death. 不。我害怕得要要命
How about guests? 来宾呢
How many people will you be bringing? 你约了多少人来
Well, my family, I guess. 嗯 我一家人 我想。
My wife Marilyn, my father and mother, 我太太Marilyn 我父亲和母亲
my brother Robbie, 我弟弟Robbie
my sister and her husband and their daughter. 我妹妹Susan和怂 丈夫以及 们的女儿。
And my grandfather. 还有我祖父。
And my grandfather. 还有我祖父。
Is that too many? 是不是太多了
No such thing as "too many" at an opening. 展览开幕怎麽会会嫌人太多呢
I hope they like it. 我希望他们会喜喜欢
Your family or the public? 你的家人还是公公
Everybody. 每一位。
But especially my family. 但尤其是我的家家人
They've stood by me through all this. 他们一直支持我我做这件事
I'm sure they'll like it. 我相信他们会喜喜欢的
Harvey, how are you? Harvey 你好吗
Mitchell, so nice of you to come. Mitchell 欢佑 光临。
Richard, this is Mitchell Johnson. Richard 这是是Mitchell Johnson
Mitchell is Mitchell是
one of the most important syndicated reviewers in the country. 我国最重要的报报团评论家之一
Well, you're the young man who did all this. 嗯 你就是那位位拍这些照片的年轻人
I'm afraid so. 不敢当。
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson. 很高兴见到你 Johnson先生。
Mitchell has always encouraged new talent. Mitchell总是在在鼓励新人
Well ... you mind if I look around 嗯……你们不介介意我到处瞧
and see what it says to me? 看它给我什麽样样的感受
Be our guest. 请随意。
Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。
Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。
What does that mean when he goes, 他发出的声音代代表什麽意
"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm"? "Mm-hmm,mm-hmmm,mm-hmm"
It probably means he's clearing his throat. 也许表示他正在在清 砹
I don't know. 我不知道。
I don't care what the critics say, Mr. Stewart. 我不管评论家怎怎麽说 Stewart先
Your work is brilliant. 你的作品很好。
Thank you, Tom. 谢谢你 Tom。
Tom is studying photography at NYU. Tom正在NYU学摄摄影
He's working with me during the summer months as an intern. 在夏天的这几个个月到我这 来当实习生
Oh, really? 噢 真的
I'd like to see your work. 我希望能看到你你的作品
It's not good enough to show. 还不值得展示。
I'm still learning. 我还在学习当中中
Oh, I'd still like to see your work. 噢 我仍然希望望看到你的作品
You may be the next Ansel Adams and not even know it. 你或许是第二个个Ansel Adams而不自知呢
If you really mean it, 假如你是说真的
I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. 我就带一些我的的摄影到艺廊来
I do mean it. 我的确是说真的的
Very interesting pictures, Mr. Stewart. 你的照片很有意意思 Stewart先生
You have a most unusual eye. 你有著极为不寻寻常的眼光
Thank you. 谢谢你。
I hope that's a compliment. 我希望这是 美美之词
I hope that's a compliment. 我希望这是 美美之词
It is. 它是的。
Are you going to be reviewing the show, Mitchell? 你会评论这项展展览吗 Mitchel
Oh, yes. It's definitely worth reviewing. 噢 是的 。它种 实值得评论。
Favorably? 是好评
Oh, you know I never answer that question, Harvey. 噢 你知道我从从不回答这类的问题 Harvey
I'd like an advance copy of the book, though, 但我想要一本新新书的试印
so I can study it. 以便我好好研究究
I have an autographed one in my office. 在我办公室 有有一本签了名的
Tom, would you give Mr. Johnson Tom 拿给Johnsson先生
the copy of Richard's book on my desk? 在我桌上那本Riichard的书 好吗
Just follow me, Mr. Johnson. 请跟我来 Johnnson先生。
Sure. 好的。
Do you think he liked my photographs? 你觉得他喜欢我我的摄影
We'll know when tonight's papers come out. 今晚的报纸出来来的时候 我们就知道了
Keep your fingers crossed. 希望你一切顺遂遂

What does that mean?
This is the job for ...
Pronunciation man.
All the sounds make sense.
Pronunciation man.
If you can hear the difference ...
Pronunciation man.
Listen. He said, "Hmm."
He meant, "I'm thinking."
Thank you. Pronunciation man.
Now would you like to take a look at a few paintings?
Note the interesting use of line!
Can you see the force perspective
in this painting?
This is a portrait of the artist's mother!
Huh? Ah-hah! Yuk!
This is getting ridiculous.
This is one of my favorite.
Notice the use of black and blue.
Here's one you'll like!
Ooh! This is good.
Thank you. Pronunciation man.
That's all we have.
Huh? No more pictures of me?!


Do you like the dress? 你喜欢这套衣服服
I love it. 我喜欢。
I designed it myself. 这是我自己设计计的
It's beautiful. 它很漂亮。
Are you ready? 你准备好了吗
We're supposed to be there 我们应当先到那那
before the guests arrive. 在客人到达之前前
I know. I know. 我知道。我知道道
Help me with this tie, will you? 帮我打领带 好好
Honey, I'm scared to death. 亲爱的 我害怕怕得要命
But this is what you've been working for all these years. 但你多年来的工工作 为的就是这个呀
No, no. 不 不。
I worked to put together a book of photographs. 我的工作是创作作出一本摄影书
This is show business. 而今天这个却是是演艺事业
Well, it's all part of the same job. 嗯 它们都是同同一项工作的一部份
Just relax and enjoy it. 放轻 点 好好好地享受它
You're right. 说得对。
I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it. 我辛苦赢得的 我要去享受它。
As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown. 只等我从神经崩崩溃中恢复过来
What are you afraid of? 你怕什麽
Everything. 每一样事情。
A critic was there this morning. 一个评论家早上上去过了
He probably hates my work. 他也许讨厌我的的作品
I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people 我还必须为许多多人在我的书上签
I never met before. 我从未谋面过的的人
My new shoes hurt my feet ... 我的新鞋弄痛了了我的脚…
You're going to be a great success. 你会获得很大的的成功的
Are you ready? 你准备好了吗
As soon as I get these cuff links on. 只等我将袖扣扣扣好
Let me help. 我来帮忙。
Mom and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. 妈妈和爸爸已经经出发去画廊了
There! You look very attractive. 天 你看起来真真
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Well, I suppose I've run out of excuses. 噢 我想我再也也找不出籍口了
Mm-hmm. Let's go ... 嗯哼。我们走吧吧…
Mm-hmm. Let's go ... 嗯哼。我们走吧吧…
Oh, one minute. 噢 再等一分钟钟
Before we go to the gallery, 在我们去画廊之之
I just want to tell you 我想告诉
that I never could have done this book 我不可能完成这这本
without your help and your love. 要不是 的帮助助和爱
I appreciate it. 我很感激。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Now, no more stalling. 现在 不 再拖拖延了
What is it? 怎麽回事
There's nobody here! 这 一个人都没没
Of course not, Richard. 当然不会有 Riichard。
Your show doesn't begin until eight thirty. 你的展览八点半半才开始
Oh. Right. 噢。对了。
Richard! Welcome! Good luck tonight! Richard 欢迎 祝你今天晚上好运
Well, thanks. 噢 谢谢你。
This is my publisher, Harvey Carlson. 这是我的出版商商Harvey Carlson
You've met my wife Marilyn ... 你曾经见过我太太太Marilyn…
Charmed. 荣幸见到 。
Hi. 嗨
My mother, Ellen Stewart. 我母亲Ellen Sttewart。
Harvey Carlson. 这是Harvey Carrlson。
It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到 。
It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到 。
It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
This is my father, Dr. Philip Stewart ... 这是我父亲 Phhilip Stewart医生……
Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlson. 很高兴见到你 Carlson先生。
My brother Robbie ... 我弟弟Robbie……
Hi. 嗨。
Hi. 嗨。
And this is my sister Susan and her husband Harry Bennett 这是我妹妹Susaan和她丈夫Harry Bennett
and his daughter Michelle. 以及他女儿Michhelle。
It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到 。
And this gentleman is my grandfather, Malcolm Stewart. 这位绅士是我祖祖父Malcolm Stewart
Welcome, Mr. Stewart. 欢迎 Stewart舷 生。
Well, make yourselves comfortable. 噢 请大家自便便
There are hors d'oeuvres at the table, fruit punch at the bar. 在桌子上有小菜菜 柜 有水果调味饮品
Help yourselves. 请随便用。
Can I get you something, Mr. Stewart? 要我替你拿点什什麽吗 Stewart先
No, thank you. 不用 谢谢你。
You can feel very proud of your grandson, Mr. Stewart. 你可以为你的孙孙子感到非常的骄傲 Sewart先生
I do. 我就是啊。
I'm proud of all my grandchildren, Mr. Carlson. 我为我所有的孙孙子孙女感到骄傲 Carlson先生
Of course. 当然。
Feel free to look around. 请随意到处看看看
If you need anything, just ask. 假如你需要什麽麽 管讲
If you need anything, just ask. 假如你需要什麽麽 管讲
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Harvey? Harvey
Yes? 怎麽
Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? Mitchell Johnsson的评论出来了没有
Not yet. 还没有。
The newspapers don't come out till about ten o'clock. 报纸要差不多十十点钟才出来
When they come out, we'll get it. 一出来 我们就就会拿到手
Thanks. 谢谢。
Ready? 准备好了吗
Yes. Have the people arrived? 是的。客人来了了
The guests are waiting. 客人们正等著呢呢
Tom's about to open the doors. Tom准备要开门亮恕
Good luck! And stop worrying! 祝你好运 别再再担
They're going to love it. 他们会喜欢的。

Nervous about the opening tonight?
Nervous? Me? No. I'm scared to death.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
I'm scared to death.
My heart is pounding like a drum.
And I'm out of breath.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
I can't think straight.
My palms are sweaty, I can't relax,
and I just can't concentrate.
I've got butterflies in my stomach.
And look at my hands!
They shake!
I try to get to sleep at night.
But I lie there wide awake ...
'cause I'm nervous!
Oh, I'm just a mess. Yeah!
My mouth is dry, I can hardly speak,
and I can't even get myself dressed.
I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it.
As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
It's my opening night.
I'm weak in the knees, I'm fidgety,
And I'm beside myself with fright.
I've got butterflies in my stomach.
And look at my hands!
They shake!
I try to get to sleep at night.
But I lie there wide awake ...
'cause I'm nervous!
And it's easy to see.
I'm jumpy. I'm jittery.
I'm anxious and panicky.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
Yeah, I'm nervous!


What's this? 这是什麽
Read it. 读出来吧。
I can't. 我不敢读。
Would you read it, Marilyn? 请 读好吗 Maarilyn
"Richard Stewart's show at the Carlson Gallery "Richard Stewaart在Carlson画廊展出的
is a collection of photographs 是选出的摄影作作
from his new book entitled Family Album, U.S.A. 从他的新书Famiily Album, U.S.A.
There is power and beauty in Mr. Stewart's work, Stewart先生的鬃髌分姓 现出力与美。
and his book 他的书
introduces us to a remarkable new talent." 让我们看到一位位卓越的新秀。
Oh, Richard, it's wonderful! 噢 Richard 烫 棒了
Congratulations! 恭喜你
Wow! I'm overwhelmed. 喔 我太感动了了
Ladies and gentlemen, 各位女士 各位位先
if I may have your attention for a moment, please? 我想 用你们一一点点时间 好
I hope you're all enjoying the exhibition. 我希望你们都喜喜欢这个展
I know that I am. 我知道我是很喜喜欢
And I would like to introduce the young man 现在我希望向大大家介绍这位年轻
who spent the last five years 用过去五年的时时
taking these remarkable pictures 来拍摄这些 出出作
and writing the background for Family Album,U.S.A.-- 为Family Albbum,U.S.A.撰写背景说明的年轻人
Mr. Richard Stewart. Richard Stewarrt先生。
Hello. 你们好。
I want to thank all of you for coming here tonight. 我非常感谢你们们大家今天晚上的赏光
I'd like to thank Harvey Carlson 我非常感谢Harvvey Carlson
for his faith in my project. 对我工作计划的的信心
But most of all, 但最重要的
I would like to thank my family 我要感谢我的家家
for their love and support all through this adventure. 在这整个工作期期间给予我的爱和支持
Thank you. 谢谢各位。
Oh, I'm glad that's over. 噢 我真高兴终终於结束了
Would you mind? 你们不介意吧
Would you mind? 你们不介意吧
Oh, not at all. 噢 一点也不。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Our pleasure. 非常荣幸。
Hope it wins a Pulitzer Prize. 希望它能得Puliitzer奖。
I'll settle for an "A" in my photography course. 我只要摄影课能能得"A"就满足了
Ah, Richard, Marilyn, I want you to meet John O'Neill. 啊 Richard MMarilyn 我向你们介绍John O'Neill。
Oh, how do you do? 噢 你好吗?
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
I've been looking forward to meeting your husband, Mrs. Stewart. 我一直希望能见见到 先生 Stewart太太
I'm really impressed by your show. 你的展览让我留留下了深刻的印象
Thank you. 谢谢。
In fact, I'd like your autograph. 事实上 我想要要你的签名
Oh, well, really ... 噢 哦 真的……
On a contract. 在一份合同上面面
What's this about, Harvey? 这是怎麽回事 Harvey
Mr. O'Neill is the publisher of several magazines. O'Neill先生是汉眉讣以 的发行人。
Of course. I've seen you on television. 当然。我在电视视上看见过你
Mr. O'Neill was so impressed with your work O'Neill先生被哪 的作品深深打动
that he wants to develop it into a magazine concept. 他想要将它加以以发展 使之成为一个杂 方面的构想
Well, that sounds very exciting, 嗯 听起来很令令人兴奋
but where would I fit into the plan? 但是我在这项计计划中怎麽定位
I'd like you to be the photo editor of the magazine. 我希望你能做杂杂 的摄影编辑
I'd like you to be the photo editor of the magazine. 我希望你能做杂杂 的摄影编辑
Oh, Richard, how exciting! 哦 Richard 汉 令人兴奋
It's a wonderful opportunity, Richard. 这是一个好机会会 Richard
Hold on. Wait a minute, please. 等等。请稍等一一下
What's the problem, Richard? 有什麽问题吗 Richard
The problem is that I'm a photographer, not an editor. 问题是我是一个个摄影师 不是一个编辑
I like what I do. 我喜欢我所做的的工作
In fact, I love what I do ... 事实上 我热爱爱我的工作…
which is going out with a camera and a roll of film 那就是带著照相相机和一卷底片出去
and seeing the wonder of humanity. 看众生奇景。
Now, I appreciate your offer, 因此 我感激你你的提议
but I've worked so hard on Family Album, U.S.A., 但是我一直为Faamily Album, U.S.A.辛勤工作
and I'm giving some thought to a new book on a different subject. 如今我又开始在在构想另一本不同题材的新书
I'm flattered, 你的厚爱使我受受宠若
but I enjoy taking pictures, and I want to continue doing that. 但我喜欢拍照片片 而且我要继续做这一行
Thank you, 谢谢你
but I'm happy being a photographer. 但我乐於当一名名摄影师
I understand, Richard. 我懂了 Richarrd。
Richard, I know your next book will be a success. Richard 我相行拍愕南乱 本书会成功。
Congratulations! 恭喜你
Thanks. 谢谢。
You're a real Stewart! 你真不愧是Stewwart家的人
Thanks. 谢谢。
but I'm happy being a photographer. 但我乐於当一名杂 的摄影编辑
I understand, Richard. 我懂了 Richar好令人兴奋
Richard, I know your next book will be a success. Richard 我相谢 Richard
Congratulations! 恭喜你
Thanks. 谢谢。
You're a real Stewart! 你真不愧是Stew个摄影师 不是一个编辑
Thanks. 谢谢。

I can see our love grow.
Grandpa loves his family.
Grandpa loves his family.
There's a lot of love here.
I will always love you.
And I'll try to make you happy everyday.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'm gonna miss you.
You're gonna be fine.
We need some quality time together.
What we need is quality time.
作者: bill.z    时间: 2010-2-19 08:55
作者: michael1986    时间: 2010-2-21 10:17
作者: wwwabcd    时间: 2010-2-23 09:24
thanks for sharing

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