
标题: RAPEX公告2009年第4周0148/09号分析 - 食物仿真电器的危险 [打印本页]

作者: chenlf    时间: 2009-2-16 18:08
标题: RAPEX公告2009年第4周0148/09号分析 - 食物仿真电器的危险
/ C5 ~, h4 [4 M. w$ i
) X, B3 H. e/ P; `, D( z7 m
7 d- o9 ?& _& x欧盟RAPEX公告中的0148/09号公告的产品,原因是该灯串灯头装饰的葡萄状外壳与真正的葡萄非常类似,并且很容易被拔下来;此外,外壳上还有葡萄的字样。因此,该产品被判定为会误导消费者误为葡萄放入口中而导致窒息。所依据的是指令87/357/EEC,而不仅仅是LVDEN 60335的条款。实际上,该指令可以看作是相关保护儿童条款的延伸。
1 B/ Q5 Z  U8 E
$ E1 D" _3 z. ?# r; u  ^' s# V7 Y. I" g# J, n7 |% K1 {% `  x

4 F8 h- \* A0 f3 b( W& u- F. d; i

, [; U& b) b2 ~1 o, `================================================================5 @+ W, O6 k" j3 n  ^
http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/dy ... rapex.cfm?rx_id=221+ A4 a8 K3 i, W

/ o: K4 ~, ?/ H+ Z$ U2 g3 C' ?# V' z) Y% J' o9 ^! y

/ |, n6 W, B4 H# Z公告原文
6 R1 @1 {" n- R! `
6 e) `7 Q  j$ l( ~5 @8 l; ] - Q2 w) |, a5 X; z/ I/ [
. x$ y# |; }; R. q5 g2 Z4
6 o) B1 |9 b6 N4 x0 }7 y0 n: L0148/09 Spain
$ V4 ]# w5 h) x* \8 H1 d9 e3 N
6 w1 C6 D0 m( Z. S0 [产品信息:
) Q/ D/ a, _5 ~# ?( t! i: P! z* [Category: Food-imitating products
2 U: Z6 I. Q  j3 p& _Product: Lighting chain - 96 serie de uva mediana
7 F5 [# T7 I# j6 u0 ABrand: Xing Yao- H' m/ ~3 c6 J: S; ?6 P% g& t
Type/number of model: Ref: XY8010# e6 [3 k6 y# a% S# @
Description: Christmaslights in the form of bunches of grapes, packed in a cardboard box onwhich is written: "96 L Medium grape series". There is an instructionmanual in Spanish and the product bears the CE mark.
5 P% `+ C. w8 F* t! K0 \Country of origin: China
$ z1 i8 O. K/ ?4 @( p
- K5 ^$ [* ~5 r; D' T" |危险类型:1 b* F) v' b2 h
Choking6 a5 m' Z1 A2 _) Y8 C7 j
The product poses a riskof choking because the grape lights have the size of normal grapes andcan be easily pulled off. Consumers may mistake the product for foodand put it in their mouths, with the subsequent risk of choking.3 @+ W% b5 f0 _* T
The product does notcomply with the Directive 87/357/EEC on products which, appearing to beother than they are, endanger the health or safety of consumers.* O' U- F( M0 W: f
0 ?0 E# `* d! I) q: O. m

! r2 Y7 ?( c- a! W9 L; i " M% M# j4 N# o+ p
% c/ b2 b# G2 r6 |87/357/EEC指令摘录
& |8 @8 u* ~9 w/ L9 j$ l
* w. z, p4 A/ p8 L0 E- MCouncilDirective 87/357/EEC of 25 June 1987 on the approximation of the lawsof the Member States concerning products which, appearing to be otherthan they are, endanger the health or safety of consumers
5 K$ V5 z" V6 h: k
2 I2 A" e$ t+ u6 P4 g$ ~: VArticle 1
- h; e) M( z1 G$ L! x; _2 o% L1.This Directive applies to the products, defined in paragraph 2 below,which, appearing to be other than they are, endanger the health orsafety of consumers.
7 c, I' F! j8 ]$ W2. Theproducts referred to in paragraph 1 above are those which, although notfoodstuffs, possess a form, odour, colour, appearance, packaging,labelling, volume or size, such that it is likely that consumers,especially children, will confuse them with foodstuffs and inconsequence place them in their mouths, or suck or ingest them, whichmight be dangerous and cause, for example, suffocation, poisoning, orthe perforation or obstruction of the digestive tract. 6 \2 u/ T8 C& F/ J' h! \
$ X, G# V. }9 R
7 v& W) n3 c- }1. 本指令适用于那些在第2段中指明的那些会被误为其它产品而危害消费者健康和安全的产品。. v! q9 j6 i! Y; p/ T
2. 第一段中所指的产品,是指那些虽然不是食物类,但是在形状、气味、颜色、外观、包装、标识、大小尺寸会导致消费者,尤其是儿童,误认为是食物而将它们放入口中、吸吮或者吞咽而产生危险,导致如窒息、中毒或者消化系统穿孔、堵塞等危害。
作者: liyun_01    时间: 2009-2-24 11:17
作者: seasunsky    时间: 2009-3-10 20:34
引用第0楼chenlf于2009-02-16 18:08发表的 RAPEX公告2009年第4周0148/09号分析 - 食物仿真电器的危险 :' P) l8 H: o' h9 z. f
0 D7 r( ~% y7 [! E4 s  ~
曾几何时,人们会称赞制作工艺水平高的时候,称赞它做得可以以假乱真。但是,在产品安全的角度,这种工艺可能会被视为危险。6 ]% o- S5 z% M- S1 S1 f  Z7 Q5 X8 M
1 W( X4 u0 \8 D2 Z4 h
欧盟RAPEX公告中的0148/09号公告的产品,原因是该灯串灯头装饰的葡萄状外壳与真正的葡萄非常类似,并且很容易被拔下来;此外,外壳上还有葡萄的字样。因此,该产品被判定为会误导消费者误为葡萄放入口中而导致窒息。所依据的是指令87/357/EEC,而不仅仅是LVDEN 60335的条款。实际上,该指令可以看作是相关保护儿童条款的延伸。
6 r. y; q' N# n- x
5 K) l4 `/ U# m.......
7 t8 J+ y! X# T: ?* K# X( b) f9 j$ f% q60335中对产品是否类似玩具有对应的条款
! N$ T  G% k8 m8 r+ H9 @8 N22.44 器具外壳的形状和装饰,不应使器具容易被孩子当作玩具。, Q! P  r6 x7 y
通 过 视 检确定其是否合格。) Z3 @2 C$ r- o9 D3 k4 `! ?: r$ z
注 :例 如 外 壳 做成动物、人或类似大小的模型

0 y; {) R$ A+ |1 V' l只不过灯具不是按600335进行测试  C: [+ B5 c# r/ H
而是按60598进行的测试0 l: N6 M- c; g& f9 R
作者: af204    时间: 2009-3-11 09:58
! h; C* k0 y0 w, s- R- c2 ]那是不是以后生产的家电,灯具或其他产品上面,都不能有类似于水果这样的装饰物了呢?
- k0 n$ o3 E+ |" E/ z. r& U就是有,也要符合玩具标准对小物件的要求,或者就是不能被轻易拆下,是否这样就可以了呢?
作者: af204    时间: 2009-3-11 10:14
- n5 ~7 k0 j# l# Z3 \* }The product poses a risk of choking as, due to the characteristic form, appearance, colour and size, this product may be mistaken for a foodstuff (small tarts). This may lead children to put it in their mouth, cut it into pieces and swallow it, which could entail the risk of asphyxia or obstruction of the digestive tract. % a( h: r8 A0 `, v7 O
- a( L4 U' {4 b9 C  E
The product does not comply with the Directive 87/357/EEC on products which, appearing to be other than they are, endanger the health or safety of consumers.
作者: 萧潇    时间: 2009-11-16 09:55
引用第2楼seasunsky于2009-03-10 20:34发表的  :
4 N% n" v9 p* s/ b. ?2 j5 L
4 [; d+ n- m2 `# `这里是不是有个问题啊' p: M+ u1 m& Q8 O6 u/ D1 ]
60335中对产品是否类似玩具有对应的条款5 N; P: d- m) T$ p- P
22.44 器具外壳的形状和装饰,不应使器具容易被孩子当作玩具。
* T5 ]8 K( c3 ~* ~8 H; u通 过 视 检确定其是否合格。
8 U; x4 a) f$ @: b' E.......

, j" D8 l, c" f$ Z& }* \( t! X7 @; G+ }7 `5 ]5 K
作者: ajay    时间: 2009-12-3 18:52

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