
标题: 带风机的毛巾架做2-30标准19.2做几个状态 [打印本页]

作者: YWF    时间: 2021-2-22 14:02
标题: 带风机的毛巾架做2-30标准19.2做几个状态
For appliances having a heated surface that supports the textiles, eight layers of textiles are- B% X, e/ H6 j: ]' Z2 G0 w# G
used. For appliances in which the textiles are dried by a warm airflow, two layers of textiles
6 k2 |, O3 {3 P: d/ Zare placed on the heating element guard or over the air inlet if the heating unit is located; h" j5 |& D. R( F* L: {* |) p7 }: @
above the textiles.
+ c; ^1 U" G2 R8 P; x% H( |The test is carried out with the textiles completely covering the guard or air inlet and then with, b5 G. c5 R0 ]/ R
the textiles covering 80 % of the area of the guard or air inlet.
4 D  K2 w% _. l0 O* ?( }NOTE 101 Different positions of the textiles are taken into account.
: E$ y/ d0 X2 k7 v" V/ z. UAppliances incorporating a fan are also tested without the motor operating, the guard or air
0 h; v6 Y/ G8 e6 ?) tinlet being uncovered.6 h$ A, F& b3 a
Appliances in which the heating unit is located above the textiles are also tested with two; |8 ~9 |" w4 X% D! Z( R( E2 R
layers of textiles placed over the rails. The rails are raised by 50 mm above their normal/ u, n1 F1 D7 O+ @. R- X( q) i* W
position or through the maximum distance allowed by the construction, whichever is less.
. n* w0 M3 U/ P! {Wall-mounted appliances that are folded when stored are also tested in the folded position
/ }" [' }6 F: P$ _2 z# e( ]without textiles& U, ^8 _9 Z$ Q6 M" q( y5 e% @

% a& b* G7 L1 @$ [8 z# _
作者: YWF    时间: 2021-2-24 11:08

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