
标题: 电吹风19.2的测试 [打印本页]

作者: 一行白鹭上青天    时间: 2020-11-3 11:23
标题: 电吹风19.2的测试
         各位前辈,我想请教一个问题,就是吹风机19.2的测试条件:: }& a; K9 T8 U# ~. R; c7 O

+ n1 d: [# G8 p19.2 Addition:
* k9 [/ p7 R* HRestricted heat dissipation is obtained as follows:
5 ~, N0 m# L1 D/ Y* i– motors are disconnected;- r# a5 y2 [3 n, I1 j( k$ I+ V
– hand-held hairdryers are placed on the floor of the test corner in any stable position
' S: q, \" q% f1 |" X0 S+ C% slikely to occur;
2 ~- M; z5 c- [– appliances intended to be filled with water are operated empty;
& U' Y. x" L- G8 |) T) N/ p– hand-held appliances without an integral rest are placed on the floor of the test corner in4 W3 H/ m' R/ ~2 `, Z/ M' a
any stable position likely to occur.
* t% ~5 z( l/ C& B3 b6 iHairdryers having a flexible hood attachment are also tested with the motor operating, the+ H8 D. @$ J9 Q+ V/ O9 h
airflow through the hose being restricted to give the most unfavourable result.3 V; Y- j, q- w$ W# [
Heaters for detachable curlers are placed on a piece of low-density glass-fibre insulation
3 K: G. R; Z! O$ u0 mhaving a coefficient of thermal insulation of approximately 2,5 m2K/W.9 H1 `% z1 A8 }( U: v! F

& c7 p( H; M7 |/ j   这些条件是独立的做多个实验 还是同时满足做一个实验?$ f. Y5 [8 }0 }5 b- Q# b' [  Q

& x+ ^) @4 B  y# t8 j( T1 [请大家指点,谢谢。6 o# f( E: v9 u: [9 z

作者: okjun    时间: 2020-11-5 10:37
作者: 一行白鹭上青天    时间: 2020-11-7 13:24
okjun 发表于 2020-11-5 10:37
& X* F5 F; ^$ m) I+ s! F当然是一个测试。

/ E( o" y/ M8 K- `谢谢,最近见识了一条一个测试的。。。
作者: bub02    时间: 2020-11-24 14:37
作者: lotte_528    时间: 2020-12-4 15:27
是一个测试,如果分开模式测试的话标准会进行说明,例如IEC 60335-2-25的19.103:
0 y4 z7 S4 a( Z19.103 Appliances are operated under normal operation and with any single fault condition# r: j( B7 l) {0 r# V. W5 O
simulated that is likely to occur. The controls are adjusted to their most unfavourable setting, n! l: T* X; E! I
and the appliance is operated for the maximum time allowed by the timer or 90 min, whichever' s9 v; r1 e$ C$ j
is shorter., g9 O$ n6 N% u+ ~$ l
NOTE Examples of fault conditions are, Y, t. h: q6 O% Z/ X1 Q
– blocking of air openings in the same plane. This fault condition is not applied if the appliance is a built-in appliance;
" `) K7 g( ^6 L! ^% U– locking the rotor of motors if the locked rotor torque is smaller than the full load torque;
. O( K# I- M0 L  [  {* b– locking moving parts liable to be jammed.+ y- W$ {2 J2 X! t, m5 z8 h
, E; _2 i+ m, W: r0 Z19.11.2 The following fault conditions are considered and, if necessary, applied one at a/ t9 b: v8 `7 j! Y
time, consequential faults being taken into consideration:
作者: lotte_528    时间: 2020-12-4 15:27
是一个测试,如果分开模式测试的话标准会进行说明,例如IEC 60335-2-25的19.103:
; Q9 f+ i: A+ L; V( C19.103 Appliances are operated under normal operation and with any single fault condition  g# n3 J+ Q+ S2 k+ K( Z
simulated that is likely to occur. The controls are adjusted to their most unfavourable setting6 N+ g. s0 h& E: \
and the appliance is operated for the maximum time allowed by the timer or 90 min, whichever
' `+ v* [5 y7 P/ N) _& w; r4 Q  N. jis shorter.
$ i, W; s, P; a) J; ~$ |* n9 WNOTE Examples of fault conditions are
* E0 M% ~" n; X8 z3 e3 Y) Z– blocking of air openings in the same plane. This fault condition is not applied if the appliance is a built-in appliance;
1 U2 i; B7 u+ c– locking the rotor of motors if the locked rotor torque is smaller than the full load torque;- P+ ^+ b$ D& n- ^
– locking moving parts liable to be jammed.3 N6 j3 V1 s5 E% w. R
4 H5 D- o: s/ a* D7 M6 L& ~3 j19.11.2 The following fault conditions are considered and, if necessary, applied one at a# e* F' j( V3 h! v& K6 r9 i
time, consequential faults being taken into consideration:

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