
标题: 请问有人研究过最新发布的IEC 60335-1_2010 +A2:2016吗 [打印本页]

作者: promise0318    时间: 2016-6-20 19:54
标题: 请问有人研究过最新发布的IEC 60335-1_2010 +A2:2016吗
请问有人研究过最新发布的IEC 60335-1_2010 +A2:2016吗
作者: dabayinzhi168    时间: 2016-6-21 08:39
作者: wjb0126    时间: 2016-6-22 10:33
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作者: ID长就牛b    时间: 2016-6-22 15:33
wjb0126 发表于 2016-6-22 10:33 9 |. e( b' N/ [  e+ H+ `$ I+ e

; j5 k( d6 V$ P' s! R3 T! F发了正式版了
作者: dabayinzhi168    时间: 2016-6-22 20:17
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作者: liscsupor    时间: 2016-7-15 15:50
作者: dabayinzhi168    时间: 2016-7-18 09:03
作者: ylgc123    时间: 2016-7-18 09:28
作者: 美好的未来    时间: 2016-7-18 10:06
作者: mooch16    时间: 2016-7-18 15:09
作者: lds08080808    时间: 2016-8-3 13:01
作者: bqtanterry    时间: 2016-8-3 14:42
ylgc123 发表于 2016-7-18 09:28 3 \# w( W3 p& z" V% y7 \5 ?( w

, j" ^7 Q% a  J& \1 v" A" ]% j% _同求分享!谢谢!
作者: LCB    时间: 2016-8-13 10:28
作者: neocon86    时间: 2016-8-15 21:46
作者: zyhua1985    时间: 2016-8-18 11:00
neocon86 发表于 2016-8-15 21:46
3 }) v/ i: U) f8 {! ^* ?恩,分享看看吧
) W* B2 ]! C$ E6 E6 n  q/ I
作者: wongxx008    时间: 2016-11-10 12:23
作者: linda_lin1006    时间: 2016-11-10 14:54
作者: vcgtrf    时间: 2016-11-10 16:47
作者: sophieaplus    时间: 2016-11-16 13:53
頂一個, 我也想知道
作者: 美好的未来    时间: 2016-11-17 09:53
作者: plmijb    时间: 2016-11-17 17:04
不想涉及到版权问题, 复制给各位参考- i/ f+ C' p9 s3 k& b1 c
FOREWORD$ b- K' |! ?; T2 X* K& g
Add the following to the list of differences existing in some countries:! L% J+ m* B( s; \! q# v
– 7.12.8: The maximum inlet water pressure shall be at least 1,0 MPa (Denmark, Norway, Sweden).
7 \0 O+ |% g( ~  a8 \0 k) ?& PINTRODUCTION0 x' f  J! F- |. ~
Replace the seventh paragraph by the following:% J! @, L5 k  K6 V* D* H
Individual countries may wish to consider the application of the standard, as far as is
6 z# L+ U1 _& ]( `: U( Z$ Jreasonable, to appliances not mentioned in a part 2, and to appliances designed on new
+ d7 G$ ^: i# u* b6 D* nprinciples. In this case consideration should be given to defining normal operation, specifying# C3 t0 w( o, y! W
the classification of the appliance according to Clause 6 and specifying whether the appliance
9 H4 `9 H" ~6 Q; N$ s' ais operated attended or unattended. Consideration should also be given to particular4 {: _* O& p4 e9 d# \/ _9 ^* q$ K8 V& E
categories of likely users and to related specific risks such as access to live parts, hot8 h/ m6 C* o: c7 ^( h) C) \
surfaces or hazardous moving parts.; l2 h5 }: g2 x9 K
IEC 60335-1:2010/AMD2:2016 – 3 –
; m6 m6 i# f) C* i0 V4 V' t+ o9 F3 F© IEC 2016
. }7 K" f' {5 E( T5 d1 Scope# }; Q* ~  @1 y. C, A: m5 T0 z: d
Replace the first sentence of the third paragraph by the following:' a2 e* V! D8 H2 M! I5 {* _
This standard deals with the reasonably foreseeable hazards presented by appliances that
2 Z; ~( Z7 y: c$ V' ~are encountered by all persons.
" w/ X9 O5 t8 N2 Normative references
% k5 G! N- D1 k  l' ]Replace the reference to IEC 60252-1 by the following:# D# Y0 `  k# I8 s) K( T
IEC 60252-1, AC motor capacitors – Part 1: General – Performance, testing and rating –# y. E' L& w- S, A; c. `
Safety requirements – Guide for installation and operation
, a3 i# J( t0 y9 Q3 U+ n" k' U8 NAdd the following new references:
2 G% Z9 ]& [. P! M0 F1 yIEC 60445:2010, Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and7 H( W) w: B. t/ G* M$ a
identification – Identification of equipment terminals, conductor terminations and conductors( s) j, [3 x* n  B1 h4 ?' F
IEC 62821-1, Electric cables – Halogen-free, low smoke, thermoplastic insulated and
% q+ g% n- l2 n) i% m" Jsheathed cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V – Part 1: General
/ n+ ?: ~  Z7 W+ u( B( u( [requirements5 N5 U; K4 P2 Q1 k
ISO 178:2010, Plastics – Determination of flexural properties  E, `1 w" w0 c# Q5 T
ISO 178:2010/AMD 1:20139 r( _/ P$ o* t3 w6 L# ?
ISO 179-1:2010, Plastics – Determination of Charpy impact properties – Part 1:
- E! b2 n) e% U) p; DNon-instrumented impact test
# o( y; _8 D2 ?3 I4 k; gISO 180:2000, Plastics – Determination of Izod impact strength
' o! `! ]9 ^4 ]! e) W3 aISO 180:2000/AMD 1:2006) A9 Y  [1 W6 ]% p; G5 _
ISO 180:2000/AMD 2:2013
$ t, o4 L$ |6 g+ e- `0 \ISO 527 (all parts), Plastics – Determination of tensile properties
/ p8 I0 n9 M" p. U" p1 uISO 4892-1:1999, Plastics – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources – Part 1:& @  ^/ L! r' H; O# C5 m/ F! J
General guidance- q0 U5 n3 f  r( S
ISO 4892-2: 2013, Plastics – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources – Part 2: Xenonarc
, e3 l2 R( u/ A( |lamps
  p+ @! K5 M* V$ Y# zISO 8256:2004, Plastics – Determination of tensile-impact strength# M; A9 i. d& x) P! J  i
3 Terms and definitions0 r- D2 n  ~3 I
3.3.13 Delete Note 2 and renumber Note 1 as NOTE.
6 S+ }3 k. ~" @" ?" N2 x  r* JAdd the following new definition:& ~/ O5 _0 s7 Q# p; Y. f/ Z
" U4 h: g4 a" X8 r- `detachable power supply part
8 t0 E, J( \1 F; t( mpart of the appliance the output of which is intended to be connected to a flexible cord
7 v/ [6 L" `# e6 @detachable from the class III construction part of the appliance# s3 V9 w5 g$ Y8 y0 L8 }! f7 \: V
5 General conditions for the tests. D- ~: K0 A+ G6 ]( X0 ]) f
5.10 Add the following as a new second paragraph:0 J$ p( o- O) c$ n( ~$ Z) \& U
A class III construction part of the appliance is tested connected to its detachable power: q% _' v: K& F8 u7 F
supply part taking into account the instructions provided with the appliance.0 W( D, \5 j3 ^0 h; p" t
6 Classification
' J- H4 }/ d. e; ]( a* q6.1 Add the following to the requirement as a new second paragraph:  i7 T0 \6 r  F& s/ j$ N8 l% k
If an appliance consists of a part of class III construction and a detachable power supply
& H: N  ?. g& q' e" X0 ?5 xpart, the complete appliance is classified as a class I appliance or class II appliance in
4 D* ?* ]& X+ i# j% Faccordance with the classification applicable to its detachable power supply part.
, N  r8 V2 `, _5 m) B* W6 O: d7 Marking and instructions
3 ]9 C# B1 f2 S7.1 Replace the last dashed item in the first paragraph by the following:0 z) g8 ?8 E9 z' u% N% I
– symbol IEC 60417-5180 (2003-02), for class III appliances. This marking is not% ^, [  a9 D7 O( a* ]0 _
necessary for appliances operated only by batteries (primary batteries or secondary
8 P- f  u! U/ k" Nbatteries recharged outside of the appliance) or appliances powered by rechargeable
! \, Z  D$ {9 D! n; s* ebatteries recharged in the appliance.
$ t0 g9 l, R. X% ^0 _Add the following new subclause:7 I+ J& A# B( N; W9 E1 M
7.12.9 For each language, the instructions specified in 7.12 and from 7.12.1 to 7.12.8 shall: n- l( Y6 s# `- ]/ @0 @  Y
appear together before any other instructions supplied with the appliance. Alternatively, these/ w. _  `" S# q  n5 k7 O3 g; F' d
instructions may be supplied with the appliance separately from any functional use booklet., i! j+ O6 `9 j
They may follow the description of the appliance that identifies parts, or follow the+ u( i$ Z5 g' O) b; r: S
drawings/sketches common to the languages of the instructions.
3 v& I% p) Q6 |8 s  Y" [% uIn addition, instructions shall also be available in an alternative format such as on a website9 c/ A8 x! g9 Y% F5 v" q# k3 R+ }
or on request from the user in a format such as a DVD.$ p, p4 \5 c" K" {3 j
Compliance is checked by inspection.3 C3 ^! ^+ d+ s8 t
7.14 Add the following as new second paragraph to the requirement:
+ A' {3 e" o5 U/ ~2 \* J. m: FThe signal words WARNING, CAUTION, DANGER if in the Latin alphabet shall be in
# H+ [6 C3 [+ c7 J- N- S' Kuppercase having a height not less than
' G9 b6 l: x/ H% L: `9 O- r– 3,5 mm for appliances normally used on the floor;- S' J: Y" }% T4 O7 m* d
– 2,0 mm for portable appliances with a printable surface of less than 10 cm2; and4 |& L2 u. F3 ^6 [6 }6 M; Q! `
– 3,0 mm for other appliances.
2 P( j4 s3 ^( JNOTE A height of 3,5 mm is similar to Arial 14 pt, 3,0 mm is similar to 12 pt Arial and 2,0 mm is similar to 8 pt
0 p3 `; d$ q8 {' a7 {Arial. Other typefaces might differ in the pt value.
! b3 V1 ^! E1 F7 YUppercase letter of the text explaining the signal word shall be no smaller than 1,6 mm, with4 d; w' J/ A( t( X
other letters according to the font size of the uppercase letter.
4 t. ], u3 z$ }/ t& nCountries that do not use the Latin alphabet need to specify the minimum size of the script to/ ^" }$ z' `% s( M
be used taking into account what is specified for the Latin alphabet.2 i% \0 Y4 X4 D* a% K
Unless contrasting colours are used, moulded in, engraved, or stamped markings shall be
( d+ T( m3 |. K1 B2 O0 ?either raised above or have a depth below the surface of at least 0,25 mm.
, m: g. S+ H. q, r" HReplace the first paragraph of the test specification by the following:
1 ^0 }/ T$ `& L/ J9 L8 ECompliance is checked by inspection, by measurement and by rubbing the marking by hand
! t* K& j* Y+ r% j! |  Yfor 15 s with a piece of cloth soaked with water and again for 15 s with a piece of cloth
4 `* K+ ^" f5 U/ k& i! E4 Usoaked with petroleum spirit. The petroleum spirit to be used for the test is aliphatic solvent& V6 t' \7 _# g* z
hexane.2 X% S2 \; C+ z) Y; q
8 Protection against access to live parts4 |/ }' b" x* x( g4 ]
8.1.3 Replace the note by the following.# M4 z1 V1 @4 V& I! D
If a single switching action is obtained by a switching device, the switching device shall
. k4 Y3 |6 H5 Lprovide full disconnection and the clearances for full disconnection specified in of
  G5 k; m& a  @4 F9 XIEC 61058-1:2000 shall be obtained from Table 22 of IEC 61058-1:2000 using the next higher
4 n/ p8 x! K9 g  x5 L1 x- @, kstep for rated impulse withstand voltage.& U: s* ~( S4 K- v1 K
For appliances provided with a supply cord and without a switching device in their supply2 A% o7 H; a! D6 T6 V% f& O9 [
circuit, a single switching action may be obtained by the withdrawal of the plug from a socketoutlet.
* I* C/ ~: _, o& wCompliance is checked by inspection and by manual test.
  ?8 {2 R* U% Z; S13 Leakage current and electric strength at operating temperature4 Z. K8 P5 z/ ~/ l+ g  V. H2 M  E) C
13.2 Replace the first paragraph by the following:
# F/ N/ }4 H, ?+ W' j9 w* KThe leakage current is measured by means of the circuit described in Figure 4 of* u7 Q0 T: L* n3 j
IEC 60990:1999. For class 0I appliances and class I appliances, except parts of class II
+ t) I$ O: G3 b& c# X7 }6 Fconstruction, C may be replaced by a low impedance ammeter responding to the rated
4 y+ {- d# ]$ a8 T5 ?" x5 T) Lfrequency of the appliance.2 c' e1 P' I6 Y# J8 d/ I
19 Abnormal operation
5 m, B5 \. \( u2 w+ x7 w19.1 Add the following to the penultimate paragraph of the test specification:
( E0 _  f2 P2 p. a5 |If the control performs more than one function, only that aspect of the control under7 j9 t% Y9 A4 Y6 L
consideration is rendered inoperative. Other functions of the control may continue to operate
( {8 O$ {. H/ [0 @/ Lnormally.) A; ]- k! ?% {% k7 L: j
19.7 In the third paragraph of the test specification, replace “class P2” by “class S2 or S3”.
+ n& ^' ?# D+ T! b# m) e0 l19.11.3 Replace the text of the test specification but not the note, by the following.# T; r( r0 O6 E. [& ]3 ]. s
If the appliance incorporates a protective electronic circuit that operates to ensure
* X9 \1 N) n- n+ `/ X$ hcompliance with Clause 19, the appliance is tested as follows:! e. j; o% G& {( x, c) U
A fault as indicated in a) to g) of 19.11.2 shall be incorporated in the protective electronic
6 Y9 r$ D7 P4 K" A9 M7 hcircuit either before the appliance is started or at any point in time after the appliance is' U& S& [/ A* l  A
started so that the most unfavourable conditions of the test are applied.
( b+ p* V  ^( }If the appliance is able to operate after the fault in the protective electronic circuit is6 t) N' ^9 h: Y- S4 O# M6 Y$ v
incorporated, then the appliance is further tested as follows.  \. U' ?, z9 r/ a
For appliances for continuous operation the appliance is operated until steady conditions are
1 c1 M; u3 Y" }8 K3 {7 V1 |reached. Then the relevant test of Clause 19 is repeated.
# Q% O  O( m3 x- A. KOther appliances are operated for one cycle of operation. Then the relevant test of Clause 19
( R" W! x5 g6 p/ l7 @1 t& iis repeated.
. f2 c/ ^% u1 T  S8 Q/ O19.11.4.2 Replace the test specification but not the note, by the following:
, o( H" J. z# }+ G' H( M1 VThe appliance is subjected to radiated fields in accordance with IEC 61000-4-3.' c) \6 @! ]$ c: F5 U. n1 c
The frequency ranges tested shall be:
$ N% a: ]+ i* V$ C– 80 MHz to 1 000 MHz, test level 3;# h" k4 ]* c4 h; M# V
– 1,4 GHz to 2,0 GHz, test level 3;
7 j0 n* s" g2 Q( h! B6 n) p– 2,0 GHz to 2,7 GHz, test level 2.
作者: plmijb    时间: 2016-11-17 17:12
cl.22 以后
作者: 浪漫罗丹    时间: 2016-11-18 10:20
作者: swimming521    时间: 2020-3-18 17:54
作者: jtt1471025811    时间: 2020-3-21 11:29

# z. E7 Y! N' v' Y求分享一下,非常感谢啊

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