* m5 ^# P; U* O% g* k' J! [
IEC60598-1附录Q<<制造期间的合格性检验》规定的接地电阻是0.5欧姆!作者: qingjunfa 时间: 2013-11-4 16:20 本帖最后由 qingjunfa 于 2013-11-4 16:21 编辑 8 [: r, k% z0 ~" [ ' o$ C; m) y& ?- U* b插头插座及延长线依照IEC60884-1 50mΩ % u" ]2 r5 `# w0 L# d) P1 ~家用电器依照IEC50335-1 100mΩ2 B0 d% f! w4 ~) _0 V( q
灯具依照IEC60598 要求 500mΩ y7 [2 Y& S; x4 {
测试时间没有特殊要求,用12V 25A测试显示稳定即可 / Z& Z/ q+ Y0 N, t6 u作者: jjlamshushushu 时间: 2013-11-4 16:23
还是根据具体的标准来吧作者: zqp374850 时间: 2014-1-9 18:23
分析得很好作者: sky0805 时间: 2014-1-9 20:31
The test current, duration of the test and test results are as follows: : e; m0 l9 r% x5 J/ y5 Va) For equipment powered from a MAINS SUPPLY, if the PROTECTIVE CURRENT RATING of the 8 q; b4 _) W( C+ j% w1 ^, Icircuit under test (see is 16 A or less, the test current is 200 % of the PROTECTIVE % h. |2 l2 o$ x
CURRENT RATING applied for 120 s. 2 d }; A+ h& U, d( bThe resistance of the PROTECTIVE BONDING CONDUCTOR, calculated from the voltage drop, & J8 V' H* Y4 y0 \1 s
shall not exceed 0,1 Ω . After the test, the PROTECTIVE BONDING CONDUCTOR shall not be ' w+ ]; T+ I. d; s* n0 `# Y8 f
damaged. 3 R7 K! f+ h4 K# s- Ob) For equipment powered from an AC MAINS SUPPLY, if the PROTECTIVE CURRENT RATING of the 2 g+ [* |8 m& Z' U: O+ ncircuit under test exceeds 16 A, the test current is 200 % of the PROTECTIVE CURRENT # h( [2 y3 r: ?& [- p6 a7 SRATING and the duration of the test is as shown in Table 2E. 作者: sky0805 时间: 2014-1-9 20:37
For RATED CURRENT up to 3 A, a nominal cross-sectional area of 0,5 mm2 is permitted Text deleted 9 U- M$ r5 w, X" n4 D9 Hprovided that the length of the cord does not exceed 2 m.作者: sky0805 时间: 2014-1-9 20:38
以上提供樓主參考囉...若是不周全的地方...敬請見諒!!作者: sky0805 时间: 2014-1-13 13:52
Dear 大大,如.附圖...