
标题: 大家有没有发现Toaster标志里的这个矛盾啊?求解~~~~ [打印本页]

作者: noangelrain    时间: 2012-12-3 12:31
标题: 大家有没有发现Toaster标志里的这个矛盾啊?求解~~~~
搞过toaster的是否遇到过这两个测试的矛盾点?, D& {: a$ s" s% ?( F; g, N" ~
& R2 V7 Z% c" e8 f# b$ {) i
60335-2-9里cl.19.102 规定:
/ O+ p, s  ?4 ]1 t6 o! D0 K/ ~- f; n' i8 y: R% F8 y
19.102 Toasters, loaded with the bread specified for normal operation, are operated at
3 {& C4 i/ c2 }4 q$ t2 X" Grated power input. The ejector mechanism is prevented from releasing and the supply is
" z6 v$ n. ?$ K- l# f6 A% Mmaintained to the toaster after the timer has completed its maximum cycle.( _6 P$ i1 y0 @
+ R* a8 A) W/ I, c+ d! |0 H: c

% e( H8 j$ M( ~, {- M然后到了cl.22.113里又说:
( i2 r0 N4 h/ c4 z1 W5 c, L8 O
- |+ v" @1 i8 O% a7 e: K1 u( @22.113 Toasters having an ejector mechanism shall be constructed so that they switch off& J3 k0 @# y" B/ o3 f( D
automatically after the normal toasting time even if the ejector mechanism is blocked.& C3 N' t: A4 l, ]( s
Compliance is checked by the following test.
' ]* X; P/ K+ ?8 TThe toaster is supplied at rated voltage and the ejector mechanism is prevented from" ~8 ?: c; w: s* m- k
releasing. On the completion of the normal toasting time, heating elements shall be5 _0 w; e1 C( c, U( z
automatically disconnected from the supply by at least an all-pole disconnection, microdisconnection.1 ~$ F2 R  Q/ b( C) D. }( `- _
However, a single pole, micro-disconnection is allowed, provided heating
- d. s& d% m" G* eelements are not accessible to the test probe 12 of IEC 61032.3 F% D  p9 _6 H% I
( M2 y2 Z- Y* L" O/ ?

: K, X# X2 D4 G# \什么样的机制能使得ejector mechanism失效后,全级断开开关能动作啊?( M) i4 i# q- q
: @0 ?7 p4 t0 S4 _% M% U
! L: ~$ J8 Q9 D) ]6 Z0 Q

作者: 地瓜    时间: 2012-12-4 11:41
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作者: nellhu    时间: 2012-12-4 15:19
if it is required to block the outer knob to prevent the  ejector mechanism releasing for cl 22.113,  only the electronic control can solve the problem. But actaully it will depend on the product construction too.
作者: shinylee    时间: 2012-12-4 16:51
作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-1-30 13:18
作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-1-30 14:11
作者: harlan.tan    时间: 2013-1-30 15:00
作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-1-30 17:27
harlan.tan 发表于 2013-1-30 15:00
# x! _1 \, W, j1 l3 d7 j/ o: P9 u完全可以实现的。开关释放装置与面包支架留点空间即可。

+ e4 `8 }+ o: f" @9 n$ Z就是流出可以微断开的空间,设定时间到了稍稍弹起即刻对吧?5 b- R/ B# c' M. R* ~$ e
& g$ d) O7 K/ V& G
能说说19.102和22.113的区别么?表面上看差异是19.102是normal operation,是放面包的,额定电压工作,22.113应该是没有负载的,额定功率工作。可是背后的目的肯定是不同的,考核的目标不一样,否则没必要增加22.113.
作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-1-31 11:39
作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-1-31 14:15
作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-1-31 22:14
作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-2-1 09:47
作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-2-3 16:47

作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-2-4 15:55
作者: caballo3157    时间: 2013-2-7 11:15
  F% e: @6 J. z! T0 B! K! y* }两者并不矛盾,且相互有关联,不过侧重有点不同。(注意:一是非正常,一是结构的要求)
作者: caballo3157    时间: 2013-2-7 11:21
4 l3 A" R1 l8 m4 @( y19.102 Toasters, loaded with the bread specified for normal operation, are operated at! B5 K  N. E) z
rated power input. The ejector mechanism is prevented from releasing and the supply is' `% F) T' z9 m4 E1 M, T
maintained to the heating elements
after the timer has completed its cycle. The test is# _9 V) |2 d2 D8 g- v( W
terminated after any fire has extinguished, after which any residual bread is removed from the. h0 T7 r6 [, ~8 \& ?1 M
* N; D7 t1 E; A! v& `7 ~1 O2008版
0 O9 h: L' v. D6 F, E5 O19.102 Toasters, loaded with the bread specified for normal operation, are operated at
) h# u% t) R' Prated power input. The ejector mechanism is prevented from releasing and the supply is% I+ c8 }2 a& n: W& D! N
maintained to the toaster
after the timer has completed its maximum cycle.
作者: yuanmingyu    时间: 2013-2-18 16:36
caballo3157 发表于 2013-2-7 11:21
3 L+ @8 f: n: R) @5 D2 A2006版:( n  U9 K; W- e* `8 H% H. [
19.102 Toasters, loaded with the bread specified for normal operation, are operated at% ?, e+ V/ q9 i+ H7 s
ra ...

1 [9 N1 ]. l5 B! b十分感谢你的解答。按照我之前的理解,19.102测试是放了面包的,按照2006版,其实就是一直加热,也就是从里边堵住弹起机构,最后面包应该会起火的,这时此条标准可能是考查面包机靠近面包的外壳或塑料件的阻燃性。
+ ?" R; [  u7 K2 U; Z& f, t  L0 G; Q' @5 O! v6 a& i
而2008版heating element改成了toaster,理解为可以在按键处堵住弹起机构了,应该是为了迎合22.113吧?你觉得22.113是怎么实现的呢?是不是不需要特殊的结构,只要弹簧弹力足够大,稍稍弹起,有一点空隙就可以满足,因为只要求至少全极微断开。不知道我理解的对不对,如果能提供图片就更感激了。
3 w3 z* S  Q4 m
7 q8 A; `; F/ d4 u$ T$ V另外19.102是额定功率下工作,22.113是额定电压,我没搞懂为什么会有这个区别。
作者: xuanzhengbo    时间: 2013-2-23 21:05
个人理解:. |" t$ c2 c; N% j  K  K
19.102应该是针对面包没放置好,卡住了内部的弹起装置,~- S& C  [+ d: R0 N/ d; K8 ?
( M( Z. w5 k0 v3 t/ [5 G; }5 k$ Y" w6 N
; ]" ~2 L- Y4 t9 o3 ^2 u. t+ p1 V; a9 [7 @# P3 E/ ^

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