
标题: DSH 447 Disconnect device [打印本页]

作者: 小米    时间: 2012-11-6 16:52
标题: DSH 447 Disconnect device
DSH 447* F6 }5 A& c$ d7 w

( B" e6 E& a5 C* c( m
Disconnect device
: E2 l6 W8 m' ]
' \" F2 n0 R2 ?2 q" ]: d
60950-1(ed.1)3 D4 a& W; n% o. k  o

1 f- c% V4 |3 S$ b# z" ]Standard:. G/ H* M, r2 q9 I, p
IEC 60950-1:2000, 1st ed
* \: v/ ^  E" Z7 d  b0 z3 N1 g+ dClause:
" M# u& `0 v( }3.4.65 C7 p& P- b9 n
Sheet No.
- N$ h7 {0 ]/ Q/ q' m$ K447$ v$ o2 q0 e8 L* A2 u3 U" N
" w" Q' P9 |& n( U# t" p0 [+ oDisconnect device4 J/ G$ P* r4 I
Key words:
* E/ |9 |. _" M% {+ q! H% tDC mains supply8 T! S' C4 `+ g5 o
Decision taken at the9 c  E3 o1 t# H& _( A# ]
40th meeting 2003; ~2 e1 `7 T5 K" F4 D
" |5 F7 [$ H) @3 ~. }0 CEquipment for building-in is supplied by power supply which has an output rating 24 Vdc, 40 A.
3 a; J5 D; A/ f8 \( P) m, D2 ZThe power supply is 40 m far from end use equipment which contains above mentioned unit.0 r9 K* x. f. p9 L" q
a) Do other test houses require disconnect device for such DC supplied unit?
# P& N" R3 q. ~9 R( T0 R: zb) Do other test houses require contact separation of disconnect device 3,0 mm if supply voltage is
  X( f5 s: |8 m" c- ]only 24 Vdc.1 h5 N" C8 H6 g- v
! }" }7 B2 T; Ua) Per 3.4.1: A disconnect device or devices shall be provided to disconnect the equipment from the0 p" R9 ?5 U& i: P/ x
mains supply for servicing.
' z9 E6 O9 i3 W. I5 P: {(This device can be an easily removable fuse for DC-mains-supply with non hazardous voltages).
7 `0 E( D* T$ v6 M2 @b) Disconnect devices in DC-Mains Supplies with not hazardous voltages shall have a contact( ]5 Z% h! [  F& s  E
separation equal to the clearance for basic insulation.7 v: j4 |: `, o( }. v$ K7 G

; P3 D# A* ~1 l+ ^9 V[attach]77161[/attach]
4 X" H( s# a+ `2 v

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