
标题: DSH 563 Components and sub-assemblies incorporating lasers [打印本页]

作者: 小米    时间: 2012-11-6 14:25
标题: DSH 563 Components and sub-assemblies incorporating lasers
DSH 563) c/ T+ x( [$ |+ }! m
1 [3 u% Y' S% z$ ?  v! v
Components and sub-assemblies incorporating lasers
' K2 x# C& H6 d
9 P1 |+ e% T; `% W- r& b
60950-1(ed.1) & 60065(ed.6) & 60065(ed.7)
. w+ L/ r: ]$ Q& w( Y
. Q" K1 M, |2 Z0 l
Standard(s):( b' t5 D+ G/ @+ Q  |& @
IEC 60950-1:2001
0 k7 g& k  D2 ?IEC 60065 6.ed.:1998& O6 S" v8 k# F, A9 P
IEC 60065 7.ed.:2001
' G/ n% W+ x2 _. R; U- OSub clause(s):
# C4 B+ H" r3 |/ _  d$ m, T0 ~% v) J$ Y" s! mGeneral
. L* y) s  Y# `4 Y1 JDSH-563
; u0 k: B0 u* x5 aPage 1 (1)8 ?/ h6 ]* V; d" n) f7 ?
Subject:4 O, H! u2 i* J) |5 b) {6 L
Components and sub-assemblies9 G/ ]9 ?6 N6 Y* N: @- }
incorporating lasers, S/ o+ G0 `, I8 w3 B% {! Q
Key words:
% {2 c7 Y+ |) |6 _" fComponents,
8 h# M2 {& H9 O7 \* G' ASub-assemblies# u, }$ M* X& B1 _
% W+ d- ?& s; U1 Y* W. c- Q: kDecision confirmed
1 p0 A1 B2 b: rby CTL at its 42nd
. U5 X  l7 o( j1 ]+ i! r! Imeeting 2005 in
4 j; `5 i5 W* \" u* |# @/ jCancun# T" e1 \/ i3 H2 x! u0 S
# _, f: ~) w% D+ B& ~5 F$ T2 rCan a CB Test Certificate be issued based on IEC 60825-1 for components and subassemblies3 p3 L: f9 I6 c6 X
incorporating laser devices?1 n  x5 t* u: o' b4 X) L& X
Decision:6 _* l# `" n3 n1 m
Components and sub-assemblies incorporating lasers can be certified to the relevant end
- v) h" ^5 @% B. ]& |* G7 fproduct standard i.e. IEC 60950, IEC 60065, and also to IEC 60825-1, and can be provided5 P/ I1 u2 Y& Q: r% G; O) K" M
with CB Test Certificates referencing the laser standard.9 d9 ?! F( T2 r
However this is only permitted if both the end product standard and the laser standard are
7 _, Z; y, B/ y$ l/ Z+ _; M( Ylisted on the CB Test Certificate..
. |) Z/ _7 D  {; k) G* y! L* L8 z2 _  t+ q( O- V* `
[attach]77148[/attach], H. ~. [0 ?) [& Y

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