本帖最后由 lanshi981215 于 2012-4-20 14:41 编辑测试工程师
Job Description:
1. In charge of experimental operation for new products, old products and other product quality issue.
2. In charge of analyzing test result and improving nonconformity result together with R&D department.
3. Set up Experimental Work Instructions.
4. Management of measuring equipment.
5. Calibration of equipment.
1. Min 2 years experience in Quality management.
2. Background in the relevant standards and regulations (IEC, UL, FCC).
3. major in Electronic or Mechanical Engineering or similar.
4. Good English skill.
电 话:(0769)88011121
手 机:13537046678
传 真:(0769)21687638
邮 箱:yzai21@126.com
有点远,要是在深圳就好了!我正好在找工作 呵呵,欢迎长三角的或者想到长三角发展的童鞋们投递简历,公司是大型外资企业,做灯的 欧司朗招聘啊,怎么没人回应,自己顶一下 You ignore the salary for importance. So... yes2boy 发表于 2012-4-20 11:13 static/image/common/back.gif
You ignore the salary for importance. So...
薪资6-7K,有没有兴趣啊 有点远啊 联系我了。xhjfbi@126.com 本帖最后由 zxy8888888888 于 2012-4-21 22:42 编辑
我有兴趣,想去浙江(家人在),目前在CIQ灯具实验室,可惜工作只有一年,工资低点也行啊。:'( 绍兴新和电子