请问AWG电线截面积的误差在多少范围内可以接受 看相關標準 UL1581 and UL758 has the tolerance description, but I forget the detailed information, you can check it by yourself... Andy.Yang 发表于 2012-3-28 15:18 static/image/common/back.gifUL1581 and UL758 has the tolerance description, but I forget the detailed information, you can check ...
The "哥” have a good personality。
answer able! Humorous reply!
大概在0.2%之内的误差 我看过UL的报告,他们的判定是:①单根铜丝按四舍五入算小数点后两位,然后抽10根测,测完就按公式计算截面积;②导体电阻如果合格他们是不太着重截面积是否达到